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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 432x588, JYJBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5199001 No.5199001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill kiddies, genius here.

200+ IQ. Ask me anything.

>> No.5199011

What happened to our daily measure-theoretic probability theory thread?

>> No.5199012

Not sure, kid.

>> No.5199016

Threads like this are why /sci/ can't have nice things.

>> No.5199018
File: 419 KB, 2560x1600, 1349205851465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the drill kiddies, ISS here
330000+ m altitude. Ask me anything.

Pic related, it's my bitch.

>> No.5199022
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_m8zsckvHVB1qmo3obo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on ponies?

>> No.5199026

Are you the sort of genius that is super lazy because everything comes quickly to them? The "Fuck Studying, I can party and still pull 90s out of my ass" sort?

>> No.5199021

Did you know Jesus loves you?

>> No.5199029


>> No.5199034

Nope, I have been working hard on the implications of my grand unified theory.

>> No.5199037

Can you prove that you have an IQ of 200+?

>> No.5199038

What's your gender, Mr Genius?

>inb4 cis

>> No.5199042

Have any dark triad traits?

>> No.5199041

I believe I took a test and posted in in a thread.

Check the archive, kid.

>> No.5199050

What test? Specifics man. Citations. This is science here!

>> No.5199054

Do you believe that the Universe was created by an intellegent being?

>> No.5199056

Why are women so shallow?

>> No.5199059

I want citations of peer review feedback on the paper that was the creation of the test and performance benchmarks of the product too. I also want to see the tester's credentials with the APA.

>> No.5199061

What is meaning of life?

>> No.5199057
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>> No.5199062

Why are you taking so long with the P vs NP problem?

>> No.5199067

Do you believe that spousal support should be awarded on the basis of need or as a form of compensation?

>> No.5199070

>calls people kids
>wants to be taken seriously

lol, get out fagbait

>> No.5199071

Post a link to your test results, child.

>> No.5199075
File: 285 KB, 448x421, 1327354286108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the meaning of life? Also, am a redditor of randumb XD

>>>/reddit/ come on kid get outta here!

>> No.5199076

What's your take on the evolutionary conservation of the Kreb's cycle throughout time?

>> No.5199078

How would you describe yourself politically?

>> No.5199083

Are you female?
pls respond ;_;

>> No.5199085

What's your job? Do you have money?

>> No.5199091

I have written a grand unified theory.

>> No.5199089

You should really claim being a female if you want attention, kid.

>> No.5199094
File: 20 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m83joqAUnc1rr0u35o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I'm the only female on /sci/.

>> No.5199099

cool, link. how many citations?

>> No.5199106

Can you do my homework?

>> No.5199107

no you're a fucking queer.

>> No.5199110

Gauge group?

>> No.5199105

Not a master painter.

>> No.5199113

lelz. this is great.

>> No.5199114

I love you no matter what :3

>> No.5199115
File: 11 KB, 418x307, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be easy for you.

>> No.5199116
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>> No.5199118


Care to tell us the gist of your theory?

Or did you just come here to gloat and sparsely respond?

>> No.5199124

What is your favorite branch of science. Why?

>> No.5199126


>> No.5199134

What is your mtDNA and Y haplogroups?

>> No.5199138

Sorry but I am leaving, you fucking kids are getting me bored.

>> No.5199140
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0/10 faggot

>> No.5199136


>> No.5199148

What, too much of a pussy to solve the simple problem?

>> No.5199157
File: 7 KB, 300x275, Cosmic_Coincidence_Problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think I am gonna waste my time with middle school physics?

Solve this then get back to me kid.

>> No.5199159

Child, I am waiting for proof on your IQ test

>> No.5199165


>still no answer
>dodges question by posting something he searched on google

The troll is weak on this one.

>> No.5199166


What is the best way to learn?
What is the best way to approach a problem?

>> No.5199173
File: 10 KB, 194x152, dol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're cool, faggot? Bitch please. I got a motherfucking A in calculus. Yeah, that's right. I'm a real math wizard. Contain your jelly.

>> No.5199175


I.Q OF 350

>> No.5199177

I don't know how to learn anymore, I know so much about physics that people learn from me.

The only time I ever actually learn is when I discover things.

>> No.5199181

good job, you googled "unsolved problems" and took the first chart.

how about you solve it? you claim to be the super smart one here.

>> No.5199184

and that's not even physics lol.

>> No.5199189

Wow! You must be pretty smart. Of course, grades mean nothing without proper backing, you need a real test.
What is the derivative of x^2?
Take you're time, "genius"

>> No.5199192

Hey, can you help me solve this differential equation?
<div class="math">\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{y^2}{x-x*ln(y)}</div>

>> No.5199187


Let me rephrase then: What is most fundamental to understanding Physics barring Mathematics?

Still didn't answer the second question, if I'm not being picky.

>> No.5199198


>> No.5199193

made me laugh

>> No.5199195

Sensed troll from the beginning. You can't call yourself a genius based on a test, no matter how well you do. It's the quality of your life's work that makes you a genius.

>> No.5199210

now test for normality.

>> No.5199215

nigga i solve that in my sleep. the derivative of x^2 is 1/2x^3 - d obviously.

>> No.5199220
File: 160 KB, 1366x624, iq is bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, guys. LEGIT genius here. Taking your questions -- if they are not too fucking retarded.

>> No.5199223

Why does it hurts when I try to make poo poo?

>> No.5199228

Because you're butthurt from being scientifically corrected on /sci/.

>> No.5199232
File: 839 KB, 920x998, icebarn!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5199235


I -know- I am mediocre. Why do I keep doing far better than everyone else in my classes?

>> No.5199236
File: 50 KB, 500x129, ice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oho, wrong image.

>> No.5199237

Umm no. I checked wolfram like 3 times and it says you're wrong :/
It might be an error on the site though, so I just sent my prof an email w/ the problem so hopefully he can confirm it tomorrow.

>> No.5199241

Because you're in special education. You're not intelligent, the others are just even dumber than you.

>> No.5199244

Yeah, wolfram is wrong about it, it still has problems with such complex expressions.

>> No.5199246

Can I have the link to that IQ test?

>> No.5199247

You've already failed it ;)

>> No.5199248

Who gives a shit.

Post your college transcript if you want to impress

>> No.5199255


but im in graduate school studying math

no it isn't a top 20 school

>> No.5199256

Pls don't bully :(

>> No.5199262

Yes, you can.

>not top 20
lol, pleb

>> No.5199264

>no it isn't a top 20 school
May as well go a community college, fucking loser.

>> No.5199277
File: 126 KB, 489x400, 1293495531215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5199331

There are several forms of IQ measurements,

Spacial, Mathematics, Verbal.

Which one is your highest?

>> No.5199363

My 420E'RRYDAYtest

>> No.5199375

Will my ex-boyfriend ever talk to me again? :(

>> No.5199373

>Yes, you can
Post the url.

>> No.5199381

eye can give u my phone qt 3.1415926535 ;)

>> No.5199390

Good try, honestly. 6/10 best I can do.

I gotta' make money somewhere.

jesus christ check the fucking picture

>> No.5199395

>Has 200+ IQ
>Can't figure out that it's retarded as fuck to tripfag on an anonymous image board
Sounds legit.

>> No.5199398

hurr durr axe me enything i'm dr Robotnik IQ of 400

>> No.5199400

Congratulations, you are the only person dumber than OP.

>> No.5199422

Wait, he's dumber than me? That's amazing! Congrats, bro.