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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 402x402, Breivik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5168655 No.5168655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /pol/itician here.

Hoping /sci/ can prove the superiority of the white race. You know, using science and shit.


>> No.5168663


Fat race is superior

>> No.5168671


Well, Jews and Asians both have higher IQs on average than the "white race," and that's all /sci/ cares about. So I think you're out of luck.

>> No.5168680
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Got some bad news for you, op

>> No.5168687
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>master race

>> No.5168689

Which one?

>> No.5168693
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jews have more nobel prices then any other race

>> No.5168694

Sorry, but all evidence points to a race of Jews as being the most intelligent breed of humans.

>> No.5168696
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>> No.5168704

>EK correcting grammer

>> No.5168706
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...but you knew that


>> No.5168712

The white race is superior because it contains the only conscious being, me. All other humans are p-zombies.

>> No.5168716
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le gramer?

>> No.5168722

That wasn't gammar, that was speling.

>> No.5168729

La grammaire.

>> No.5168777

Ashkenazi Jews, to be specific. Sephardim and whatever the third branch are don't tend to test particularly high.

Inherited intelligence appears to be more about culture than genetics, though. For example, the most robust cross-racial adoption study we've got is Moore et. al 1986, which found that both black and mixed-race children had much higher IQs when raised by white couples than when raised by black couples.

American black culture is shitty and anti-intellectual. American white culture isn't the best in the world, but you won't get get up and told you're "acting Asian" for caring about your grades.

>> No.5168791


>making orthographical mistakes

>> No.5168833

I'm not sure how you're quantifying "more".

The minnesota transracial adoption study found that adopted white babies raised by white upper-middle class, high iq families had a mean IQ that was a whole standard deviation above that of negroid babies adopted by white, upper-middle class , high iq families. the means were 106 to 89 respectively.
sample size of about 200.

You should have enough knowledge of statistics to know that the central limit theorem means that if you take two samples of size ~ 100 from teh same underlying population, the chance that those samples will have means that differ by more than a standard deviation is highly unlikely.
This is strong evidence that negroes and white europeans do not share the same underlying distribution of intelligence, and that the intelligence distribution for negroes is significantly lower than for white europeans.

Furthermore, non-racial adoption studies have shown that the correlation in intelligence between biological parents and their adopted babies adopted babies is much higher than for the adoptee parents and adopted babies. Infact there's no correlation between the IQ of an adopted baby and its adopted parents at all.

>> No.5168842

I didn't know your consciousness had a pigment

>> No.5168850


>> No.5168853

But OP, the white race isn't.

Jews "control the world"
Asians are smarter
Blacks are, for the most part, stronger
What do whites have?

Also, no racism out of /b/. inb4 "SCIENCE BE RACISS!1!1!"

>> No.5168854

Of course you didn't know that; you only act as if you know things.

>> No.5168860

You know perfectly well that there was a government program of assigning white parents to raise black children to be stupid, so they could be held up as examples of genetically inferiority.

They did it shortly before they initiated the research project that created AIDS.

>> No.5168869

Just leave.

>> No.5168876

I'll let the authors of the Minnesota study field that one.
>dailymotion video with "brainwashing" in the title
>scientific source

>> No.5168880

le grammique?

>> No.5168881
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>> No.5168891

Just in case you aren't trolling, AIDS was not created by any government. You *can* blame white people for it, because if the Belgians hadn't built Kinshasa, forced people to live there, built tons of fucking roads for anything coming out of the jungle to spread along, and then fucked up the food allocation such that a lot of people in Kinshasa needed to go hunt bushmeat instead of getting grain, it never would have gotten established in the human population. But it wasn't intentional.

>> No.5168906

oh, so it's white peoples fault that niggas fucked monkeys in africa?

>> No.5168910

Just in case you aren't trolling, yes it was.

>> No.5168908


>higher IQs that are still lower than their white or asian counterparts

>> No.5168929

No, it's not white people's fault that hunters ate chimps and got their blood in cuts. It's arguably white people's fault that they forced the population to live densely enough that SIV got into enough people to evolve an R0 above one and become sustainable in human populations, and arguably white people's fault that there were brothels for it to spread in and extremely good roads for it to spread along. But it probably was carelessness, not intentional; people who enslave entire nations and cut people's hands off to use as currency don't tend to pay much attention to little things like epidemics.

>> No.5168931
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>Implying science isn't racist.
>Implying /b/ is the only racist board on 4chan.
>Implying there isn't a worthwhile discussion to be had regarding the science of racial differences
inb4 "Science isn't racist"

>> No.5168939

>confirmed for not having read the study
118 ain't average, bro. (In fact, Arthur Jensen's argument against the study was hurr tests too high must be an outlier let's ignore).

>> No.5168951

>What do whites have?
Aesthetics. They come in a wide range of eye, hair, and skin colors, body shapes, and cultures, and they've produced most of the world's best art and literature. White people are the prettiest people.

>> No.5168958

That's entirely subjective my man.

>> No.5168972
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>not Brazilians
You are irrational and objectively wrong.

>> No.5168976

The whole "Ashkenazi Jews are smarter" thing comes from a study done on a Jewish only School for the Gifted. It's the equivalent of taking a school for Downsies and saying "SEE! SEE! BLACKS ARE SMARTER THAN WHITES!", using only that specific school as your data.

Actually, Blacks aren't stronger. They excel in quick muscle movements, such as running. Whites excel in strength by several orders of magnitude.

>b-b-b-but blacks are stronger! Look at this roided by negro, next to these gussied up mulatto women!
Why do you think Body Builders spray on tan before going to a competition? Darker colors show muscles better. Want proof?

Here's Jay Cutler normally.

Now here he is at a competition.

See the bronze tan? Yeah. They do that on purpose. Dark colors show the definition of muscles better.

>> No.5168986
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>implying that Brazilians aren't white

>> No.5168990
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>> No.5168992

Ah, ethnomasochist, I was wondering when you'd arrive. e

>> No.5169011

Backman, M. E. (1972) Patterns of mental abilities: ethnic, socioeconomic and sex differences. American Educational Research Journal, 9,1-12.
Levinson, B.M. & Block, Z. (1977) Goodenough-Harris drawings of Jewish children of orthodox background. Psychological Reports 41, 155–158.
Lynn, Richard (January 2004). "The intelligence of American Jews". Personality and Individual Differences 36 (1): 201–206

Even Richard Lynn, the guy so bent on proving whites are smarter than blacks that he substituted the IQs of 48 retards from Spain for the IQs of everyone in Equatorial Guinea and hoped no one would notice, has found that Ashkenazis are unusually intelligent.

>> No.5169023

>Whites excel in strength by several orders of magnitude.
You... don't actually know what an order of magnitude is, do you?

>> No.5169035
File: 26 KB, 181x202, well dont care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh,,, Whites can process lactose and alcohol better than any other race. That's superior, right?


>> No.5169046

Some may be, but a good number of them are mongrels.

>> No.5169062

I don't have time to read through that paper properly now but I think it likely that their arguments trying to negate the fact that mean differences in IQ were so greatly different between negroes and white eruopean adoptees despite being brought up in similar cultural and socio-economic environments will be insubstantial and politically motivated.

That video is a documentary featuring interviews with scientists and medics such as steven pinker and simon baron cohen who talk about their research.
>disregarding a documentary series simply because of the title
Cool open-minded, scientific outlook.

>> No.5169070

the mean IQ of ashkenazi jews is certainly not 118.

108-110 would be a far more likely and reasonable and well-founded estimate.

>> No.5169096

And I think it likely that Rushton et al's arguments trying to pin the differences entirely on genetics despite being brought up in different cultural (but similar socio-economic environments) were insubstantial and politically motivated. Guess we're at an impasse.
>That video is a documentary featuring interviews with scientists and medics such as steven pinker and simon baron cohen who talk about their research.
I'll watch it after I finish my pset, then. (I've sat through enough /x/ bullshit people linked in lieu of arguments that I generally ignore anything with a title about people hiding the truth).
No, it's not. I was referring to Moore et al 1986, in which blacks adopted by upper-middle-class white couples had an average IQ of 118, compared to 103 for blacks adopted by black couples.

>> No.5169108
File: 254 KB, 705x1024, slaverjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I posted some thing about Jews I was banned, even though they are a race.

back to the topic at hand; through simple observation you will see that the white race has created all forms of technology, government, explored all of the world, works together the best, builds the best every thing, is the most compassionate, etc.

Jews are a race and they are a parasitic criminal one who is not able to create novelty in its many forms


>> No.5169130

>despite being brought up in different cultural
But that's wrong. All adoptees were raised by white uppermiddle class parents in minnesota and the average Iq of those parents was something like 115.
The fact that the white adopted babies had mean IQs above that of teh white average, and the equivalent was true for negroes provides strong evidence that your environment does have an effect on your IQ.

But the fact is that these groups of children were raised in similar environments and the same mean difference in IQ persisted. that's strong evidence for the difference in mean IQ between negroes and whites being genetic in origin.

>> No.5169143

Get your /pol/io off of our board.

Go preach your self-fulfilling dribble someplace else.

>> No.5169177
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>white race has created all forms of technology
Remember compasses? And gunpowder? And sails? You're welcome.
>explored all of the world
>works together the best
lolno. Europe outpaced China because the extreme competition between nations led them to go for any edge they could, ignoring tradition and taboos. Working together leads to stagnation.
>builds the best every thing
Japan says hi.
>is the most compassionate
I'm 90% sure you're joking. If not, laughingindiansafricansindianspacificislanderschineseslavsandarabs.jpg

Also, pic related. My great great grandfather got plenty of experience with the compassion and cooperation of you dirty fucking rednecks.

>> No.5169176
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>"Jews fuckin' haven't done ANYTHING GOSH"


>> No.5169179

Pass the controller bro

>> No.5169184
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>> No.5169190
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>Also Neils Bohr

>> No.5169191

White people are the most compassionate.

enlightenment values of equality that were institutionalised into government were pioneered by europeans.

If you look at the world today you see the most institutionalised equality and compassion within white european countries.

who else is more compassionate? slavs? east asians? muslims? africans?

>> No.5169193

Where are the mods?

>> No.5169277

I don't know any, so I can't say.
>east asians?
Never met a Korean or Jap who wasn't either extremely nice or extremely shy.
Yes, they are. Go to Morocco, Lebanon, Turkey, or any other Muslim country that America hasn't bombed. Muslim culture's way bigger on male friendship than American culture is; they're much happier and less lonely. Source: one month in Morocco, split between Rabat, Essaouira, and a little village in the South. (Rural Moroccans treat women like goddamn machines, though, which I couldn't stand).
Yes, especially East Africans. There are more African immigrants than American blacks at my college, and I like them better. Other source: two months in Kenya.

Go out and see the world, bro. It's a much better place than you think.