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5281116 No.5281116 [Reply] [Original]

what's holding back science?

>> No.5281128

It's advancing exponentially. So nothing.
If you're asking about Physics specifically, than String Theory.

>> No.5281125

pickles on hamburgers.

>> No.5281142


I agree, everything in a hamburger compliments itself except for the pickle, it stands out screaming HERE I AM, YOU JUST BIT THE PICKLE, I'M THE PICKLE AND YOU JUST BIT ME.

that's why I use jalapenos instead of pickles, it complements the orchestra of flavors

>> No.5281150

But i like pickles. And i like pickles in hamburgers.

>> No.5281152
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You're holding back science.

>> No.5281160

Fuck all of you. The pickles are the second best part after the actual meat.

>> No.5281163
File: 20 KB, 407x309, mainimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're also holding back science.

>> No.5281171

Imagine if the entire world was first world/advanced economy/developed/post industrial. That would be alot of science output.

>> No.5281176

Probably jews, or niggers.
Either or.

>> No.5281181

Jews are the ones doing all the science.
Whites are too stupid to science or to maths. They truly are worthless.

>> No.5281179

And no fucking pickles on burgers. That would be tasty.

>> No.5281185

no one's said religion?


>> No.5281187


Pickles are godawful, I seriously have no idea why they put them in hamburgers, I take them out immediately.

>> No.5281189

People who follow religion are stupid as fuck anyway so they'd never be able to contribute anything to science anyway. Religion keeps the idiots together, I don't see how that's a bad thing.

>> No.5281190


>> No.5281191
File: 7 KB, 330x301, MSP108819efdid5b9b298a200005d1g514g8he395fg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, same goes for people who put pickles on burgers. Pickles on burgers is like church on sundays!

>> No.5281192

Jews, Germans, and the occasional French or English person. Science done in the U.S is done by someone of with some combination of these origins.

You all know it's true.

>> No.5281197


you do realize religion has an affect on potential scientists right?

if a kid is born into a religious family (like nearly every fucking family), they'll be bound to follow that religion and remain ignorant to science. (granted things have gotten a lot better and it's not nearly as bad).

Religion plays a huge role in holding back science. it's held back more than just science also.

>> No.5281199

Surely pickles on hotdogs is hurting science a lot more than the relatively mild evil that is pickles on hamburgers.

>> No.5281210
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Shit, you just outted yourself as anti-science.

>> No.5281215

seriously though, who is putting pickles on hot dogs? We need a petition to ban this anti-science

>> No.5281220
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>Implying that pickles don't improve everything.

You're just mad because your precious "science" can't explain why something made with so much vinegar can be so damn good.

>> No.5281231
File: 37 KB, 300x300, idiocracy21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deny the awesome taste of a pickle.

I merely suggest that putting pickles in concert with bread&meat arrangements are anti-science.

Go ahead, eat your pickles, but don't put them on my meat based bread arrangements.

>> No.5281236

>not eating your pickles on the side with french fries or some other relatively bland side so that you can enjoy the main course's flavor more precisely

>> No.5281240

>Eating hamburgers
>Eating hotdogs

I bet you philistines and anti-scientists like tacos, too.

>> No.5281241

>French fries
>Bland side
>Not the absolute best part of any meal involving them

>> No.5281244

>French fries
Oh SHIT nigger, do you want TO GO?

>> No.5281242
File: 609 KB, 1080x1080, Beetlejuice-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I eat pickles on my hotdog, hamburger, AND fries

>> No.5281246


>> No.5281252
File: 20 KB, 250x292, bill-o-reilly-cp-250-5943641__111216180223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a right thinking, freedom loving American right here.

>> No.5281253

can you not read
french fries are a much simpler taste than the complicated construction of a burger or properly topped hot dog, therefore you won't be missing out on too much when the pickle distracts 50-60% of the original flavor

>> No.5281258
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>Not eating the pickles as cucumbers.

Oh please.

>> No.5281259
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I'm going to sleep now OP. I hope by the time I wake up, you come to accept the wrongness of pickle based toppings.

>> No.5281270
File: 8 KB, 155x200, 1_123125_123019_2076350_2086596_030828_billoreilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Communists are just jealous of all the pickles we can afford to put on our food.

>> No.5281266

Except in the complicated hodgepodge that is a hamburger or hotdog, you really won't notice the taste distraction if you add some pickles.

But have you tried adding some pickles to glorious fires?

Shit's vile.

>> No.5281273

>won't notice the taste distraction
>won't notice

>> No.5281285

I would really love to see some citations to peer reviewed articles and scientific journals that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that pickles have any effect on a hamburger or hotdog any more than say, onions.

>> No.5281287

Or rather the lack of it.
It is in my personal opinion, which I respect, that mathematic ability and comprehension should exceed the understanding of science.
We need a new branch of math that has no use in science so that in 10-20 yrs. some guy can do what lie did and integrate it to science.

>> No.5281290

onions are generally cut into small pieces or rings, also much of the onion's strong flavor is dried out by the time you cut it up and put it on there

>> No.5281293

>onions are generally cut into small pieces or rings
So are pickles?
>also much of the onion's strong flavor is dried out by the time you cut it up and put it on there
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.5281296

>onions are generally cut into small pieces or rings, also much of the onion's strong flavor is dried out by the time you cut it up and put it on there

Increasing the surface area will increase the amount of onion on taste bub contact. Cutting them up should increase the flavor you idiot.

>> No.5281303

the point is
overall there are less onions, and each piece of onion has less flavor than a similarly sized piece of pickle
who cuts their pickles into little bits or rings? they're sometimes cut into slices, but no smaller

>> No.5281313

Those slices are small as fuck though.

And there aren't even that many-- like 6 per burger.

>> No.5281317

>6 per burger
mother of fuck nigger, why do you even bother putting a little bit of bread and meat around your fuckgiant pickle-ball meal? Jesus Christ, 6 per burger...

>> No.5281321

>Not specifically asking for extra pickles and onions

>> No.5281325

Stop exaggerating you uncultured baby.

>> No.5281330




>> No.5281331

I bet you're one of those people who also puts 4+ metric fuckloads of catsup on their french fries to the point where it's just condiment soup with occasional potato floaters

>> No.5281339


What the shit fuck you illiterate twat, it's goddamn ketchup. And no, you should enjoy fries for their own goddamn merit, if you need some sauce you should just take the extra from the burger.

>> No.5281346

>Not using ketchup on your fries

Enjoy your bland potatos. I prefer food with flavor.

>> No.5281348

ITT: 2 autistic kids that think they are funny making 25 pickle jokes.

>> No.5281349

>take the extra from the burger.
confirmed for pleb-tier cook
why would your burger have so much goddamn sauce that you need to remove the extra with french fries? Just go eat soup for Christ's sake. You know you want to

>> No.5281354

>They don't experiment with their food.

>> No.5281363

If sad autisim isn't something you like, why the fuck are you on /sci?

>> No.5281365

>They like eating feces

>> No.5281366

>I don't know what autism means, but people on 4chan use it as an insult, and I want to fit in and be like them so I'll do that too

>> No.5281379

I enjoy a proper poutine. Not the mushy ass "Gravy and cheese with some potato bits in it" shit that most places make though.

>> No.5281386

>what's holding back science?

Laymen who think they know what it is.

>> No.5281391
File: 513 KB, 1558x892, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the mushy ass "Gravy and cheese with some potato bits in it" shit that most places make though.

We call that cheese stew around these parts.

It's not a compliment.

>> No.5281402

Mostly money, then ethics.
After that, it's just about making it sound appealing to the religious masses.

>> No.5281410

fuck you nigger, it's nearly 7 am in the morning here and I'm fucking starving and I see that picture oh lord does that look delicious.

>> No.5281419
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>> No.5281433


ITT: Burgers;
People forgetting where 'White' Americans come from


>> No.5281442


Embrasser mon cul, rosbif.

>> No.5282046

>implying American's can't be french

>> No.5282072

Stupid peer-review system of research. I bet we have at least a dozen geniouses right now trying to send in their groundbreaking work but the reviewers are too fucking stupid to understand the value of their work.

>> No.5282301
File: 500 KB, 570x2485, wyEbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the brilliant pickle discussion OP.

But I'm still convinced that pickles on meat based arrangements are holding back science.

>> No.5282308
File: 448 KB, 3283x2462, burgermm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Buns in Chapel Hill.

>> No.5282323

not war-imposing jews

remember Jew populations correlate to war frequency just as niggers correlate to crime freqency and unemployment.

I think we need to legalize forced sterilization to incapable individuals.

>> No.5282360

Could you imagine if that had pickles on it? Disgusting

>> No.5282381

Clearly your comment is useless because it does not discuss pickle based discrimination and condiment based solutions.

>> No.5282387

Nothing is holding back science, it's just changed because all the easy things have been discovered and what's left is either

(A) involves extremely complicated math / numerics (e.g. theoretical physics, quantum chemistry),

(B) is messy and doesn't lend itself to neat analytic models (e.g. all the social sciences, biology, economics, and probably a lot of biochem) or

(C) Is very difficult to test empirically (most of the same examples as (B)).

>> No.5282402

That is probably correct. Im himbly apologizing for my arrogant and irrate behavior. Pickle based and picle oriented hatred are problems of the highest order. I can only wish for a political party oriented towards treating this problem as a serious threat towards human solidarity.

>> No.5282406

Legit point anon. Obvious, but still necessary and approvable.

The question is now how to involve numerical methods to young adolescents.

>> No.5282456


>> No.5282517
File: 26 KB, 325x243, 28842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this one would be excellent with pickles. oh god it's beautiful

>> No.5282530

ignorance and bias

>> No.5283532

People really don't know how pickles on burgers are destroying science.

>> No.5283537

>eating pickles
disgusting, it's objectively the worst vegetable

>> No.5283539

Where is your proof?

>> No.5283544

my taste is objectively superior to yours, that is my proof

>> No.5283963
File: 84 KB, 584x438, chucks-dirtysouthern-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more burger porn
dirty south burger from Chuck's in raleigh.

>> No.5283970

Physics, as usual.

>> No.5283977


>> No.5283982

raleigh bro !

>> No.5283986
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>> No.5283999

>Yo bra I go to Carolina Bra

>> No.5284029
File: 75 KB, 375x500, 3632e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true, I do

>> No.5284037

How do you feel about that physics professor smuggling cocaine? I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about

>> No.5284054

the dude's a dumbass. I doubt he did it intentionally, but when some random woman walks up to you in a south american airport and asks you to check in a strange package for her, you should be a little suspicious. A friend of mine has had two classes with him and says he's spacy as fuck.

>> No.5284101

OP, the people who have no sense of scale or process hold back science.
People who think because it took them a week to read three chapters in their science text, that it should take only another week to double that knowledge.
Or who EXPECT paradigm shifts in knowledge during their education just because they've heard they happened before.
Or who think invention and huge new stages of knowledge should happen to entertain or enrich them, specifically.

You want new knowledge, go create it.
Otherwise, step back without complaint and let people tell you what they learn -- you'll find there is always plenty going on.

>> No.5284129


>what's holding back science?

Black people