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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 220x285, 220px-Expelled_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5287564 No.5287564 [Reply] [Original]

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Having never seen it before, I just netflixed this fucking movie and good fucking glob, this atrocious horseshit makes a Micheal Moore film seem like the epitome of integrity and honesty. I mean fuck, there's not a single point this film makes, not a single fucking minute that rolls by where it's not out and out lying about what the theory of evolution actually states!

I have lost any respect for Ben Stein that I may have at one point actually held. This film is almost criminal in it's dissemination of information. How can such blatantly false information get away with labeling itself a documentary? The fact that this shit made it into theaters labeled as such makes me feel as though I'm living in cold war Russia or North Korea for fucks sake. Is this kind of forced, fucked up culture war wherein one sides being force fed absolute demonstrable bullshit what America's coming to?

Please, give me some good educational videos on evolution to battle the rising tide of fundamentalism in this once great country that sadly seems to be going the way of the middle east.

>> No.5287570

America is just a western Saudi Arabia.

Either accept it and move on, or move to Canada. Both are fine.

>> No.5287588

>Implying Canada isn't an American client-state

>> No.5287595

The guy is dressed like a fag on the cover.

>> No.5287612

He also released a documentary about how atheists are evil because Hitler and communism.

>> No.5287633

This reminds me of this jackoff story:
Say you are walking down an alley at 11:00 p.m. in New York, Miami or Los Angeles. The dim streetlights illuminates your car 300 yards away. Suddenly you see 10 young men wearing leather jackets swaggering down the alley toward you. Would you feel more comfortable if you knew that those young men had just come out of a Bible study. Every time Prager has asked that question the answer has been ''yes''. In spite of what they say in pools on the most practical level, people acknowledge religion's positive influence.

My response is that I'd feel even better if they were coming from chess club, an evolution symposium, musical practice, astronomical observation, poetry readings... anything as faggy and meek as Bible study will do.

>> No.5287643




>> No.5287644

No because if they were involved in a Christian organization they're obviously deviant homosexuals. There's been too many tele-evangelists caught with gay prostitutes, too many Catholic boysex scandals, for me to doubt the true purpose of Christianity.

As an atheist, I would run them all down in my car for the good of humanity.

>> No.5287664

Educational videos is like drinking water to combat snake poison. You need to neutralize the conservative fundamentalism with postmodern feminism.

>“Is E = mc2 a sexist equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possibly sexed nature of the equation is not directly its use by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged what goes the fastest….”

>> No.5287665

Oh look someone who "says too many" but really means "I saw some one TV, so it must be the majority".

Most priests and pastors are not bad people, and rates of child abuse by priests are way lower than in schools or the general public.

>> No.5287680

Yeah, that's what they want you to think. The whole Catholic Church is basically a child rape cult, and the only reason anyone preaches Christianity is because they want to take advantage of people. Why else would you become a scam artist?

Most scam artists wouldn't seem like bad people, until you realize they wouldn't be scam artists if they weren't.

Enjoy your propaganda/delusions.

>> No.5287690

>E=mc^2 enables nuclear weapons and nuclear power
>Equation invented by white man
>Most nuclear scientists and engineers are men
>Men control nuclear weapons
>Equation is sexist, used to oppress women and blacks.

>> No.5287714

Religious people are fucking retards and psychos.

Every religious place on earth should be nuked to oblivion, and every religious fag in educated countries should be rounded up and institutionalized.

Religion is the worst mental illness, because it's pretty much a collection of all of them. It's schizophrenia, sadism, pedophilia, and narcissism all rolled up together into one steaming pile of retarded shit that idiots and the mentally handicapped flock to in denial of reality, because it lets them pretend they aren't worthless excuses for human beings.

>> No.5287721

Everyone thinks he's a genious, too.

I guess the Jewmedia just needed a Jew to makeselves look smart.

>> No.5287725

The anti-religion rhetoric on this board is disgusting and ignorant. You guys are worst than r/atheism.

And BTW, many scientist and mathematicians were religious, so no, not all theists are "retards and psychos".

>> No.5287729

Please give me a religion which does not contradict observation.

>> No.5287740

Buddhism, I think.
If it even counts as a religion.

>> No.5287742

A bullet in the head. That is the only cure.
Hallarious though

>> No.5287747

>many scientist and mathematicians were religious
Only in so far as they didn't want to be burned as a witch and wanted access to the church libraries.

>> No.5287748
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I though /sci/ was an intelligent board

>> No.5287749

Being a scientist or a mathematician doesn't exclude you from suffering mental illness, so I never get why religious people insist on always bringing this up.

Another thing I don't get is why religious people like to argue with the sane. Does it make you feel more secure about your fantasy when other people choose to humor you?

And if people not submitting to your imaginary friend bothers you, why don't you just pretend your critics are agreeing with you? After all the whole point of religion is to pretend what you want and deny reality.

>> No.5287750
File: 98 KB, 550x550, the-religion-that-your-parents-taught-you-as-a-child-is-the-one-true-religion-what-a-coincidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rationally-minded and scientifically literate people are religious
>"Th-th-this is persecution of religious people!"
No, this is persecution of ignorance and stupidity.

You explain to me why your religion is correct and the belief in Ma'at is not. Then we're going to continue this with every single deity of the tens of millions that humanity has ever conceived of, and we'll see just why yours is so unique and magical.

You're making a claim about the nature of the universe, pony up and prove its veracity or quit whining when you are called a fool.
Oh, and since you're going to bitch about being called to "prove the unprovable" I'll just quote you the Bible (since atheists do tend to be more read in it, I'll assume you aren't familiar with the passage and lay it out for you):
I Peter 3:15
"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

So get to it and prove the non-reality of Ma'at.

>> No.5287751

>rationally-minded and scientifically literate people AREN'T religious

>> No.5287753

>europeans belive in christians
>europeans are most succesful

therefore christian god is the right one.

>> No.5287756

Holy overreaction Batman. I call out a couple users for stupid remarks about religion and you are acting as if I am a hopeless whiner.

I can't prove God's existence, but I think there are good arguments to be made, like Thomas Aquinas'.

I was just arguing against stupid remarks made by users on this board. i didn't set out to prove anything. Quit trying to be such an edgy atheist.

>> No.5287760


nice strawman

>> No.5287758

>Then we're going to continue this with every single deity of the tens of millions that humanity has ever conceived of, and we'll see just why yours is so unique and magical.
Hey moron, did he proselytize anywhere in his post? No.

I'm an "atheist" but I share his views as well. You people are morons. You're the secular incarnation of a Islamic fundamentalist.

>> No.5287762

What argument would that be?

>> No.5287764


>Being a scientist or a mathematician doesn't exclude you from suffering mental illness, so I never get why religious people insist on always bringing this up.

exactly this, Sam Harris gives a really good argument about how basically the brain can partition itself and so even though someone may be very rational and intelligent they can still be religious

>> No.5287765

Yeah, there's nothing edgier than not ignoring reality to believe in fairy tales

Keep up the quality posting

>> No.5287767

Ok guys time for the torture test

I found the movie on youtube

Ill tell you how long I last until I rage quit

>> No.5287770

Religion is just something that mentally-handicapped autists could never understand. The concept of forming a community with people of similar faith and growing together is just something that their misanthropic minds cannot comprehend. That why I'm an atheist.

>> No.5287772



>> No.5287771

>I can't prove God's existence
The point is you can't prove ANY god's existence. Don't say "God", as though there's this false dichotomy of "This one or none". There are millions upon millions of deities proposed throughout human history.

You can't prove any of them, that doesn't mean "some good arguments" mean we must behave as though all of these self-contradictory things exist.

This is the failure of Pascal's Wager, the incapacity to realize that there's more than one religion, there's millions.

The concept of intelligent design (even if a properly constructed theory) STILL wouldn't "prove" or "disprove" any single deity. You'd still be left clawing for which one is true.

>Hey moron, did he proselytize anywhere in his post? No.
You don't need to. The moment you suggest any 1 deity exists you must immediately deal with every other single deity that has ever been postulated. It is impossible to "prove" any of them, do you therefore behave as though all are real? Of course not.

This is why religion is idiotic: it is a series of millions of nonfalsifiable theories about the nature of the universe, all self-contradictory, none based on observation.

>> No.5287773

Wouldn't that lead to cognitive dissonance?

>> No.5287774

There's nothing edgier than wanting to kill people who happen to disagree with you over fairly trivial issues.

>> No.5287776
File: 49 KB, 330x250, 1351457493655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

>> No.5287777

Possibly, but that's why they create the concept of "partitioning" within their own minds. The notion that "religion and science have nothing to do with each other" is this attempt. It fails, utterly, as religion eventually must make a claim about the nature of the universe, and at that point it is capable of scrutiny through the scientific lens.

>> No.5287778

So wanting to get rid of a fraudulent belief system that oppresses science and reason, scams people out of their lives and money, turns families against each other, inspires people to violence and bigotry, and supports child abuse and pedophilia is as bad as supporting all of the things I just mentioned?

It sounds like you sir, are an idiot

>> No.5287781

Haha, take a closer look at the cover to this masterpiece.
[Four stars] "I love this movie!" -Ben Stein

>implying I'm not pitifully trying to drag this back on topic

>> No.5287784

>The moment you suggest any 1 deity exists you must immediately deal with every other single deity that has ever been postulated.
How about you apply your critical reading skills and reread his post. Your atheistic delusion is really having an impact on your cognition. Nowhere in his post did he even allude to the being a deity.

>> No.5287782


go back to reddit

>> No.5287783

>fairly trivial issues
Except they are not trivial issues when people holding fantasy world views set international and domestic policies that affect the lives of millions.

>> No.5287786

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. This thread is r/atheism quality material.

>> No.5287788

>can't respond to the argument
>"Y-y-you're illiterate"
Okay then

>> No.5287789

welp guys lasted a whole 9 minutes

i have no idea how you lasted the entire movie I think that would have been enough to make my blood boil

>> No.5287790

Quite irony that you mention that because you idea was to nuke every religious place on Earth which would kill most of the people on the planet.

>> No.5287791

I don't care what religious people believe, since it isn't true anyway. I want to kill them so that they won't be holding the rest of the world down any longer, and to put them out of their misery anyway.

Since religious people believe they go live on a magic cloud when they get murdered I don't see why they would object to it.

I guess at the end of the day not even they believe their bullshit, it's just an excuse to act self-righteous, abuse children, or whatever fucked up illness made you adopt religion over reality.

>> No.5287793

You're argument was a strawman, moron. Can you FUCKING READ? This is why no one takes atheists seriously. 2autistic4me

>> No.5287794


exactly, like numerous people have said before the catholic church goes around in africa condemning condom use while a ton of people there have hiv and aids

imagine how many people have died because of that shit

>> No.5287795

Only the uneducated and violent third world shit holes like the Middle East, Africa, and the Southern United States.

>> No.5287796

>put them out of their misery anyway
Religous people are happier then non-religious people.

>> No.5287797

>not using tactical neutron bombs

>> No.5287798

I'm not sure you know what that word means.

>> No.5287799

It's so they can claim AIDS is their punishment for not believing in Gawd. Religions thrive in places where people are uneducated and superstitious enough to believe pretty much anything.

>> No.5287800


ignorance is bliss

>> No.5287804

>ignoring the point
most people on the planet are religious

>> No.5287801


>> No.5287802

If people were happy they'd have no need for religion, so your statement is an oxymoron.

>> No.5287806

Most people on the planet are also stupid. Coincidence?

>> No.5287808

why believe in an abrahamic book?

>> No.5287810


The only people in this thread who've proven themselves to be ignorant of reality are you.

>> No.5287813

And if they all became atheists all wars would end, scientific developments would quadruple, everyone would be geniuses, everyone would be happy, and AIDS would be cured, right?

>> No.5287814

The best part is how ignorant those who "believe" in that book are to its contents. I was really sad when I was discussing religion with my last girlfriend. She'd scream "STOP! STOP IT!" when I would quote the Bible. Nothing more, just quote it, because the shit in it so offended her that it was making her not like her own religion. No argument attached to it, either, I'd just say "Well, you could look at what happened to the Midianites." And she'd lose her mind.

>> No.5287815

No, but the spread of AIDS would decrease as the Catholic Church wouldn't exist and people wouldn't be told to not use condoms for no reason.

>> No.5287817

I'll just leave this here


>> No.5287818

The world would improve in many ways, some immeasurable, some directly and easily correlated.

>> No.5287824

Well if the people who were stupid or hateful enough to be religious didn't exist, I'd say we'd be able to get on the right path quickly enough.

>> No.5287826
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>once great country

>> No.5287825

So the spread of AIDS would be effected, nothing else? So when the churches will disappears and aid missions will stop coming to Africa, who will come? Religion contributes much more to the world than you think. You just choose to focus on the bad.

>> No.5287830

The best argument against religion will always be religion itself.

I remember that study a few years ago that showed that atheists new more about religion, where as the majority of religious people knew next to nothing about their own religion.

I suppose this is because if they knew the truth about religion they'd become atheists too.

>> No.5287828

>stupid or hateful enough to be religious didn't exist
Plenty of stupid and hateful people are atheists. Mainly the ones who are too stupid to understand the concept of humanity. You think sociopaths have a God?

>> No.5287832


churchs arent the only ones that supply aid to africa and they arent even the primary givers of aid plus as mother teresa showed us the church really doesnt give a shit about the poor they care about building more missionaries and churchs

you dont have to be religious to be generous either

>> No.5287836

atheism in itself is turning into a religion. A religion egalitarianism and bullshit.

>> No.5287833

Maybe it's because most of the people who are "religious" focus more on the communal aspect of their religion and less on what it says in a book?

>> No.5287834

>nothing else?
Who said nothing else? I just mentioned one thing that would be affected. You certainly do love to run to false dichotomies.
> Religion contributes much more to the world than you think
No, it doesn't, it contributes very very little, positively. It certainly has contributed to scientific ignorance, gullibility, lack of education, brutal sectarian violence throughout history, the spread of disease and contagion, etc. etc.

I mean, okay, so a bunch of people motivated to try and force their religion on others go to Africa, how is that supposed to make me feel better?

>> No.5287837

So, basically, by ignoring their religion entirely while acting like this woman >>5287817 towards those who refuse to believe in the thing they don't understand but insist we believe in on pain of death?

>> No.5287838

Why the hell is there a /b/ troll thread in /sci/?
I'm from /b/, what the fuck are so many of my people doing here?

>> No.5287839

>Plenty of stupid and hateful people are atheists.
Growing up around religious people will do that to you. Like most diseases, that shit is contagious.

But let me ask you, why are the most ignorant and violent places in the world also coincidentally the most religious?

When countries develop and their people are educated, violence and mental illness decrease as people turn their backs on religion.

>You think sociopaths have a God?
I don't know, ask your local priest.

>> No.5287840

>You think sociopaths have a God?

sure why not I wouldnt say all of them

>> No.5287843

There are sociopaths in this thread who are athiests.

>> No.5287844


except atheist isnt a faith or religion at all this is what people have to learn

sam harris makes a good point he basically says we dont have a term for non-astrologist, this sorting of people into groups like atheist or agnostic is detrimental

>> No.5287842


So her daughter was knocked up at 17 and dead at 25
Her god sure was lookin out for her!

>> No.5287845

>you dont have to be religious to be generous either
No, but statistically you're more likely.

>> No.5287846

>lack of cancer is cancer

That's how religious people think, wanting to spread their disease onto other people.

>> No.5287849
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>> No.5287850

Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called pizza hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Church hill, As well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, ever Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called papa john's, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of ever state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called ever free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of ever city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.

>> No.5287853


citation required

>> No.5287854

You don't get the fucking point, do you?

I never said it was a faith, but most atheists treat athiesm like a religion.

>> No.5287851


did you even read my post?

>> No.5287858

nice reddit reaction image, bro. I think /r/athiesm is waiting for you.

>> No.5287856

I've never understood this kind of comment
"May God be with their family!"
What is that supposed to achieve? Was your god with the family when it allowed the daughter to die in the first place? Was it with the girl it allowed to be orphaned?

So your god is not responsible for that, but he'll "comfort" the people he brought pain to. Okay then.

>> No.5287859

THIS. Oh my god, this.

This is the new spokesperson for religion. I swear, every religious person I've ever met was just like this. No wonder Africa and the Middle East are war zones.

>> No.5287861

I treat my lack of belief in Santa Claus like a religion too, you'd be amazed at how unreceptive I am to his existence.

>> No.5287862


Can you read?

>this is what people have to learn

I guess all that masturbation has made you blind

>> No.5287864

>I never said it's a faith I said it's a faith!

>> No.5287865

>why are the most ignorant and violent places in the world also coincidentally the most religious?
Because those are obviously the regions in which religion could have the largest impact. The people there have actual reasons for being religious.

>> No.5287867

Right, the fact that they are ignorant.

>> No.5287872
File: 421 KB, 500x4769, charity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it makes perfect sense why they would be more charitable.

>> No.5287871

Holy shit where the fuck do you live?

>> No.5287873


dead link

>> No.5287875
File: 29 KB, 411x300, 1343465869004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to argue with religious people. To be reasoned with a person needs to have a sense of reason, and if they had that they wouldn't be religious.

You can never settle a disagreement with somebody who denies reality with words. Instead you should settle the disagreement with bullets.

Even the Pope hides behind bullet proof glass, because no matter how real they think their god is, he's still imaginary. But bullets aren't.

>> No.5287878
File: 46 KB, 500x388, 1334382814424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a picture related to this

>> No.5287877

So if you went to them and explained 21st century science to them, religious would have no place in their life? Religion and science fill different voids. The voids that religion fills are obviously large in places where life is harsh. How is this so difficult for people to understand?

>> No.5287883
File: 281 KB, 505x660, 1347136912184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can never settle a disagreement with somebody who denies reality with words. Instead you should settle the disagreement with bullets.
I'm having a hard time taking some of these posts seriously.

>> No.5287882
File: 29 KB, 480x354, 1343539675001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because when you're a violent maniac who wants to murder people nothing is as handy as a religion.

>> No.5287884

stop posting reddit tier meme images.

>> No.5287887



>> No.5287888

Stop using reddit as slander against something so obviously true you can't argue with it.

>> No.5287889

Stalin and Mao didn't need any help from religion.
Who do you think is more likely to be religious? A normal American or a terminally-ill patient? The terminally-ill patient because they're scared of the unknown and they need some sort of a hope in the form of religion; it's only human. Now apply that to shitty places to live. If that doesn't make sense to you, I don't know what will.

>> No.5287890

I'm an athiest, I just think people like him are losers.

>> No.5287891


>calling that picture a meme image

holy fuck you really are from reddit

its a fucking image macro you cunt

>> No.5287893

The same could be said for all people with dogmatic beliefs of any kind, such as many of the atheists on the Internet.

>> No.5287896
File: 34 KB, 763x423, 1353787479109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better?

>> No.5287897

>Stalin and Mao didn't need any help from religion.

man I just knew this retarded argument was going to come up eventually it always does

you dont need religion to have hope, id rather be proactive and go out and try to improve my situation rather than sitting on my knees and praying to the sky fairy to grant me some miracles

>> No.5287900

>Stalin and Mao didn't need any help from religion.

Nope, religion so established the tactics that they used that they only had to look at it for inspiration.

I like how people like to bring up Nazism and Communism to criticize atheism, while ignoring the fact that the only reason they occurred is because religion had made people in those countries completely accustomed to accepting crap on blind faith, and committing atrocities.

>> No.5287901


>dogmatic belief


>> No.5287906

So what, because you're an atheist we're supposed to assume you're not an idiot?

If you think people are losers for saying the truth, you must be.

>> No.5287904

Being religious doesn't help them. If they weren't religious then they'd seek all the more to find a means to improve their lives. Believing that their shitty lives are a "test" and they get some magical happy place after they die isn't and inducement to improvement.

>> No.5287905


>Ben Stein

Jews are doing what Jews do. If the theory of evolution has an existential importance for mankind, it will replace the previous tales of creation. Of course that will set standards for future generations and this horseshit called 21st century will come to an end. Don't be surprised a Jew's shitty movie has this much publication. Media is controlled 95% by Jews.

>> No.5287907

>dogmatic belief
My non-belief in Santa Claus is pretty dogmatic too. It involves the dogma of not believing in Santa Claus.

My acceptance of gravity is very dogmatic, as well. It is the dogma that gravity exists.

I am also pretty dogmatic in how I eat breakfast. The dogma is that I eat breakfast.

>> No.5287908

Look at Steve Jobs. Lying in bed with cancer, he decided to pursue alternative medicine and spiritual healing instead of surgery.

I guess he realized religion was bullshit, because then he changed his mind and wanted the surgery, but it was already too late. He waited too long and the cancer had spread too much for the operation to have any good.

What killed him, cancer, or religion?

>> No.5287911

>you dont need religion to have hope, id rather be proactive and go out and try to improve my situation rather than sitting on my knees and praying to the sky fairy to grant me some miracles
Good for you, but some people need religion in their lifes and thousands of years of recorded history has shown this. I don't need a deity in my life either but if someone feels like the idea of praying will help them, that's fine by me. Of course, my opinion on the teaching of intelligent design in schools is different but I'm fine with it if it's taught in a comparative religions class.

>> No.5287915

>some people need religion
No, they don't. That's the shit that is fed to people so that they try to let the ignorant stay ignorant. No one needs ignorance.

>> No.5287918

You don't need history to prove that some people need religion, psychology can do it.

Some people are just too mentally weak to accept reality so they build up fantasy lives to shield them from what they can't face.

>> No.5287919


this sort of irrational thinking is horrendously detrimental to society

people dont need religion in their lives

>> No.5287920

>cancer, or religion
Pretty sure it was cancer.

>> No.5287921

Keep believing that. I'm sure you'll enlighten the world with your science.

>> No.5287923


There really is a significant problem with the mainstream thinking that "oh just let the religious people be religious and believe in their skyfairy and everything will be fine" except it wont be fine

>> No.5287922

>this sort of irrational thinking is horrendously detrimental to society
How'd you arrive at that conclusion?

>people don't need religion in their lives
You don't, others do.

>> No.5287927


prove people need religion in their lives

if you dont think religious thinking is detrimental to society then just research the christian dark ages or what caused the end of the islamic golden age

>> No.5287929

What a profound statement. I applaud you, sir. A truly brilliant observation.

>> No.5287936

No, they don't. No one needs ignorance. You sound like a person who is in that in-between phase of belief and non-belief, trying to still rationalize the years you spent believing (as well as the myriads of people you know who do believe, like family) while at the same time contending with your ever-growing awareness that all religions are false.

>> No.5287945

>christian dark ages
That had more to do with the fall of Rome than anything else. Who preserved the knowledge during that period? Christian monks. How about the Renaissance? Concerning the Islamic Golden Age, what do you think caused the Golden Age in the first place?

>> No.5287946

>implying this movie wasn't another Jewish race-mixing plot
>implying the Fuhrer is dead

>> No.5287950

>You sound like a person who is in that in-between phase of belief and non-belief, trying to still rationalize the years you spent believing
Nice strawman. No, I was never religious. In fact, I used to be an atheistfag who watched TheAmazingAtheist on the daily basis but eventually I came to the realization that religion was a necessary evil in society.

Also, there is nothing ignorant in believing that you go to heaven after you die. It's ignorant to believe that the world is 5,000 years old but that's different. Look up the definition of ignorance.

>> No.5287955

>Who preserved the knowledge during that period? Christian monks.
To an extent, but the knowledge they preserved was cherry-picked, as one would expect. Large swathes were lost, and the sole capacity for the realization of modernity was the rediscovery of ancient texts that introduced the Renaissance. A good book on the subject, though not scholarly but akin to The Disappearing Spoon, is The Swerve, concerning Lucretius' De Rerum Natura

What monks mostly did was preserve literacy so that the return of ancient scholarship could occur at all.

This isn't to say no "progress" occurred in the Middle Ages, but the notion that Christianity was not just as concerned with the ignorance of its adherents then as it was a mere 200 years later is silly.

>> No.5287956

>the realization that religion was a necessary evil in society.
>Eventually people I know and right-wing media fed me enough propaganda that I accept that many people need to be kept stupid

Nice fascism, brah.

>> No.5287960

>there is nothing ignorant in believing that you go to heaven after you die
Yes there is. There is ignorance involved in that belief as it would require you to have evidence of it as well as the capacity to falsify millions upon millions of religions that have existed throughout human history.
Pascal's Wager is a clear example of this kind of incapacity for conceiving of other religious thoughts, a stark example of the necessary ignorance of the religious.

>> No.5287971
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>doesn't contradict observation

>> No.5287973

Ignorance is defined as the state of being uninformed. The belief that a heaven exists is just a belief, nothing more. In reality, there is no way of being informed about the existance a heave or lack there-of. I guess "ignorant" is just one of those word's people like to throw around.

>> No.5287977

You're a moron. Have fun living a contemptuous life.

>right-wing media

>> No.5287982
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> The belief that a heaven exists is just a belief, nothing more.
No, it isn't, it requires a significant ignorance about the concept of falsifiability and the historicity of other religions. It requires that the person believe that a non-falsifiable proposition is true while millions upon millions of other non-falsifiable propositions (with equivalent proofs, with many adherents in history, etc., in other words identical to their own) are wrong. This is clearly impossible, as the belief instead relies upon the person being ignorant of the existence of these religions, the concepts of falsifiability, proof, theory, etc.

History is replete with examples of what I am discussing. Pascal's Wager, as I said, is the best example. It literally assumes that the ONLY possibilities within contention are "Christian God is real or there is no god." The very premise requires a massive amount of ignorance.

Pic related, it's the real "Pascal's Wager" if the person were not theologically and historically and scientifically ignorant to the point of absurdity.

>> No.5287994

The graph is nice but in trying to account for every detail it becomes to hard to read, and thus puts off people who may benefit from reading it. A simpler one would accomplish the goal of educating better.

>> No.5288011

>The fact that this shit made it into theaters labeled as such makes me feel as though I'm living in cold war Russia or North Korea for fucks sake.
Bro? This kind of bullshit is uniquely western. In a nation like Soviet Russia of Best Korea you wouldn't even get a choice.

>> No.5288023

>that feel when you will never be a lost soul

Also, wtf is going on in the wiccanism column? I can't follow that shit at all...

and though I too doubt the accuracy of many of the entries, it gets the point across.

>> No.5288047

>Invisible, never mentioned rule that Suttras are literal becomes real
>Suddenly loads of shit is on fire that shouldn't be
>Now the self is both an illusion and a real entity
>Huge stone roads suddenly rip out of the ground in 8 directions, destroying towns and cities in their wake
>Buddhist towns that survive the destruction immediately pour all nonessential resources into tunneling downward into the Earth's crust as that is where a sizable fraction of the dead people went when the eightfold path was invoked
>Form then literally becomes emptiness, and the universe ceases to exist
This is why reddit should keep to itself.

>> No.5288053

> it requires a significant ignorance

I'm not trying to advocate heaven... but since we know that human beings are so fundamentally wrong about so many of our basic assumptions about everything, could it be that christfags are actually less wrong, but in a more obvious way?

>> No.5288067

>human beings are so fundamentally wrong about so many of our basic assumptions about everything

thats why we developed the scientific method and science as a whole

>> No.5288072
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>except it wont be fine
>[citation needed]

>> No.5288076


look up jonestown

that kind of shit happens when people dont think for themselves

>> No.5288091

We know that Christians are all of the worlds religions are wrong. Even if there is something like a mainstream religion that is the truth we can be fairly certain that none of the mainstream religions are anything like what that truth might be.

>> No.5288097

I contradicted myself, oops. I meant that there might be something supernatural but none of the mainstream religions know what it is. They'd only be "correct" by accident.

>> No.5288120

>science will lead to the answers one day therefore science has the answers now
Also, I don't mean like... we're wrong about our assumptions about interstellar travel, etc... But wrong about the nature of life and death and who we are. I realize that we're all too caught up in trying not to be homeless and starve to death to really give 2 shits about that stuff, but that doesn't mean that we're not wrong.

>> No.5288148
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Including the Renascence and all the wonderful universities that were given to us through various churches.

>> No.5288150
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Governments have been doing this since the dawn of written work. It seems like the argument here is heavily weighed against religion, when in fact it is society that is terrible.

God fearing people don't cause wars (oppression, etc.) People cause these things, regardless of religion, beliefs, or anything else. We're just a horrible, horrible thing.

>> No.5288229


>> No.5288356

they use their worldview as an excuse to hate others with different worldviews
they use their worldview as an excuse to hate others with different worldviews
they use their worldview as an excuse to hate others with different worldviews

Good thing I am better than all of them and I see through their little games, I wish could nuke them all, fucking ignorant plebs

>> No.5288502
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>This is the most hostile and violent place to live in the world



The middle east

>Right. Next category?

World religion for 2 internets.

>Religion as a political autocracy is the predominant form of government in this region of the world

*buzz* The Middle East


Thanks for reading niggers.

>> No.5288509


Atheism does not have agenda. You cannot make a determination for what one Atheist believes/values outside of religion by simply determining that he/she doesn't believe in a god.

>> No.5288525


I'm pretty sure Bill Gates gave him the incurable cancer to start with.

Bill Gates killed him.

>> No.5288562

how isn't this child abuse?


>> No.5290285

Most parenting is child abuse...