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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5189012 No.5189012 [Reply] [Original]

1) What brain foods/supplements/stimulants do you use?
2) What is your current occupation?

>> No.5189017

Coffee, amphetamines.

>> No.5189020


>> No.5189029

Why are you so belgian?
Go to bed belgian, you shouldn't be up so late.
Are you even a student?

>> No.5189033

cannabis, hallucinatives(both on occasions)

>> No.5189035


>> No.5189046

What type of amphetamines, how many cups of coffee/day on average and what do you study?

Because I'm sick atm and I can't fall asleep. I tried. Thank you for asking though.

>> No.5189054

Student (Mathematics)

I wish I knew a drug dealer.

>> No.5189064

Does cannabis help you with your study? I've heard a lot of fellow students say it just relaxes them and that it helps to not take everything so serious all the time. Can you relate to this?
How many cups/day on average?

>> No.5189072

Does it really help when trying to understand the course material you're studying or does it just energize you? Also, I love mathematics.

>> No.5189081

none / sometimes midnight runs to mcdonalds for ice cream with my girlfriend when we're both up late studying
physics major entering grad school next year

>> No.5189090

>Does it really help when trying to understand the course material you're studying or does it just energize you? Also, I love mathematics.

Not him, but: nothing you take is going to make you smarter, if that's what you're looking for. Coffee will make you more alert, which can be helpful.

>> No.5189095

Do you ever wonder that you're not operating at full capacity, so to speak? I saw a video a couple of days ago on how a mathemetician was explaining his experience while under the influence of DMT. Pretty interesting.

>> No.5189106

That I do know. I'm just wondering how many of the intelligent people here on /sci/ use these (more or less) cognitive enhancers. I do believe that most research in the field of neurology is pointing towards neuroplasticiy as a key role in the (unique) wiring of our brain which would make one at least rethink the rigid model of fixed intelligence by birth. I'm a layman, so sorry if I said something incorrect.

>> No.5189107


I've never felt that way, but I would never know I guess because I don't have any experiences with any drugs like that to compare it to. Even coffee I stay away from, as well as soda, caffeine is addictive, man, it's like smoking. So I just drink water. I have about 100 credits of A's and around 10 of B's so I don't think I'm hindered at all

>> No.5189105

Dexamphetamine, 10mg twice a day.
1 cup of hand filtered coffee a day.
Computer science.

>> No.5189118

No it's not for studying at all, never done that and don't plan on wasting a high on studying.. I'd rather kill myself.

It's for personal reasons, I like exploring what the world can feel like, I like seeing different prespectives of the same thing(the universe) it's like becomeing a different person and returning to your former form taking back the memories and beauty, and experience.

I learn from it, mature and such. But I do it not more than once a month, sometimes less, sometimes a bit more, a bit like going to the movies for me... only more special.

>> No.5189125

>Allowing any of those things
Choose one.
You may as well use alcohol because it's equally as useful for that garbage

>> No.5189143

sorry, didn't get you?

Cannabis, shrooms, lsd and such open your mind very much, but only if you are not narrow minded before, a condition I fear you may be in... and many people, here and elsewhere.

>> No.5189152

I've done them, I used to be "open minded" and naive just like you.
Didn't gain any more from it than I would watching a film or having a dream.
It's pathetic that people like you use such excuses when all they want is to get high

>> No.5189175

Have used hallucinogens but don't use them regularly. (twice a year).
Cannabis around 1/2 times per month, normally when I meet up with my friends or I feel like having an introspective experience.
Coffee most days normally 1-2 large cups per day.
Haven't been able to try any ritalin/adderall type stimulants yet, I wonder how effective they are to caffeine and if they are worth the cost.

>> No.5189173

lol, what the fuck did I just say, you condascending, bitter, boxworking, robot.

It's about having emotions, understanding that what we feel everyday is just your state built to survive, built to find water etc.... but if you do drugs, you can try new states of mind.

I am guessing you just got confused, had no new enlightening weivpoints, ideas and beauty.

I like it as I like art, and I like the neurological, scientific and philosophical side of it too.

Go drink alcohol if you prefer it, or not. You are not everybody, some people can see and experience the world in different ways, than just you... you seem angry, try to love once, you seem bitter,

sorry about the hate in the beginning of this letter... I love you hater, try to love others. First try to love yourself :)

>> No.5189238


Dunning-Kruger effect much? How can you be so sure that you achieve such an "open-minded" state from a first person perspective? Especially one where your mental performance is altered?

From a third-person perspective, you could just as well appear to be a complete idiot while high all the while believing you are "open-minded" and you wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.5189258

because the memories come back from the trip, opinions, and feels.

>> No.5189280

Coffee, Ginkgo Biloba


>> No.5189314

omega 3, it really does help with memory. also some pills with natural ingredients that stimulate blood flow to the brain and widen the arteries, supposedly. i don´t know if its that and/or the omega 3 acids exclusively thats helping me, because i usually take both.