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5110730 No.5110730 [Reply] [Original]

Could science explain my raging foot fetish?

>> No.5110740

pls respond.

>> No.5110744 [DELETED] 

yiff in hell, footfag

>> No.5110745
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>Could science explain my raging fur fetish?

>> No.5110748



>> No.5110750


> Not asking google first.
> Not researching it yourself.


>> No.5110753

But I am on 4chan.

>> No.5110778

On the brain the foot region is located next to the erogenous zone region of the crotch.

Presumably you like having your foot fondled so your mirror neurons tell you to do this in others, like women.

But its essentially a pointless artifact of human biology. It serves no purpose.

But beware it is probably a gateway to gayness and other things. As all men have feet.

But i say again it serves no real purpose other than naturally selecting amputees.

>> No.5110786

As all men have feet.

I find boy feet attractive, but men feet are gross.

Most ages of female feet are attractive to me beyond toddler years.

>> No.5110806


inb4 feet are an indicator of health and hygiene.

>> No.5110812

I don't consider myself an unhealthy person, but I also don't have an attraction to the dirt on feet, or the taste of non-clean feet. It's gross.

>> No.5110814 [DELETED] 

they're as fucked in the head as furries are, so that word can still stand

>> No.5110819

I assume you like generic factory produced females with oversized breasts?

>> No.5110821

Well... see what i mean?

You have associated a natural attraction to women to feet, from female feet to both male and female feet, as long as they are smooth and adolescent, from there you could eventually end up liking mens feet if you condition yourself, and depending on how much you condition yourself from masturbating you could go on to shoes and animals feet or anything. This is conditioning.

Atleast you know which one is a cause and effect now, and knowing is half the battle...

>> No.5110827

Cats have pretty cute feet, haha.

I seriously doubt I could ever like male feet though. They actually kinda gross me out.

>> No.5110829
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You are fucked in the head, mate.

>> No.5110837

men's feet* sorry

>> No.5110846 [DELETED] 

Furries are not fucked in the head. It's a normal fetish.

>> No.5110853

>Some researchers have hypothesized that foot fetishism increases as a response to epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases. In one study, conducted by Dr. A James Giannini at Ohio State University[9] an increased interest in feet as sexual objects was observed during the great gonorrhea epidemic of twelfth century Europe, and the syphilis epidemics of the 16th and 19th centuries in Europe. In the same study, the frequency of foot-fetish depictions in pornographic literature was measured over a 30 year interval. An exponential increase was noted during the period of the current AIDS epidemic. In these cases, sexual foot play was viewed as a safe-sex alternative. However, the researchers noted that these epidemics overlapped periods of relative female emancipation.[10] Sexual focus on female feet was also hypothesized to have been a reflection of a more dominant posture of the woman in sexual-social relations. (The first surviving mention of foot fetish is by Bertold of Regensburg in 1220.)[11]

>> No.5110878

Based on cause and effect you could say that the increase of foot fetishism was in RESPONSE to the epidemic that only became widespread as people became less sexually active.

>> No.5110888

Interesting... what specifically is it that grosses you out. Ranked in order pls. Grossest being 1.


>> No.5110904

Let's see..

1.) Shape. (Male toes are almost always deformed.)
2.) Hair. (I dislike hair everywhere. I was with a female once, and she had hair on her vagina. It was the one and only time I could not have sex because I just could not get hard.)
3.) I find a staggering number of males have yellow toe nails.
4.) Usually dirty, and sometimes crusty on the soles, etc. Women take care of their feet, and kids haven't lived long enough to have their feet ruined and morphed by shoes and other wear and tear.

>> No.5110913

Oh, and I do not like baby feet, toddler feet, etc, because they are fat, and look like fat people feet, which are gross at any age for some unknown reason to me.

>> No.5110920 [DELETED] 

nah, breasts arnt so much a turn on for me, it's more about a pretty face than breasts, but i'm more into guys anyway

>> No.5110922

You're a gayfag?

>> No.5110926

I like boobs. And pussy. And hips. And faces. And legs.

Can science explain this?

>> No.5110937

Sounds like you're gay.

>> No.5110946 [DELETED] 

bi-fag, yeh.

>> No.5110947



See how stupid that is? Lol.

>> No.5110955 [DELETED] 
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hah, i was only joking, i dont actually have a problem with people with foot fetishes, i just dont have one myself

>> No.5110958

>on 4chan

You're even more fucked than I thought. Jesus christ.

>> No.5110968 [DELETED] 


>> No.5110971


>> No.5110972

>:O !!!

>> No.5110990
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>People calmly discussing the man's fetish and possible origins
>He mentions he's into little girls and boys feet as well
>Nothing is said about this statement
This place is alright

>> No.5110996

I don't have an attraction to the other parts of the bodies of boys and girls. In fact, they look like little aliens to me.

I do have healthy sexual relationships with females, but admittedly it's been about two years. I've had my foot fetish since the first day I started puberty I am pretty sure.

>> No.5111026

That explanation is insufficient. A scientific copout that tries to link everything back to estrogen as being the only scientific part.

My explanation is best. The to brain regions are close together until they become associated.

>> No.5111061

All these seem fairly normal emotions, their just targeted to the wrong area. You need to gear it towards:

1.) Shape of a woman
2.) Woman with little body hair
3.) What you consider to be normal and healthy coloration*.
4.) Clean women

*Yellow to nails may indicate a fungal infection of the nail bed, so its good to avoid it. Its good that your body is telling you to do this.

>> No.5111085

Meh, guess so.. though I do feel it is hard-wired due to the fact that I've had it my whole life.

It's extremely hard to ignore too, because unlike tits or whatever, girls go out during the summer wearing hella flip-flops showing off their feet.

Which is something else I never understood. Women paint their toenails, take care of them dress them up, make them look nice, but most of them would get freaked out at the mention of someone finding their feet attractive.

The fuck is up with these cunts?

>> No.5111086

"Men have this body part, therefore you are gay if you find said bodypart attractive. Also, being gay is a terrible thing that you should avoid."
Yes tell me more

>> No.5111096 [DELETED] 

>but most of them would get freaked out at the mention of someone finding their feet attractive.
i wouldnt get freaked out, i'd just find it slightly unusual
whatever floats your boat, brah

>> No.5111108

Anyways, OP here. Gotta go have dinner with the mom. Gonna bookmark this to read whatever anyone else says but hopefully this board moves slow enough to where it doesn't die by that time I get back.

C you all. This was interesting at least.

>> No.5111252

Believing youve had it your whole life is probably just postrationalisation. But its possible you had a disposition that you encouraged.

Women probably do this to attract men like you, but they are unaware of it. Dont wast any time thinking over it. Women are mostly unaware of the attractive behaviors they have evolved to express.

You just need to think about the whole women, not just the feet.

>> No.5111291

Ok, there was a Sweedish study on 3700 gay twins and do you know what that study found?

66% concordance between gay twins for:
Birth Defects, Mental illness, Mental and Physical Trauma and Sexual Experiences.

41% genetic relatedness, which is probably very low considering their all the same race.

When you read about this study in the media you will it is a glowing support for gays and evidence of gay genetics. But if you read the study yourself you'll realise that they dont want to talk about, deal with or publicize that 66%.

Do you know the other problem? That twins study is bigger and more detailed than both the US and Australian national questionnaire on sex. Which is also one often used to give a glowing report of the gays.

Consider yourself educated.

>> No.5111417

Yes, because every homosexual person in the world is located Sweden and they have a twin who also happens to be homosexual. Please, I thirst for your knowledge.