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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5261537 No.5261537 [Reply] [Original]

Bear with me this is /sci/ related

I fucked up in high school but have turned my life around (about to graduate from my trade school)

My ultimate goal is to become a physical therapist which takes about ten years of school and a strong understanding of math and science

How can I brush up on my science and math (mostly math)? I think I've forgotten how to do long division

>> No.5261541

>physical therapist


>> No.5261543

>I think I've forgotten how to do long division

its also very competitive to get into a PT school, I want a 4.0

>> No.5261544

khan academy

>> No.5261548


pls no

>> No.5261555

your university should offer extra courses which offer pre-calc and pre-linear algebra courses

take them

>> No.5261556

do community colleges offer this? because of my grades im going to one of those and then transferring to get my bachelors

or is community college just full retard easy and I'll be able to learn on my own?

>> No.5261567

Don't know any people taking community college, but if they don't offer them you should just go to the library and try solve problems yourself.

If too lazy to do that, go to a nearby university and attend lectures (most profs don't give a fuck who's attending there lectures specially in large halls)

>> No.5261573

>try problems yourself

just what I want to do, there are many sites I can utilize for that


cant wait to be making 75k in 15 years compared to my soon to be 25k

>> No.5261585



Wow, what babby-tier university do you go to?

>> No.5261597

U.R. Mother Uni

>> No.5261605

You sound like an idiot. Community college is designed for dumb asses to take remedial courses.

>or is community college just full retard easy...
You just went full retard!

>> No.5261611

>forgetting mit openware

pls no

>> No.5261615

If I was an idiot, I wouldn't be trying to build my future and would be content with my mere massage job.

>> No.5261623

Also, I wouldn't be able to get into a decent university with my high school grades. Which why I will get good grades on my road to an Associate Degree.

>> No.5261637

Every university offers courses for idiots who don't know shit about the courses they are supposed to take. They are usually in conjunction with another school, but they don't flash it out since you have to pay extra outside their tuition.

And I go to UofT (Engineering Science) which is a top research university in Canada you mong. What crappy Uni do you go to?

>> No.5261646

Seriously though, why do you need math as a physical therapist?

>> No.5261661

>what is anatomy and physics

>> No.5261684

well I said I forgot how to do long division and I just might need to do calculus to graduate with a bachelors

>> No.5261686

Ok, let me rephrase.

Seriously, why do you need physics and math as a physical therapist. I can certainly understand anatomy, but I just can't imagine you're going to be solving for the patient's gravitational potential field or calculating their escape velocity or some shit like that. At most you might need 3rd grade level math.

>> No.5261697

>physics is just gravity hurrr

movement and structural understanding and how people interact with the environment

my trade is massage therapy, which will reinforce this knowledge

>> No.5261702

I should have read the sticky :/

>> No.5261745

Ok, let me rephrase again.

How is knowing how people move physics? I can't imagine you'll be calculating their motion or determining the strain the muscles feel when they lift things. I think you just said physics to make yourself feel smart when in fact you neither understand physics, nor will you ever understand physics.

>> No.5261794
File: 63 KB, 809x425, mathphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5261785
File: 65 KB, 977x785, 1350480514643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP


>> No.5261801

Is this really your opinion of physics as it relates to human movement, and therefore, physical therapy? I hope you're never my therapist. I appreciate that mine knows all sorts of physics regarding the forces on the elbow that I shattered a few years ago, the angles that I can move it, how much I can lift without damaging it, etc.

>> No.5261909

You said "congratulations now you have the knowledge of a first year math undergrad" that's bs. That's so much more than a first year, that's like a freaking undergrad degree dude.

>> No.5261910


Do math undergrads really cover all that shit in a year?

It would probably take me a year and a half just to go through Spivak and I'm already more or less acquainted with calculus.

>> No.5261923

Most first year math majors either take calc 2 or multi depending on if they had calc before college. They take real analysis senior or junior year. Some undergrads never take topology. The idea that field theory would be undergrad knowledge is laughable. This is a good list of material for someone wanting to do the amount of work for a undergrad degree, plus so extra shit.

>> No.5261933


OK that was is kind of reassuring I guess.

Does anyone has know where I can get hold of these fabled GRE test papers? I would like to use them as a reference for some self study.