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5182198 No.5182198 [Reply] [Original]

It is know that it is very neurologically benefical for young children to learn and play a musical instrument. Which instrument do you think is the most beneficial? Why? In what areas?

>> No.5182203


>> No.5182205

something that's easy to carry around so kids can practice all the time.

dunno about the different in manual dexterity but i think piano would be the most difficult.

>> No.5182206

skin flute, op...especially women

>> No.5182209

I recommend the guitar, as I play the guitar. Any instrument will provide a good increase in hand eye coordination, and musical theory is musical theory, so there shouldn't be much difference amongst instruments. Drums have the bonus of arm strength I guess.

Also, ask /mu/ or something

>> No.5182214

I learned the Saxophone at a young age, as well as the Piano. The piano will allow you to learn so much music theory, like basic chord progressions, chord inversions, as well as learning two clefs at once.

>> No.5182216

I don't think enough research has been done on the matter to say.

However, I would think that in terms of musical development, piano would be the most beneficial to a young person. Although I see music more in terms of the way it's laid out on a guitar, the simple linear presentation of notes on a keyboard is a great introduction to music.

Honestly, I think the best thing would be to surround the child with a variety of instruments and figure them out on their own.

>> No.5182246

There is so much pseudo science and bad science around this topic. It is far from conclusive that learning an instrument is "very neurologically benefical," and many similar claims about music and development have been debunked in the last few decades.

In terms of identifying the "most beneficial" instrument- there is even less scientific reasoning behind it. You're better off deciding on the basis of what instrument you like more. I would also speculate that if there was a best instrument, it would likely be a very niche one. Perhaps the harp.

>> No.5182251


analog synthesizer and cassette decks w/ homemade loops led into an 8 track recorder

Anything else is pleb

>> No.5182259


unless you want gay kids, but be sure to use ear muffs

>> No.5182277


Neurologically, it stimulates the both sides of the brain equally. (Not like gay guitars in which you press a string with one hand and pluck it with the other. Or saxophones or anything else.)

Keyboard-based instruments also have better history. Organs were the god-tier of the god-tier in the baroque and in the church dominated eras. Church organs were the most advanced and equivalent to modern synthesizers.

Thomas Mann wrote a book called Doktor Faustus. In it, a very wise music guy declared that the piano is the best instrument to learn... music. (In general) Besides, if you like anything else, it will be a breeze to learn it if you already know your piano.

If you really don't like piano, learn how to sing.

Every instrument is trying to imitate the voice. The voice is the primordial instrument, everything else is just a means to imitate the human voice.


>> No.5182283

>Perhaps the harp.


>> No.5182290

Organ would be the best based purely on my opinion.
Both hands, both feet playing contrapuntally.

>> No.5182303


Good luck buying an organ with a fool pedal-keyboard these days.

Unless you're a rich fuck.

Also, don't be a faggot, post something that will mind-boggle people so they get interested.


>> No.5182307

>Every instrument is trying to imitate the voice.

What the fuck is this bullshit. No. When I play piano or drums or whatever, I'm playing piano or drums or whatever. I'm not trying to "imitate the human voice" whatever the fuck that means. When I get on a piano, I play fucking piano.

If you really want to be well rounded, learn piano and percussion (drum set is PART of percussion, but not the whole thing. Learn hand drums, symphonic stuff as well). Piano and percussion will teach you all you need to know.

>> No.5182309

Bach is awesome. Chopin on the organ sounds like dogshit. It is you who is the faggot, my friend.

>> No.5182314

but if you learn piano and symphonic percussion, you might learn what you need to know, but you will also be throw into trash cans all your high school and will get 0 chicks

guitar is the only real instrument

>> No.5182322

Musical hipster-faggot douche detected. I love analog synths, and even let my daughter (1yr) play mine, but you sir are a pretentious nigglet.

>> No.5182331


I'm not saying YOU are trying to imitate the human voice asshole piece of shit.

I'm saying that instruments were created with that thought in mind. When mesopotamean or aztec motherfuckers started to create instruments, what do you think they had to tune the instruments? Farts?

No, you asshole piece of shit, the human voice.

Then they tried to imitate other shit, like the chants of birds or water streams. That may have been their primary objective after all.

Butt before they could imitate other shit, they had to tune their shit up by measuring against the only sonic shit they could inherently control before getting into some very intricate math shit to tune their first flutes.

Shit, it's like /mu/ in here.

>> No.5182332


I don't really like chopin that much. I agree. I just thought the guy's technique would attract more interested people. BUT HEY if you want to stay in your little world with only flies as audience, be my guest.

(I'm grossly exaggerating things, don't mind me)

>> No.5182363

We're not in fucking Mesopotamia. This is fucking 2012. No instrument is trying to "imitate the human voice" NOW. It hasn't been that way for shit man, since music was invented.

tl;dr fuck you.

>> No.5182377


You are not important asshole. You think you are more important than thousands of people that lived before you? HAHA

You must listen to coldplay and that shit band mu talks about all the time. Yeah, I bet they are trying to imitate their mental farts when their girlfriends left them or something.

Listen to quality music and you will see what I'm talking about.

>> No.5182496

do you know what was the first isntrument?

A mother fucking drum. Guess what? It wasnt trying to imitate anything. Just like all other instruments.

>> No.5182560


Well we have a musicologist among us!

>first isntrument?
>fucking drum

Well, apart from that horrible typo, that is horribly wrong. The first instrument was the human body. No matter in which form, it was the body. Not only musically, but also in many other regards, such as dance and labour. Now that we touched that subject, let me tell you how much of an idiot you are.

For the things that we care about in this conversation, human bodies were first utilized for two main goals:


This schematic list also is isomorphic to the following:

A. a) vocal sounds
b) percussion sounds

B. a) human gesture
b) plastic gesture.

Meaning that when the body is utilized for Music, it comprises vocal and percussion natures. (More on this later). And when we speak about dance, it comprises human gesture (Motion, dancing) and plastic gesture (paintings, stuff in which the action the body performs is not the final objective)

Now I don't want to get all faggy with this but music comprises two major and very different sonic natures:

A)defined sound
B)Undefined sound.

That's where your other stupid shit comes in:

>It wasnt trying to imitate anything

HAHA. Another horrible typo bro. And again terribly wrong. Where do you think rhythm comes from? the air?


By having a body, you must now know that your body has certain rhythms that it comes with. Say, breathing, blinking, thoughts, heart beating, nervous stimuli, etc.

Of course, outer periodicities also exist (Day and night, seasons, etc.) but the one most at hand are the ones comprised in the body.

A simple man in the dawn of mankind will have these bodily rhythms as patterns and from them music will sprout slowly. (A process of a fuckton of years)

>> No.5182587
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So, I have very thinly covered the dawn of music in mankind.

Now comes the other part. Defined and undefined sounds.

A motherfucking flute is very different from a tom-tom. You know why? because one is (mainly) geared towards MELODY and the other is (mainly) geared towards rhythms.

(I say mainly because there are guys like Jack DeJohnette that use the drums melodically and composers like bartok or stravinsky that use melodic instruments for rhythmic effects. But those are recent exceptions. A caveman or a 16th century Kapelmeister probably didn't use instruments this way)

So now we have two major distinctions of sonic natures. Melodic and rhythmic. Where do each come from?

The sound of your ancestors sucking dicks?

NO! The.mother.fucking.body.

Melodic nature can be squiggled by picturing a caveman first discovering he can actually control the pitch/volume of his voice. He first screams and then begins to control his air exhalations and producing noise, then some generations go by and poof you have voice as the first instrument.

(Screaming won't do the trick, since music and any artistic endeavour need proper volition to become art)

The other shit, rhythmic, was squiggled in the other post. Inherent rhythms, etc.

Well. I think that's all, I hope we've learned something today about the origins of music. Please don't be stupid anymore, I know it is hard but at least try.

>> No.5182600


Oh also, I mentioned dance because it is closely linked to rhythms not because I was trying to look smart. But you don't care either way.

Go listen to skrillex.

>> No.5182630


>many similar claims about music and development have been debunked in the last few decades

[citation needed]


>> No.5182756

And this thread had such a good start, too...

>> No.5182776

maybe random faggots on the interent shouldn't try to act like they know shit and they won't get their ass handed to them.

>> No.5182785

Maybe weird obsessive dudes shouldn't regurgitate a random music history wikipedia article wholly unrelated to the op.

>> No.5182803

Maybe we should all just try to get along...

>> No.5182810


>> No.5182813
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Fucking captcha

>> No.5183880


But it IS related, asshole.

>> No.5183897

>Only being able to play one instrument

If my kid isn't playing at least 3 by the age of 12 I'm putting him down for his own sake.

>> No.5183916


Enjoy having a kid that isn't efficient at any instrument.

>> No.5183957

is it really?
there must be some bias in that smarter people make their kids learn an instrument at an early age, and that by itself could explain the supposed benefit.
But I haven't really looked at it, just personal experience.

>> No.5183966

Actually, playing an instrument doesn't lead to being smarter, it's just that more intellectual people generally want to / tend to play a musical instrument. There are plenty of stupid kids who's parents force them to go to piano practice who don't give a shit and continue being stupid

>> No.5183981

If your child plays drums, he is retarded. Real instruments are fine though.

>> No.5186124


Haha, look at this motherfucker.

>> No.5186187
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