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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 328 KB, 950x624, No-Gay-Cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5167481 No.5167481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If a "cure" to homosexuality was discovered, would the western world accept it or be against it? Let's say we can know if the baby in the womb is gay and can be sorted out with one pill for the mother.

inb4 omg noting rong wit gayz looser

It's just a question.

>> No.5167487

Why would you want to "cure" an improvement?

>> No.5167490

Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.5167505

Do you even need to ask? Of course the western world would be against it. Lady Gaga would make a song and everyone would be like "OMG REAL LIFE OBER CHOISE" all the while completely neglecting how ironic and hypocritical that is.

>> No.5167507


>> No.5167522

..Would you follow Lady Gaga?

>> No.5167525

lol faggot.

anyways, no. The western world today is heavily politically correct and narrow minded. You'd get more acceptance of such a procedure if perhaps russia or iran.

>> No.5167534

But why? I don't understand. I would accept my son if he was gay, but in all honesty I would prefer sorting him out before he is even born so he doesn't have to deal with any shit. I just don't see how that's cruel in any way.

>> No.5167538



>inb4 infantile caps

>> No.5167546

It doesn't matter if it helps, is bad or not.. all that matters is what is currently socially accepted. Humans are narrow minded sheep who believe the most popular belief. You have to account for that.

>> No.5167599

>implying fetuses and babies are gay

And if there is a cure for gayness, it'd probably be removing some of the additives from our food.

>> No.5167614

yeah, I'm pretty sure homosexuality develops exactly when the sexual feelings develop. Something goes wrong in the system of attraction.

>> No.5167618

I thought it was due to imbalances in the womb.

>> No.5167623

It can develop before that, though. Suchj as if someone were molested by the same sex at a young age or even the opposite sex if it was traumatic enough.
Being gay depends on a lot of different factors.
But I am pretty certain theres somekind of agenda that want s to turn people gay. Its just too damn weird when kids aren't even allowed to hold hands at school, but its okay to be gay and stick your dick in your best friends bum.

>> No.5167624

Why would we want to cure it? What would we get out of it? Homosexuality is a decent way to deter population growth. I can't think of any negative consequences of having gays in a society.

>> No.5167626

It may be that, or perhaps in puberty... scientists have not studied because of high controversy. Just like stem cells, genetic modifycation and race.

>> No.5167627

Theres multiple factors involved.
No one is born gay, though. Thats like saying someone is born straight and can actually perform sexual activity right there on the birthing table.

>> No.5167632

umm have you noticed it's 2012 and now all gay couples want a fetus? there are ways. Also it's a higly inefficient way, since a small fraction of the population is gay.

>> No.5167636

Boys cutting off their dicks.
Women cutting off their tits and sewing some of tehre flesh on to their crotch.
A lot of gay people are gay because they are not mentally stable.
A lot are, but a lot aren't.

>> No.5167638

Some measure is better than nothing.

>> No.5167639

Welp, that's politics for you.

>> No.5167640

OP is a fag.

>> No.5167642

I hope you're not serious.

>> No.5167646
File: 9 KB, 177x278, oh baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5167647
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1350583564206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i'm sick of you faggots. I'm sick of you using "ass play feels good" as an excuse for your faggot ass to be gay. I'm also sick of those guys who fuck guys and then say "lol i'm bi". STOP USING EXCUSES YOU ARE GAY! Little bitches. You all sicken. Not only that, you do anal. Anal is fucking disgusting. Who wants shit on their dick? Plus if you are taking a dick to your ass you are fucking up your booty hole! I also read the bible and in a scripture it says that a penis need only go into a vagina. Therefore YOU ARE SINNING. How do you feel about going to hell? You scared yet? Well if you scared go to church. It's not too late to repent you closet queers!

>> No.5167649

Those are negative aspects of the gay scene.
I seriously hope you don't think those are positive outcomes.

>> No.5167654

How often do you honestly think that occurs? You don't think straight people have committed equally demented acts?

>> No.5167663


And how long have you been having these troubling dreams about taking it up the ass?

>> No.5167662

Get out of this thread if you can't take a rational discussion. Our rights do not end where your feelings get hurt.

>> No.5167668
File: 2 KB, 126x125, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rational discussion
>on /sci/

>> No.5167671

>Our rights do not end where your feelings get hurt.

Exactly. Tell that to OP. He's so butthurt over being a fag. (pun intended)

all day, erryday

>> No.5167672
File: 31 KB, 231x229, 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this PC-dominated part of the world, it's pretty rational.

>> No.5167680


Bitch please. I'm using a Mac and there's nothing you can do about it. Stay jelly, poorfag.

>> No.5167683

Except I am OP.

Just leave this thread if you can't take it.

Are you from Reddit? Because that would explain many things.

>> No.5167688

> using a machine from a company that brags that profit margins are 50% or more
> bragging about it

>> No.5167689
File: 3 KB, 155x180, reddit_alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you discriminating against reddit as well now? Your denial is pathetic. You're homosexual. Deal with it. You cannot fight it.

>> No.5167691

Also, why was homosexuality removed from the paraphilia list ?

>> No.5167692

I tried searching for this to see if it was copypasta. It isn't.

Why are you so pathetic?

>> No.5167699

>there will never be a cure for homosexuality in order to make Carl stop being so butthurt literally and figuratively

>> No.5167695

I can afford quality products. Do I smell poorfag jelly butthurt?

>> No.5167694

More often than it should.
And I was just bringing up some negative aspects of the gay scene when someone said there none. I'm well aware everyone does some fucked up things.

>> No.5167697

Using tech like this to shift the thoughts and desires of kids in utero because they are currently unpopular is just disgusting. Its in direct opposition to the very core of individuality and could lead to some of the most twisted social inbreeds the world has ever known.

So yeah it would be quite popular amongst a certain sector of people in the world resistant to societal progress and would probably be a celebrated means of ensuring that ignorance reigns for generations to come.

>> No.5167703

lel, newfag

>> No.5167706

>calling someone a newfag
>browsing the edgy smiley randumb le pony faec board

>> No.5167715

newfag confirmed xD

Where are you from? 9fag? Memebase?

>> No.5167726
File: 536 KB, 1920x1080, 1349428518107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol reddit actually xD ;)

>> No.5167737

>I haet le reddit becuz it maeks me look liek deep and edgy oldfag
>I've been here all summer

How old are you?

>> No.5167747

What did you not understand? I'm from reddit.

>> No.5167761

Prove it.

When does le narwhal bacon?

>> No.5167777

At le midnight xD

>> No.5167784
File: 130 KB, 460x502, le funny comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard. Have a funny comic. Nice quads btw.

>> No.5167787

Homosexuality isn't a disease, there's nothing to cure.

>> No.5167794

>cure for a decision

Is there also a cure for liking certain Movies?

>> No.5167797


>> No.5167799

>Is there also a cure for liking certain Movies?

Anti-intellectualism is actually a worse problem than homosexuality.