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5183759 No.5183759 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the frustration of not getting the grades you wanted? How do you deal with the fact that some people with less effort than you got better results? I am studying EE and this semester is being hard as hell. I don't think that i belong here, i need to put so much effort to TRY to pass those tests. I don't know what should i do to feel less miserable, i mean, i will probably fail calculus II (even though i know the subject) because my professor is screwing everyone and if i fail calculus II i can't do anything next semester besides microprocessors. I really need some help /sci/, with those problems and with the fact that my girlfriend just left me i am really afraid i might end killing myself.

>> No.5183765

Kill yourself then you pussy piece of shit. No one said engineering was going to be easy. Use next semester to learn another language and broaden your skills.

>> No.5183770

Seriously? Kill yourself over a stupid girlfriend and failing university?

Humans are so easily fucking discouraged its pathetic.

>> No.5183774

I don't know how killing yourself would help anything. I am in AE, and it was something to get use to, also the general education courses were little trolls eating up my time that could have been spent on my classes I actually cared about. All you can do is try, giving up is a horrible option. You're in engineering too, you know this. C'mon OP, don't let it get at you. You have family and friends who care about you, don't stress out over this. It's a really hard course, my roommate is in EE, I look at his work and HOLY SHIT does it look like crazy alien language. Don't fret, practice harder if possible and for the love of God don't kill yourself.

>> No.5183785
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>> No.5183814

Stop dicking around. ACTUALLY study instead of playing vidya for 50% of your free time.

It sucks, but it's possible

Also fuck her.

>> No.5183817

>How do you deal with the frustration of not getting the grades you wanted?
Try harder, go back over every wrong answer several times until you get it right.
>How do you deal with the fact that some people with less effort than you got better results?
I play the piano, and when I see 10 year old prodigies that dominate me in piano skill, I just think good for them. Envy is useless.

>> No.5183820

If you get upset about people doing better than you, think about all the people who fail miserably, that might help you feel a little better.

>> No.5183835

Find some adderall. I did it when studying for my ccna. You actually become the material. It is out of your system in 1 week. Just don't do it long term. Buy it on silk road.

>> No.5183846

>How do you deal with the frustration of not getting the grades you wanted?
Use that frustration to fuel your study. Stop fooling around and just get shit done

>my professor is screwing everyone
Awesome, that means it's time to show your professor who's boss. If you get (almost) everything right in an exam, there's no way you'll fail (you may, however, not get an A).
Just don't let him get to you and prove your worth

>How do you deal with the fact that some people with less effort than you got better results?
You can also use that for your advantage. If you know you are not one of the best and accept that, it will be harder for you to suffer from burnout syndrome (still, you should always look out for the symptoms, that shit is fucked up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burnout_(psychology) )

>> No.5183903

Fucking faggot, stop bitching about your situation,which won't solve anything, and fix your fucking life, as we all do. In other words, man the fuck up

>> No.5183914

>The Compulsion to Prove Oneself
>Working Harder
>Neglecting Their Needs
>Displacement of Conflicts
>Revision of Values
>Denial of Emerging Problems
>Obvious Behavioral Changes
>Inner Emptiness
>Burnout Syndrome
Uh? I thought it was the regular PhD process?

>> No.5183935

The question is ...Can I be in all the phases at the same time?

>> No.5183937

>How do you deal with the frustration of not getting the grades you wanted?
Get over it. Work hard and strive to improve. My average in E&M after our first exam last semester was a 45. I pulled it up to an 85 by the end of the semester and finished 10 points ahead of the class average.

>How do you deal with the fact that some people with less effort than you got better results?
Get over it. There's always going to be someone who things come easier too. Ignore them and keep working at it.

> I don't think that i belong here.
Get over it or get out.

>I don't know what should i do to feel less miserable
Get over it.

>I really need some help /sci/, with those problems and with the fact that my girlfriend just left me i am really afraid i might end killing myself.
Get... the fuck... over it.

>> No.5183938

You're just repeating a cliche without offering any help. Get over it.

>> No.5183954

>"Get over it get over it get over it"
The chant of that guy who never was in a difficult situation.

>> No.5183972


You're underestimating the human capacity for hypocrisy.

>> No.5183984

>The chant of that guy who never was in a difficult situation.
Not that guy, but "not getting the grades you want and crying about it" isn't a difficult situation. What do you mean "How do you deal with...." I get the grade I get because I worked that hard for it.

>> No.5183988
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Read the pic.

>> No.5183995

grades don't matter. the professor i worked for sophomore through senior year used to tell me that all the time and i thought he was full of shit, but there's a lot more truth to that than you'd think.

in any career track, there comes in a point in the line where you will have the opportunity to compensate for any bullshit factors like where you went to school or what grades or test scores you got. eg, when medical students go to awesome residencies from shit medical schools or people go to great phd programs from crappy state school undegrads. happens all the time, look at all the doctors and professors who are a big deal, plenty have shitty degrees in there if you go back far enough, and i'm sure if you could find their test scores and grades it would be the exact same story

>> No.5183999

You have no idea who I am or what "difficult situations" I've been in over the last couple years. Don't presume to fucking know me just because you don't like my response.

It takes a LOT of time and a LOT of effort to change the things you can for the better - to pull your grades up, to get that job you want, to get your life in order - and to cope with the things you can't change - the end of a relationship, the death of a good friend, seeing family go through hard times.

But you can let things like this destroy you - lose yourself in pity, depression, or grief, or you can move on with your life.

OP is contemplating suicide over a bad calc grade and a break up and you think I'M the one being unreasonable?

>> No.5184013


Yes, because you're acting like that choice (move on or enter depression) is a conscious and voluntary one, and that the cause of the depression is capable of reason.

Yes, it is unreasonable that a human should effectively be shut down by a minor hitch in the plans, but unfortunately reality isn't governed by reason in that sense.

>> No.5184020
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>Get F in Calc II
>Life isnt worth living anymore
Cry me a fucking river

>> No.5184033

Depression is a state of mind, learn to meditate, you will not feel depressed while you meditate if you're doing it properly. Everytime you start feeling terrible just use this to clear your sadness. That's what I do, haven't really been depressed for 4 years.

>> No.5184035

by the way, doing this lead to very powerful control over my emotions, kinda a handy skill.

>> No.5184038

how do you meditate?

>> No.5184040

I have never been taught, I've always been very good at it. But it is basically thinking about nothing, which proves VERY challenging for many.

>> No.5184044

>Not ideal grades?
Get the ones you can
>Not passing a subject?
Too bad, but there will be an exact same course next year or even semester
>Feeling miserable?
Can you do something about it?
YES: Then do it
NO: Then stop worrying
>Don't know if you belong?
Judging by Calculus II, you're on the second semester. You're not too far in, so no worries.
On the uni, you're alone. Don't count on anyone, count only upon yourself. Grades of other people are none of your concern.

>> No.5184045

and when I say thinking about nothing, I think I should say, not thinking at all.

>> No.5184061
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I'm not that guy, but your school and your personal life are different. Go explain to a group of professional engineers that it's really hard to pick yourself up, and that it takes a lot of work to get better grades, and they'll ask you why the hell you're in engineering if you see school work as such a fearful challenge. Things will get better, stick with it. Buck up, or fuck off.


While I'm on the side of the people telling OP to get over it, this—

>Yes, because you're acting like that choice (move on or enter depression) is a conscious and voluntary one, and that the cause of the depression is capable of reason.

—is unacceptable and wrong. Depression is not a choice, and while it can be treated by changes in lifestyle, it is a real, physical disorder. You don't just feel bad, your brain is chemically rearranged to feel bad all the time. This isn't like when your girlfriend breaks up with you, it's an actual neurological change. You can't do rational "mental calculus" (a term I learned in a blowoff criminology class; basically it's the logical calculations we do throughout our daily lives) if your brain has been changed to make everything seem worse than it is.

>> No.5184115

>You have no idea who I am or what "difficult situations" I've been in over the last couple years. Don't presume to fucking know me just because you don't like my response.
The examples you give are
>the end of a relationship, the death of a good friend, seeing family go through hard times
Bad stuff happening to you is not a difficult situation, none of this requires anything else from you than just coping with it.
A difficult situation is a situation that requires a lot from you. Crashing your head against problem you don't understand and have no idea how to solve, YET you have to solve somehow or else you won't graduate.
It's what most PhD studs go through. OP just happens to have problems sooner.

The solution is not to "get over it", that doesn't mean anything. You have only a limited amount of self-control (and yes I can quote research on that).
The solution is to have efficient leisures, and a good deal of them. Videogames usually aren't. OP should find a good leisure to refresh his mind with only the limited time he can impart to it.

>> No.5184123

This. Most people assume depression is just like that time they got sad or tired. It's not.

>> No.5184172

Start crying at 2 PM when you should be studying and you will see that is not just a matter of "get over it".

>> No.5184203
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I wouldn't use the words "get over it," but the basic idea is correct. I realize that you can't just stop being depressed, but when I say "get over it," I mean that you need to seek treatment and overcome whatever it is that is keeping you down.

You CANNOT do engineering if you are unwilling to be pragmatic. I'm not asking you to think your way out of depression like some of these morons are suggesting, but I am saying that engineers and scientists don't let their personal problems get in the way. You seek help, get treatment, get tutoring, get grades. An engineer solves problems. You're complaining that problems even exists.

>> No.5184210


1st year is weedout courses. They want you to fail. Also test grades don't matter as long as you are ahead of the average. The average test grade will get a C in the class so just focus on beating the average. Also calculus II is cake when you make it to your 4th year as I am now. Also calculus II is integrals which are needed for any class you take later. So sit down and read the book 12 hours a day until you get it OP.

>> No.5184236

I just made an appointment for the psychiatrist.

>> No.5184316


That's brave. Genuinely, it is. I would recommend that you state first that you don't want to be on drugs unless it's necessary, that way they might be able to make some recommendations about lifestyle, and they would be able to talk you through. At the same time, don't be afraid of prescriptions.

>> No.5184339


Thanks. I am scared that it may affect my cognitive abilities but i have to try.

>> No.5184393

I have these symphoms periodically and I undergrad, not PhD.

>> No.5184809


almost everyone here have too.

>> No.5184866

Why don't you study with some friends?

>> No.5184870

>Working Harder
heh, it seems like it's impossible for me to burnout then

>> No.5185069

Suicide rates among asian college students are the highest suicide rates in the world. Its hard to deal with the frustration. I understand you OP, dont give up.

>> No.5185162


actually experienced this last year

wanted to do EE so stayed in school for 3 terms straight, only getting a week or 2 off. busted my ass, didnt get grades i wanted, grades started slipping even MORE because i couldn't concentrate and didnt know what to do. talked to dean of the faculty and he told me i was burnt out and to chill, push everything a term back and drop the courses i was currently doing (without academic punishment).

did it and now everything is so much better this term, head is way clearer and doing much better.

>> No.5185222

A friend of mine, who never does any work and stays up watching films every night just got 100% on a physics exam, whereas I studied and failed the same exam pretty hard. Why does this happen /sci/. It's not fair. People who study should do well. Fuck life.

When things like this happen it just makes me want to kill myself. Help me by explaining it to me /sci/. I'm not retarded, I don't have any mental disability, I'm considered quite smart by my peers. Yet this happens. I understand the goddamn content. So, why ?

>> No.5185425


I wish i had something to say to you, but i am in the same situation.

>> No.5185428

Wish I could help you, but I'm that guy.

>> No.5185520

There's always a bigger fish. There's always someone who's smarter or for whom these things come more naturally to.

It's a fact of life.

One of my friends when I was an undergrad was far and away the smartest person in our class - graduated with honors, top of the class, yadda yadda yadda. We kept in touch after graduation and apparently he's been completely humbled by grad school - about a third of the students are smarter than he is.