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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 383 KB, 400x241, 1353243404910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5311947 No.5311947 [Reply] [Original]

You rage you lose


>> No.5311974

lost pretty hard

>> No.5311988

I lolled pretty hard actually.

>> No.5311994

>I suck at anything more advance than basic multiplication, but I knew nuclear physics at 14.

>> No.5311995
File: 9 KB, 513x196, who cares about math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5311996

>generator that achieves over unity

this is what some people actually believe

>> No.5312006


>> No.5312008

>He had an uncanny gift, much like mine, where he could literally see his devices functioning in his mind.

the only place it ever will function

>> No.5312012

>implying you're not just jelly of geniuses like me and Rebecca H who know there science.
>great mathematicians are also artists, so I would've picked artists as well.

>> No.5312014

That was funny.

Good luck, Rebecca H! (j.k., kill yourself).

>> No.5312023

wow. just wow.

>> No.5312026

/sci/ trolls post on Yahoo answers

>> No.5312027

Dear God. They all thumbed Vic's answer down because he said there weren't many jobs in astronomy.

>> No.5312029
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>> No.5312036

>Christian conservative Patriet
Obvious troll
That might be troll, but I lost anyway

>> No.5312054
File: 19 KB, 647x520, 2012-12-02_204718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious troll.

>> No.5312057
File: 26 KB, 574x252, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time: immediate disconnect
second time: this

>> No.5312059

>Anyone with a brain in there skull will see that the laws of conservation, among all other laws of physics are made by MAN, and the Tomahawk cold fusion reactor has already proven that nature has different ideas on the subject.

sciencefag status:


>> No.5312072

Yeah, that's better. Didn't know Bill Maher was on Yahoo answers, though.

>> No.5312085

I think I like you.

>> No.5312095
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>Welcome to my club! I suck at anything more advance than basic multiplication, but I knew nuclear physics at 14.

>> No.5312101

>being this trolled

>> No.5312104


>> No.5312107

OP's link describes just about everyone on reddit
>I loove science XD such a nerd I like carl sagan and other documentaries and I am like a scientist now :D I basically know every science, but math? Yeah I hate it and can't do any

>> No.5312116
File: 24 KB, 637x194, we may never know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5312122

checkmate atheists

>> No.5312129
File: 14 KB, 500x256, 6eebf16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just asked this.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Where did maths education go so wrong?

>> No.5312136

This, this is what happens when we treat every kid like they are a special snowflake.

>> No.5312137

liberal arts majors running our education systems

>> No.5312149

I lol'd hard.

>> No.5312159

It's actually what happens when we do what *I* dislike.

>> No.5312167
File: 40 KB, 800x500, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow's headline:

"Rebecca H Kills Mathematicians, Confesses on Omegle"

>> No.5312191
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>> No.5312198

>Anyone with a brain in there skull will see that the laws of conservation, among all other laws of physics are made by MAN

was mad till I read this...obvious troll

>> No.5312201


>implying math is not an art

>> No.5312209

I wish I could do nuclear physics at 15. Can he also think in 5 dimensions?

>> No.5312216

>too lazy to open up paint
> neuroscience competition

>> No.5312223
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>> No.5312230
File: 25 KB, 579x329, orangoutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm competing in a Neuroscience competition next sunday
>national latin scholar in the classics

>> No.5312250

This can't be real. It just can't. I refuse to believe it.
But it was certainly good for a decent gutlaugh.

>> No.5312258

Says someone who wouldn't drink chemotherapy.

>> No.5312263
File: 258 KB, 913x615, 2012-12-02_214242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is real. It was written by the "Health Ranger" Mike Adams. Here's another nuanced opinion of his:

>> No.5312276
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>> No.5312279
File: 97 KB, 1047x651, There you have it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys are serious.

>> No.5312286
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He is basically admitting that his 'medicine' doesn't work

>> No.5312339
File: 14 KB, 264x211, 1323210884416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that proportion and perspective, two key technical aspects of the visual arts, aren't founded squarely in mathematics
>Implying di Vinci's Vitruvian Man would be have been possible without Virtrvias' treatises on mathematics
>Implying the name of the work itself doesn't pay homage to this debt
>Mfw artfags don't know shit about shit, especially art

>> No.5312344

>tfw no matter how much you study and work, everyone will respect more someone who draws shit on the street than all the science and nobel prizes you get because he thinks "outside the box"

>> No.5312348

That is a bad feeling, bro.

>> No.5312351
File: 138 KB, 400x387, 1353890256971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I like to draw and paint.
>mfw when I hate most artists.

>> No.5312354

Get into pop science and make a tv show.

>> No.5312357

That's just your superiority complex.

>> No.5312367

>not understanding that chemotherapy is designed to be toxic
>not understanding principles of dose response
I really hate that naturalnews exists.

>> No.5312396

>I'm currently working on a generator prototype that should be able to achieve over unity fairly easily
>and going to use it to build an electric motorcycle that never needs to be recharged
>next is a high voltage electromagnetic pulse projectile weapon that will have the capability for a single solder to take out a tank

>Tomahawk cold fusion reactor
>Cold fusion

>> No.5312397

While good art follows mathematical patterns, a lot of great artists are not aware of the underlying mathematics, just the patterns themselves.

>> No.5312403

>While good art follows mathematical patterns
Because "good art" is such an objective, scientific concept.

>> No.5312408

Are you implying there is any fundamental difference between being aware of patterns and being aware of mathematical principles?

>> No.5312410

>Because "good art" is such an objective, scientific concept.
When I say good art, I refer to pieces that could not have been created without great talent and/or skill. A lot of "modern art" are just meaningless stuff that a child could have put together.

>> No.5312416

Because talent/skill is such an objective, scientific concept

>> No.5312417

I think at least you're using different areas of your brain. Visual pattern recognition is different from numerical pattern recognition. Then again, I'm no neurologist, this is just the way it seems to me.

>> No.5312419

>what is geometry

>> No.5312420

>When I say good art, I refer to pieces that could not have been created without great talent and/or skill.
Well, that's kinda my point. This is *your* definition of good art, not *the* definition.

>A lot of "modern art" are just meaningless stuff that a child could have put together.
So now good art is defined by its meaning, not by its reliance on mathematical patterns? The latter actually is extremely prevalent in modern cubism, by the way.

>> No.5312423

>mfw you said when twice
>mfw i have no face

>> No.5312424

I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that my measure of what art is, is more or less: "If I could've done it, it's not art"

>> No.5312426

I see. I disagree, but I get you now.

>> No.5312429

>my measure of what art is, is more or less: "If I could've done it, it's not art"

do you think people who call themselves artists feel the same way?

>> No.5312431

I'm an artist and I don't have a problem with math.
I'm not particularly good at it but If I have a cheat sheet I can calculus just fine.

Why are two even mutually exclusive ? The first great mathematicians in western culture (no ancient greece isn't western culture) were artists - architects and inventors like Leonardo and Michelangelo, etc.

>> No.5312439

That's the point I am trying to make to this guy >>5312397

they are not mutually exclusive, and while they each have different areas of focus and rigor, real mathematics requires just as much "thinking outside the box" as any artistic endeavor.

>> No.5312441
File: 1.94 MB, 1281x4568, 1354469581527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine
As if anything kills disease better than microwaves.

>> No.5312462
File: 5 KB, 275x184, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5312469

Bit heavy even for him. Or maybe that's his internet self.

>> No.5312488

what the legitimate fuck

>> No.5312504

This is a fun world, isn't it?

>> No.5312506
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5312508

urge to kill rising.jpg

I'm very open minded but that's just full retard.

>> No.5312540

I already posted this link in a similar thread a month ago:

>> No.5312569

>I totally respect your position and experience with this. I definitely do not hate fat people. I’m a feminist and that means equality for all people.

It's funny, I haven't heard a single person saying "I'm a feminist" in my country, but everytime I read it on the internet I assume is a joke or something.

>> No.5312646

>7 and 8
Obesity ISN'T linked in anyway to any health issues?


>> No.5312755

i remember that thread

that thread was fun

>> No.5312779
File: 12 KB, 341x303, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder

>> No.5313161

Fits with the character in Braking Bad. Lol.

>> No.5313193
File: 11 KB, 400x466, 1332375405843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Microwaves can actually cause more bacterial growth than kill and the reason why those diaperfags had never gotten sick (after doing this level of faggotry for years) is because they're so used to their own sick, mentally-retarded, feces spreading, habit that it's essentially apart of their natural flora.

>Diaperfags must die.

>> No.5313236
File: 98 KB, 508x657, Dicky Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if some have already been posted:


>> No.5313248

>generator over unity

Dumb fag here, what is this?

>> No.5313251

Omegle rarely leads to proper discussions. It's just "Opinion A", "Opinion B", "Stranger X has disconnected"

>> No.5313259



>> No.5313263


>> No.5313271
File: 1.61 MB, 1273x3060, Infographic-SOS-Stop-Out-of-Control-Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5313276
File: 437 KB, 720x720, 1352763789999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being attracted to a 400pound woman is morally wrong

Fuck off, I'm not reading that. I want to be happy.

>> No.5313282

what the fuck!
at first I didn't see that this was a rage thread, I just randomly opened the picture and fuck I was mad as hell
fuck this gay earth

>> No.5313291

>not realizing that mathematics is the study of patterns
>being logical is bad; it is good that artists can say things that are false
>this dude needs to like read a book about topology and complex numbers or look at MC Escher's work, or fractals.
>or basically any interesting patterned screensaver ever

I will say you can't compare literature with mathematics and patterns though.

>> No.5313325

>430 people like this shit on facebook
>all the sample pics are fat women

>> No.5313341
File: 5 KB, 600x139, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5313347
File: 8 KB, 492x145, faith slightly restored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5313353

> omegle related
I conducted a poll of sample size 8 of how many omegle users would respond to my prompt and got p-hat = 50%, giving a 90% confidence interval of between 21% and 79%. that's pretty bad.

damn so planning for non-response of 50% maybe, if I wanted to do a poll of gender on omegle, in order to get within a margin of error of 5% at 90% confidence, I would need a sample size of... 540 people.

and with ME of 10% I would need 135.


>> No.5313356

ain't nobody got time for that
especially with captchas

>> No.5313373

Just found another one:
>pony evolving
sides devolving
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.5313387
File: 7 KB, 565x175, lhc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5313454

dear lord that video..
i dont even

>> No.5313470


>> No.5313466

its common knowledge right?

>> No.5313468

I tried watching this, and it gave me cancer

>> No.5313592
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>> No.5313610

you are now aware that he probably warms his food with the same microwave

>> No.5313755
File: 178 KB, 411x651, 331143759384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5313774

I hate when people talk of "cyber ethics" or "moral AIs".
We haven't even fucking made an intelligent/strong AI PERIOD, and people already fucking demand they have limitations to be morally in line. DAFUCK

>> No.5313781


Should we really wait until AFTER they have become sentient before we discuss morality? You are literally the problem they're talking about.

>> No.5313797
File: 97 KB, 800x800, chuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5313836

If you want to rage at something, just remember that weeaboos exist.

>> No.5313867

How can you make something moral if you don't know how to create it?
I guess the argument can go either way, but most likely AI will be achieved by creating a program that can improve/augment itself; if it is indeed made in this way, then there's no way to forsee it's creation and implement moral safeguards, as:
1.) we wouldn't know it's mechanics; it has to be complicated as fuck to show strong AI characteristics. So we wouldn't know how to implement Morality
2.) Morality, for all we know, could be something completely alien to the AI.

>> No.5314057

Yes. It is a good idea to postpone safeguards until after the deed is done.

>> No.5314094

>“Childhood obesity” is a political buzzword.
>Here’s the bottom line: we don’t know exactly what makes kids fat or whether it’s a problem that they are
>we definitely don’t have any idea whatsoever how to make a fat kid into a thin kid.

I know exactly why fat kids are fat. And I know exactly how to turn a fat kid into a thin kid. The author of this article has obviously never spoken to a doctor, done any exercise, eaten anything healthy or seen a rational person before in her life.

>> No.5314580

Do you not see a problem there?
You just make something that could become infinitely more powerful than man and don't know what it's inclination towards us will be.

>> No.5314637

>prove results of an experiment
>before conducting experiment
>innumerable other bullshit facts
the fuck

People this fucking dense should be taken to court for inciting stupidity

>> No.5314694

No rage but did lol quite a bit, one major gross out.
This thread only confirms my belief that humanity in general is stupid.

>> No.5314736


>> No.5314752

I think most historians would agree that nuclear weapons (via MAD) have saved more lives than they have cost. Even if we look at the two times they were used as weapons, fewer people probably died in Hiiroshima and Nagasaki than would have in an invasion of Japan.

>> No.5314757

This is satire, right?


>> No.5314755

Yup lost hard.

>> No.5314762

I agree that antibiotics are dangerous if over-prescribed, but sometimes there is no other good solution.

>If an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, the burden of proof that it is NOT harmful falls on those taking the action

I think that pseudoscientific fearmongering is harmful to the public. Prove that it isn't.

>> No.5314763

Check the bottom right corner. It's from Natural News, which is indeed a "serious" website devoted to anti-science propaganda.

>> No.5314767

From the comments:
>Force corporations to...use non fossil fuel engines to generate electricity

Like nuclear reactors?

>> No.5314824

>nuclear power #1
>nuclear weapons #12

>> No.5314829

>Implying you have any idea how AI works on even a fundamental level

>> No.5314866

Burden of proof lies on anyone making a claim.

If NaturalNews claims it's harmful, burden is on them to demonstrate harm. If the government claims it's not harmful, burden is on them to show safety tests.

>> No.5314871

>Burden of proof lies on anyone making a claim.
Prove this claim.

>> No.5314894

>implying you know

>> No.5314905

I don't think it takes a genius to realize that if we want AI to surpass human intelligence somewhere in the future, no one will know exactly what we will end up with.
I'm not by any means saying it's not a step we shouldn't take, be we should take it cautiously.

>> No.5314906

a step we shouldn't take*

>> No.5314935

>3. Talking about food in moralistic terms.
So food isnt healthy or unhealthy for your body? is this nigger serious?
>8. Equating fat with health.
wow. i just... wow. fatness apparently has nothing to do with health?
>21. Any statements that imply that it’s not okay to be fat, that people shouldn’t get fat, or that people should try to weigh less.
lol. ive seen some stupid shit, but this nigger cant be serious

>> No.5314937



>> No.5314952

Most of the rejections of links between obesity and health I've seen usually boil down to:
A) a misunderstanding of the meaning of the phrase "risk factor" and the way it's used by epidemiologists
B) a naive view of science that assumes the only tool we have for inferring causality is direct experimentation

>> No.5314954


>> No.5315006

I agree that the article is a load of crap, written by a lard-ass who can't introspect. However, point 8 is completely valid. Not-fat does not mean healthy, nor does fat (if not extreme) automatically imply unhealthy.

>> No.5315013

>So food isnt healthy or unhealthy for your body? is this nigger serious?
Pointing at health effects isn't a moral judgment.

>> No.5315039


Stranger 2: i lke math
Stranger 2: sometimes
Stranger 1: It was fun until they brought letters in.
Stranger 2: yeah exactly
Stranger 2: there is no point of letters in math they are two different things
Stranger 1: Then it became hell when they introduced probability.
Stranger 2: hahhahaha yeah

>> No.5315086
File: 17 KB, 557x355, le pemdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably couldn't solve it

>> No.5315109

I would intentionally solve it wrong if I got that question.

>> No.5315143


>> No.5315202
File: 31 KB, 1088x237, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5315245

so inspiring, but have to learn for exam ! no thinking tonight bra

>> No.5315268
File: 98 KB, 872x720, troll_standby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to my club! I suck at anything more advance than basic multiplication, but I knew nuclear physics at 14.

>> No.5315274

It's like they took a complete brain scan of a ethicist and decompressed it to fill a whole poster.

>> No.5315327

I went to omegle expecting horrible retardness and instead met an intelligent fellow with whom I discussed the matter of political extremism and conservatists. I guess I was lucky.

>> No.5315385


What is your opinion on mathematics in general?

Stranger 1: It sucks
Stranger 2: math is boring
Stranger 1: I only use multiplication
Stranger 1: That's it
Stranger 2: ok..
Stranger 1: Nothing else's that I learned through out the years
Stranger 1: It was a waste if time
Stranger 1: #english fo lyfe!
Stranger 1: And science

>> No.5315692


TV, I remember many shows just bashing math. "hur my brain hertz" "math sucks, SCHOOLS OUTTT". I grew up hating it, but lately I started getting into it, yet i still have no motivation and am I high school drop out. I really can't stand these people much like how I can't stand myself for sucking so hard.

>> No.5315773

what is this?
A forum about some kind of diaper fetish?

>> No.5315789

Some people (many of them furries) fetishize the wearing and soiling of diapers.

>> No.5315813

OMG you so smart

>> No.5315881
File: 14 KB, 193x233, 1299289426959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5315886

The question "who has more value to you, a great mathematician or a great artist" really rustled my jimmies. I'd like to think great artists and great mathematicians should be equally valued as they're both extremely influential and anyone who denies this has to be close minded.

>> No.5316478


This just makes me happy...

>> No.5316488

They were probably sexually abused as kids.