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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5182713 No.5182713 [Reply] [Original]

You don't wanna do worse than /lit, do you?

5. . .

>> No.5182741

Why is not being able to name 10 people autism tier?

>> No.5182744

>tyson, einstein, dali, putin, chaplin, hitler, ghandi, dante, shaq, stalin, marx, nietzsche, lee, churchill, clinton, that nigger playing piano, bin laden, che, fidel, bush, and plenty more faggots don't even have numbers

>> No.5182747

>tfw no gf

>> No.5182763

>tfw 20 next year, still no gf.

>> No.5182760

John Johnson

also, niggers

>> No.5182765

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.5182767

They are the most obvious and not worth numbering. You sure thought you'd sound smart by naming them all lel.

>shaq, lolno. Jordan rather.
And that piano-nigger is prolly Wagner

>> No.5182781
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>tfw 21 soon, still no gf

>> No.5182820

>tfw 23 soon and I can't even look a woman in the eyes, let alone talk to her

>> No.5182840

4 is Freud
Is 13 supposed to be on Einstein?
14 is Putin... or Mandella, can't tell which one he's supposed to be.
15 looks like George Carlin
29 looks like Atilla the Hun
33 is Moses?
65 is Abraham Lincoln?

These are really poorly labelled. Fuck it.

>> No.5182852

by 4, the guy with his arm outstretched is Lenin, 14 is Freud.

>> No.5182854

I meant, 15.

>> No.5182858

Also, why weren't Pele, Bill Clinton (?), Hitler, Beethoven, Sadam Hussein, Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson or Winston Churchill labelled? And that's just the left-most side of the page. This whole fucking thing is lazily put together.

>> No.5182869

Bruce Lee is between 21 and 26 right? I was sure that was him.

The numbering might be shit, but I have to give kudos to the original artist. Very nice painting.

>> No.5182870

Because they're obvious; anyone obvious is not labelled.

>> No.5182874

>13 on Einstein
>poor labeling

That's clearly on the guy behind. Perhaps Rasputin.

20 is Charles de Gaulle.
22 is Margaret Thatcher.
Number 6... Sun Tzu?

I'd go for Mandela.

>> No.5182876

Mother Theresa is not obvious?

>> No.5182885

Pele, Lincoln, Marx, Nietzsche, Gandhi, Chaplin, Socrates, Mao, Napoleon, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Yassir Arafat, Che, Metternich, Hitler, Ulysses S Grant, FDR

Too lazy to put the numbers in, if you can't fuckin figure it out then kill yourself.

>> No.5182886

6. Guan yu
9.Lei feng
12. Shirley temple
34. confucius
46. cao cao?

>> No.5182887

15 is freud, 14 is putin, 12 is shirley temple, 32 is confucius

>> No.5182890

18 looks like schopenhauer, 27 is elvis, 25 is queen elizabeth....

>> No.5182895

35 is Aquinas
42 Jordan
49 Jefferson
61 Marilyn Monroe

>> No.5182902

The numbers are ment to be on people's chests so Putin ain't labeled

>> No.5182948

>mistaking Jordan for Shaq
Are you 14 or just retarded?

Anyways I'll answer some on behalf of /sp/ since youre all clearly ignorant plebs

1. Bill Gates
2. Plato
5. Ramesses II
9. Lei Feng
10. Henry Ford
12. Shirley temple
13. Tolstoy
14. Kevorkian
15. Freud
17. Xiaoping
20. De Gaulle
22. Thatcher
23. Nobel
28. Da vinci
29. Gengis khan
30. Spielberg
31. Picassso
33. Darwin
34 confucius
36. Michelangels
37. Van gogh
38. Duchamp
40. Eisenhower
42. Sharon
43. Tojo
45. Aristotle
49. Rosseau
51. Bismarck
53. Gorbachev
54 mother theresa
56. Kofi annan
61. Marilyn munroe
63. Goethe

Stay pleb /sci/

>> No.5182972
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>> No.5183030

I can name all of them, I'm just a lazy fucker and don't feel like googling "100 world known personalities".

Stay cheaters, /sp/.