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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5323930 No.5323930 [Reply] [Original]

(some) Neanderthals had red hair and pale skin....are they white?


>The researchers conclude that at least some Neandertals had pale skin and red hair, similar to some of the Homo sapiens who today inhabit their European homeland.

>the dark skin beneficial in Africa offers no advantage at high latitudes, and in cloudy Europe, pale skin facilitates vitamin D production.

>"If you have a variant with this low action in modern humans, you get classically Irish-looking red hair and pale skin".

>> No.5323951


>> No.5323956

Oh boy here we go. A real science thread that's about to be derailed by stormtrolls and fundamentalist evolutionists defending their beliefs.

>> No.5323970

we can try at least to have a discussion

i just put the "are they white" for fun

>> No.5323972

>fundamentalist evolutionists
Nigga wat?

>> No.5323975

>fundamentalist evolutionists
wtf is that

wouldnt it just be pure Darwinian Evolution, or Mendellian?

>> No.5323976

>Homo sapiens sapiens
>not negroid mongrels

>> No.5323979


>> No.5323987

You know theres an asian saying that goes something like this. When the world was created, first man came but those were burned by the sun so much their skin turned dark. Then next set of man came around when the sun heating was so low that their skins remained light. Then came the a warm day and asians came into existence as the final perfection. Asian humor

>> No.5323989

Someone who defends the current theory of evolution and will refuse to acknowledge new evidence that may change thoughts on where humans came from.

>> No.5324011
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>and will refuse to acknowledge new evidence that may change thoughts on where humans came from
Yeah... because sticking with the scientific consensus supported with lots of verifiable falsifiable evidence when alternative hypothesis have provided none is close minded zealotry.

>> No.5324027
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Be careful with that edge.

>> No.5324033


>> No.5324039

I'm dead serious kid. You need to get outside, grab some fresh air while it's around. Maybe then you might realise you don't know everything...

>> No.5324046

Leave and begone.

>> No.5324049

>Maybe then you might realise you don't know everything...
Yeah I know... the absolut truth shall be revealed only when I read the good Book.

>> No.5324053

The Greatest Show on Earth isn't life experience, kid

>> No.5324057

>The Greatest Show on Earth
I guess the only experience that counts in life is finding your Lord and Saviour...

>> No.5324058

Well they are European hominid primates.

>> No.5324060
File: 251 KB, 816x757, 2012-05-14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on your fedora and get the fuck out.

>> No.5324063

What are you trying to get at? I'm not religious and don't believe in God.


>> No.5324064
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>there will never again be a 4chan free of reddit

>> No.5324068

>hominid primates

that's like saying someone is an autistic /b/tard or something, fairly redundant

>> No.5324077

I admit that you phrasing might have led me to false conclusions:

>who defends the current theory of evolution
This strongly implies re-evaluation of the evolutionary theory as a whole when the subject of the thread is a simple event of speciation.

The first line of defence of online religiousfags when someone puts their beliefs into evaluation.

But please... do elaborate what are your objections on the "current" evolutionary theory...

>> No.5324089

Radiocarbon dating is not accurate. Impossible to know timeframes over when and how evolution occurred. It's actually mostly just guess work, but scientists don't want to question it because it will send them back more than 50 years in research.

>> No.5324115

Every non-black has Neanderthal genes.

>> No.5324123

>implying all radiometric dating is based on carbon-14
Even if we could not use radiometric measurements for a rigid dateframe with the help of statistics, we have:
>molecular clocks
>pretty fluid morphologic continuum in the fossil record
>genetic similarities and deviations that are consistent to the morphological analysis
>geologic chemistry

But I should probably not even try to explain since "hurrr durrr radiocarbon dating isn't accurate" is something that you will see in the ffirst page of every creationsist site.

>> No.5324125

>implying any of the measurements you listed are accurate

>> No.5324126 [DELETED] 
File: 862 KB, 896x504, Neanderthalsarewhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5324132

africans have neanderthal DNA too

its only like 1% of them that dont have it...the really really isolated sub-saharan hunter gatherers and such

>> No.5324141


>> No.5324154


>> No.5324161

>open video
>see Kent Hovind
>close tab

If you're going to provide evidence, use reliable scientific resources. Not liberal atheist reddit tier propaganda.

>> No.5324164

I too prefer linking potholer54's videos over typing when confronted with people who are probably trolling. Have an internet, good sir.

>> No.5324171
File: 108 KB, 300x309, perfectly calm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no thread about neanderthals
>only shitstorm

i hate you all, just sayin

>> No.5324172

>liberal atheist reddit tier propaganda.
Yeah... because the video is about voting Obama and bashing the pope.

>> No.5324173

I assumed that wikipedia is probably too hard for a half assed troll.

>> No.5324176



>> No.5324177

>Kent Hovind
>young earth creationist

fucking why

>> No.5324181


>> No.5324182
File: 71 KB, 500x600, god-wills-it-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking why

>> No.5324198 [DELETED] 

scientists now say they didn't mate but they shared a common ancestor and that's why they share certain genes.


>> No.5324199
File: 15 KB, 618x407, 618px-JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy claims the earth is flat because ship vanishing in the horizon effect "can be explained by light refraction"
>people explaining him why this is wrong

>> No.5324211


>> No.5324408

its chuck norris