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5239142 No.5239142 [Reply] [Original]

So help me out here /sci/ Since nasa is apparently planning to send more manned missions to the Moon in the upcoming years eventually trying to send manned missions to Near-Earth Asteroids by 2025, there are going to be a massive influx of absolute retards saying


So I'm just making this thread to hopefully get a nice condensed little spot of information for the reasons of going to space. Other than the absolute fucking cool factor of SENDING FUCKING PEOPLE ON A ROCKET TO AN ASTEROID that some people don't find inspiring at all and the need for Helium-3 for Nuclear Fusion what are some practical uses that could come out of expanding space exploration and going to the moon etc.?

>> No.5239143


Source of that by the way


>> No.5239147

There are Rare Earth Metals

>> No.5239151


Anything else?

>> No.5239166

We will never colonize other planets without these small steps.

>> No.5239171


A lot of other resources. Like a lot as in super concentrated amounts larger than any deposits on Earth.

>> No.5239179


>> No.5239195

>that feel when you would mine asteroids or go to the moon without asking any pay what-so-ever
>would give up everything in a heart beat
>that feel when it will never happen
I guess the only thing I can do it try to save up a few hundred grand throughout my life for a 1 hour low earth orbit in 40 or so years

Feels really bad man

>> No.5239202

>waste of money
>fix problems here first
But spending money on job-creation(instead of giving it to corporations and hoping they create jobs with it) does fix problems here. I do wish people that posted things like that would spend a bit of time studying macroeconomics.

So, it has good implications for the economy in general. There's also the fact that a massive number of chemical reactions are (in theory) more easily performed in the vacuum of space - but not so much more easily that companies are often willing to spend the money on creating vacuum-like conditions. So, not sure how much of a benefit that is.

captcha:maspace from

>> No.5239205

>instead of giving it to corporations and hoping they create jobs with it

Give it to small business, they WILL make jobs with it.

Too bad they don't have lobbyists

>> No.5239210

The entire world will stand still as they watch the landings on TV.
There will be no war, there will be no hate, just pure awe and inspiration at what we can do when we work together.

>> No.5239223

Doubt it, they will probably just tweet about it or post it on facebook in hopes somebody will think they are intelligent and care about this stuff.

I would probably tear up, I mean I almost did when we landed a fucking rover on mars.

>> No.5239235

You obviously didn't see the results of the Curiousity rover's landing here on 4chan.
France: 'America, you'd never have landed without us!'
America: 'Okay? We paid for it.'
France: 'We're better than you!'

I honestly wish people that were capable of thinking in their own capacity and without comparing themselves to others would split off and create their own nation. Not really possible, but an ideal.

This is a very interesting article when taken from a philosophical perspective.

>> No.5239261

Going slightly off topic, but how close are we (as in the world) to nuclear fusion? I know the current tokamek design is about breaking even in power output vs input, but how soon until fusion's power can be used?

>> No.5239296

a million billion years

>> No.5239302

Ask them how the military budget solves any problem.

>> No.5239306

Probably 50 years assuming no major issue is found with the concept.

>> No.5239315

It build profits for big corporations and contractors.

Also things from the military tend to find domestic applications later (much like space exploration).

It also protects people around the world and deters major countries from warring with each other, which is pretty fucking huge with a world economy.

>> No.5239320

I like the parable of the caveman.
>curious caveman trying to make fire and invent some new stoneworking technique
>"no, Grunt, you can't do that, we have to feed the tribe. You will do your thingies when there is no food scarcity anymore."
And this is how humanity died, as just another insignificant ape species.

>> No.5239326

>It build profits for big corporations and contractors.
So does NASA
>Also things from the military tend to find domestic applications later (much like space exploration).
The ratio of money spent/spinoffs is just not comparable.
>It also protects people around the world and deters major countries from warring with each other, which is pretty fucking huge with a world economy.
No one can threaten America, military budget is way overshot.

>> No.5239343

>No one can threaten America
Well yes, that is a result of the military budget though.

More so it is not just about defending america at this point, it is about deterring almost all military conflict around the world because that can also hurt our economy and our allies.

>> No.5239355

>that is a result o the military budget
No, that is a result of the political climate worldwide. If someone truly started a war with America, even Russia, the EU, and China would have to become involved or risk their economies completely bottoming out.

Hell, if we didn't import so much of the military technology, it wouldn't even be half as bad.

>> No.5239405
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fuck everything

>> No.5239516


it's perpetually 30 years away

>> No.5239523


If you put enough money into military funding some countries won't even try to fight you. But you can't count success on the wars never fought.

>> No.5239542

the amount of money that NASA has saved in just weather satellites alone more than pays for anything NASA has ever done. Ask them if they would rather have to pay 50 cents for every time they look up what the weather will be tomorrow.

>> No.5239550

Oh fuck did it move 10 perpetual years further?

>> No.5239566

>there are going to be a massive influx of absolute retards saying


>So I'm just making this thread to hopefully get a nice condensed little spot of information for the reasons of going to space

You know the shitposters will come, so you preemptively create a thread for them to come to, getting it started early? Holy shit you are dumb.

>> No.5239569

Infinity has never seemed so far

>> No.5239681

Don't bother OP. We're living in a world where people believe in creationism, consider climate change a hoax, and invoke an ancient Hebrew deity when justifying their opposition to gay rights.

For you to reason with these people they'd have to be capable of reason, and if they were they wouldn't believe in stupid shit like this in the first place.

>> No.5239728

It has never been moved.
ITER completion is scheduled for around 2050. And that's only an experimental reactor, not an industrial one.

>> No.5239772


Also the massive amounts of

>Durr we don't care about America's achievements, worst nation ever
>Hurr America makes all of this possible, best nation ever

>> No.5239821
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they keep saying the defense budget is something we absolutely cannot touch. what good will our defense budget do when we finally achieve a unified world government and the possibility of war is next to zero?

NASA is something we absolutely cannot give up on. eventually this planet will die and it's resources will be exhausted. the entire fate of our species depends on our ability to colonize other planets and pull resources from extraterrestrial bodies.

>> No.5239840

law of conservation of mass says the earth won't run out of resources.

it's just a fallacy to say the government needs to spend money on science. the most scientific period was the one with no government spending on it.

defense is there to keep war from happening. you don't want a centralized government that's in control of everything.

people need to understand political science and history, or they'll die.

>> No.5239853

>law of conservation of mass says the earth won't run out of resources.
I leld.

>> No.5239874

Helium's made by decay.

>> No.5239871

what about Helium

>> No.5239879


>finally achieve a unified world government

You keep believing that dream, buddy. It'll never happen. And certainly not within our lifetime.

>> No.5239882
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but theres a difference between what it takes to keep war from happening and waging war. just because you call both "defense" doesnt make it so.

>> No.5239889

what aggressive wars has the US waged in recent years?

>> No.5239896
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>> No.5239898

you can't name one

you're scared

>> No.5239914

Don't be so defeatist. It'll never happen if we don't go out there and make it happen. Illuminatus of the world, unite!

>> No.5239920

It's obvious to the majority of the population. No doubt you will try to move the goalpost around by redefining "aggressive war" but it really doesn't matter.

>> No.5239928

and most people believe in ghosts, too

is this /sci/, or isn't it?

>> No.5239930

How about Iraq?

>> No.5239936

The country that was owned by a guy who wanted to be Stalin and Hilter, had invaded 3 nations and would have loved to do so again, and fired on our peacekeeping planes every day for 10 years?

Yeah, we totally started that war.

>> No.5240005


of course not within our lifetime, but there will likely be a short period of time where the entire human race will be unified under one earth government before it splits off into individual planetary governments. the United Nations is an early example of an attempt of such a government, even if it doesn't work as one.

like i said, this is all likely hundreds mabye even thousands of years from now. it is the only plausible future of our race that doesn't see us in a steady decline and eventual failure.