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5303720 No.5303720 [Reply] [Original]

Why do physicists always use comic sans font?

My newtonian mechanics, electricity/magnetism, statics, modern physics, dynamics, thermo, and aerodynamics professors all used comic sans in their power points. The only exception so far was my fluid dynamics professor. Why do they all do this?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.5303724

to weed out unmotivated people

>> No.5303725

>power point
>comic sans

I hate to break it to you, but you're attending a shit tier university. Enjoy making a degree that isn't even worth the paper it's printed on.

>> No.5303735


Studying ME at UIUC, but good try.

>> No.5303743

>Why do physicists always use comic sans font?
Because to them, their fields are as fun as reading comic books. My Uncle is this way.

>> No.5303740

Never heard of it. Must be shit tier, just like I suspected. And the fact that you are dumb enough to assume everyone here is amerifat and knows your schools tells us that you won't get very far in your career.

>> No.5303742

i'm at cambrige dude

>> No.5303748


Lol I think you're mad I'm going to the best rated undergrad school for mechanical engineering in the world and you're just projecting your failure anonymously on an imageboard. Keep on trollin though kiddo

>> No.5303749


I did my postgraduate at Oxford and people used Comic Sans all the time. You're getting livid over a font, which isn't exactly an attribute associated with well educated people.

>> No.5303757

It's a PhD curse in general, not just physicists.

>> No.5303759

You're doing a pleb degree in a shit tier uni. Why should I be jelly of someone who has power point lectures?

Comic sans is just a font and nobody gives a fuck except maybe for hipsters. The problem is power point. Power point has no place in a serious lecture, especially not in the natural sciences.

>> No.5303769


Are you drunk?

>> No.5303771

I'm physicist and I find disgusting any physics-related document not written in LaTeX.. I had some lecture notes written in comic sans during my undergraduate studies.

Ugh, disgusting.

>> No.5303774

Maybe. My point still stands though.

>> No.5303775


OP is obviously an undergraduate. I wouldn't consider undergraduate classes "serious" compared to anything beyond the graduate level, which I'm guessing you would consider "serious". In which case you're getting angry over nothing.

>> No.5303781


Go back to /b/, we're sorry you couldn't cut it as a child development major but there's no reason to try to troll someone who's accomplished more in the last 2 years than you have in your life.

>> No.5303782
File: 61 KB, 610x455, amurika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking undergrad serious
>not learning anything in undergrad
>not teaching anything in undergrad
>not starting real education as early as possible

lol @ murrica

>> No.5303785

>implying you have achieved anything

While you listened to shitty power point lectures, I got some real education. In my undergrad I probably learned more than you ever will in grad school.

>> No.5303787


0/10 I'm not the least bit flustered by your blatant ignorance and contradiction. Enjoy your palm tonight.

>> No.5303786
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>> No.5303789

itt undergrad trolls flaming dropout undergrad trolls and post-grads taking the thread serious

>> No.5303795

>retard who needs power point slides because he can't even into reading a real text
>accuses others of ignorance


>> No.5303816

we use powerpoint for general staff briefings at the pentagon

>> No.5303837

>we use powerpoint for general staff briefings at the pentagon

so I herd you leik spagetti
"Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray the complexity of American military strategy, but looked more like a bowl of spaghetti."

>> No.5303835
File: 12 KB, 244x206, rudepanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I study at MIT.

>> No.5303841
File: 19 KB, 327x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is about comic sans and how power points are a representation of your schools worth.

>> No.5303842

>implying the troll has the least bit understand how the professional world works

>> No.5303849
File: 78 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m9maykEn3S1qg90qi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is power point. Power point has no place in a serious lecture, especially not in the natural sciences.
i don't understand the problem.

>> No.5303853

Because it's fun. Name a more fun font. You can't.

>> No.5303862


>> No.5303878

So, seriously, I don't think I could follow a class if its lectures were in ppt form. I mean, I know people give talks at conferences with beamer, and I'm fine with that since I'm not actually doing anything, but I sort of like having a lecturer write out a problem as they go in class.

Does anyone else feel this way?

>> No.5303877


I've not seen or given a presentation in powerpoint for at least a decade. I'm way too used to beamer at this point.

>> No.5303883


I guess it depends on the subject matter. Presentations make sense for beamer, but classes should be done on a blackboard. It's far and away the best method.

>> No.5303887


Yeah, and the thing is, I have no idea why this is true. I just know I'd have no desire to follow someone's steps personally if they weren't writing it out alongside me.

>> No.5303918

ITT: We talk about our learning abilities.

>dat autism

>> No.5303926

they're using it ironically

>> No.5304897

I can't expect a retard to understand anything.