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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5322822 No.5322822 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any scientific evidence that women prefer a large penis?

>> No.5322864

As a woman I can confirm that I prefer men with a large penis.

>> No.5322871

That's not how science works, you cant get evidence for a subjective occurance, but I've never met a girl that likes a small dicks. Short answer: girth.

>> No.5322872

is there any scientific evidence that pizza is a tasty food?

>> No.5322896

I think women prefer a secure guy with strong parental capability and the ability to provide.

Similarly, how important are tits to you in a marriage?

>> No.5322902

Because it is more pleasurable for her, obviously.

Tits = attraction = very important

>> No.5322904

Well the fact that the human male doesn't have a penis bone and has the largest penis compared to body size kinda speaks for itself.

And this is verifiable. Although there might be other reasons to have a large penis, but I doubt it.

>> No.5322918
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>> No.5322919

I would think that women prefer the most frequent penis. Which sounds like an oblique dirty joke, but I'm actually just saying that the most common penis size seems like it would be the one which has been selected for. So, to answer your question, I think the scientific evidence indicates that most women prefer a penis size of 5.5" inches, or ~15 cm for our yuroscum friends.

>> No.5322920
File: 612 KB, 1632x1871, quite possibly the worst guide ever written.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right, banter.

Yeah, guys, if you don't have a dick that's at LEAST above average by a standard deviation, no woman is ever going to love you. Just forget about it. Also, follow this guide. Ignore the filename, it's just a pleb-filter.

>> No.5322922

>how important are tits to you in a marriage?
Quite literally fundamental. If there are no tits, there is no marriage.

>> No.5322928

What's a good circumference for a penis than?

>> No.5322925

Is there a higher res photo of that? I have to squint to read it

>> No.5322929

I meant big tits you illiterate faggot. Read beyond the text.

>> No.5322932
File: 709 KB, 800x1068, 1354568638279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you listen to the radio and they talk about rising sea levels and ice floating in water and dont understand any of it.
>tfw they have numerous callers on the matter and none of them mention hydrogen bonds, or even people who don't know about it questioning how a solid floats in a liquid of the same substance.
>tfw you actually find this annoying.
anyone else know this kind of feel?

>> No.5322933

Again, pleb-filter at work. Don't even bother if you don't have 20/20 vision.

>> No.5322940

I meant the exact same thing, but I enjoyed the irony so don't feel bad.

>> No.5322941

>tfw you still don't know how to create threads on 4chan

>> No.5322945

I think it is generally understood that most women would rather a penis of 5-8 inches, 8 inches being preferred. Any longer and it hurts, any smaller and no pleasure.
A girl will obviously settle for a smaller penis depending on the guy.
If guy A and guy B are the same except A has a bigger penis, the woman will choose guy A.

If girl A and girl B are the same except girl B has bigger breasts and a better physique, the guy will chose girl B.

>> No.5322947

I don't need glasses. The resolution is just shit on the picture and deforms the lettering.

>mfw replying to a troll

>> No.5322950

You weren't being ironic. I have a PhD in the syntax, a masters in psychology and a dick in your mom, you backpedalling faggot.

>> No.5322954
File: 1.52 MB, 500x269, 1354568226956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont care you just went for an active thread to make sure your post got seen
time is money

>> No.5322966

>tfw plebs have almost taken control of /sci/
Deal with it.

>caring about dick size
What are you, gay? Women just use that as a part of their whole sexual manipulation weapon against men. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE.

>> No.5322975

Switch the genders and you have "skinny-privilege"-spouting feminism.
What are you, a patriarchal scumfag? Men justu se that as part of their whole patriarchal manipualtion weapon against men.

>tfw people don't realize there are scientifically proven ways to increase penis size

>> No.5322979
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>the syntax

>> No.5322999
File: 718 KB, 300x169, yes it is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to increase your penis size
OH BOY, HERE WE GO. Why so insecure? Don't you realize that penis size doesn't even matter to 95% of women? COINCIDENTALLY, 5% of all women are jews! Open your eyes, see the world for what it really is, remove yourself from the media empire and one day you'll see. One day.

>> No.5323001 [DELETED] 

Anyone into light microscopy/microphotography around here? Why are so many people into astronomy and astrophotography and so few people into microscopy/microphotography?

Anyways, post your microscope and/or interesting pictures/info/resources ITT.

I use a Bresser researcher trino with a K100D DSLR for pictures. Gonna see if I can find some pictures I've taken in a little while. Post yours!

>> No.5323008
File: 422 KB, 651x1441, le wrong move slujt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off hippie, we're having a /sci/ banter thread.

>> No.5323019

This was supposed to go into a new thread. Sorry about that.

>> No.5323031

Do you want me to tell you how to make a thread?

>> No.5323162

Let me just sum this up in one sentence so people don't waste their time reading it:


>> No.5323170

No. It's all anecdotal. Polls have shown that width matters more, anyway.

>> No.5323177


>> No.5323179

All the porn says its about big penis. Women will act more "liking" towards big dicks. They enjoy more with blacks than others. So yea

>> No.5323200

People always seem to forget about girth.
6'' long, 5" around, that's the perfect average.

Not like that information will matter to any of you, seeing as how you're all having a fucking argument about dick size on the /sci/ board.
In the end, personality is the most important, followed by looks, followed by dick size.

>> No.5323209

Remember, it is women who buy those dragon dildos. Those 8inch dilos are reflective of what women like.

>> No.5323243

>tfw no woman will ever pull down your pants to see your massive cock spring out due to the erection and have her blue eyes light up as she smiles widely and grips it saying "oh my god anon, it's SOOOOO big!"

>> No.5323253

itt: virgins

>> No.5323258

link to an article

>> No.5323261

forgot the link

>> No.5323266

For a real answer, what matters is not so much absolute penis size as penis to vagina size ratio. You would know this is any of you could into kamasutra, but I've heard plenty of anecdotes as well.

The ideal depends on the partner, in other words, and it's certainly possible to be too big. But, more importantly, there's basically no difference from the 10th to 90th percentile, and you're all faggots for worrying about it.

>> No.5323293

Goddamnit, /sci., you went and did it; now I gotta beat my girl to make up for your bullshit. Thanks.