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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5110408 No.5110408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do i feel infinitely more intelligent while lucid dreaming?

during a lucid dream i can start composing improvised classical pieces for 3 instruments on the fly

i can write stream of consciousness stories that are ridiculously complex

i can summon locations that do not exist and speed through them, stopping at any location in an attempt to trick myself into leaving someplace blank or devoid of detail

when i attempt this stuff outside of a lucid dream i inevitably over-think things, get frustrated, hate the results, etc

is this common for lucid dreamers?

>> No.5110418

I remember in dreams deriving equations, that I would at the very least need paper to write down thoughts onto to try and come to these conclusions.

>> No.5110419

I'm fairly new to sci (but not 4chan) and wasn't aware you had lucid dreaming threads. Cool.

On topic: Is there any possibility that you simply think what you're doing is incredible? Similarly to how you can experience places you've never been, perhaps your brain simply gives you the illusion that what you're doing isn't complete nonsense.

>> No.5110422

Your spiritual experiences belong to >>>/x/

>> No.5110428

We do not approve of these threads. Some /x/tards post them occasionally. They reportable as off-topic and usually get banned.

>> No.5110432

that's because you're dreaming. you're not actually doing it.
it's the same as how sometimes people on psychedelics claim they are telepathic, or understand certain things.

>> No.5110440

>lucid dreaming
>spiritual experience
Made me laugh, I'm sorry.

I see, that's unfortunate. Lucid dreaming is a scientifically supported phennoemna isn't it? Though I guess if it started to bleed over you'd need to worry about all the other crap /x would bring with it.

>> No.5110448


yeah, i totally suspect this.

that is why i will arrange tests within the dreams.

nothing i have done is amazing or ground breaking. i have been able to compose music within a lucid dream, wake up, write down the notes and play the song at a later point. the two times this has happened the music has not been terrible but it has not been amazing either. the important thing is, composing even mediocre pieces is generally a pain in the ass for me but within a lucid dream it is simple and enjoyable.

while lucid dreaming i will also push test my minds ability to improvise in detail on the fly, for example i will get in a car and start accelerating while looking at the buildings to my left. at a certain speed my mind is no longer able to generate unique buildings and it starts repeating structures. also, because of the possibility i only experiencing the sensation of uniqueness i will sometimes stop the experience to explore a building at random.

i think you are very right, during the experience it feels incredible but the fact i have not done anything of real value during the experience says it isnt that incredible. that being said, i am definitely able to think with more clarity and freedom during a lucid dream than while awake and i am curious if this is common?

>> No.5110468

It is unscientific nonsense. Please do not post this on /sci/.

>> No.5110476


when you say lucid dreaming is "unscientific nonsense" are you saying it does not exist?

or are you saying that matters of the mind during sleep are unimportant to science?

>> No.5110487

"Mind" and "dreams" are untestable metaphysical concepts with no scientific evidence. Keep untestable claims to >>>/x/

>> No.5110504

Just stop.

>> No.5110507

You stop. We don't need /x/ threads on /sci/.

>> No.5110508

You may be confusing lucid dreams and astral projection. The latter certainly doesn't exist, but there has been some experimentation in support of lucid dreaming.


>> No.5110511

"Lucidity" is not a scientific source. Or do you believe timecube and truthism are valid sources as well? Keep pseudoscience out of /sci/.

>> No.5110514 [DELETED] 

You've been visited by the Spooky Skeleton! Repost this 3 times in the next 2 minutes seconds or you will be visited by a Spooky Skeleton tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become skeleton.....


>> No.5110513

>let's prove the validity of our pseudoscience ... by linking to a pseudoscience website

/x/tard logic

>> No.5110520


it wouldn't be hard to test a lucid dream state right?

you would tell the person to accomplish some task within the lucid dream and then when they awake have them record the results

then you would ask them accomplish a similar task while awake and record the results

run a control group and test a variety of different attributes then see how lucid dreaming affects mental acuity

how is that unscientific? are you saying lucid dreams do not exist?

>> No.5110521

Did you even read the article? It's a peer-reviewed research paper on the subject. Just because its location is not a good source does not mean that the article itself is not valid. You are literally the worst kind of /scientist.

>> No.5110527

This is exactly the experiment that was performed. For example, they asked for specific eye movements and found a high degree of correlation. The posters insulting /x/ have no idea what they're talking about and refuse knowledge merely on the grounds that it does not conform to their established biases. Yes, my jimmies are russled.

>> No.5110531

>let's assume our bullshit to prove it
Circular reasoning. Just fuck off.

Do you even know what "peer-reviewed" means? Pseudoscientists confirming other pseudoscientists' results is not valid peer-review.

>> No.5110537

Because lucid dreaming is what our consciousness is without the conscious limiting itself to physical barriers

>> No.5110545

Beliefs in a magical "soul" go to >>>/x/

>> No.5110557

i believe it was initially published by the American Psychological Association. Of course, that's probably not good enough for you, because anything you don't believe in can't possibly be true.

The simple fact is that you're wrong. Lucid dreaming is an established phenomena, and your refusal to admit it does not make it any less true. Please refrain from letting your ignorance derail good threads.

>> No.5110559

never lucid dreamed in my life, but i read a lot in my dreams, and holy shit, the prose is awesome.

>> No.5110573

An off-topic /x/ thread on /sci/ is not a good thread. A lot of pseudoscience gets incorrectly published under the label of psychology. That doesn't mean it's accepted scientific result. Provide objectively verifiable evidence or GTFO.

>> No.5110593


fuck this guy

Watanabe Tsuneo (March 2003). "Lucid Dreaming: Its Experimental Proof and Psychological Conditions". Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (Japan) 21 (1): 159–162. "The occurrence of lucid dreaming (dreaming while being conscious that one is dreaming) has been verified for four selected subjects who signaled that they knew they were dreaming. The signals consisted of particular dream actions having observable concomitants and were performed in accordance with a pre-sleep agreement."

>> No.5110597


seriously, fuck this guy

LaBerge, Stephen (1990). Bootzin, R.R., Kihlstrom, J.F. & Schacter, D.L., (Eds.). ed. Lucid Dreaming: Psychophysiological Studies of Consciousness during REM Sleep Sleep and Cognition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. pp. 109–126.

>> No.5110611

This is exactly what I've been saying. He'll ignore ANY evidence in support of it because he doesn't want to believe it exists. No article on it can be legitimate because the subject itself is a lie; if you'll permit me the analogy, It's like religion in reverse.

>> No.5110622

>Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (Japan)
A journal of a small japanese pseudoscience society. Not noteworthy and not accepted by real scientists.

>LaBerge, Stephen
A former neuroscientist who drifted away from science and went into unscientific philosophy. Quoting a philosophical publication of his will not support your claim.

Cool, he believes in a magical soul. Good luck testing metaphysics nonsense.

tl;dr: Troll harder.
You won't force your pseudoscience nonsense on /sci/.

>> No.5110629

Evidence in science has to be objectively verifiable and hypotheses have to be testable. "Hurr you have to believe" is not scientific evidence and "there's somehow magic going on which can only be subjectively experienced" is not a testable hypothesis.

>> No.5110639

It's not "hurr you have to believe", and it's not "magic" or "subjective experience". Perhaps the best way I can illustrate my argument is this: on what grounds do you disagree with LaBerge's study? Do you find his method faulty? Did he make a faulty assumption? Fail to take something into account?

>> No.5110645

>dreams and awareness are not subjective experiences

Just leave. Now you're twisting your own /x/ nonsense too far.

>> No.5110674

Let's address two things.
1) First and foremost, you've entirely ignored my question. I've provided what seems to be a legitimate source with sound method and results that substantiate my claims. Your counter-argument has consisted of attacks on the character of the research organizations and researchers, which might be somewhat valid (though would still not entirely destroy the significance of their research) if you had any evidence proving what you say is true.
2) I'm not twisting any nonsense. I quoted exactly what you said, my point being that there have been studies that support the existence of lucid dreaming. My argument is not, and has never been, that the only way you can know whether lucid dreaming is real is to experience it yourself.

Please learn how to construct an argument.

>> No.5110688

>I've provided what seems to be a legitimate source
They are not legitimate. Pseudoscience and philosophy publications are not legitimate sources. I told you already.

>my point being that there have been studies that support the existence
Please show me scientific studies supporting this claim.

>the only way you can know whether lucid dreaming is real is to experience it yourself
If it is not objectively verifiable and untestable, it has nothing to do with science and does not belnog here. Please go back to >>>/x/ where these kinds of thread are welcome.

>Please learn how to construct an argument.
Hahaha, 0/10.

>> No.5110708


the claims a greater dedication to science and yet he is dismissing published academic works on the basis of disagreeing with the scientists behind the work, a logical fallacy

the guy refuses to engage any evidence and instead doggedly repeats his beliefs over and over, i dont think there is any hope for him. with the effort he has applied thus far it would have been quicker for him to explain why the studies are flawed than to just repeatedly claim they were

>> No.5110715



you asked for evidence,

evidence was given,

now you disregard the evidence without saying why the studies are flawed.

the ball is in your court. why are the studies flawed?

>> No.5110718
File: 78 KB, 750x600, Funny 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make the kind, and probably correct, assumption that you have not, in fact, looked at a single article posted and that you are instead basing all of your informations on your assumptions. Since you refuse to look at the information:
LaBerge's study was simple and straightforward. All he asked was for his subject to make specific eye movements upon acheiving lucidity, and then monitored them. The subject went to sleep, and lo and behold! made the requested eye movements.

However, since your obstinancy knows no bounds:

>> No.5110726

It is verifiable and testable moron. And how does this belong to a paranormal board ?

>> No.5110724

I know /sci/ is shit, but to deny the existence of lucid dreams? This is stupid.

While I've never had the feeling of being more "intelligent". I've constructed a room full of people that were background noise, and about 5-6 people whom I had a conversation with. While the people and location were from my memories, the conversation was not. The conversation was quite interesting, and was very similar to how I thought it would go if it wasn't a dream.

Needless to say, it's interesting that our mind can create such elaborate things.

>> No.5110736

Pseudoscience is not science. Neither is philosophy. Please show me peer-reviewed scientific sources supporting your claims.

Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. The sources you gave me are not scientific. Please provide some real evidence.

>upon acheiving lucidity
Please prove that "lucidity" exists. It is untestable nonsense.

>This is stupid.
Back to kindergarten. This is a science board and you lack the required intellect to post here.

>> No.5110731


Gah, link failure.

>> No.5110755

THEY GAVE THEM SPECIFIC EYE MOVEMENTS TO DO, AND THEY DID THEM. And then in another, DIFFERENT study, by a different person in a different group, they asked them to perform specific actions in dreams (which is unverifiable) and then ALSO perform a DIFFERENT set of eye movements, which they ALSO did. What part of this is not scientifically verifiable?

>> No.5110762

Untestable claims belong on the paranormal board. If you think it is testable, please show the evidence.

This only verifies that people can follow instructions. You tell them to move their eyes and they move their eyes.

>> No.5110765

Just ignore him, he's just a k00l scienze guy who sages the thread and doesn't even afraid of anything.

So, have you been practicing to initiate yourself into slip into the lucid state ?

>> No.5110772

They moved them WHILE THEY WERE ASLEEP. What more do you want?

>> No.5110774

Take your spiritualism discussion to >>>/x/ please.

>> No.5110777

It's about dreaming, not spirits. You can stop posting now we're not talking to you.

>> No.5110779

That's an observation. We can make up multiple untestable and unfalsifiable explanations for it and there's no reason to prefer one such explanation over any other. Your shit is not science.

>> No.5110785

Gah, you're right. I've wasted entirely too much time arguing.

Yea, I've been trying (without success). I've found it really hard to maintain a dream log, although I've noticed that even deciding to start one has improved by dream recall (which is probably simply because I've been thinking about it more).

>> No.5110792

Stop replying to that idiot already. He's unexperienced and uneducated about this subject.

>> No.5110797

Not being educated regarding the details of pseudoscience is a good thing. Instead I'm educated enough in actual science to prove that your nonsense is not science.

>> No.5110801

FEELING more intelligent is NOT the same as BEING more intelligent.

>> No.5110805

If you ever catch yourself lucid dreaming, try this : Try to find an object with a text on it (it must be an object that you haven't spawned yourself ). And try to read the text on it. It will appear either blurry or it will look like an incomprehensible language. You will suddenly know that you're dreaming but your subconscious won't mind. It's much easier to take control after you do it.

>> No.5110820

Please take it to >>>/x/.

>> No.5110833


would you claim the study of an individuals cognizance under different types of anesthetics is also unscientific?

we have many cases where people are put into a sleep state during a surgery and due to mistakes the patients are able to feel pain and are aware of what is happening to themselves.

should there be no studies done on anesthesia awareness? should researchers make no efforts to understand proper dosing or types of anesthetics because the patients are asleep and therefore any mental state of the sleeping patient is unscientific?

i am just seriously confused by your behavior, generally i would write you off as a troll but the mark of a good troll is putting in minimal effort for maximum response

>> No.5110825

The only thing that's upsetting me about this thread is how quickly /sci/ fags jump to discredit OP. The whole concept of science is researching, and testing new hypothesis to prove or disprove them. It's about making a known out of an unknown. Dreams are a fundamental part of the human brain, and they shape our lives. This is proven. This is fact. The brain creates dreams, and we are affected by them.

>> No.5110836

Cool. It's kind of weird though - I can't remember single time I've read in a dream. Maybe that I'm thinking about it now there's a greater chance of it happening. Thanks, I'll try and keep it in mind.

>> No.5110850

He is a mentally challenged friend. Tolerate him. He never experienced lucid dream and he's jelly of the incredible things he's missing.
You can seriously stop replying to him now, there's no point talking to him anymore.

>> No.5110854

Either an anesthetics has its desired effects or it doesn't. This has nothing to do with the pseudoscientific topic of this thread.

>> No.5110858

Also if you happen to be near a bathroom or a mirror, look at yourself. You'll see your face as distorted or oddly changed. Like he's someone resembling yourself, but not you.

>> No.5110959


You are wrong. There are many types of anesthetics and they can have different effects on individuals under different dosages.

Every year hundreds of patients experience an awareness of their surgery on some level when they are supposed to be completely unconscious and many of these patients go on to develop a mental illness because of it. According to your logic this is pseudoscience and not relevant.

That isn't even mentioning things like sleep paralysis. Would you say that is pseudoscience also? What about the millions of people that go on to experience it once in their life and, without a scientific understanding of what took place, assume they had an alien or spiritual encounter?

Alright, I am done with this idiot. Thank you to the person that linked the two studies, I will read them.

>> No.5110969
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>Not being educated regarding the details of pseudoscience is a good thing.

Accept that if you weren't you wouldn't have notice it was supposedly classified as "pseudoscience" in the first place. Not branching out your knowledge base makes you less varied, anti-knowledge and conceptually bigoted.

>Instead I'm educated enough in actual science to prove that your nonsense is not science.
>not a science

Only /sci/ can someone simply say something is not a science and not provide a drop of valid info to prove their point.

Enjoy that veil of armor you call anonymity anon.

>> No.5110974

Please provide objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of "dreams".

Infantile insults belong on >>>/b/

Anesthetics have nothing to do with untestable metaphysical nonsense concepts. Their purpose is to sedate the patient so that he doesn't move during the medical operation.

>> No.5110994

Why would I even bother proving anything to you to get you involved in this discussion. Everyone knows lucid dreaming, and experienced it. You're the only imbecile who doesn't get anything and constantly try to refute every post. Half of the posts in this thread are made by you and your contribution was absolutely zero.
Please stop shitposting already. You don't have to be involved in this thread.

>> No.5111008

>less varied, anti-knowledge and conceptually bigoted.
Ad hominem.

>Only /sci/ can someone simply say something is not a science and not provide a drop of valid info to prove their point.
Your burden of proof. You make a claim, you provide evidence.

>Everyone knows lucid dreaming, and experienced it.
Another baseless claim and actually wrong. You still haven't provided evidence that your nonsense exists at all.

>Please stop shitposting already.
... says the /x/tard who makes off-topic pseudoscience threads on /sci/. Oh, the irony.

>> No.5111007

>placing "dreams" in quotations in this context

>> No.5111010

Sleep paralysis can be a nightmare ( no pun intended ). But the solution is simple. You just have to hold your breath for some time. Your brain thinks you're dying and wakes you up.

>> No.5111017

>Please provide objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of "dreams".

jesus. troll/10

just go away, retard, and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.5111032

It was a serious question and your insults are inappropriate. You obviously have no evidence for your claims and instead resort to immature behaviour. Please go back to >>>/b/

>> No.5111035
File: 266 KB, 600x466, look at him and laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurrr you haven't proven to me anything, and since i set the rules of everything it doesnt exist.
What a sad little man. I'm extremely glad that I'm not you. Everyone... know how lucky you are that you're not in his position right now.

>> No.5111046

>gets his pseudoscience nonsense disproved
>resorts to infantile insults

>> No.5111051
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>it was a question

>> No.5111063

Ignore that imbecile already, lets talk some lucid experiences.

>> No.5111055

Can you answer it or not?

>> No.5111067


you havent even made a single attempt to disprove anything at any point in this thread?

please tell us why lucid dreams, anesthesia awareness and sleep paralysis are all unscientific?

>> No.5111080

You can do so on >>>/x/. /sci/ is about science and math. Your spiritual experiences are not science or math.

Please provide evidence of their existence. If shit is untestable and has no evidence, it is unscientific. Science needs objectively verifiable evidence and scientific hypotheses have to be testable. I can repeat this all night until you get it.

>> No.5111081

>literally calling people /x/tards
>can't handle when someone calls HIM a retard
>"b-b-but that hurted muh feelings!"

can you provide evidence to support your claim that my behavior was immature? can you give me a peer-reviewed study on that? sounds like pseudoscience to me.

>> No.5111083

Stop replying to him already. You are much as guilty as him for shitposting this thread.

>> No.5111088

The OP and everyone supporting him is shitposting. This thread belongs to >>>/x/

>> No.5111095

Trolling and flaming are not allowed outside of /b/.

>> No.5111097
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>start writing dreams down 6 months ago
>last 2 months have all been lucid
Where to start

>> No.5111103

can you objectively verify "Shitposting" with a peer-reviewed study?

>> No.5111110 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO harriet

>> No.5111112

You could start by taking this to >>>/x/

Troll harder.

I'm not her.

>> No.5111126 [DELETED] 

oh, ok. i was only guessing
just seems like the kinda thing she'd post

>> No.5111131

Huh, you can't? You're everything wrong with science. Hypocrite.

>> No.5111137
File: 126 KB, 550x674, dont reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to him and everything will be fine.

>> No.5111148

Seems like the kinda thing any rational person could post.

Seriously? Is this all you can come up with?

Exactly. Do not reply to this thread without a sage.

>> No.5111142

enjoy the ban ;)

>> No.5111152 [DELETED] 

will do

>> No.5111163

Are you that bitch in the pic you keep posting ?

>> No.5111169

newfag pls go

>> No.5111179

Did you learn limits, hun? :D

>> No.5111185 [DELETED] 


>> No.5111186

Did Harriet tell you about the conversation we had yesterday?

>> No.5111187

Then why do you have so much pic of her you wierdo creep

>> No.5111188 [DELETED] 

huh, you know i wonder...is there just one 'limits-troll' or a few of you?
strange that such a specific and wierd and irrelevant thing would come up so much.

and no, i havent. i dont study math

>> No.5111194

did anyone else get a remee? shit's taking a while to finish up.

>> No.5111196 [DELETED] 

oh! was that you?
yeh, she said someone 'missed me' or some shit.

thought i'd give he board a glance, it's been a while (other than yesterday)

>> No.5111199

But limits are highschool math, hun. <3

>> No.5111203

Where have you been? You didn't post for two weeks.

>> No.5111205 [DELETED] 

heheh, because i'm a fan and i like her vids.

meh, i dont remember them
if it was that damn important they'd probably have done it for more than one lesson (which i must have clearly missed, w/e)

>> No.5111214

Could you say some sentences on vocaroo? I'd love to hear your voice.

>> No.5111215 [DELETED] 

i've not been anywhere, i've just had a few things i needed to see to.
dont worry bout it, hun. it's just that i might not be able to post quite as often now.
no rest for the wicked amirite?

>> No.5111220 [DELETED] 

nah, sorry

>> No.5111222

He has a wicked scottish accent :D

>> No.5111224

Yeah, Harriet mentioned you being busy. What are you doing?

>> No.5111226

Why not?

>> No.5111228 [DELETED] 

well she shouldnt be fucking talking about me at all! what did she say??

>> No.5111234

She said that you were "busy" if you get what I mean.

>> No.5111240

She said something about your financial problems.

>> No.5111236 [DELETED] 

i dont have a microphone, so i cant record sound

even if i could, that's a bit of a creepy request, yaknow?

>> No.5111239 [DELETED] 

and that's all she said?

>> No.5111251

How is it creepy? I didn't ask you to record an orgasm. Just talking a few sentences. A message to your fans or something.

>> No.5111245

but you're an attention whore. you live for that sort of thing.

>> No.5111256

y'know, getting "busy"

>> No.5111268 [DELETED] 

hah! wat?
i'm doing pretty well in that regard, she's a dumb lying bitch, and i buy her drinks like all the time so wtf is she even going on about??

i think she might have been trolling you, hun

dont believe anything else she says, she trolls /sci/ like all the time, i bet almost all of her posts are total lies

>> No.5111281

I like her nonetheless. If I ever travelled to scotland, I'd love to meet both of you. <3

>> No.5111282 [DELETED] 

wat? as in, euphemism?
if she's been talking about my sex life again she's gonna get a fucking slap!

and that doesnt even make sense anyway, as that'd be no reason why i'm less able to post.

>> No.5111290 [DELETED] 

we arnt actually in scotland, i think that was a lie made up by blackman back when he used to post.
i've never even been to scotland, but i have nothing against scottish people in general.

>> No.5111294

What is it then? Why do you post less?

>> No.5111295

Can someone post a good guide to lucid dreaming? Like something you've personally tested and works? I really want to try it, but a lot of the guides out there seem like gimmicks.

>> No.5111300

Where are you?

>> No.5111304

well she said that you got a few new guys, and they're taking up all your time

>> No.5111305


>> No.5111322 [DELETED] 

i've just got a lot of other stuff going on rite now
i can probably still post sometimes, mabe just in the evenings
dont worry about it

england (south, but im not being more specific than that. but definitely nowhere even close to scotland)

thats a fucking lie! and i've told her before to stop saying shit like that, she always stirs up trouble

>> No.5111330

If I came to england, how could I contact you so we can meet up?

>> No.5111338

I don't have any bad intentions. I promise.

>> No.5111335 [DELETED] 

nah, no thanks

>> No.5111343

Just youtube it man, there are videos.
Or i can explain it here too if you want.

>> No.5111350

No, we do not want it here. Keep it to >>>/x/

>> No.5111360

Yeah this is an EK general anyways

>> No.5111354

Should I give a fuck ? Plus its not paranormal.

>> No.5111356



>> No.5111359
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>> No.5111363

>magic and spiritualism
>not paranormal
Choose one.

Paranormal means not scientifically explicable. Untestable claims with no evidence are not scientifically explicable.

>> No.5111367

Yeah you guys should probably go back to >>>/x/ This thread isn't science.

>> No.5111370

Don't leave, EK. /sci/ needs you, hun.

>> No.5111373

> not scientifically explicable. Untestable claims with no evidence are not scientifically explicable.
Lucid dreaming is non of above. Do your research before labeling them kid.

>> No.5111382

It is all of the above. Don't listen to pseudoscientists. I disproved their babble throughout this thread.

>> No.5111383

I can post a short guide that will cover the vital points of the process.

>> No.5111388

Please do it on >>>/x/ and take OP with you.

>> No.5111389

You should also do a research on what a proof is. Now go be retarded somewhere else instead of begging for attention.

>> No.5111395

Infantile insults belong to >>>/b/. Please leave the science board.

>> No.5111396 [DELETED] 

aww, thats sweet
im not leaving, i just wont have as much free time, is all
not as much opportunity to be here

just sometimes.

>> No.5111400

I don't have lucid dreams very often but I've noticed I have more when I take things that promote vivid dreams (B6, B12, pholcodine etc)

Every now and then when I'm sleeping in on a Saturday morning I'll have a series of false awakenings and lucid dreams.

>> No.5111401

Sure. I will. As soon as you prove its something paranormal.
Heres a tip from wikipedia :

Paranormal is a general term (coined ca. 1915–1920[1][2]) that designates experiences that lie outside "the range of normal experience or scientific explanation"

>> No.5111406

4 new boyfriends

>> No.5111403

You still didn't tell us what happened. Did you get a job or something?

>> No.5111407

Shitposting belongs to /b/ too, so why are you here in the first place ?

>> No.5111410

Untestable nonsense with no evidence sure is outside of scientific explanation. Now please leave.

Troll harder.

>> No.5111411

> Untestable nonsense with no evidence sure is outside of scientific explanation
I gave you the explaination...can't you comprehend what you read ?

>> No.5111418

Now you have to prove its untestable. Because you can find guides how to test it on youtube.

>> No.5111415

You quoted pseudoscience sources and posted circular reasoning. I explained to you why you were wrong.

>> No.5111419 [DELETED] 

yep :D

fuck off, no, its not that

>> No.5111421

Congratulations hun. ;)
What job is it? Is it science related?

>> No.5111423

> pseudoscience sources
You have to prove why they are pseudoscience before you can label them.

>> No.5111430

I did. Read the thread.

>> No.5111436

adress it to me

>> No.5111438

>fuck off, no, its not that

5 new boyfriends?

>> No.5111441


Sure man, I'd dig an explanation.

>> No.5111443 [DELETED] 

unfortunately not, but it pays well and it'l do for now

>> No.5111447 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5111466

sixfigures? :D

>> No.5111467

What is it? I'm curious.

>> No.5111468 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 640x427, 300k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300k starting

>> No.5111471

But I thought you don't know what limits are

>> No.5111472 [DELETED] 
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hmm, nosy arnt you?
a little too nosy

>> No.5111479
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Here's how you do it. I'll give you just one methdo that works the best.
You need a stable sleeping schedule. Say you sleep at 00:00. You have to sleep at 18:00 and wake up around 2 or 3 hours later. Doing this, you will get your sleep and regain your body energy.
Then you just lay on your bed at 00:00 just like everyday. Your biological clock will make you go into the REM state, but you won't be able to sleep because your body won't be exhausted enough.
Just lay and don't move a muscle for 10-20 minutes. Clear your head and slow down your breathing. You will start to feel like you're slipping down. You'll start to lose your senses and feel like you're falling down an airplane. Now this is the part where you shouldn't freak out and get off. If you do this successfully, you'll enter the lucid dreaming state. You will start dreaming where ever the dream takes place and you will know that you're in a dream.

>> No.5111480

>implying you need limits to make a PhD in math

I got mine for solving some really hard quadratic equasions. You know, the extremely hard ones. The ones mathematicians couldn't solve for hundreds of years.

>> No.5111481

we just want to know what our favorite tripfriend is up to ;D

>> No.5111484

Come on. We can't identify you. The job won't be too extremely unique. Please tell. I wanna know, hun. ;)

>> No.5111492

At least tell us the field. we are all excited to hear what you're doing with your degree

>> No.5111499

Does that mean 7/7/11 was right and you are Rose?

>> No.5111495 [DELETED] 
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heh, you'd think after 7/7/11 i might know better


>> No.5111497

> part 2
Now when you're in the dream, you can do pretty much anything you want. The only rule is that it should follow a believeable story. You can spawn cars, change the weather, smash a meteor to the earth, blast a nuke, whatever. It only has to follow a story. If the scene goes too freaky, your brain will know something's up and will wake you up.

>> No.5111504

you know that bitches youtube account ?

>> No.5111508


>> No.5111515

That bitch EK keeps posting the pictures of her, where she talks about how delicious muslim dicks are. Do you know that account ?

>> No.5111520

wait wait wait

EK is Rose?

Rose, will you marry me? :3

>> No.5111530

Everyone knows that account. Lurk moar, newfriend.

>still believing in 7/7/11

>> No.5111545

lurk where ? /sci/ ?

>> No.5111557


>> No.5111559

You are delusional

>> No.5111562

newfags pls go

>> No.5111564

What's your fucking problem?

>> No.5111567

i will, as soon as you copy paste the fucking link

>> No.5111569


Who is EK?
Who is Rose?
What was 7/7/11?

>> No.5111574



>> No.5111575

Wtf happened to this thread. It gets derailed, the trips arrive, the train explodes and I'm dead inside.

/Sci, I'm disappointed. Janitorsssss, where are you?

>> No.5111577

Rose is EK, i dont know what the numbers mean mason

>> No.5111579

What you forgot to mention is the fact that this stupid /x/ thread shouldn't have existed in the first place. A janitor would have instantly deleted it.

>> No.5111580

agreed, the janitors should have been here to delete this /x/ thread to begin with

>> No.5111583
File: 109 KB, 268x314, bales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhahahahhaha still butthurt

>> No.5111584

>Who is EK?
A scottish neckbeard.

>Who is Rose?
Another scottish neckbeard.

>What was 7/7/11?
The day we invented the "biology isn't science" meme.

>> No.5111585

It's got nothing to do with /x really. You're the ones who drove the train off the freaking cliff and then stomped on it. /X can be bad, but this blows.

>> No.5111586

Are you from /x/? Please stop posting pseudoscience here. Thanks

>> No.5111589

the newfag is strong in this one

>> No.5111592

Untestable claims belong on /x/. On /sci/ we substantiate claims by evidence.

>> No.5111595

keep calling it pseudoscience. maybe someday someone will believe it

>> No.5111602

Yeah, we never EVER discuss theories here.

>> No.5111603

You're on the wrong board friend :)

>> No.5111607

harder kiddo

>> No.5111609

We discuss TESTABLE theories here, you retard. Not untestable nonsense.

>> No.5111610

>dreams are pseudoscience


>> No.5111611

You know, this is why the thread blew up in the first place. I'm not new, and you're an embarrassment to /sci/ence. Wtf would you say to Jung?

>> No.5111615

What do you mean exactly? Pseudoscience is not a hard science at all. It's not even a science. Enjoy your time in /x/ though.

>> No.5111620

>not a newfag
>says /x and /sci instead of /x/ and /sci/
lel, keep trying ;)

>> No.5111621

Please show evidence that they exist.

Contain your butthurt, pseudoscience fag, and go back to >>>/x/

>> No.5111623

you're so bad at this i can't even lel

>> No.5111627

Back to >>>/x/, this board isn't for you

>> No.5111631

If you were only worth listening

>> No.5111636

Enjoy the ban on your way back to >>>/x/

>> No.5111643

It's really entertaining to see you cry.

>> No.5111644

Is thread derailment a bannable offense? Someone, say yes. PLEASE SAY YES.
There is a special circle in Hell for you.

>> No.5111645

Enjoy the ban on your way out

>> No.5111646

This thread is offtopic retard

>> No.5111653


>> No.5111726
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>> No.5111735
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>> No.5111741
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>> No.5111752

Anon, you are a wonderful person and I wish you all the best.

>> No.5111753
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>> No.5111758
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>> No.5111781
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>> No.5111793

Lay on your back in bed
Remain still with your eyes closed
Try staying awake with your eyes closed, but don't move or struggle
You'll most likely enter sleep paralysis, remain calm
If you make it past this point and start dreaming whilst aware of it, you may be able to manipulate your dream. You could spend this time figuring out how to commit suicide now that you're able to waste twice as much time doing nothing

>> No.5111794
File: 311 KB, 500x4500, 1344832461315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't overthinker

>> No.5111797
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>> No.5111804
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>> No.5111808

dreams are weird as shit like that

when i first started to learn to drive standard i sucked at it. im a constant lucid dreamer, and next time i lucid dreamed i drove standard and it went over perfect. next day i get in the car and i am ten times better than the day before.

have also "clicked" with things that i didnt when awake.

but i will never forget the moment that made me rethink dreams. i had one dream that seemed very bizaare and "dreamlike", as in i thought it could never happen as nothing made sense. i was in a very small classroom getting taught some "strange" mathematics by a very short, balding, russian in a tracksuit, who calld upon me to answer something and i embarrassed myself. flash forward a year and im in a classroom in that exact situation - i was being taught calc II by an identical type person... as soon as the class started and he wrote stuff on the board, i had extreme deja vu and got increasingly paranoid because i KNEW he was going to call upon me and i would embarrass myself - boom, he did and i did.

fucking dreams man, gateway to the future

>> No.5111820

it's because the shit that happens in your dreams isn't real