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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5243969 No.5243969 [Reply] [Original]

Any Ivy League or alike students here?

I`m interested in stories about people who got accepted there and how.
Needless to say, it`s my dream to get in such a fancy university. However, my iq is about 135 according to dumb online tests, so i`ll probably never achieve that.

Since this is argueably the smartest board on the chans, this must be the place to come.

>> No.5243972

Parents rich?
Dad work in the CIA?
2250+ SAT?
4.0 minority student to balance out their massive horde of rich white kids?

Those are your options.

>> No.5243982

Im not american, I live in Brazil. Am an euro fag, though.
Any chances if I work my ass off and get 4 on sat, plus some unusual extracuricular shit?

>> No.5243999
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>4 on sat

>> No.5244008

Shiiiieeeet, guess its time for me to make my homework.

>> No.5244007

Ano passado teve uma menina que foi aprovada pra Havard e não passou no ITA. Talvez ainda haja esperença para você. Mas como via de regra, se formar em um colégio bom e ter participado em olimpíadas científicas aumentariam muito as suas chances.

>> No.5244012

Serio? Saberia me dizer mais a respeito?
Participei em olimpiadas cientificas, inclusive ganhei medalha de ouro em fase regional e medalha de bronze em fase nacional. Mas na maioria delas nao fui tao bem assim. E estudo num colegio relativamente bom.

>> No.5244022

>However, my iq is about 135 according to dumb online tests

The fact you mention this suggests you think they aren't so dumb after all.

>> No.5244023


Eu não sei bem os detalhes dos processos seletivos das universidades americanas, mas eles não dão muita ênfase a notas em provas. Neste aspecto, você só precisa provar que sabe o que é preciso, e não ser melhor que os outros, como é no Brasil

>> No.5244030

I mentioned it for the irony.
I do consider myself smart though, but not "that smart".

>> No.5244044

Bem interessante. Apenas receio ja ser tarde demais, assim dizendo, para alcancar feitos como os da garota na reportagem.

>> No.5244055

not OP but got 35 on ACT (~2340)
Not a single Ivy League fuck was given to me.

>> No.5244061


Isn't 4chan supposed to be the largest ENGLISH speaking image board?

>> No.5244071

wanting to pay 45000$ or more for undergraduate education.

mfw amerifags actually do this.

>> No.5244074


$45,000? Normal tuition at an Ivy League can be $350,000 +

>> No.5244076

You actually have no idea what you are talking about at all right?

>> No.5244081

Asian-American who goes to Cornell U here.
I never understood why everyone spoke of Ivy League colleges as impossibly expensive places. My family is below the poverty line and thus I have a completely free ride.

SAT was 2210, don't ever bring up your IQ to fish for compliments again because it's irritating, do AP's, get good grades, not that hard.

>> No.5244085
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>> No.5244086

cornell is a shit ivy... but it's tantamount to getting into harvard as a white male for an asian male

congrats i made a 2360 on the sat and im at big state u

>> No.5244091

Yeah we already know that. And no it isn't. Asian males and white males are basically on the exact same disadvantaged playing field.

And congrats on your SAT I guess?

>> No.5244093

Elaborate on whatever point you're trying to make.

>> No.5244092

you're kidding yourself

>> No.5244095

no wonder why you only made a 2210 you're retarded if you think asian males and white males are simiularly situated w/r/t college admissions

>> No.5244096

>Taking SAT scores this seriously
>Not actually backing up points with evidence

Right. Enjoy your masturbation. Good night.

>> No.5244097

try france, your studies won't cost you shit and they're as good, if not better than the ivy league's for some schools.
and iq tests mean shit; actually I don't think you'll fail because of your score (which is quite good), but because you take the time to mention it as if it was something important.
It's like saying "according to my numerologist, I'm good but not good enough in science-related topics".

>> No.5244101

holy shit i just did masturbate tho

have fun wasting 100k on an engineering degree (cornell and big state u equivalent)

>> No.5244104

>Je no parle france
Are all classes in french? If not, is it possible to graduate without ever uttering a word of french?

>> No.5244106

I'm at Emory.

It's mostly a money school, so there are some retards here. Not sure if I hold up to the high schooler's perception of 'ivy tier' but we're pretty damn close to it

>> No.5244109

>French universities

oh you europeans are so adorable. The only universities worth piss in yurp are in the UK. everything else is garbage.

>> No.5244110

>dont ever bring up your IQ again

yea, it was silly of my part, I learned my lesson

>> No.5244113

try Polytechnique, centrale, ENS, école des mines, supélec, école des ponts et chaussées etc

my friend at supelec is brasilian and speaks little French, and all the classes are in English for a part of the students. They're mixed with French students during labwork to help them understand and speak French.
Just sayin you have possibilities.

>> No.5244132

Thats very interesting. How are the admissions in France?

>> No.5244133

Why even think about going to an Ivy League when MIT is god-tier?

>> No.5244137

Hmm.. Butthurt americunt? Actually french universities are nice. Cute girls and nice baugettes. :]

>> No.5244136
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>tfw op`s pic is MIT>>5243969

cheers on that mate

>> No.5244143

I know. I was just saying MIT is one of the best schools in the world. Maybe even the best for math at least.

>> No.5244146

And I agree

>> No.5244152

then again, try ENS ulm.
MIT students would probably shit their pants.

>> No.5244156

Wasn't he talking about the price for the whole scholarity, not just one year?

>> No.5244159

>ENS ulm
Tell me more, Im in the mood to shit my pants.

>> No.5244158

>tfw when from a second-rate engineering school in France
>try entrance exams for master's degree in Todai
>tfw ace it
Those big universities and their fancy rankings...

>> No.5244161

Scary how all French fields medal recipients went there. Like what the fuck do they do to your brain at that school?

>> No.5244162

This. Doesn't anyone here have a pdf of an ENS entrance exam?

>> No.5244163

in what year are you studying?
(Just to adapt the information)

>> No.5244166
File: 330 KB, 1600x1200, 008744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dont know what todai is
>mfw search todai in google
>mfw University of Tokyo

>> No.5244164

It's the other way around.
The entrance exam is only questions about open topics you haven't seen in class yet.
So you have to actually have imagination and a deep understanding of math to get in. (or math/physics, depending which exam you took)

>> No.5244169

>accidently implied Im an MIT student
uh, im in highschool
(anything would make me shit my pants)

>> No.5244173

here, have fun with the 1st year written entrance exams
http://www.ens.fr/IMG/file/concours/2010/MPI/mp-sujet-maths1.pdf (6 hours)
http://www.ens.fr/IMG/file/concours/2010/MPI/mp-sujet-maths2.pdf (4 hours)

>> No.5244182

>mfw "the fuck is this, the fuck is that"

captcha >facili icietre

>> No.5244184

>that 6 hours exam
>those memories
I did good on all written tests, even X, except ENS.
>tfw no imagination

>> No.5244185

Shits easy once I activate Gauss mode.

>> No.5244187
File: 155 KB, 1337x1204, orauxxens1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or have fun with some 1st year oral exam questions, I'll post a few, if anyone wants to try them and doesn't understand, ask for a translation

>> No.5244190
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second part

>> No.5244195
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third part

>> No.5244196

>oral exam
>P(x^2 + 1) = (P(x))^2 + 1


>> No.5244199
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last one

>> No.5244200

Not that guy, but what we mean by oral exam is that you are working on the chalkboard while the teacher is asking you questions and looking at how you work it ou.

>> No.5244204

what about it?
it's just an easy starting before the shitstorm starts.
It's easy to filter out the weakest ones.

>> No.5244211

wait a moment, i think i got it

whatever x is, it will be squared and then added 1 squared
since 1 multipled by itself whatever times is 1
P(x^2 + 1) = (P(x))^2 + 1 is the fucken same


>> No.5244213

makes more sense now

>> No.5244216
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>> No.5244221

i've applied for cambridge and probably gonna apply for MIT

mostly because i don't lose much by trying, i don't really know if i can get in. i know that for cambridge i'm just gonna shit my pants at the interview if i even get that far.

but fucking extracurriculars, how am i even supposed to do that for chemical engineering? also it feels sort of stupid paying out of the ass for huge loads of stress when i could get paid to study in an alright-tier university and not have to move. but i guess it pays for itself.

>> No.5244227

>extracurriculars for chem eng
gold medals on chemistry ollympics, discovering an new element, cooking meth for commercial purposes
those universities are fucking hardcore

>> No.5244232

The question is
"Find all polynoms P such that P(x^2 + 1) = (P(x))^2 + 1"

>> No.5244288

>Asian males and white males are basically on the exact same disadvantaged playing field.
Nope. Asians have to score on average 60+ points higher on the SAT than Whites to have the same acceptance rates.

>> No.5244292


You do understand master's degree entrance exams in Japan are considerably easier than the ones for undergraduates, right? They are, in fact, just a formality, the most important is whether or not the professor wants to work with you.

>> No.5244289

You don't understand master's degree entrance exams in Japan are considerably easier than the ones for undergraduates, right? They are, in fact, just a formality, the most important is whether or not the professor wants to work with you.

>> No.5244346


>> No.5244362

>Entrance exams
>Abelian Groups and Morphisms
>Integral Calulus
>Vector Spaces

Just to make sure, an entrance exam is something you take BEFORE going to college, right?
If so, this is maximum authism.

>> No.5244381


This is true.

>> No.5244392

The french system is different. To go to normal university in France you need the Bac, equivalent to advanced placement in the US.
To go to Grands ecole like ENS, you go in a special program called classes preparatoires that adds two years of high school that is extremely intensive and difficult. You'll probably learn just as much in 2 years at harvard as in a french prepa. This prepares you for the entrance exams to the grands ecole which are the elite universities. These examinations are incredibly difficult and only the top scorers are allowed entry.
Basically everyone at the grandes ecoles are geniuses which is why ENS for example, despite a tiny amount of students (a couple hundred at most) produced such a significant number of Fields medalists and nobel prizes.

>> No.5244405

How good are the master programs in chemistry in l.ecole.polytechnique ?

>> No.5244414

I go to the KULeuven in Flanders. Best one in Benelux. It was somewhere around 80st worldwide and somewhere in the top 50 for engineering (what I'm doing).
Very happy with it. Would not change.

Seems very doable. I like his questions thought; old olympiad/putnam questions, that variant on Fermat's last theorem,.. Confirmed for cool professor.

>> No.5244427

Goeidag meneer! I go to the UCL at louvain la neuve, i am studying chemistry.

>> No.5244432

I have rich parents and got a perfect on the ACT and didn't get in.

Every kid with rich parents and perfect scores applies. The ones who stand out are those who either connections, or some great accomplishment (built a new robotic arm at age 13 or some shit)

>> No.5244434

It is easier to go to a large state school with a deep research program for undergrad, stand out there, then apply to the Ivy league for grad schools.

>> No.5244435

you're either looking for espci or polytechnique in chemistry:

>> No.5244451
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>tfw would love to go to this fancy french school
>tfw can do the entrance exam
>tfw not french

>> No.5244459

>not French
so what?

>> No.5244464

the people there speak french. I cannot speak french.

>> No.5244468



>> No.5244469

Good luck competing with Asian kids who cheat on the SATs and Arab kids whose parents have loads of money. Also, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

>> No.5244476

Asian kids cheat on the SAT?
Good excuse amerinigger. Someone does better than you so you have to make excuses.
Pathetic. Asians are just smarter, deal with it.

>> No.5244482

Good one. A stupid belgian retard looks at a few questions for a few seconds and thinks they are doable. Hahaha.Those questions are not for faggoty ass low class engineers, they are for extremely intelligent mathematicians and physicists. You would never be able to do them so stop dreaming.

>> No.5244497

are you serious here? Not him but even if they're hard, these specific ones are quite cool.

>> No.5244500

My god... that's like my worst nightmare, I couldn't work like that

>> No.5244503

>mad asian
>asians smarter

white master race, plebeian

>> No.5244523

>Still giving a fuck about ivy league status
I'm going to an ivy league equivalent (ranked better than some ivys, worse than others), and I'd honestly say that the kids I know going to ivy leagues seem like massive antisocial dicks.

Have fun spending your days with the kind of kids that will tell you to kill yourself for getting an 8/10 on one homework assignment. Oh, and don't worry, there will be plenty of "hurr durr my dad" types like George Bush was at Yale.

>> No.5244526

Je ne parle pas Francais.

>> No.5244548

Il existe encore des gens qui parlent Français?

>> No.5244550


>> No.5244553


those tests, along with all iq tests, are bullshit. I got tested on an actual test and scored 134 then got a 284 from the internet. all iq is is a number that some faggots use to stroke there ego. if you do take one then don't tell people your score. it just comes back to bite you.

>> No.5244577

Not the same guy, but even i've noticed the tendency for asians to cheat like crazy.

I think it's in their little princess complexes.

>> No.5244636

I got accepted to Cornell for grad school. Didn't have a spectacular GPA (3.7 I think), but I did undergrad research and wrote some conference papers, so I'm guessing they liked that about me.

>> No.5244878
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Ok champ. Must be 'cause I'm such a big ol' dumb belgian engineer. How could I possible know?
PS: I have a math degree as well (and math was easier) :)

>> No.5244990

Yes, Asian kids fucking cheat on everything. For math tests for instance, they write all of the notes that they need to know on the calculator case for their graphing calculator. They write shit on their fingernails. They carefully write shit in pencil on the desks before they take the test, then just wipe it off and take away the evidence.

btw, this is all what I experienced in AP BC Calc, and AP Physics C last year in high school. Not all Asians are like that though, a good amount though. Lots of cheating wherever you go though, I assume.

>> No.5245025

Cambridge doesn't care about extra curriculars apart from medicine (since they want to be quite sure you'll stick out hte 6 years).

They invite most people for an interview as long as they have good grades. But for chem eng you'll either study engineering or natural sciences in teh first year anyway so don't bother trying to read an undergraduate text in chemical engineering. Just make sure you know your physics and chemistry.

Just talk about what parts of the subject you like on the personal statement. make sure you really understand them. It would be good to have a few things that you've read beyond or to a deeper level than teh syllabus required.

I'm a cambridge alumni

>> No.5245023

I have a good shot at getting into an ivy league professional school. I had to settle for (fairly high ranked) state flagship university undergrad.

>> No.5245026

Asians are smart AND they cheat. They have a different culture that emphasizes success, no matter what the cost.

>> No.5245040


I heard shit about Asians cheating too. My whole life I thought Asians were the smartest people on the planet.

I guess not everyone in STEM works that hard, the people who don't cheat in STEM must be really hard workers I think.

>> No.5245054


I refuse to believe Asians are smart, in fact I refuse to believe any race to be smart. I only believe that people work hard.

Yeah their culture emphasizes success and not all cultures do. The requirement for success is hard work not just being smart for most people.

>> No.5245060

Hi OP... I do math at Cambridge university which I think is equivalent to ivy-league? But yea I didn't find it very hard to get in... the interviews especially were easy as. The entrance exam was hard, but I didn't need to get a very high mark in it. All in all I'm surprised I actually got in but it turns out you don't actually need to be good at your subject to get in... just not shit at it. I don't reckon I'd have gotten into any of the awesome US universities like Yale, Harvard or MIT...

>> No.5245061

>white male
>STEM major
>never cheated
>3.8 gpa

Although a notorious (asian) cheater in my high school got accepted to MIT so fuck them....

>> No.5245070

Cambridge is on the same tier as Harvard Yale or MIT. Stop whining faggot. In american universities they don't even have interviews or entrance exams, just SAT and gpas and racial quotas so stupid minorities can get in.

>> No.5245069


The one fucking time I cheated in high school I got caught and I never cheated again.

>> No.5245073


I hope he flunks out.

>> No.5245075

For an asian to get accepted to MIT, he'd need an SAT score significantly higher than whites and whole standard deviations higher than for latinos or blacks.

>> No.5245095

>trying to start a trolling war
>---->>> /b/

>> No.5245117

How is 135 IQ low, exactly? That's more than 2 s.d. above the mean. I also don't get it when people say Feynman's IQ was "only" 124. That's still 1.6 s.d. above the mean.

>> No.5245143


I think the average /sci/ reader is on the right side of the bell curve is what hes talking about

>> No.5245157

No, he says he'll probably never get into an Ivy League school because he believes his IQ is "only" 135, implying that he thinks 135 IQ is low, when it's actually very high (99th percentile).

>> No.5245162

Not science or math. Pre-teen babbling for career and college advice belongs on >>>/adv/ and >>>/fk/.

>> No.5246072

Oh shut up, some actually interesting math problems were posted ITT. That's a welcome change.
Still trying to work out the Putnam thing.

>> No.5246160


You have the wrong mindset to get into an Ivy. They're not looking for intelligent people, they're knee-deep in those. They want someone who's smart but ALSO an interesting and/or talented person. This is why your extracurriculars and essays can be a huge swing factor. If you come off as a brilliant but boring aspie kid, you're gonna get passed over for the equally smart guy who's a world class concert violinist or for the girl who's equally smart and can speak eloquently about her passion for healing others through medicine and her related history of volunteering. And, as illogical as it sounds, kids like that might get picked over you even with lower GPAs or test scores, believe it or not. Private universities, and Ivy League institutions in particular, put a lot of focus on being "unique" or "well-round" or "passionate," sometimes even more than they focus on actual intelligence.

TL;DR: Smart isn't enough anymore. You need to come across as someone who's passionate and talented about more things than just keeping your 4.0 and getting a perfect score on your SAT.

Seriously, I've seen this happen to lots of good students, even high school friends. In reality we weren't so different, but on paper I came off as a talented and passionate individual while they came off as a dead eyed study-drone. And the result was I got into most of the Ivy's I applied to, while they got into very few or none.

Also, try not to get too bummed out by the results, there's a pretty big random/subjective factor in there. Hell, my sister got waitlisted at vandy but accepted at upenn with basically the same application. Someone explain that one me (and no, it wasn't legacy, she actually had six family members who went through vandy and zero for penn).