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5230152 No.5230152 [Reply] [Original]

What's the science behind the cross-race effect?

Do the chinks actually think us euros look the same and find it difficult to differentiate between us?

There's no doubt that the 'white' race has been subject to much more interbreeding meaning that there is far more variance in the gene pool than asians. So, to be fair, let's just take the typical anglo-american. Would chinks think they all look the same even though we can easily differentiate between them?

I love how existence is all relative. Crazy stuff.

>> No.5230192

I think so.

If you were raised in an asian society, you would be able to better recognise the differences. They all think we look the same (and are incredibly unattractive), just as we think the same about them (for the most part).

>> No.5230205

source, citation, sample size, sample group, sample error.

>> No.5230213

Just common logic. I've had asian and indian exchange students in uni and they all say how they thought that us 'white' folk look aesthetically undesirable and the same.


Your life is all a matter of perspective.

>> No.5230227

easy, pal

>> No.5230232

Fuck you're dense

>> No.5230282

Not sure if my extremely mixed heritage makes a difference, but I find Asian girls seem to be much more attracted to me than others of most races, including other white people.

>> No.5230284

I assume that they are westernised asian girls.

Massive difference to be had. Again, everything is about perspective.

>> No.5230290

Basically you build a high-dimension vector space of faces in your head, and identify faces as vectors of this space.
The null vector is a sort of "average" of all the faces you've seen in your life.
So when you see faces close to the null vector, you can differentiate them easily.

But when you are confronted with foreigners, their face vectors are spread around a very different average in the face-space. Since this average is quite far from your null-reference face, it is harder for you to differentiate.

>> No.5230337

Asian people do tend to look the same. Black people definitely don't. Whites are in the middle for genetic diversity, but the lower pigmentation makes it a lot easier to see differences.

>I've had asian and indian exchange students in uni and they all say how they thought that us 'white' folk look aesthetically undesirable and the same.
This is generally said in the spirit of "NO U!" and trying to pose as if the differences are completely symmetrical.

Indians, incidentally, are mostly white. It doesn't take a lot of mixing to bring back the melanin.

>> No.5230383

Well, white people (caucasian or wtf you wanna call it) have a huge variance in both hair-colours and eye-colour + a skin colour which makes distinctive features more noticeable.
Thus making them the most recognicable race outside your own.

>> No.5230427

It's the result of the developmental trajectory of an area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA). This brain region is specialized to process subtle visual differences in classes of stimuli such as faces, hence the name. During cortical development, visual information is critical to structural reorganization of visual cortex, and as a result, hanging out with your own race predisposes the FFA to the processing of these types of faces. This is reflected in functional activation of the FFA when viewing faces of other races.*

An interesting side note, the FFA responds to wide classes of objects. A car expert for instance might show FFA activity when judging the make of a car**, and much in the same way, the FFA enables a sheep herder to recognize his individual sheep whereas you and I might not. This implies that the FFA does still show some plasticity in adulthood, and thus, it's likely that if you were to go live in Asia, you would become better at telling individual Asian people apart.

* http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20937393
** http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10649576

>> No.5230455
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>Do the chinks actually think us euros look the same and find it difficult to differentiate between us?


To them French and German people are as indistinguishable as Eastern Chinese and Korean are to us.

It's not rocket science, we have more practice telling apart white faces. I've taught myself to tell apart pic related by just getting to know them. It just took an extra week or so it wouldn't have taken with white people. Now I've watched so much Korean tv I can tell new Korean people apart like they were white, it's nothing to me now. But at first they all looked similar. I can even tell easily when a Japanese or Chinese person is present. Japanese look so different to Koreans they stick out like a sore thumb to me now, they're very distinctive. To someone not exposed to Asians though they can't tell the difference.

Video related. Asias only exposure to white people is through American culture like hollywood movies. That's why the main character thinks everyone is a star, we all look the same to them.

Do the chinks actually think us euros look the same and find it difficult to differentiate between us?

>> No.5230459


Didn't paste for some reason.

>> No.5230472

>To them French and German people are as indistinguishable as Eastern Chinese and Korean are to us.
This argument always kills me. Who the fuck can reliably distinguish French from Germans just by looking?

Anyway, the "asians look alike" thing isn't "Chinese and Japanese people look the same" but that individual asians of the same sex and age are often hard to distinguish.

>> No.5230476

Yeah same things goes on for asian people.
It turns people who think they can differentiate between east asian countries are full of shit once you put them in controlled conditions.

>> No.5230481

>Who the fuck can reliably distinguish French from Germans just by looking?

I can, though it's more about attitude and fashion

>dress dull, crunched backs, low confidence, more defined facial features

>more fashionable dressing, arrogant attitude, often tend to have duller faces, though they're noses can be veeery distinct.

>> No.5230486


Pretty much the rest of the thread is anecdotal evidence. This is supposed to be a science board for fucks sake.

>> No.5230487

>Who the fuck can reliably distinguish French from Germans just by looking?
not I

>> No.5230490

>low confidence

>> No.5230493

It's true, WW2 guilt did a number on them.

>> No.5230505
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Compared to all of those sameface asian girls, note how easy it is to distinguish between this representative sample of a popular caucasian boy band.

>> No.5230576

Wasn't 13 males and 9 females the number of people freed from the Matrix by the machines to start Zion?

I think we're looking at the breeding pool to rebuild humanity here.

>> No.5230586

It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with Eigen vectors.

That said, as someone who's grown up in a country not his own you distinguish the faces of the people in the country you grow up in better than in other places. It's not inherent.

>> No.5230635
File: 2.00 MB, 371x331, lam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve this. I am a caucasian person with chinese girlfriend and I have learned to see differences in her chinese friends. I can also distinguish which ones are korean, japanese or chinese, to some extent and it works exactly like that.

>> No.5230842

asians have more variance in their gene pool than euros actually
>look it up

>> No.5230847

Here in switzerland we have shittons of germans. An they are arrogant.

>> No.5230848

are you fucking kidding me plz

if anything, it's resignation because the rest of the world is absolute shit right now, no matter how hard we try.

>> No.5230857


French people tend to have a rounded nose tip that dips downwards.

Germans look serious. Look at one of the paintings of Kant and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.5230903

>>Who the fuck can reliably distinguish French from Germans just by looking?

They are different.

Obviously not 100% because of migration and such, but are you telling me you can't tell the difference between Norweigan and Spanish? Polish and Irish? They are all classed as "white" yet a truly ethnic Spaniard doesn't look like a Nord.

Same is true for the Japanese and Chinese.

China alone has something like 56 ethnic groups.


>> No.5230932

Norwegian and Spanish would be much more realistic.

Germany's only a little over a hundred years old with the various provinces shifting back and forth between the various countries and cultures, with no essential geographic separation.