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5155510 No.5155510 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think retarded children should be aborted?

They are to no benefit to society and actually put a burden on it. Their existence is pointless since if someone were to have a child anyway why waste it on a retard.


>> No.5155515

I agree. OP should have been aborted.

>> No.5155513

I agree. OP should have been aborted.

>> No.5155518

how do you know children are retarded before they are born?

>> No.5155526

Genetic testing a lot of the time. We can test for carriers of lots of diseases.

I agree.

>> No.5155522

Yes. I actually find it immoral not to abort retards. Why put you child through all pain and suffering that a retard has to go through when you can just raise a non retarded child?

>> No.5155524

Doctors can determine if a child has down syndrome before it's born.

>> No.5155528

I think we should figure out the probability of retarded children then create a machine that will kill children at the same probability.

I think it's a bad idea to trust humans to kill other humans with any efficiency or lack of emotion. Once you give people the power to kill babies, they'll want to kill any baby rather than follow the protocol. Humans become corrupted, they become weak. Let a machine do the killing.

>In b4 machines are made by people so they're bad

>> No.5155530

eugenics general

>> No.5155531

Aborted no, sterilized (assuming they aren't sterile already) yes.

>> No.5155532


They should be used as poster children for funding the pursuit to genetically modify humans. If we have the technology to prevent things like downs syndrome and other genetic diseases, it is only ethical that we do so.

Until we get to that point, they're useful examples to show the public what we have to work towards preventing.

>> No.5155536

This is pre-birth, not killing babies.
This isn't about Eugenics, it's about individuals being a burden on society needlessly.

>> No.5155540

>I think we should figure out the probability of retarded children then create a machine that will kill children at the same probability
The fuck? The wouldn't even lower the chances of having a retarded child.

>> No.5155550

Can you tell if a child would have down syndrome before late stage pregnancy?

>> No.5155551

It's not eugenics cause retards have no game and never get laid anyways

>> No.5155556
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>society for some reason thinks aborting retards is morally wrong

>> No.5155563

I doubt people with severe mental disabilities that cripple their daily life are reproducing.

>> No.5155565

most of them will be as testing gets cheaper and safer... amniocentesis is risky
But shortly after we reach that glorious day, germ line modification will come along and make people like -you- into the retards. The twilight of your life will be spent as a shunned, pitied fossil from a cruder time, and people will be as glad when you die as you are when down syndrome babies are aborted.

>> No.5155570


I know. That wasn't my point.

>> No.5155574

>implying I won't become a cyborg

>> No.5155578


>Do you think retarded children should be aborted?

I think that only Siths deal in absolutes. It’s an option often worth considering, but not a solution to every unborn child’s problems. What if the retardation in question were mental? If we could measure that, where would we draw the line? An I.Q. of 40? 70? 100? Perhaps we should abort all fetuses that fail to meet a certain ratio of neural to body mass, ignoring the genetic and environmental factors that affect the child’s post-natal development.

No, it is not and ought not to be a simple matter of, “Abort retarded children,” or “Do not abort retarded children.”

>> No.5155593
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already a retard, got it

>> No.5155604

>implying retarded people are less happy than prototypical people.

>> No.5155616


One hell of a spell check error. i wasn't even aware that was a word. *neurotypical

>> No.5155621

At least he won't be shitting on the fucking bathroom floor

>> No.5155633

ITT people pretending they have the knowledge to decide who can live and die based on stereotypes about people they have never had contact with.

>> No.5155637

No I did not. This would be more accurate:
>implying that they through extra pain and suffering due to their disability

>> No.5155646

>who can live and die
It has nothing to do with who should live and who should die. abortion is not murder christfag

>> No.5155650

all mental retarded individuals are that way because of polyploidy and thus, as a biological protecting agent, are sterile from birth.

>> No.5155651

What makes you think they have more pain and suffering?

>> No.5155653

If only this were true...

Also, if only IQ was directly tied to fertility

>> No.5155654

Fair enough. who has the right to exist, then.

>> No.5155658

If their parents love them then fuck it, go ahead. The real problem is determining whether or not they will EVER be able to sustain themselves and/or contribute to society, even in the most basic forms of manual labor (think janitorial work, gas attendants, really simple and laid back stuff).

I know a kid with downs syndrome who is definitely capable of working such jobs. But how do you determine the severity at an early age? Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.5155660
File: 718 KB, 300x169, yes it is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic motor functions.

>> No.5155681

Would you be okay with being a retard?

>> No.5155679


If he really wanted to get taken seriously he would style his hair differently.

>> No.5155724


Logical fallacy. My opinion doesn't matter to the answer of that question, also my opinion is different being that i have a bias from not being retarded for my entire lifetime.

Would you be happy being a nigger? Niggers don't seem to mind, but i would. My opinion also does not hold for general consensus.

>> No.5155734

I work with retarded kids for work.

Moral aside. They should be aborted; its a burden for parents, they contribute very little socially/financially for family.

But the worst ones are autistic, Atleast downies understand feelings.
Austistic doesnt -- not even social concept; the worst ones would just fap/shit where ever they want.

TLDR kill them

>> No.5155740

Yeah and kill hipsters and jews too. They get on my nerves and do things that are bad for a society.

>> No.5156566

except for the part where they are contributing to humanity. Any ways i have a severely autistic brother, non-verbal and even worst is he is bigger than the average male. Morals aside he has been absolutely nothing but a burden and because he is going through puberty right now shit is at its worst. And i dont care what you say, autistics are by far the most selfish people ive ever been around. they have no concept of community or working for the better of the group. Its all memememememememememememem. I know its not there fault but still.....

>> No.5156604

itt: sociopaths

>> No.5156692

Interestingly, you could argue that these retarded kids actually create jobs, and some families prefer to have these types of children.

>> No.5156699

i agree with the spartan method.
>(throw retarded kids off of cliffs)

>> No.5156703

>existence is pointless


you'd think a fairly intelligent community had common sense when it comes to other parts of life

>> No.5156709
File: 81 KB, 532x695, breivik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to abort retarded people on the basis that they have no benefit to society, then why are you against aborting Black children?


>> No.5156710

Overall though, if aborted, the gene pool sure wont miss them. Where are the moralfags? I know someone who works with these kids and they say that they are actually great kids, but I have also seen for myself how utterly frustrating it is to deal with the selfishness of these kids. If society wasn't based on money, these kids would be aborted.

>> No.5156714

I agree completely. They are parasites. This is why the Spartans and Nazi's killed the retarded and physically handicapped. (though mostly spartans)

They are parasites, just as jews,albeit not criminals and are not socialists (productivity).

inb4 /sci/fags spew lies about the nazis

>> No.5156723


why did ignore the fact that nazis killed black people and jews too?

you can't handle the whole truth obviously

>> No.5156726

inb4 half this thread needed to be aborted

>> No.5157553

>Their existence is pointless
and so is yours.

>> No.5157571

If you abort retarded children, there will be a substantial decline in the black population. Just pointing out this fact.

>> No.5157590

You shouldn't outlaw having a retarded baby. Why do you think you're any more entitled to live than someone else? What you should do is educate people to see that abortion is the far more logical option, and besides, over 90% of fetuses screened that have Downs Syndrome are aborted, it's usually usually only a religious minority who go through with it.

>> No.5157620

How would that work? Would every mother be forced to test her child and the unborn (or born) child would then be killed against the mothers will? Doctors would have to decide whether to abort or not and do an aborting against the mothers wish?

Where do you start, where do you stop? At what point should someone be allowed to live?

Do you care at all that this is absolutely impossible to get started?

>> No.5157629

Yes you can. A smallest sample of tissue should work

>> No.5157652


It shouldn't be illegal to give birth to one, but the doctor who diagnoses the fetus as having a high disposition towards being retarded should explain this to the parent(s), along the lines of:

"We've found that your child, when fully developed, is highly likely to be mentally challenged. In light of this, there are a few options available to you. One, you can go ahead and raise and care for the child anyway. If you don't feel like you're capable of doing that, there's always the adoption route. If you don't want to go through pregnancy, there are alternatives available to you, such as abortion. If, however, you feel like saving this child, we can use it as a testbed for several experimental genetic modification treatments which may substantially lower the risk of developing mental handicaps."

Of course, genetic modification of humans is still seen as taboo for some godforsaken idiotic reason. So while we continue to fight the good fight towards human genetic engineering, abortion should be made an option. Hell, I'd abort if the risk of retardation was identified as likely.

>> No.5157685
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No use? Think of all the jobs in special education they create.

Also, plenty of retards can hold down a minimum wage job.

Tl;dr retards aren't entirely useless.

>> No.5157704

Morals aside, the holocaust was great.

>> No.5157719

That's exactly what happens right now, and has for years, if the parents opt for prenatal genetic testing and something comes up.

>> No.5157727

You´re implying that we have to be useful for anything in the first place. We don´t owe anything to society, we are born free and we die free. Retards don´t have to justify their existence and neither do you.

It´s already okay to abort in the civilised world.

>genetic modification of humans is still seen as taboo for some godforsaken idiotic reason
It brings a lot of problems with it and none of them are idiotic. If they are, then you´ll certainly be able to easily explain why these reasons are stupid. (reasons you didn´t even name)

>> No.5157739


>it brings a lot of problems with it

So does everything before we work out the kinks in it

>> No.5157809

You can bring up arguments that are often used and which you perceive as wrong, explain why you perceive these arguments as wrong or show a solution for it, if you do that I´ll try to explain to you why you´re wrong or I´ll agree with you.

>So does everything before we work out the kinks in it
is not a valid argument, you could justify everything with that.

You didn´t even explain what you mean by "human genetic engineering", The term can mean a lot.

>> No.5157877



By "genetic engineering", I mean learning how these diseases and disorders arise, and removing them from the human genome en masse, so we can maintain a healthy genepool rather than rely on a natural selection like we did in the past.

Humans do not have a working method of selection right now. Medicine and biology and all the current "treating the symptom" approach to these diseases will create problems in the future since faulty genes for disorders, (down syndrome, epilepsy, nearsightedness, etc.), will become more and more common. If I'm a nearsighted epileptic, I can get LASIK surgery and brain surgery to cure my disease, but they still exist in my genetic code. We aren't breeding them out of the gene pool any longer, we're just treating the symptoms.

As these problems become larger, more people will become reliant on the medical industry just to keep themselves alive. This causes unnecessary strain on the economy when we could instead invest resources to develop techniques to remove these genetic diseases from people while they are still in a developmental stage so they no longer suffer from genetic diseases, rather than be medicated their entire lives to treat it.

My view is, a highly well-functioning medical industry need not necessarily grow linearly with the population. Ideally, it should shrink over time, (relative to population growth), since fewer and fewer people should need to rely on them.

>> No.5158193

I take care of retarded children for a living. I can vouch saying that with competent, stern, and even loving teachers many levels into retardation you can still teach them to contribute.

Yea there are some who cant move a all and never will but those are ethical matters I would rather not delve into. But above that a diagnosis does not determine them useless for life.

>> No.5158211

I felt the same as you until I stuck with the craziest kid on the home. He learned to communicate with me and it changed my view on things. And yes he is autistic/retarded and nowadays 90% less crazy.