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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5293002 No.5293002 [Reply] [Original]

We just derived this today solving a second derivative in conjunction with the wave formula, and holy shit. So, muo naught and epsilon naught we have been using as constants for magnetism and electricity in just pure space, and have been told they just have to do with the property of space, so to find this out now, I mean holy shit. So, space, which is nothing, still actually is something, as it has properties that effect shit that movies through it, and electromagnetic waves travel through space, which, again, is nothing, yet simultaneously inhibits the waves?

What the fuck

>> No.5293038

Lolfag, it has nothing to do with properties of space. It is about poor choice of units is SI. Thats the cause of appearance of these retarded constants, and electric and magnetic field posessing not just different units, but different dimensionality!

>> No.5293058

didn't you know this already?
Did you really think empty space was ''nothing''?

This will blow your mind then, without the constants of free space, there would be no physical laws.

>> No.5293065

>implying that is possible
>divide by zero

>> No.5293096

welcome to babby physics 201
you are on your way to a legitimate career abusing the math that me and many other mathematicians around the world have created for you to play your "god" game
atleast you arnt a biofag

>> No.5293108


You stupid nigger. That relation is just a result of how you've defined that light as an electric and a magnetic wave.

>> No.5293121

Space isn't "nothing". Every medium, even space, has a characteristic permittivity/permeability to electromagnetic waves which defines the speed at which EM waves propagate through that medium.

>> No.5293132

I must have been mistaken about this board. I thought being /sci/ there would be others here who were fascinated and loved science, who would stand with me in the amazement of our universe and maybe spread knowledge if I were mistaken about something, only because you wished for me to know what you know because of its grandness

Instead I am greeted with people who seem to only want to show off how much they already know, as if it's some sort of bragging contest. What horse shit

>> No.5293131

Does that mean space is travelling at speed c?

mind = blown

>> No.5293146

Holy shit are you butthurt. Most people who responded to your thread already knew that, yes, it's cool, now quit whining and being a bitch and get back to studying.

>people don't react the way you want them to in a thread

>> No.5293157

>wah, people donut liek muh popsci entry level physicx derivation ;_;
Sorry that we have begun to find shit we see EVERY DAY boring.
Trust me, I still find it interesting, but it gets so dull talking about how "amazing science is" when you've discussed the same shit over and over.
Why do you think no one cares about e^ipi anymore?

>> No.5293180

>I am greeted with people who seem to only want to show off how much they already know, as if it's some sort of bragging contest.

Indeed OP you nailed it, this board is mostly made up of this kind of people. Fortunately there are a few who actually enjoy discussion and sharing knowledge.

>> No.5293193

Just because we don't lose our shit every time someone posts something they learned in class doesn't mean we don't consider it to be a remarkable or profound result

>> No.5293204

>Instead I am greeted with people who seem to only want to show off how much they already know, as if it's some sort of bragging contest. What horse shit

Babby's first day on /sci/?

>> No.5293219


My physics professor, who's over 80 years old, still gets excited about this stuff. Myself, I get excited talking about how no matter how much surface of an object is touching a surface, it'll have the same amount of friction between it, despite it being something I found out a good 6 years ago. Hell, I get excited about the leidenfrost effect, and I learned that even some time before the friction thing. Are you guys so jaded?

>> No.5293229

so what really are permitivity and permeability?
im bout to get my bachelors in physics and i still dont understand this well enough :|

>> No.5293235

>Look this old guy from my nameless university likes teaching the same shit over and over again
Those who can do
Those who can't teach
then again
>implying most on /sci/ can do anything past this

>> No.5293256

(not op) fuck you dude, im at michigan state, we got one of the best nuclear programs in america and my solid state prof every lecture gets excited to where he's sweating by the end of the lecture. fuck your generalities

>> No.5293287 [DELETED] 

Think of it like a measure of resistance to EM fields.

>> No.5293289


Alright, just shut the hell up. My professor has done tons of research involving solid state physics, as well as studying harvesting energy from putting enough energy through a wire that it becomes plasma, right now he's working on medical technology with optics. Not sure what incredibly shitty school you go to where your professors do not care enough about their field of study to not do any research or apparently get excited about it at all

And besides, teaching is important

>> No.5293301

Think of it like a measure of resistance to the propagation EM fields through a medium.

>> No.5293303
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This is cool, but I really don't have too much else to say about it

>> No.5293317

well i get that but whats causing the resistance, is it the time from when a photon excites an electron it encounters to then wait to be re-emmited?