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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 374x336, female-vampire-images-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5189859 No.5189859 [Reply] [Original]

there's this pretty cute goth girl i know. very short, very cute, very nice tits. seems like a reasonable goth girl

except she thinks she's a vampire
and is able to "manipulate spirit energy"
and whenever i try to talk her out of it, she falls back on how "energy cannot be understood by science so you cant disprove it".
she's even in a vampire group, and wants to go to a vampire ball for halloween

how do i fix her? i believe she is salvageable.
maybe watch some awesome science documentaries with her to get her in a more critical thinking mood?

>> No.5189868

she isn't salvageable

>> No.5189870

Not everything is scientifically quantifiable. Don't be a dick and try to force your ideology on others.

>> No.5189881

>telling her that she cannot "manipulate energy" and doesn't need to drink blood. she legitimately believes she absorbs the "life force" from blood and it has to be from a willing donor or some bullshit

shut the fuck up and go back to high school

>> No.5189884

eh?? not op, but give me an example.

>> No.5189893


Meanwhile you think that there was a mystical explosion billions of years ago and that somehow accounts for an unimaginably vast universe filled with stars and planets and now you're sitting here looking at a computer when your great-grandfather was an amino acid in a mud-bubble? Oooookay.

>> No.5189896

like i said, go back to highschool.

>> No.5189929

you could try some simple neuroscience documentaries
something like head games would be great

>> No.5189931

Real easy, tell her to suck your dick, and get her energy that way.

>> No.5189967


There is observable evidence that supports both those conclusions. I doubt this girl is capable of providing evidence that she is a vampire.

>> No.5191815

op here, i was thinking of watching these with her;
-head games (that science channel thing about optical illusions and misconceptions caused by the brain)
-a few of the better episodes of vsauce
-read out a few of those "what if?" things from XKCD for dramatic effect

>> No.5191830

I wouldn't try to fix her. She probably has a really kinky life style and kinky sex. Go for it.She is basically an interesting cumdumpster
>mfw cumdumpster on my computer isn't underlined in red. It's a real word

>> No.5191839

>how do i fix her? i believe she is salvageable.
She has deep-seated mental reasons for believing such weird and baseless things.

Basically, she is crazy.

>> No.5191842

Identifying with and buying into vampire stuff has nothing to do with evidence or reason. She has a motive for being interested in this and acting this way - it fills some kind of mental/emotion need she has.

>> No.5191879

Dude, you are obviously not into her because of her mind, so don't try to change it. Pretend you believe her bullshit so you can get into her pants.

>> No.5191904

The only reasonable answer.
I would love to have me some goth girl with issues.

>> No.5191905


>how do i fix her?

pharmaceuticals. lots of pharmaceuticals.

>> No.5191929

shock therapy.

>> No.5191940


Mine has no tits but she makes up for it by being really smart.

>> No.5191947

no, there was nothing mystical about it. Did you even try to deal with the evolution mechanism in the first place? This stuff is legit, because it's a process type - it is not limited to biology.

>> No.5191956

How serious she really is about all this? To me it sounds like psychosis that should be treated at a mental ward, before her delusions become a permanent part of her psyche.

>> No.5191959

castrate yourself and devote your life to science

>> No.5191984

What you said you like about her is:

>very short, very cute, very nice tits

I don't see how any of that is affected by thinking she's a vampire. Just embrace being a shallow manslut.

>> No.5192011

How old is she, OP?

>> No.5192019

A wooden stake to the heart, OP.

>> No.5192027

>how do i fix her? i believe she is salvageable.
Icepick lobotomy.

>> No.5192052


>> No.5192078

That should pass with time then.
Why do you even need to 'fix' her right now? Just don't mind this trait of her.

>> No.5192123
File: 300 KB, 185x164, taxidriver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful troll is successful.

>> No.5192165


>> No.5192166

Alrite, seems an easy to solve problem. Why don't you try to get her to do something unrelated to vampires?

Maybe you can make her study medicine so she gives some "life force" to sick people instead of absorbing it.

Also, tell her your dick is full of blood, energy and life (sperm gives an extra life bonus)

>> No.5192202


Don't tell it to her directly, find her email, send her some emails proclaiming you are the "dark lord" or some stupid shit. convince her that your sperm is chosen sperm and she must eat it every day or she will never become a vampire.

I'm starting to envy you OP