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5284491 No.5284491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since this is /sci/ and scientists, engineers and mathematicians make up some of the more intelligent people in our society, I have been meaning to ask the following question for some time:
What are you political views/affiliations?
I have a feeling there are many conservatives on this thread. I do not want to start a heated discussion, I am only interested in polling.

>> No.5284499

Super Liberal here. Row Row Fight the Power!

>> No.5284498
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Computer Science

Society goes through many zeitgeists and if you stick with one affiliation for far too long, you will look like an ass..just like the Republicunts of 2012.

>> No.5284501

economic conservative, social libertarian, against the war

>> No.5284502

OP here, I should have posted my political views and such.
*Mathematics and something else I would rather not say.
*I hold staunch liberal views, however, I am completely understanding of those libertarian views that mirror the philosophy of Locke/Nozick.

>> No.5284507

Applied physics (PhD student)

I plan on going into industry after grad school.

>> No.5284510


>> No.5284512


I should add, I'm fiscally conservative; and, socially liberal

>> No.5284517

So you are a Neo-liberal?

>> No.5284520

That doesn't make sense. Liberal social policies cost governments a lot of money.

>> No.5284521

liberalsciencefag here. in the US I'm ultra-liberal, in europe I'd be only slightly left of center

was more libertarian/freemarket type when young and naïve, but a little history and economics knowledge cured me of that

>> No.5284526

only in the short term.

>> No.5284529

I'm odd. You might most accurately call me a moderate. I have highly liberal economic views, and fairly conservative social views.

>> No.5284532
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Mathematics, fiscally conservative...sort of a libertarian...essentially I want everyone too stay out of everyone's business , and for the gov to remember that money doesn't grow on trees even when you have a printing press.

>> No.5284578

what do you mean by 'fairly conservative social views'? You hate gays and weed?
>.essentially I want everyone too stay out of everyone's business
That's basically impossible.

>> No.5284580

I feel like I have no right to participate in human politics and make decisions affecting the interactions of people. What does that make me?

>> No.5284590

I'm not a true scientist, more of a business/econfag. I registered libertarian when I was 18. Mostly I just hate the insanely unsophisticated political discourse we have in this country. It's all morality and ideology and no actual substance. It's disgusting.

I would consider myself fiscally and socially moderate. I don't believe in any ideology. Lately I've engaged in explaining to libtards on /pol/ exactly why we have government and the economic benefit of some social programs and regulations. I've tried to engage socialists but they don't want to talk about it. I've found that libertarians will debate long after they've been proven wrong but socialists don't want to debate at all.

I've also considered the value of the drug war, to an extent, lately. I've started to entertain the idea that it might be beneficial to limit our access to heroin, meth, etc. I'm still not completely sold, even considering how much I hate meth. But in any case I'm at least considering the benefits of a dash of fascism.

>> No.5284600

that's a stupid fucking comic

>> No.5284609


>> No.5284617

not really. Maybe he's just uninformed and realistic about it. There are some really compelling reasons why we benefit from regulations.

>> No.5284624

PhD in biology here. It is my observation that most scientists and academics (not counting social sciences) are simply not ideologues. Thats what sets them apart from the general population, who either tend to stick to instant ideologies or are apathetic. Scientists tend to take bits and pieces of every ideology. There surely is a "liberal" leaning, tough.

>> No.5284631

This is a board for smart people so obviously everyone will be liberal.

Republicunts can go to /b/, /pol/, or /x/

>> No.5284632

conservative wing of the extreme left

>> No.5284647

'we', yes, from your perspective, but I don't consider myself a part of 'you'. I'm content with observing, but messing with your policies by voting or taking office feels to me like I'm infringing on your free will, which is immoral on my compass, if that makes any sense to you.

>> No.5284658

are you aerofoil or grilled chicken

>> No.5284671

>was more libertarian/freemarket type when young and naïve, but a little history and economics knowledge cured me of that
Really? Because I used to be pretty liberal when I was young. Started out a Democrat then went Communist. Then I grew up and got bitchslapped by harsh realities and abandoned my views and adopted my Dad's (conservative) since his life has always been in order and I wanted to distance myself from past mistakes.

Eventually I settled into a hands-off libertarianism though recently I've pretty much lost interest in politics. I was very invested in that noise when I was all over the map but now I'm too concerned with the minutiae of my life and work.

I've always been tickled by the notion that Republicans have a war on science but Democrats don't. Kennedy talked about putting men on the moon but it didn't happen until Nixon who went on to make the first serious attempt at cataloging and protecting endangered species. Then along comes Carter who kills Nuclear power. Reagan has missile defense programs. Bush Sr starts building the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. Clinton kills it then cuts NASAs budget by a quarter. Bush Jr increases funding to NASA by 20%, the NSF by 40%, and triples the budget for the NIH. Yes, I get there are anti-science republicans like Sarah Palin but there are just as many anti-science democrats like Bill Maher and Bob Kennedy Jr. I don't think one party or the other has a monopoly on science but if recent history has taught us anything it's that Republican presidents will rubber stamp just about anything that will make their donors money, including R&D.

>> No.5284673

People don't actually think like this, do they?

>> No.5284676

>being a conservative means you hate gays and weed.

It seems the marxist echochambers that are the American universities have done their job well.

>> No.5284677

Mathematics and no political affiliation.

>> No.5284683

>If you're not a liberal then you must be a republican.


>> No.5284681

African-American Woman's Studies

>> No.5284703

I have an MA in economics and I am socially and politically liberal.

>> No.5284710

Physics Major, Technocrat.

>> No.5284714
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They do, for a very good reason.

Pic very related.

>> No.5284721

Not being a liberal in America doesn't imply you're a republican, or even conservative for a better word.

Those who treat politics as black and white are truely idiotic and anti-intellectual. Maybe you should down your internet connection, read a book and, think about how much of an idiot you are. After you're done, come back here and apologize for your stupidity and we may forgive you.

>> No.5284722

> you dumb shit you don't even know shit did you know a=a ya i bet you didn't read some fucking books

>> No.5284724


Well liberals are quite hilarious case studies.

"Everyone is identical and equal, you can't generalise entire groups based on averages when it comes to race/sex/ethnicity/anything"

On the other hand

"All conservatives are dumb, because the average IQ is lower. This I generalise over the lot of them and hold to every single one of them".

Physics student here. Conservative (in views and the British political party of the same name). Firmly centre right. Obviously I believe everyone should be treated equally, but that doesnt mean I think everyone's identical in every way. I don't understand why Liberals throw a shitfit over nature vs nurture. If you're arguing that something is even the tiniest bit genetic, suddenly you're advocating genocide and eugenics. There is no middle ground to them.

>> No.5284729

Mech. Engineering Major (Junior at G.Tech)
Social Democrat

>> No.5284732
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Honestly, I find many egalitarians to be just as much of a threat to science as the average creationist.

>> No.5284737

This is why I asked views/affiliations. You can have liberal views without being a die-hard Bill Maher fan.

>> No.5284739


>> No.5284740

I really think people like you are cancer to society.

>> No.5284741

Nice to know, although your opinion is literally worth nothing.

>> No.5284743
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Mechanical engineering major here.
Formerly die-hard Libertarian, now a moderate libertarian/centrist with moderate interventionist and pro-taxation attitudes. Because no matter how you slice it, this budget is not getting balanced without more revenue.

>> No.5284745
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"Bestselling author Chris Mooney uses cutting-edge research to explain the psychology behind why today’s Republicans reject reality—it\'s just part of who they are.From climate change to evolution, the rejection of mainstream science among Republicans is growing, as is the denial of expert consensus on the economy, American history, foreign policy and much more. Why won\'t Republicans accept things that most experts agree on? Why are they constantly fighting against the facts?Science writer Chris Mooney explores brain scans, polls, and psychology experiments to explain why conservatives today believe more wrong things; appear more likely than Democrats to oppose new ideas and less likely to change their beliefs in the face of new facts; and sometimes respond to compelling evidence by doubling down on their current beliefs. Goes beyond the standard claims about ignorance or corporate malfeasance to discover the real, scientific reasons why Republicans reject the widely accepted findings of mainstream science, economics, and history—as well as many undeniable policy facts (e.g., there were no “death panels” in the health care bill).Explains that the political parties reflect personality traits and psychological needs—with Republicans more wedded to certainty, Democrats to novelty—and this is the root of our divide over reality.Written by the author of The Republican War on Science, which was the first and still the most influential book to look at conservative rejection of scientific evidence. But the rejection of science is just the beginning…Certain to spark discussion and debate, The Republican Brain also promises to add to the lengthy list of persuasive scientific findings that Republicans reject and deny."

>> No.5284748

I have a vote so my opinion has some merit.

>> No.5284749

Strong believer in individual anarchism.

>> No.5284755

That's not a conservative affliction, that's just being American.

A centre-right party (The Conservatives) are running the UK at the moment. They have no problem with evolution, the big bang, dinosaurs, climate change, gay marriage, anything you want.

The Democrats would be considered centre-right over in Europe. The conservative party allied itself with Obama, not Romney. David Cameron didn't say too much on the issue incase Romney won, but it's pretty obvious he was bricking it incase Obama lost. Cameron didn't even invite Romney to meet with him while he was visiting the UK.

>> No.5284758

I love you Brits.

>> No.5284767

Obama is shit and so is Romney.

>> No.5284770

democracy is shit.

>> No.5284774

life is shit.

>> No.5284778

I disagree.

>> No.5284781

he said 'conservative social views'. I'm confused... what does this mean?

>> No.5284785

Right on, man!

>> No.5284884

Phys student here.

Super-liberal with regards to social issues, but not enough understanding of economics to put myself on the spectrum of left/right economic beliefs.

>> No.5284904

Fiscally conservative liberal.

>> No.5284932

Reactionary monarchist

>> No.5284958
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God save the Czar.

>> No.5284968

>PhD in Genetics

Economically, I'd say I was something of a market socialist. I'm in favour of a market for goods and services, but not for labour. I like David Schweikart's model of 'economic democracy'. Socially, I'm probably "liberal", I go by the 'no harm' principle. I'm also a vegan

I realise I sound like a hippie.

>> No.5284975


this comic is hilarious in how wrong it is.

>> No.5284985

I am a firm believer that politics is a gun to your temple and party's are the question "hollow or solid point?" You should vote for a person. Based on the policies not the color of the banner behind them. What's this make me?

>> No.5285023

Social democrat. Happily, the UK is a socially democratic country.

>> No.5285085

Those policies are fiscal. What that guy means is that he's pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, etc. Not necessarily pro-welfare (or maybe he is, idk).

>> No.5285095

Socially liberal, economically conservative.

>> No.5286055

Not a sheep, unlike the rest of the partisans in this thread.

>> No.5286063

Or, otherwise known as a Libertarian.

>> No.5286066

Economic moderate, social libertarian.

>> No.5286064

>What are you political views/affiliations?

feminist totalitarianism

>> No.5286078

and my major is pure math btw

>> No.5286084
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War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

>> No.5286118

>yes, from your perspective
if by 'your perspective' you mean 'reality', then yes.

inb4 complete denial of any sort of objective reality

>> No.5286129

I'm having what he's having (roughly).
I'm an MS Economics.

>> No.5286133



>> No.5286154

Chemistry, math double here.

Leftist unionist. ACAB MOTHAFUCKA

>> No.5286160


Just as a point of interest you could reverse that image for Australian politics.

>> No.5286169

Really? Reagan was an Australian president?

>> No.5286180



The more liberal party has produced historic deficits whilst the more right wing parties have produced budget surpluses.

Also Australia does not have a president.

>> No.5286237

No president? So there is constant anarchy? How do you get anything done without a government?

>> No.5286242

Software Engineer
Socially Centrist
Economic Conservative

>> No.5286258

Math/cs dual major, socially liberal and fiscally conservative
I have problems with affirmative action and welfare, though, and big business, so it's not perfect

>> No.5286261


I'm curious. You describe yourself as socially centrist. What are the stances of social liberalism that you don't agree with?

>> No.5286273

i have a few ways of looking at politics

>> No.5286275

Mostly conservative.

>> No.5286280

Are you coming on to me? I SAID I was a software engineer AKA I only suck the black dick

>> No.5286290

Economics knowledge makes one fiscally consrvative. You clearly didn't understand shit did you.

>> No.5286293

someone who doesn't realize that in a finite amount of time, most people who have jobs and lives and interests other than politics and economics have to fall back on their fundamental assumptions and ideologies rather than scrutinize every single issue, every single time it is brought up.

>> No.5286320

Last year of an honours physics degree here.

I'm pretty far left economically; it hurts to know how much human effort is fundamentally wasted by capitalism and I've seen far too many marvels of human inginuity to believe the century old propaganda that it's the only way.

I'm also very left-wing socially; with a perfunctory understanding of evolution and cognitive development, I just can't trick myself into treating human behaviour as the static set of norms and cultures.

Considering that the factor best correlated with the prolonged viability of humans as a species is our technological development, it is my belief that intellectual diversity and collective prosperity should be emphasized above all else.

>> No.5286330


How about we just split the difference and classify people by IQ

IQ<100 ----> black
IQ>101 ----> white

Shouldn't make any difference to you, right?
I mean IQ is the only thing that matters, isn't it?

>> No.5286336

I think that much of the postmodernist liberal social doctrine is scientifically disingenuous and potentially dangerous. No matter how much we wish it, some demographics will never be equal to others in every regard. Focusing on the outliers of a group won't change the mean. It's time we got more realistic about this.

P.S. I don't hate Gays in any way, they are harmless to society. I don't like weed, because it promotes a lack of productivity. I still think it should be legalized, because fighting it is even less productive.

>> No.5286340

Most smart people will be fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Marxists and left wingers are the domain of the ultra retards and scum of the earth who scream 'everyone is equal' and 'give more handouts!' They lower intellectual standards so idiots don't feel very stupid and they get their ideology into science.

>> No.5286342

Biomedical research.
Fiscal conservative
Economic moderate
Social liberal

>> No.5286344


>> No.5286375

Because it implies that having free education is giving poor people a fish and giving them a volatile unskilled job is teaching them how to fish.

>> No.5286393


The conservative solution to economics is to dig yoruself a deeper hole by continuously fixing the problem at hand.
Generally leftists are more open-minded and look for a solution to the root cause of the problem.

You may be a exception though, please tell us how.

>> No.5286399


It sounds like you're mad. Do you need somebody to lower their intellectual standards on you as well so you don't feel left out?

>> No.5286531

Information Communication Technology Engineering, specialisation in System Security and Networking.

>> No.5286544

>implying no president == no government
fuck, why do you even bother namefagging here?