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5295473 No.5295473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


We have split the atom. Constructed weapons capable of wiping out humanity in a matter of hours. Placed man on the moon. Sent satellite to the far reaches of the solar system.

Yet still this. Here on earth.


It makes me feel guilty and sick when I think about it. I can't but think about it though, and how insane it is I can do nothing to help.

>> No.5295485

Earth is big enough and its cultures and countries are different enough for development to be un equal.

>> No.5295482

It is because man believes he will gain something by accumulating material goods. A lot of people are poor so that few can be rich.

>> No.5295486

Distribution inefficiency arising from politics.

Give a country food to feed its people and the rulers of the country seize the food in order to maintain their power and thus funnel the food to their supporters and leaving everyone else to starve. It is not really a problem that science can solve.

>> No.5295499

Well Africans are still Africans. Humans give them food and since deferred consumption is a highly heritable trait and their population has not been through as much selection for mainly agriculturalist traits they lack the ability to stop fucking for one goddamn minute which causes things like exploding populations which causes food to be stretched more thinly.

>> No.5295500

> and how insane it is I can do nothing to help.

Funny, you talk about how bad it is, when your the problem.

>> No.5295503

They need a real government. If you gave them food it would only extend their existence and multiply other hungry mouths.

>> No.5295508
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I hear you, i feel real bad for those africans.
Your country should bring freedom to them, go USA liberate the FUCK out of this country.

What's that, i caricature your country ?
Just look at your fucking federal budget, of course it's not caricaturing.

Here, have a look at something resolving this "problem" that could have happened 50 fucking years ago.

>> No.5295514

This is true. Rhodesia and South Africa were great places because they had great leadership. Now look at them. Sub Saharan Africans have quintupled their numbers because humans keep sending them food.

>> No.5295512


>> No.5295515

>We have split the atom. Constructed weapons capable of wiping out humanity in a matter of hours. Placed man on the moon. Sent satellite to the far reaches of the solar system.
By "we", you mean white people right?

>Yet still this. Here on earth.
Niggers starving to death? Who gives a fuck, I don't. Maybe if they stopped pumping out kids every 10 seconds and learned how to communicate instead of jumping around like monkeys with AKs and blowing each other's heads off for being a different shade of nigger all the time their lives would improve.

>> No.5295516

hunger is the way of nature to say you are too much. It is a positive thing.

>> No.5295518


As it seems, a lot of people have to suffer in order for the few others to live comfortably and reveal the mysteries of our universe.

Or it's just modern politics and capitalism.

>> No.5295520

What? What are you trying to say?

The moment you figure out a way to A) mass produce nutritious food, enough for most an ENTIRE CONTINENT, B) get rid of all the warlords, potential thieves, etc., and D) ship it and get it to everyone's homes before it goes bad, then why don't you come back and complain about how we shouldn't have people starving?

You are one dumb fuck, OP. Success in one field does not mean success in another. We can't just wave a magic 'science wand' and cure world hunger.

>> No.5295532
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I disagree.

Of course, we like them to remain poor for cheap labor.

Which is why these need to be dropped on some businessmen, as well.

>> No.5295536

Except we aren't using starving Africans for labor. Not only that, but a starving laborer is a laborer who can't work very hard. So there goes your theory, I guess. Not sure how bombing or simply getting rid of anyone who owns a business is going to solve this problem either

You sound awfully ignorant about this subject. I really can't find anything correct, or even close, in what you've said.

>> No.5295540

OP, imagine if all of these niggers have 12 children, and they all survive.

in europe and western asia each couple has an average of less than 2 kids.

so there will be two problems ensuing:

a) niggers everywhere
b) overpopulation(read: global famine, disease, poverty, everything)

the best you can do is educate them to not overpopulate locally. give em any more and they drag this planet to hell

also sage.

>> No.5295541

The reason why they are so many is because young children have a much higher mortality rate then those in the west.

>> No.5295549

Off course you can make a difference,

think of all the shit you waste and the stuff you don't need that you waste money on.

>> No.5295550


Think of all the powerful people who want them to keep being poor and uneducated.

>> No.5295554


Maybe cheap goods due to cheap labor would have been a better way to put it?

>> No.5295558

>We have split the atom. Constructed weapons capable of wiping out humanity in a matter of hours. Placed man on the moon. Sent satellite to the far reaches of the solar system.

No OP, 'We' have not split the atom

Western Europe split the atom
Western Europe the United States and Russia constructed weapons capable of wiping out humanity, and placed men on the moon.

Africa has done none of those things.

>> No.5295563

Oh and by the way, we do infact send a great deal of aid to Africa. We send so much food to Africa.

We infact send too much food to Africa, we put their farmers out of a job. Farmers can make more money farming rapeseed oil or whatever is most profitable nowadays. They don't make enough off food to make a living.

>> No.5295567

not anymore, thanks to meds, and food support. they used to die in masses, they still do, but they die less, and can't support themselves anymore. naturally the mentality remained, and nothing changed in the grand picture.

you can't save these people with food and medicine, because the global economy doesn't grow as fast as the african population.

you need to teach the motherfuckers to take care of themselves

it doesn't work any other way

but then again...

there are niggers in slums (uganda) wifh motherfucking college degrees. they dress worse than a western hobo, and brew banana vodka for 20 bucks a day.

they have the knowledge to improve their infrastructure and support themselves. i'm starting to be convinced that they choose to live that way. not all, but most.

are they lazy? are they retarded? I don't know, but treating them like benign parasites when they're cancer is not the right way to go IMO.

I'm all for getting them independent, if someone finds a way. but not for this charity shit.

>> No.5295569

There have been people starving and dying of horrible illnesses and people getting raped and tortured for the entire history of humanity.

Our bell curve has gotten a lot better on average, but it's also gotten way bigger. There are edge cases, and our confirmation bias makes us think that a higher visibility of something means a higher rate of occurrence.

Trying to pursue equality has diminishing returns. Pushing the bell curve up as hard as we can has proved good for the entire world, if we are focusing on averages in health / literacy / whatever indicators

tl;dr you should chill out we're going gangbusters (mostly)

>> No.5295572
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>> No.5295580

Because socialism

>> No.5295582

Trade is not a zero-sum game.

>> No.5295590

So, er, none of them, I guess. I can't think of anyone in any significant position of power and influence in regards to this situation who wants to keep Africans poor and uneducated, especially since it inevitably places a strain on the rest of the world.

>> No.5295592

>implying unpopular opinions must be wrong because they are new or hurt someone feelings

>> No.5295603


Evolution doesn't happen the way you are implying it does on those kinds of time scales.

>> No.5295609

How do you live with yourself.

>> No.5295622

Why have children if you have nothing to eat?

The more food we send there the more they breed. Doesn't solve anything.

>> No.5295626

Differ in average height
Differ in bone structure
Differ in musculature
Differ in adiposity in where fat I gained
Differ in hormonal levels
Differ in susceptibility to disease
Differ in total average brain size
Differ in relative sizes in various brain lobes

I don't think you know what evolution is or how it works. You're like some kind of race creationist. This bored is for science. Go back to church.

>> No.5295632

>tfw edgy people from /b/ and /pol/ think they're smart
go to >>>/x/ and leave this board the fuck alone shitposter

>> No.5295635

>implying those same range of differences aren't seen within caucasians

>> No.5295636


Apart from famine caused by global natural disasters/climate change, never in paleolithic times did such a large percentage of humanity starve.

>> No.5295647

>brew banana vodka for 20 bucks a day.
>are they lazy? are they retarded? I don't know
So you watched a Vice guide and now know everything you need to know?
You have no evidence that isn't wildly uncontrolled. You establish dichotomies so that lack of evidence for one thing (progress in certain countries) becomes evidence of another (inferiority of this constituents).
Most of the world continuously raped Africa for fun and profit for hundreds of years. They're messed up. They're riddled with AIDS and zealots and pirates (the really very bad kind). They're still taken advantage of while people like you shrug and talk about independence and how they're fundamentally broken and market forces or whatever the fuck.
If you have any evidence to back anything you said then please, read it again. Make sure you're not just trying to find ways to rationalise your racism.

>> No.5295649

>we let it happen
No we didn't. These people live under tyrannical regimes who have power over life and death of these people, if we gave them a trillion dollars hardly any would find it's way towards the very poor in that country.

Logic and ethics often result in unpopular conclusions like this but it's the truth so I'll say it, these people would be better off if we colonized or annexed their country.

>> No.5295661


>These people live under tyrannical regimes

And how do you think those came about?

>> No.5295677


It makes me feel sick when I think about it as well. How is it that a part of the humanity just isn't willing to give up on their stupid culture and traditions to have a better life?

Why should anyone feel sad or guilty because the niggers in Africa are dying? It's not like they're trying to change anything.

>> No.5295681

>implying all Caucasians are the same race
the levels of stupid are amazing. I don't even think all "white people" or "asian people" or "African people" are same race. Ethiopians are as clearly different from Sierra Leoneans as Slavs are from Celts.

>> No.5295683
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>wahh wahh my feelings are hurt!!!

>> No.5295688

Your feelings are hurt because someone calls you edgy?

Now THIS is edgy.

>> No.5295698

Africa is a large continental area with long borders and terrain suited to guerilla warfare it is impossible for a state to prevent warlords and rebels from being resupplied.

The Ethiopian civil war for instance lasted 16 years and is almost directly responsible for the famine that entered popular imagination in the 80s.

>> No.5295719

OP, the ultimate answer to this problem is population control. The carrying capacity for humans on earth is 2 billion. Everyone could eat at 2 billion.

>> No.5295742

>We have split the atom. Built nukes. Visited the moon. Sent satellites to the far reaches of the solar system.

The problem is we as a society have decided that all of that stuff is more important than fixing the problems we have here on Earth. Make no mistake we know what has to be done we just don't really care /that/ much to do it (its penciled in for the next century, maybe) . We know the best way to help the poor and lower the population is to raise people's standard of living through the spread of technology and /effective/ educational programs within impoverished areas inside our nation and beyond. We know that because its been demonstrated in developed nations all over the world.

That's hard work and its easier to do bullshit things playing at real help rather than actually making the systematic changes needed to actually fix these problems on a long term basis (from us and their leadership). There are people in this thread talking about /evolution/ being the issue. This is the shit I'm talking about. We teach our kids that the people starving in the streets are barely human mongrels and their deaths (even if they're children) are as natural as the sun rising. So talking about it as a choice we all tacitly make as a society is bad manners as it breaks the illusion of it being beyond our power to change because its all so very natural.

We don't really care that much because their suffering is so remote and the new iPad mini just came out. It not like their real people anyway.

>> No.5295754


Total bullshit. Starvation in third-world countries has nothing to do with wealth in first-world countries. In addition to overpopulation, they have warlords and corrupt leaders who prevent the law and free market from working.

Overpopulated countries should have a 1-child policy. Of course this goes in opposition to centuries-old myths, so there'll probably just be a Malthusian collapse. Thanks Mohammed and Jesus.

>> No.5295758

>telling people who don't even know what birth-control is to not have sex
yeah ok

>> No.5295770

No. He meant that because they won't stop having sex we should stop sending food to subsidize their anti civilization behavior.

>> No.5295779

This has been going on since the dawn of humanity.

Don't have enough food to feed it? Prepare to let it die.

>> No.5295785

Government corruption and paramilitaries in Africa are a far bigger problem than anything else there.

>> No.5295805

this place sure is fascist

>> No.5295827

Sure is unscientific. Where is your imaginary line between people and animals? Do you think all humanity is special and has a right to be free from the forces of nature. It is not the responsibility of any group to babysit another. There is no such thing as responsibility. People just do things. Animals get hungry and feel pain too. What is the fucking difference?

>> No.5295966

Do you really believe humans are on the same evolutionary path as other animals?
Take into consideration the recent historical brain size changes in primates and tell me evolution fully accounts to that.

We have humans whom make the logical decision to kill themselves. How can you say that's animal behavior?

>> No.5295986

yes. you can compare humans very closely with many termite species.

>> No.5296017

Does Africa have any nuclear weapons? Because if they don't we could just bomb the starving people and those assholes in power, and be done with it.

>> No.5296018

because GMO foods are bad.

>> No.5296033

and you can`t get any money for researching new crops or anything like that. because you can`t sell it.

>> No.5296041

That is just a different aspect of the politics keeping them hungry, not a counter to the politics I originally presented.

>> No.5296052

There is no reason why some people should suffer so other can live comfortably, economics is not a zero-sum game. There is also little exploitation going on. Poverty and hunger are mostly a fault of stupidity and apathy. Not malevolence. There is no evil figure that you can put the blame on.

>> No.5296056

Stop aiding the niggers with all kinds of famine relief etc. Then the free market goes to work, people who can't compete die off, and free market fixed Africa. Would probably take 20 or so years.

>> No.5296067

Niggers have never produced anything on their own. Why should they get help from us?

>> No.5296071

I call coward




>> No.5296095

>H-h-here i go!

I do agree that their overpopulation is a huge issue, though. Even if we were to eliminate hunger, they'd reproduce at such an abundant rate that their children would create an even greater strain on the worlds food resources, causing further issues down the road.

Really what's needed is an approach that combines education, foreign aid, birth control, and construction of infrastructure allowing them to become self sustaining. Throwing money or resources at the problem won't do anything unless it's used in an effective manner.

>> No.5296092

Maybe they should consider not having children since they WONT BE ABLE TO FEED THEM and will now starve because of their parents poor decision.

>> No.5296101

Im not powerful and I want them to be poor and uneducated.

>> No.5296104
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>> No.5296115
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Because Zionists only care about money, and they aren't going to make money by giving it to people who aren't Jewish or Zionists. Especially black ones with really low IQs.

Isn't this obvious by now?

>> No.5296135

Shouldn´t there be a C) along the lines?

>> No.5296140

Those are good ideas and I like them but what I think we should do is perform a mass homicide on all of africa and all of china and india.

No nukes
No poisons
No viruses, bacteria, or parasites

Just hack and slash the entire population and let nature work things make the land healthy again.

Life in the area will THRIVE!

>> No.5296143

>how do i history
the post

>> No.5296146

w-why do they have to drink it directly from the vagina?

>> No.5296150

race is a vague term and doesn't mean shit bro.
also, do you know basic biology? and basic genetics?
I think you dont

>> No.5296165

Because they had no shame until they were introduced to the concept by Jews.

>> No.5296166

are you serious?
you think the little aid they get right now is stopping the free market from working?
There is so little aid that the farmers there still could sell their products, the aid is not stopping them.

>> No.5296171

Pee comes from the urethra, not the vagina, dumbass. Babies come out of the vagina.

>> No.5296189

>Jamal works for 16 hrs a day growing vegetables and wheat to be sold on village market
>on the day of market a Red Cross van comes to the market and shares famine relief with everyone for no cost
>implying this doesn't stop free market