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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.11 MB, 2747x1450, Evolution Myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5292082 No.5292082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why dont you believe in creationism?

>> No.5292088
File: 103 KB, 785x594, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lub these thrads

>> No.5292099

except im not joking
there is no way to explain these things in a evolutionary worldview

>> No.5292101

i just want people to come to jesus

>> No.5292107


>> No.5292112

i like you to all be my fellows in the crunch of the lord Jesus.
we are a bunch of innocent peoples.
if only you surrender your reason to us you will live a happy life.

>> No.5292114

ok how do you reason those skeletons into your world

>> No.5292118

Age of the earth
101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe

>> No.5292120

you don't, that's the beauty of this...

>> No.5292124

oh i thought you were sarcastic :D

>> No.5292125 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 631x755, feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If god is real, then why doesn't he want me to have gf?
If evolution is true, then why did women evolve to not be my gf?

checkmate, christians and atheists

>> No.5292129

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292125[/spoiler]
>god hates you/us
>we are a step back in evolution

>> No.5292131

How many of you think those giant bones were planted ?

>> No.5292137

2 of us.
discuss that!

>> No.5292140 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 375x523, feel card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would god hate me? If he hated me, then why did he make me so perfect? I am perfect in every aspect except for having a gf.

When will women evolve to be attracted to inteligence?

>> No.5292143

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292140[/spoiler]
you are no perfect if you need a gf to be complete

>> No.5292145 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 600x600, feel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get gf?

>> No.5292147

>/Sci/ rule 3: No religion versus science threads.

>> No.5292148 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 790x773, feel drowning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ rule 4: no gf

>> No.5292149

This isnt religion this is science

I am showing you how your theory is a myth and that biblical creationism has a better explanation

>> No.5292151

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292145[/spoiler]

Call a prostitute, practice, build confidence, try it on other girls.

>> No.5292153

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292145[/spoiler]
plenty of women go to hell, ¿do you even consider a hero action?

>> No.5292154 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 640x516, feel limit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not want sex. I want love.

>> No.5292156

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292148[/spoiler]
>4chan global rule 10: No spamming or flooding of any kind.

And that includes you spamming those silly sadfaces everywhere.

>> No.5292160 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 320x316, feel or no feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger, I tried to an hero. It wasn't successful.

>> No.5292161

Creationism is not science.
Creationism is not permitted on /sci/; it is against the rule.

A prostitute is completely different from a girlfriend.

>> No.5292162

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292160[/spoiler]

You gotta call a prostitute

>> No.5292164 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 633x758, feel with glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not post them everywhere. Only in this thread. The rule you meant to quote it global rule 13 btw.

>> No.5292165


what denomination are you.. so I can tell you why you are a Heretic. I am very good at this.

>> No.5292169 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 390x391, feel_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can a prostitute do for me? I find sex disgusting. All I want is love. You cannot buy love.

>> No.5292170

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292160[/spoiler]
man, you fail to be a hero?
try again...

>> No.5292173

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292169[/spoiler]

Call a prostitute.

>> No.5292175

Because I am not a believer.

>> No.5292177

i am what you can call a retard

>> No.5292179

why not
creation is a fact

>> No.5292180 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 857x922, feel driving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am too scared of failing again.

Only a waste of time and money.

>> No.5292182

Because sky wizard.

>> No.5292184

If creation is true. Then why god created nigger, sandniggers and brownniggers?

>> No.5292185 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 900x850, feelgrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't god create a gf for me? How can I make him do this?

>> No.5292187
File: 30 KB, 450x232, 0055_12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believeing in EVIL-lution
i seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.5292189

Because: evolution

>> No.5292190

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292185[/spoiler]
Call a prostitute.

>> No.5292191 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 480x360, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't women evolve to be attracted to intelligence?

>> No.5292195

don't do this, it's a sin.
go to church and find a good christian lady to marry.

>> No.5292196 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 173x200, feel roman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a prostitute help me find gf?

How can I find gf in church?

>> No.5292197

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292191[/spoiler]
Because they meet you...
i say it again: be a hero. clean the genetic pool for our sake

>> No.5292204

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292196[/spoiler]
there should be some sort of club for single christians or young christians that you can attend. look for a friendly woman with qualities like loyalty, obedience, good cooking skills, etc. these traits are common among christian women. then ask her out for coffee or something.

>> No.5292209 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 960x696, feel not again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what my mom always said.

I can't attend any clubs. I cannot communicate with other people.

>> No.5292212

It is not your girlfriends job to be 'obedient' and to cook for you.
Men can also cook, and housework should be divided equally.

>> No.5292214 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 688x500, feel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can cook and do the housework. Are you female? Do you want to be my gf?

>> No.5292216

No. It inverts nature.

>> No.5292217

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5292209[/spoiler]
pray for god to help you communicate with people. moses was a stutterer but god helped him find the words to speak to pharaoh. you just need to believe in god first and renounce any false beliefs you might have like darwinism, UFOs or atheism. then god will hear you.

>> No.5292219

Why don't you believe in THOSE FEEL SONGS

















>> No.5292221

>It is not your girlfriends job to be 'obedient' and to cook for you.
>Men can also cook, and housework should be divided equally.
and you guys wonder why atheists can't get girlfriends? women don't want equality, they want someone to provide for them and protect them.

>> No.5292226


10/10 im mad

>> No.5292227 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 456x384, feel strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make sure it works? It's really urgent.

Thank you for that song. My feels are indeed very strong.

How do I provide and proctect?

>> No.5292235

>How can I make sure it works? It's really urgent.
it will, just trust in god.

>How do I provide and proctect?
get a job, lift weights, pray.

>> No.5292251

yes. it is the will of god for the needs of brothers in christ to be placed before those of our sisters in christ.

>> No.5292260

You are clearly trolling, and are probably not even religious.
Do it elsewhere.


>> No.5292257

i wouldnt worry about a gf, get right with jesus because
the rapture is coming


>> No.5292259


It's like that ugly alien girl whatever she is called, nothing strange about that


>47 inch bone
Proven fake countless of times

>extraterrestrial mummy

How the hell would that prove creationism?



>> No.5292269

Watch out, guys. We're dealing with a genius over here. It took him only 60 posts to consider the possibility that religion threads on 4chan are made by non-religious trolls. What other deep insights did you gain? Please share your widsom.

>> No.5292282

ok, lets close this tread
(and maybe be banned in the process)


>> No.5292287



>> No.5292288
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2160, wall_draft4_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything that disagrees with me is fake

>> No.5292299

why good don't let me triforce??


>> No.5292313


>> No.5292368


>> No.5292380


>> No.5292395

this is shit since no referance or scientific approval

Why not believe in creationism? cause i am not ashamed to say i dont know, and i am not stupid or arrogant enough to explain things i dont know with god.

>> No.5292414

well if you are willing to renounce evolution then creation is about the only theory we got left

this is the scientific process in action

>> No.5292428

no, you know shit about science. if you renounce evolution, you search for an other one. until a theory is proved, you simply say "i dont know". you dont make up stories.

>> No.5292446

but it has been proven and its not made up

101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe

if the earth is really 6,000 years old then you have got to wonder, hey maybe this book that billions of people adhere to has something to it

>> No.5292449

>somebody posts this or an equivalent thread at least once a day, if not more often
>people still respond to it

>> No.5292455

you dont know shit about what is proven or not too. plus this only claims that earth is 6000 years old. it doesnt proves god. prove me god.

>> No.5292458

the same reason you wrote that... why did you do it?

>> No.5292466

>it doesnt proves god
ya it pretty much does

>> No.5292470

it proves i am wrong, but that doesnt mean you are right. and i am right.

>> No.5292476


just read . you got every answer for your questions about how science is right

>> No.5292483

and you see, the part says "references". if you claim something, you should have that part.

>> No.5292493

radiometric dating is a joke
they only use the dates that go along with evolution

>> No.5292501

i am curious, how do you prove god with this? lets say i am wrong, how does that makes you right? there is no need for a god, maybe an other intelligent being like us created an other universe, or it created itself with no reason. How can you say it is the gods work? Are you that arrogant, cant you say "i dont know how we came here"?

>> No.5292505

by the way "Note that young-Earthers cannot accuse us of selective use of data -- the above table includes a significant fraction of all meteorites on which isotope dating has been attempted. According to Dalrymple (1991, p. 286) , less than 100 meteorites have been subjected to isotope dating, and of those about 70 yield ages with low analytical error."

>> No.5292512
File: 291 KB, 474x684, PicsArt_1353960178130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh God, let's accept creationism and end the energy crisis forever

>> No.5292532
File: 13 KB, 224x184, bible6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well no because the bible is fully consistent with the world and inerrant , like how the bible talks about those nephilim giants that were actually found , all the prophecy is true too

heres my favorite doc that should convert a lot of people

>> No.5292537

so you say bible is right, because of an internet site scientificly rubbish and wrong.

>> No.5292540

scientists are just people you know

>> No.5292544

I dont believe in creationism because i am a sane human being.

>> No.5292546

thats why i didnt say "scientist think it is rubbish and wrong" but i said "scientifically". Science is not subjective, so anyone opinion or feelings doesnt matter. Thats why it is accurate.

>> No.5292547

By taking this obvious troll thread serious you proved that you're not a sane human being.

>> No.5292548

and also science uses math... if one apple and an other apple makes two apples, creationism is wrong.

>> No.5292550

unsaved people don't believe in creationism because it is too radical to think that everything happened in just 6 days about 6,000 years ago. that means that their lifetime is actually a significant portion of the lifetime of the universe so far, and has implications as to how quicky things can change.

many of the lost also have faith in mankind's ability to determine the origins and the workings of the universe without "resorting" to a God of any sort.

this faith in mankind is counter-intuitive, misplaced, and false.

>> No.5292553

>my opinion is automatically accurate if we just call it science

>> No.5292554

>non sequitur

>> No.5292558

to call it science, you have to prove it scientifically. Which part dont you understand

>> No.5292562

the part where you claim to have scientific proof of science itself

>> No.5292566

the part where you mistake your opinions for science

>> No.5292567

does not creation infer a Creator? how would a "sane" person discount that inference?

>> No.5292568

Let's make something clear. If you say something is right, you are the one who needs to prove it. I even have prove that bible is just a geology book. It is no radical, it is arrogant and stupid, like you guys.

>> No.5292569

But you dont prove it

The people at the top dictate what will be taught in the schools

Dr hovind defeats an entire room of evolutionists here and shows how theyre being lied to in every single example of evidence for evolution

>> No.5292572

you know they don't have some super secret test for the meteorites themselves, right? there's no black box that you can input meteorite ==> output age?

no, the sheer number of false assumptions that dog radiometric dating also showed the world that carbon dating was not evolution-friendly

>> No.5292574

who said there is a creation

>> No.5292576

Jesus said He was God. He performed many miracles, fulfilled over 300 prophecies, and rose from the dead, cementing His claim to being God, and the Son of God.

Jesus is the One Who made the claim, and He provided ample evidence to back up His claim.

all i've done is to take God at His Word, which to me seems to be a quite logical thing to do

>> No.5292579

Are you unaware of your own existence?

>> No.5292580

i am not gonna spend 2 hours on a video, just tell me his argument.
Cause carbon dating is not that accurate as you think. carbon dating can only give thousands of years. But thankfully it is not the only method.

>> No.5292584

Yes i am. So? I am really curious how are you gonna explain it.

>> No.5292585


that guy got told by people who knew their shit so many times it isnt funny anymore

>> No.5292587

And yet, for decades, it was "proof" that the bible was wrong, and inaccurate, and not a valid scientific source of information.

Are you aware that every single carbon dating test on organic matter shows C14? And if every single carbon dating test shows C14, that all organic life is necessarily less than 100,000 years old?

i'm not pidgin OP, but pidgin OP is right; evolutionists have cherry-picked assumptions, tests, and theories and have excluded all evidence to the contrary.

there are actually dozens, if not hundreds, of young earth creationists providing a much more holistic approach to dating the earth

>> No.5292596

Hold a mirror up to your mouth for 2 minutes. If it fogs at any point, you are alive. If you have a soul, you will wonder whether or not you have a soul. If you have a soul, you will take steps to protect it. If you want to protect your soul, you will ditch science, which has no answers, and seek spiritual answers. If you had the time to sift through all of them, you would still pick Jesus of Nazareth.

so save yourself some time and pick Jesus of Nazareth to save your soul today; you are not promised tomorrow.

>> No.5292597

> pidgin OP


>> No.5292598

again, c14 is not the tecnique that scientists use. You claim that it is. But it is not.

>> No.5292600

i'll see you in heaven brother :P

>> No.5292611

it was. for decades. proof that the bible was wrong via carbon dating. except that once carbon dating was refined, and dissected, and tested such bizzarre things as one deer antler being 10000 years older than the other deer antler, the evolutionists gave up on it.

the evolutionists have also kind of given up on evolution; it's just taking a while to formulate a new lie.

evolution is dead, by darwin's own hand; should the past 150 years of discovery be rationally viewed, there exists no evidence for macro-evolution whatsoever. only natural selection; adaptation; and breeding.

robust creation is robust.

>> No.5292615

>If you have a soul, you will wonder whether or not you have a soul.
First of all, how can you claim that soul is real. I dont believe in soul prove it...
>science, which has no answers
yes it does. Like i showed above.
> you are not promised tomorrow.
So i should believe in jesus to save my ass? Is that why you believe? isnt that dishonest?

>> No.5292625

>...the evolutionists gave up on it.
Which ones? I dont see any? The thing you are not understanding is, scientists are not trying to disprove religion or wants to make evolution real. They are just saying what scientific proof shows them. If one that it shows that bible is right, they will believe. But until then..

>> No.5292627

religion is equally valid as an explanation, therefore this topic is science

>> No.5292630

Take your highschool diploma and get the fuck out. This has nothing to do with science or math, this is just a shitty discussion thread that can be done at reddit

>> No.5292636

as an atheist, yes it does. "A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics, a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory.
Richard Dawkins "

>> No.5292640

>And yet, for decades, it was "proof" that the bible was wrong, and inaccurate, and not a valid scientific source of information.
No carbon dating is not evidence of the age of earth, but it can prove it is older than 6000 years.
>you aware that every single carbon dating test on organic matter shows C14? And if every single carbon dating test shows C14, that all organic life is necessarily less than 100,000 years old?
All organic matter? Yes. Too bad fossiles and everything that is actually old isn't organic, it's completly mineralized. Besides c14 is created down on earth too when in the presence of beta decaying radioactive matter. It doesn't matter at large quantities of c14 but at small quantities the creation and decay can take eachother out.

>> No.5292641

you can believe in Jesus for any reason you want; you can treat Him as a fire insurance salesman, or you can realize He made you just the way you are, loves you just the way you are, and wants you to live in heaven forever in a glorified body with unlimited potential.

i have no delusions that i can mock Jesus, or get over on Jesus, or head fake Jesus on anything. He is God.

>> No.5292645

Do your trolling at /b/. You aren't nearly intelligent enough to troll successfully on /sci/

>> No.5292652

i have no doubt that every single human being will come to the same conclusion that i have, and that millions of christians have: that Jesus is God, and that He is alive

question is, at what point in your development will you realize this? now, when you can be saved by His grace, just for the asking? later, when believing in Jesus will cost you your head? after you die, when all choice is gone?

do a cost benefit analyis. buy fire insurance. do something different, because right now you are headed for an eternal lake of fire, and you simply do not have to go there.

you deserve to, as i do, but you are being offered a pardon, as i was.

take it, as i did, and live

>> No.5292649

The delusion is to believe in supernatural forces unless there is proff. religion cant be its own proof or reason. Grow up.

>> No.5292656

If he is real and everything... I will be happy to be tortured in hell for eternity. I wouldnt obey something this evil and unrighteous.

>> No.5292660


But Jesus wasn't God, Jesus was Jesus. At least that's what I derived from the Bible.

>> No.5292666

He got more than 100 replies. /sci/ is the board where "trolling" requires the least effort. The most retarded shitposting is more effective than an elaborate hoax. We might have the most intelligent posters on /sci/ who know weirdest theoretical physics theories, but we also have the most retarded cretins. Even on /b/ dull and uncreative shit gets ignored. On /sci/ there's always a bunch of retards falling for the most obvious crap. Can you imagine that people ITT take the OP serious? Well you don't need to imagine, you can see it for yourself. Those people are the lowest forms of life one can think of. It's a miracle they are even capable of breathing.

>> No.5292668

no, no it cannot, and for one simple reason: starting conditions

carbon dating assumes saturation at origin, which is simply not the same as the young earth creation assumption, which is a clean start. so day 1, no C14; sun shines, hits N14, makes C14, rinse and repeat, until there is enough atmospheric C14 to be ingested by plants, which are then ingested by animals.

so if you tested a deer on Year 5, it might show no C14 at all

a deer on Year 1000 might show significant levels, but with your assumption of saturation, it would be wildly over-estimated.

nothing proves that the bible is wrong, and nothing ever has. people can lie about it, but the bible stands.

>> No.5292677

nothing even needs to prove it is wrong, you are the one who needs to prove it is right. thats simple.

>> No.5292675

fossils actually are not completely mineralized, and if tested, show C14.

>> No.5292678

i don't think i've said anything about "religion", only about Jesus and the Creator, Who are One and the Same

>> No.5292682

why do you impute evil and wrongness to God, and not to mankind and angelkind? if you look honestly at Jesus, you will find no flaw, no sin, no ill, no wrongness whatsoever; only a desire to seek and save those who are lost

>> No.5292687


Can you back up your claim that Jesus and the Creator are one and the same?

>> No.5292688

it doesnt matter, they are not organic anymore, thats the point. do we have to explain everything one by one?

>> No.5292694

Jesus said I and the Father are One; Jesus said if you see Me, you have seen the Father; Jesus said He is the I AM, the tetragrammaton. it is why He was given the death sentence; He claimed to be God; to forgive sin; to be the Messiah, the Savior of all mankind, first to the Jews, and then to the Greeks

>> No.5292700

Cause there are children starving in africa with no reason for example. Cause there are babies raped and left to die. Cause there are war anytime. Cause he didnt give anything to make a sane person believe in himself. Cause a man just lost all of his familt in our neigbourhood and killed himself... I could have done a better job if i wanted to test people.

>> No.5292697

Jesus proved it right; it's not me v. you, it's you v. God

good luck with that

>> No.5292701

i can. can you suddenly become aware of the inerrant accuracy of the scriptures?

>> No.5292702

Every video in this channel is absolute proof of god


>> No.5292710

Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

>> No.5292713

there remains organic residuals; not all of the organic materials have been replaced by mineralization in all cases

>> No.5292712

Every video in this channel is absolute proof of how pathetic you guys.

>> No.5292716

So bible proves itself... how smart. So i have a book tells that i created the world. It is right cause the book says so. It also says that i came to world just to experience it in human form. OBEY ME MINIONS

>> No.5292717

>Without oxygen however, harmful rays in sunlight would be fatal to these building blocks of life!

>> No.5292720

Satan and man caused all of this
You have to get the whole story in context
God is a loving god


>> No.5292721

>believe a book
>do not believe other books

religion in a nutshell

>> No.5292722

how would you have done anything differently if your goal was to create free agents with real choices and a reality where cause and effect is in place? where right and wrong exist? where good and evil are locked in mortal combat?

>> No.5292724

no. Look how easy to say things with no scientific backup. If you really wanna argue, just prove us that "not all of the organic materials have been replaced by mineralization in all cases"

>> No.5292729

or to show us that He actually does understand what you're going through; that He was actually tempted by the same things you're tempted by, yet He did not sin, not once

only Jesus did life on hardmode; everybody else in this age of grace is on easy mode. and if you fail easy mode, expect an incinerator

>> No.5292738

believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God; even an illiterate shepherd could do this. it's made much easier in that He implanted you with His laws in your heart, and gave you a conscience to tell right from wrong, and a soul that longs for something better than this broken world.

everything you want is in Jesus' purview to give, and give abundantly

>> No.5292740

The book i have say that i did not sin once to. I bet jesus killed an ant by accident. I dont even wear clothes or eat food, just to give other people. What about Jesus?

>> No.5292755

>carbon dating assumes saturation at origin
No they don't. They don't assume saturation at either the orgin of the universe or the orgin of the earth.

They do assume saturation 6000 years ago, because life would have existed already for millions of years; SOMETHING THAT IS PROVABLE THROUGH OTHER MEANS THAN C14 DATING.

Lets look at your assunption; c14 starting at 0 at year -6000 to approach current concentration.

Does that correspond with the rate at which c14 would be created? If not; which rate would be required? Would the sun have to shine 1000times more, 1000times less?

If your theory was right, it would be very easy to prove. Everything would fit perfectly into the pattern.

>> No.5292760

Publishing in the online journal PLoS ONE, researchers speculated that the chitin was buried in mud where there was no oxygen and perhaps very few bacteria.1 But multiple experiments have shown that bacteria living in deep mud and without oxygen readily use organic molecules as food sources. For example, one investigator sealed modern lobsters—which have an exoskeleton made of chitin—into jars of water and mud. The result:

Decay processes were active in the experimental conditions despite anoxia [lack of oxygen] and had virtually destroyed the carcasses within 25 weeks.…The results clearly show that anoxia is ineffective as a long-term conservation medium in the preservation of soft-bodied fossils.2

The lobster experiments were performed in fresh water, salt water, and brackish water. And yet despite the lack of oxygen, the lobsters' bodies had decayed in just weeks.

>> No.5292763


Weaver, P. G. et al. 2011. Characterization of Organics Consistent with β-Chitin Preserved in the Late Eocene Cuttlefish Mississaepia mississippiensis. PLoS ONE. 6 (11): e28195.

>> No.5292765


Why has jesus not given everyone the ability to tell right from wrong?

Jesus sounds like a douche to me.

>> No.5292767


>> No.5292769


>> No.5292776

He did. unfortunately, that sense can be dulled, seared, and eventually decimated by repeated acts of sin and/or heinous acts of repeated violence.

mankind is utterly depraved

>> No.5292781

So... fossiles don't exist/fossiles were never animals/Fossiles are less that 25weeks old?

What conclusion should we draw based on this?

>> No.5292786

organic fossils, including from T-Rex:


>> No.5292789

that fossils assumed to be millions of years old are in fact less than 6000 years old, in all cases

>> No.5292791

Isn't this considered shitposting... Really, this is /sci/, not /pseudosci/ or /fuckingopinionsbasedonbollockssci/

>> No.5292795

He's funnier than anyone you've ever met
He's richer than anyone you've ever met
He's more artistic than anyone you've ever met
He's more generous than anyone you've ever met
He's more sincere than anyone you've ever met
He's kinder than anyone you've ever met


>> No.5292800





>> No.5292802

they found T-Rex bones with connective tissue intact; how is this possible, if dinosaurs all went extinct 63,000,000 years ago?

sounds like science has some catching up to do

>> No.5292816

actually, the hydropressure and suddenness of the Great Flood created most of the fossils you see today; most of them were living creatures at the bottom of the ocean, and a world of silt settled down on them, preserving them intact.

most things on land were utterly torn asunder.

the Flood also answers such questions as why are there layers of sedimentary rock (dried mud) all over the earth? why are there sea creature fossils on top of mountains? what effect did 6000 feet of water have on radiocarbon emissions, or other radiometric emissions?

the list goes on and on and on and on

>> No.5292821

I agree. The Koran truly has all the answers to life.

>> No.5292846

and yet, it does not; it is the cribbings and ravings of a possessed lunatic who worshipped a minor canaanite moon goddess named allah

you'll be able to tell the difference one day

>> No.5292848

The interaction between aragonite and chitin would have provided additional stability to this already durable organic material.
Furthermore, the researchers noted that the cuttlefish was buried in a low-oxygen environment, which would have prevented the oxidative degradation of the chitin. They also pointed out that the clay and other inorganic materials that buried the cuttlefish would have deactivated the chitinases, thus preventing bacterial degradation.
In other words, chitin’s chemical nature, coupled with the burial and fossilization environment, explains why it survived 35 million years. It is also worth noting that the researchers did observe that some degradation of the chitin had taken place.
The bottom line: The recovery of 35-million-year-old chitin in no way undermines the scientifically determined age of the Earth, nor does it provide any genuine support for young-earth creationism.
1. Brian Thomas, “Fossil Cuttlefish Has Original Tissue,” Institute for Creation Research, posted December 14, 2011, http://www.icr.org/article/6509/..
2. Patricia G. Weaver et al., “Characterization of Organics Consistent with β–Chitin Preserved in the Late Eocene Cuttlefish Mississaepia mississippiensis,” PLoS One 6 (November 2011): e28195, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028195.

>> No.5292854

That doesn't make sense, if they can mineralize they can last for millions of years. If they can not fossiles wouldn't exist. Why do they exist?

>> No.5292855

Why cant any of the believers disprove me?

>> No.5292864

What happened to all the anaerobic bacteria that should have been in that silt? They should have eaten the carcass.

>> No.5292867

Do I actually have to explain this to you...

No I don't think I do. Take a biology 101 class or something, and leave us be.

>> No.5292868


>> No.5292875

35 million years dude
35 million years
think about it for one moment; even chitin lasting, what, 1,000 years? 2,000 years? would be odd?
but 35 million years, based on such vagaries as they put forth?

do you believe them?

>> No.5292880

it's not the fossils existing; it's the organic material such as veins, cartilege, actual bone, not mineralized bone, etc., that are supposed to be 35-63,000,000 years old

soft tissue. 35,000,000 years old. think about it.

>> No.5292879

i dont "believe" anything. I know them. Welcome to science.

>> No.5292887

when did science develop into a religion? KNOW? how silly.

>> No.5292893

The chemical stability of organic substances varies considerably. Some organic materials remain remarkably robust—chitin is one of them.

>> No.5292898

no it is not. religions are "belief" systems, not "knowledge" systems. Science is a tecnique to understand universe.

>> No.5292903

Find diamond that c14 dates as 60000 years old
c14 is flawed in this case, but even if you assume it were not all it proves is that the earth is 60000 years old or MORE, not less.

Soft bodied organisms get eaten by bacteria long before they mineralize, why do fossils exist?
It's explainable, after all; It has to be. We know there are fossiles of them I have one right here.

>> No.5292913
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bring it on, religious young earth creationists! You got any more arguments for me to disprove?

>> No.5292914

Everything is very carefully explained in the studies that examine these findings. If you actually read the studies quoted on those creationist websites you'll find out. Some proteins crystallize, some things they claim is organic is actually fossilised matter other than bone.

>> No.5292923

How do you solve infinite regression?

>> No.5292934

I dont. Just because i cant solve something, doesnt give me the right to make up something or believe in something which has no proof. If someone does, she/he is arrogant and fool.

>> No.5292939

God would either be an infinite casual chain, or a casual loop. If we assume that infinite regression is indeed impossble; God is impossible.

I do not believe infinite regression is impossible, or that it doesn't apply in the type of existance that were before the big bang.

>> No.5292952

in addition:
regress is "an attempt to solve a problem which re-introduced the same problem in the proposed solution. If one continues along the same lines, the initial problem will recur infinitely and will never be solved. Not all regresses, however, are vicious."

does that sound familiar?
>god is real cause bible says so
>bible is real cause it is the word of god

>> No.5292956

i dont think these philosophical arguments are too relevant anymore

theres a skull with horns right in the OP for crying out loud

>> No.5292959

>If we assume that infinite regression is indeed impossble; God is impossible.

The conclusion does not follow from your initial statement.

T(1), the first instant of our universe. Is defined. God exists outside of our universe. Therefore God does not follow a causal relation with time.

>> No.5292963

atheists are very good at copying + pasting other peoples arguments which completely ignore the question.

You're doing the same thing.

>> No.5292965

SHIT i didnt see that... well hmm that cant be man made cause, c14 and stuff. can it be a "coincidence"? well no it cant be. Oh MY GOD

>> No.5292968

well just because i copied something, doesnt make it wrong. I am not a scientist but clever enough to understand it.

>> No.5292970

even if it was man made the one next to it isnt

>> No.5292973

If you agree that the infinite regression arguement is only valid in the universe, what are we arguing about? I don't disagree that the cause of the universe is outside of the universe, I disagree that the cause of the universe is the first cause.

>> No.5292976
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its not a conspiracy to say that these top skulls arent even human skulls

>> No.5292978

You're ignoring my question with "hurr durr bible exists therefore god does not".

How can the Universe exist at all? You cannot answer this. You're simply deflecting. I'm almost 90% sure you just googled 'regression argument counter points'.

>> No.5292983

I DONT KNOW. thats simple. I DONT KNOW. why its hard for you to accept it. but i am trying to understand it. day by day we are getting close to solve this problem. but for now I DONT KNOW as i said 1000 times before. Just like i didnt know how friction works before 20000 years.

>> No.5292984

So you're saying whatever caused the universe to 'spontaneously' come into existence has always and will always exist outside of our universe.

How does the impossibility of God follow from this?
Oh, right, you don't really know what you're talking about.

>> No.5292991

wow that looks like solid evidence. does anyone have a guide like "christianity 101"? do i have to wear a cross?

>> No.5292987

the existence of God flows from that, logically speaking, if we can agree to call God any entity that can create universes

>> No.5292990

I know you don't know but you said you DO KNOW that god doesn't exist. When infact, nothing you have said has supported your initial argument.

Do you see what i'm saying?

>> No.5292995

Check, mate.

>> No.5292996


It's not unreasonable to say they are either homonids or fakes. Who has them?

>> No.5292999

YOU are the one who needs to prove god, we dont have to disprove it. If something doesnt disproves god, it doesnt proves it either. I mean... i am speachless.

>> No.5293000

dude, no offense, but carefully crafted lies (oh, it wasn't really organic material; it just appeared that it could have been organic material that crystalized) isn't a refutation of anything, much less of young earth creationism.

go for the truth, not the carefully crafted lie. it's easy to tell one from the other; the truth does not change constantly

>> No.5293003

say "Jesus is Lord" out loud and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you will be saved.

that's it.

>> No.5293004

I'm not trying to prove or disprove anyting.

He claimed to know that God is impossible because of causality (which is 100% logically ignorant). If you'd bother to read i'm sure you could muster some speech instead of typing away.

>> No.5293007

that logic accepts that everything has a reason. Which is wrong as the you thing the bigbang is a loop and universe was never created, but it was ALWAYS there. with NO REASON

>> No.5293013

the bible does not even attempt to prove to you that God exists; His existence has been made manifest in the heavens and on the earth.

your willing refusal to acknowledge God is your problem, not God's. God has done enough.

>> No.5293014


Really? Where does it say that in the bible?

>> No.5293016 [DELETED] 
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not fakes
theres tons of them

>> No.5293017

no, only God has always been; the universe is a created thing

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

>> No.5293018

It doesn't. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Just like 80-90% of atheists.

>> No.5293019

dunno what this threads tries to achieve. Obviousely christians are so horribly wrong it hurts me. They keep talking about a god, a single being, and still claiming he consists of three parts. The way of buddism is the only true one. Many people will never realize this, but its never too late. Free your mind and start reading up on buddism..

>> No.5293020

>So you're saying whatever caused the universe to 'spontaneously' come into existence has always and will always exist outside of our universe.
The term always lacks a meaning if we assume there is no time outside the universe, but essentially yes it's a valid possibility.

Mind you there are other arguments that don't require anything outside the universe either Since the big bang created time it would not have a cause in respect to time either.

>How does the impossibility of God follow from this?
When have I claimed that it is impossible? I claim that it is not necessary.
>Oh, right, you don't really know what you're talking about.
unecessary and childish.

>> No.5293026

no it does refute, cause:
1)argonite does provide additional stability
2) low-oxygen environment, can prevent the oxidative degradation of the chitin.
3) researchers did observe that some degradation of the chitin had taken place.

and i have references. Where are lies?

>> No.5293021

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5293016[/spoiler]
yeah, and there's a bunch of africans who put a series of gold necklaces extending the necks of their women, and there's chinese women with bound feet

keep thinking aliens tho; only maybe start thinking interdimensional aliens like God and the angels, and not interplanetary aliens like ET

>> No.5293023

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5293016[/spoiler]

'boarded' skulls from central and south america

>> No.5293028

Romans 10:9: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

>> No.5293029 [DELETED] 
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that doesnt even make sense for some of them

bounding cant increase the length only move the position

>> No.5293032

Romans 10:9

>> No.5293033

>So you're saying whatever caused the universe to 'spontaneously' come into existence has always and will always exist outside of our universe.

No i am saying it is possible too, unless you cant prove your argument, mine is as logical as yours.

>> No.5293036

a cube is comprised of six equal squares, is it not? and yet it is one cube?

>> No.5293039

>So you're saying whatever caused the universe to 'spontaneously' come into existence has always and will always exist outside of our universe.

in addition to: >>5293033
still you are saying ther is a "cause". i am saying "WHAT IF THERE IS NO CAUSE" . is that really hard to understand.

>> No.5293044

Alright, this is true. It does not necessarily imply the existence of a divine creator if and only if time only exists inside of our universe. But then matter and space (as time / space are really the same thing) only exist inside of our universe.

So whatever caused our universe cannot be made of the same 'stuff' if you will, because if it was, there would also be a t(1) at this higher level.

It guess its foolish to attempt to understand -- but it's fun to conjecture. Does this make sense?

>> No.5293041

1/10 cause i read it

>> No.5293042


>> No.5293043

>mine is as logical as yours.
Yes it is. It's just not scientific and neither is mine.

Some people claim infinite regression somehow proves that God HAS to exist, I reject that.

>> No.5293046

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5293029[/spoiler]
them bitches got long necks now yo; take off the necklaces, and they can't hold their heads up

>> No.5293049

what if my aunt had balls? then she'd be my uncle, right?

>> No.5293051

and i utterly reject the notion that empirical science can, or even claims to, approach the level of proof necessary to prove supernatural deities

>> No.5293054

Most people argue that everything has a cause. If I ask them who created god they'll answer "He created himself" or "He has always been". Both are causes.

But I do not regect the argument that this could possibly not apply outside the universe.

>> No.5293055

it is funny that the part you quoted doesnt have any of those words... Also yes it can may bla bla, EVEN if there are possibilities like those, your argument is false. YOU are the ones who needs to make a solid argument that cant be disproved.

>> No.5293060

If there is no cause at all...

so for no reason at all everything sprang into existence from literally NOTHING. Not even a void. Not even a lack - of - space. Out of complete non-existence everything just sprang up...

I mean, I guess that makes sense?

>> No.5293061
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>> No.5293064
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>> No.5293066

You are free to think that way. But let me remind you that doesnt make it true.
yarım saattir senle mi konusuyom ben allahın cahili

>> No.5293068
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>> No.5293070

I dont know, it sounds stupid right? just as stupid as god created the universe.

>> No.5293072
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>/sci/ in charge of not responding to creationism trolling

>> No.5293073

Not outside the universe, no. But they can prove whether or not they have any effect on the world.

>> No.5293075
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>> No.5293078
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>> No.5293079

God revealed Himself as the Great I Am That I Am; a being with no beginning and no end

if you have an authority higher than God to refute that, you are delusional

>> No.5293081
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le lagrangian face checking the dubs

>> No.5293086

I think, in these arguments it is better to attack a position from a logical, rather then theological standpoint as most laypeople do not understand theology whatsoever.

>> No.5293087
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If only I would get doubs the quality of this thread would instantly triple!

>> No.5293088
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dubs incoming

>> No.5293091
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>> No.5293093
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>> No.5293094


>> No.5293099
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>> No.5293101
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>> No.5293110
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we should turn every religion thread into a dubs thread. they are much more fun.

>> No.5293120

If 0 god exists

>> No.5293116
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>> No.5293125

storm of shit

>> No.5293128

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

>> No.5293137

no offense, but actual, real scientists do not claim to have the ability to prove or disprove God; science has punted on the question and has assumed a much smaller intellectual footprint covering only naturalistic questions and answers.

out of such naturalism supernatural things do not compute

>> No.5293138

Hitler did nothing wrong

My 8 confirms it

>> No.5293143

God creating the universe does not sound stupid at all

>> No.5293139

>in the beginning, I, annon, created the universe then god.

>> No.5293149

and yet, is logic sufficient when we're dealing with omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent deity?

>> No.5293150

i said "as stupid as".

if a guy is "as short as" a giant, he is not short.

>> No.5293152

what an evil universe anon would make

>> No.5293155

without using one of the scripts that automatically loads each page of a board, and then refreshes repeatedly to tabulate the post count and calculate the posting RATE so as to give you a good estimation of upcomming post number, AND with an "E-Snipe" style automatic wait-till-the-appointed-time posting utility......

go to the first 1 or 2 pages.

click the last thread on page 2.

look at the post time and post count for the last popt in that thread (NOT the first post, the last post)

then compare that to the last post in the first thread on page 1.

post1-post2 = number of posts since last post on page 2.

time post1 - time post 2 = time over which those were posted....

IIRC, /sci/ has like 0.5 posts per second at most.

on average, a new post shows up every 2 seconds. Thus if the current post is XY, and you want XX, then ~2 second increments need be used to guesstimate when to post.

>> No.5293161

and yet, something coming from nothing at random sounds quite stupid indeed; anti-scientific, even

>> No.5293167

it sounds stupid to you, not me, cause you experience the world as cause-consequence. Thats why science is objective, sot subjective. Your feelings are pointless.

>> No.5293178

>something coming from
i didnt say that. If that "something" was "always" there, it doesnt have to be created or come from something else. got it?

>> No.5293189
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>> No.5293200
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>> No.5293208
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>> No.5293212

enlighten me with all of your experiments creating something from nothing. or life from non-life. or anything scientific regarding the nature and existence of God.

i'm sure you have plenty of objective evidence supporting your stance. i'll wait.

>> No.5293216

no, i don't, because i don't understand how something can exist forever without reaching heat death

maybe you know

>> No.5293223

first of all, i dont believe in god. i am an atheist.

I am not saying it is right. It is as possible as God created the world.

>> No.5293227

Big bang , universe expands, gravity and stuff, universe collapse, bigbang....

>> No.5293243

God creating the world is a certainty; logic is not your strong suit, is it porkchop

>> No.5293247

yeah, then heat death and incremental loss of energy every cycle

come at me bor

>> No.5293253

Well it can't have been god, because it was me who created earth

>> No.5293257

Why is that? Why it is certainity?

>> No.5293268

because I wrote in the bible, ~6000 years ago

>> No.5293271

In this type of cyclical model, there is no energy loss since it is the entire universe which would undergo the collapse and all the energy is contained in the universe.

>> No.5293284

dude i tried that tactic, it doesnt work on those creationists. They just ignore it, which they shouldnt

>> No.5293286

more importantly, why can't you, you personally, see that it is?

>> No.5293295

uh, no. wow.

>> No.5293302

Where does the energy go?

>> No.5293310

the path of least resistance

>> No.5293313

Which would be to go along with the collapse, seeing as spacetime itself is contracting in this scenario.

>> No.5293358

there would be loss; this is what stephen hawking was wrong about regarding information lost in event horizons

>> No.5293360

>this is science
are you fucking retarded?