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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5193613 No.5193613 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the most horrible diseases to exist? Ones that truly give you a fear of living due to the potential for catching them and dying horribly?

>> No.5193616

How about parasites? Bot fly.

>> No.5193617

being black

>> No.5193623

ebola and marburg

>> No.5193632


the worst diseases are genetic. thank jeebus. Ebola is pretty awful though.

>> No.5193637

Spontaneous combustion

>> No.5193638

If you're counting genetic disorders: fatal congenital insomnia. Worst way to die IMO

>> No.5193651

Peons, and I'm not talking about the bird.

>> No.5193657

Rabies is fucking horrible.

The only good thing about it is that it's hard to catch. If that were weaponized, shit would be crazy.

>> No.5193654

There are some fucking ridiculously horrible diseases.

Necrotizing fasciitis sounds about as fucking bad as it is. According to Wikipedia, it's commonly known as "flesh-eating bacteria syndrome."

Knew a guy who had this flesh-eating bacteria syndrome. He crashed his motorbike and got some fucking horrible wounds that got infected with this. He says that it wasn't bad at first, but slowly got worse and worse until living was just misery.

The pain slowly began to invade his dreams. He could feel it, vaguely, through morphine. Eventually, he couldn't fucking take it anymore. I don't know exactly what happened, but we opened the door to find him lying on the ground in a pool of blood, gunshot wound in the head, walking the dinosaur.

>> No.5193664


that didn't happen. your story is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.5193668
File: 42 KB, 480x640, adgadsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh, we've got a clever one here! he's onto you bud.

>> No.5193671
File: 2 KB, 187x147, 1347001293755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Locked-in syndrome.

Being trapped inside your own body, unable to control yourself or communicate with anyone.

Plus there's the fact that it's not exactly an obvious diagnosis. Unless someone figures it out they'll probably just assume you're a vegetable in which case one of two things happens:

a. Your family keeps you alive and you spend weeks, months, even years trapped in your body always just out of reach of your life and your loved ones or
b. They shut off the life support and you slowly die, fully conscious of everything that's happening

Seriously, fuck that shit

>> No.5193681


aww, baby's first sarcasm! with incredible observation skills like that, you'll grow up to be a wonderful scientist someday!

>> No.5193683

fatal midline granuloma

>> No.5193685


can't they check for brain activity

>> No.5193693
File: 19 KB, 400x320, 1351221834615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alruddy am brahh

>> No.5193732


>> No.5193735

You guys should watch house

>> No.5193778

Not really a disease but a disorder

>> No.5193776

They would test your brainwaves before pulling the plug, you idiot

>> No.5193789


no, no, i think you're confused. having partially completed an undegraduate degree in a science degree does not make you anything near "a scientist." it's okay man, that's a common misunderstanding here on /sci/

>> No.5193796

> Some doctors and scientists have described the pain resulting from cluster headaches as the most intense pain a human can endure - worse than burns, broken bones or child birth.
> Many cluster headache sufferers have committed suicide, leading to the nickname "suicide headaches" for cluster headaches.
What the hell is this ? How do you get cluster headache

>> No.5193800

what if you're just a PhD student

>> No.5193804

Genetic to some degree, but no one really knows.

>> No.5193824

my friends exgf has that and her dad died of brain cancer this year
>dat feel when you guy are on playstation and she's screaming in the background
>uhh i have to get going

>> No.5193839

what's the picture from? guy looks like an actor

>> No.5193842


Don't know if it's true but: Becoming a Human-Cactus hybrid.

>> No.5193846


i'll count it, but only if you've published as a first author and are getting paid through a fellowship

>> No.5193850

i had a bot fly in me when i came back from Costa Rica
Wasn't that bad i guess

>> No.5193848

I get these, thankfully very rarely. Ask me anything.

>> No.5193853

I'm pretty sure shes just a spoiled attention whore with no real problems.

>> No.5193858

When were you diagnosed with autism ?

>> No.5193861

gender dysphoria

>> No.5193860


Yup, agree with you 100% there. Don't know how you heard about it. This is the most terrifying way for me to die, especially after having experienced mild amphetamine/sleep psychosis. I cannot imagine enduring that for weeks.


>> No.5193864

Why would having cluster headaches make you think i have autism? I wish i had that kind of dedication to obsess over a subject.

>> No.5193862


Strangely enough, it can be treated with LSD and magic mushrooms.

>> No.5193880

I think every mental disorder can be.
Go away kid. just because your head hurt a little, doesn't mean you have anything. The only thing you have is cluster autism

>> No.5193886


>> No.5193892


>> No.5193902

When did you start having them? What symptoms preceded them?

>> No.5193909

You trolling is so sloppy its actually making me mad that you think you can troll.

Nice metatroll.

>> No.5193910


The fuck you think this is, Reddit?

>> No.5193921

yeah maybe

>> No.5193922

> doesnt know the meaning of trolling
just fuck off to bed kido

>> No.5193932

>maybe if i keep calling him a kid my troll will be successful

Seriously though, sloppy work. You can't just jump around saying kiddo, Reddit, autism, and go to bed. Nobody is taking the bait. It's time to stop wasting your time trying to get a rise out of people on the internet. You just aren't any good at it.

>> No.5193941

Meh. You're just not worth my time. there you win this internet argument. Run tell your mommy. Oh, don't forget to say the last word too.

>> No.5193938

Prions, basically Mad Cow Disease. Makes a bunch of holes in your nervous system.

Not a virus, not a bacteria, nor a parasite but a poorly formed protein. Something completely different than what we are used to dealing with.

>> No.5193945

>Oh, don't forget to say the last word too.

Don't mind if i do.

>> No.5194004

The gay plague AIDS

>> No.5194122

say it ain't so

>> No.5194151


Just thinking about having it scares me.

>> No.5194161

this condition called death, mainly.

>> No.5194244

Any brain degenerative disease, most notably anything that causes dementia.

I never want to suffer from that, nor wish it to anybody, not even to the ones i deeply hate.

>> No.5194246

Life is a disease, only cured by death.
I myself am slowly recovering.

>> No.5194254
File: 79 KB, 480x356, bopibopidope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The banana phone song. Most horrifying affliction you could ever get.

>> No.5194259
File: 758 KB, 2876x1904, Méningo-encéphalite_amibienne_primitive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.

You will never go swimming in a fresh water lake/pond/river/hot spring again.

Thank me later.