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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5208896 No.5208896 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up, Sheeple.

If Tesla shook buildings and shattered windows for blocks using a steam-driven tapper set to a specific cycle/frequency of taps on a steel pipe driven into the ground in one of his experiments. now, do that on a wireless level and you have HAARP
earthquake machines are not far fetched if you understand the ionosphere and how it can be manipulated via micro and radio waves..

>> No.5208906

if something that didn't happen, happened, then something that is imposable would be possible.

seems legit.

>> No.5208937

Could you please prove to me that Tesla did not use a steam-driven tapper to shake buildings and break windows?

>> No.5208948
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Disprove my idea because I have no proof. Therefore, I am right, because you cannot disprove what I cannot prove.


>> No.5208945

thats not how science works. you need to prove he did.

>> No.5208954
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>If Tesla shook buildings and shattered >windows for blocks using a steam-driven >tapper set to a specific cycle

Where in the fuck did you hear that jibberish....

>> No.5208984

>something that is imposable would be possible

of course, if it can be imposed it is real

>seems legit.

>> No.5209003

>Could you please prove to me that Tesla did not use a steam-driven tapper to shake buildings and break windows?
Right there, that's where I heard it. You asked someone to prove that something did NOT happen, before you offered up any proof that it DID happen. Science doesn't work that way buddy.

If it did, I'd say that I was a fucking millionaire 12 year old genius, and you couldn't disagree without proving me wrong. That mentality is a scourge of science, perpetuated by television and popular media.

Example: How many times do they say in shows like CSI "ok now how do we make the evidence fit this suspect"? All the fucking time, and it's so wrong and damaging for science that it's disgusting.

>> No.5209022
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Did you run out of meds today or something?

I didn't know they had internet at the mental institutions.

>> No.5209037

At which point did I stutter? Instead of lowbrowing me with inane insults and comments, why don't you defend your point like a rational person would? If you have a legitimate point and I am completely missing it, I really want to know.

I'm perfectly able to accept when I've made a mistake or have mis-spoken, but I want to understand what I said wrong to begin with. You're not contributing to discussion.

>> No.5209047

i think he may be trolling. i hope so.

>> No.5209054
File: 48 KB, 500x410, 1343091286507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Butthurt 9 year old detected.

You seem to think everyone posting as anonymous is the same character.

Go back to reddit name faggot.

>> No.5209082

I watched a documentary about Tesla's life saying stuff like this happened by national geographic. Are you telling me this was all exaggerations? Not OP btw!

>> No.5209091

Definitely appears to be. Random-image avatar and everything.