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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5109049 No.5109049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mark with an X which ones you believe in:
[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109054

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109059

[X]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109060

Stop trolling.

>> No.5109064

What makes you say yes to spirits but no to ghosts? What type of spirits do you believe in?

>> No.5109067

Someone else posted it on /x/, but I'm not trolling, I actually want to see what /sci/ things. I know /sci/ is more sceptical than /x/ but you're not all nihilists.

>> No.5109069

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[x]Others (specify which)
>Science and math

>> No.5109073

Let me edit my response, I believe in abductions too. People be getting kidnapped all the time.
>[x]Future prediction
Is possible by close examination of current situations and foreseeing a highly likely outcome

>> No.5109074

Mark with an X which ones you believe in:
[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

This isn't really science, but why not? I put question marks because I don't actively believe in these things. I just believe in the possibility of alien life existing somewhere in the universe. The premonitions thing is BS, but I think the mind is great at seeing patterns we may not recognize at a conscious level that can predict the likelihood of an event happening. I've had a few dreams I wrote down that accurately depicted events that happened later in my life, but I in no way think that I am psychic. More like a lucky guess and coincidence.

>> No.5109076
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Define alien
Define magic
Define conspiracy theories

>> No.5109082

Mark with an X which ones you believe in:
[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[X]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109084

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ x]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109086

[X] possessions - I have them
[X] aliens - it's unlikely we're unique in a possibly infinite universe
[X] extraterrestrial UFO's - several unidentified flying objects were likely to be meteorites, which are not terrestrial in origin
[X] Abductions - several a day in Mexico city
[X] Future prediction - Science!
[X] Other - science, mathematics, ethics, erroneous beliefs.

>> No.5109087

>implying that a piece of space dust entering the atmosphere at 20 mach isn't an extraterrestrial UFO

>> No.5109088

>[ ]Aliens
Humanity is a special unique snowflake? That doesn't sound very scientific.

>> No.5109095

>[ ]God (monotheistic)
>[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
>[ ]Angels
>[ ]Demons
>[ ]Heaven
>[ ]Hell
>[ ]Spirits
>[ ]Ghosts
>[ ]Possessions
>[ ]Aliens
>[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
>[ ]Abductions
>[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
>[ ]Space ancestors theories
>[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
>[ ]Magic
>[ ]Psychic powers
>[ ]Premonitions
>[ ]Future prediction
>[ ]Astrology
>[ ]Astral travel
>[ ]Reincarnation
>[ ]Conspiracy theories
>[ ]2012 apocalypse
>[ ]Others (specify which)

I believe nothing.

>> No.5109097


Aliens, not impossible. I just think the estimates by the scientific community are grossly over exaggerated.

If the universe is finite, there is just as much likelihood we are a cosmic accident and has not happened anywhere else. I know the universe is huge, but a lot of conditions have to be right.

If it is infinite, then obviously yes

>> No.5109102

[x]Abductions -- people kidnap other people, it's true.
[ ]Aliens

I don't specifically /believe/ in aliens, and certainly not in the "LOL ALIENS FREQUENTLY VISIT EARTH" bullshit, but i find it to be highly unlikely that no life exists outside of our solar system, intelligent or not. I believe (read: 'think') that non-earth based life forms are unlikely to /not/ exist.

>> No.5109111

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[X]Possessions - I own things, these are my possessions
[X]Aliens - given the number of galaxy clusters out there, the chances that life formed exactly ONCE are pretty much nill, but the chances we'll ever encounter them are also nill (I so also believe in illegal aliens here and now -- just go to one of the southern states)
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[X]Abductions - people kidnap other people
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[X]Space ancestors theories - insofar as life quite likely traveled between here and Mars in the form of bacterial spores
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[X]Magic - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[X]Future prediction - "I am going to click the submit button after I finish typing here. And it's going to tell me I mistyped the captcha even though I did not." --and look at that, I did, and it did!
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[?]Reincarnation - the atoms in my body will very likely be involved in another body in the future; my consciousness however will not
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109228
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1346220250020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse

This is /sci/, not /x/ you stupid shit.

>> No.5109235

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[X ]Possessions
[X ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

Possessions exist, seeing as anybody can own property, and the universe is a very big place, so life probably exists elsewhere, and these are aliens by definition.

>> No.5109236

[x]God (monotheistic) (I don't believe god exists but I believe in God)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[x]Future prediction (based on determinisitic physical laws)
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109237

And abductions as well, I suppose.
Humans can abduct people; it is definitely real.

>> No.5109238

Making conjecture about the "specialness" of a kind based on a single example is not scientific. I am an alien agnostic. In the same sense I don't claim belief in God I don't claim belief in aliens.

>> No.5109242

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

Buddhist here, none of the above?

>> No.5109244

>Possessions exist
Nah, man, possession is like an appellation applied to things, a thing in itself is not a possession, possession is simply a relation of power over a thing, but that thing does not change its essence, the unpossessed object when coming into a persons power does not change what it is. Therefore there is no such thing as "possessions" themselves in the world.

>> No.5109246

Buddhists believe in heavens, hells, demons, and sometimes gods. Or are you just one of those western, "i think meditating and not liking suffering qualifies me as a buddhist" buddhists?

>> No.5109247

Oh, also Reincarnation, fairly sure that figures in pretty damn heavily.

>> No.5109248

>[] reincarnation?

>> No.5109249

Huh? Both are westerner perspective. Both "hurr durr atheist buddhist" and "hurr durr theistic buddhist"

>> No.5109251

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[ ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[ ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Future prediction
[ ]Astrology
[X]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[X]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109252

If the majority of people believe in possessions, then it makes them real.
Because if somebody steals something, then they get punished, so the consensus is that you do possess the object.

>> No.5109253

Nope. 100% Buddhist here. Hindus believe in reincarnation. Buddhist dont.

>> No.5109254

Of course both are western perspectives, I'm a westerner. You cannot escape your own world-view. I atleast have the good sense not to claim to be a buddhist.

>> No.5109257

Then explain why the path to end suffering is obtaining Nirvana and not suicide? Cause if you get rid of reincarnation than the first noble truth has an easy out.

>> No.5109261

Do you see all buddhist commiting suicide? Have you stopped beating your wife?

>> No.5109260

The laws exist, but the objects in themselves don't notice.

>> No.5109262

Western perspective isnt buddhist perspective

>> No.5109263

Of course I don't see buddhists committing suicide, because they believe in reincarnation, that's my whole fucking point.

And no I have not and will not stop beating my wife.

>> No.5109264

I believe in love.

>> No.5109265

which is why I'm not a buddhist. How hard is this to grasp?

>> No.5109268

Not hard, infact I can hardly imagine any materialists/theists trying to understanding buddhist correctly. They will either try to categorize buddhism as either atheism or theism.

>> No.5109269

[x]OP is a faggot

I strongly belive this one

>> No.5109270

However the buddhist perspective is not the western perspective, either you are not in a place to claim to be a buddhist or you are not in a place to judge my attempts to fit buddhism into a western dichotomy. Pick a side and stick to it.

>> No.5109275


>buddhism is retarded

I'll stick with that one

>> No.5109276

Why would a buddhist try to fit into a western dualistic mindset/categorization? Buddhism was against the whole dualistic thinking. Before you say its nonsense, think again. Its a very solid system of logic thats designed to break down the very foundations of dualistic thinking that while many westerners have noticed havent really come up with a solid solution

>> No.5109279

We seem to share the same belief set. Let us be friends and unite in out hatred of OP!

>> No.5109280

>[ ]Aliens
Statistically probable
>[ ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
I saw a shooting star once, it was unidentified for a fractional second.
>[ ]Abductions
see organized crime
>[ ]Future prediction
If I get ten different "experts" to predict what weather it will be the 24th of may 2049, it's reasonable to expect that one of them will be reasonably accurate.
>[ ]Others (specify which)
The limitless capability of men to delude themself into a wasteful life full of stupidity.

>> No.5109281


>solid system of logic
>beliefs in rebirth after death

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.5109282

Again I told you you dont even understand the basic terminology used in buddhism.

>> No.5109283

I didn't say they would, I said they couldn't.

>> No.5109284

And you don't understand the basic terminology used in reality. So we're even.

>> No.5109287

And you dont understand quantum mechanics

>> No.5109288


Explain Samsara without referring to rebirth in some way.

>> No.5109289

[ ]God (monotheistic)
[ ]Gods (polytheistic)
[ ]Angels
[ ]Demons
[ ]Heaven
[x ]Hell
[ ]Spirits
[ ]Ghosts
[ ]Possessions
[ ]Aliens
[x ]Extraterrestrial UFOs
[ ]Abductions
[x ]Anunnaki (reptilians)
[ ]Space ancestors theories
[x ]Cryptozoologic creatures
[ ]Magic
[ ]Psychic powers
[ ]Premonitions
[ ]Future prediction
[x ]Astrology
[ ]Astral travel
[ ]Reincarnation
[ ]Conspiracy theories
[ ]2012 apocalypse
[ ]Others (specify which)

>> No.5109293

Same as sunyata. Samsara is reality. All faces of reality. Birth, living, death, enjoyment, suffering, etc. And all those are sunyata.

>> No.5109294

/x/ ---------------->

Saged and reported

>> No.5109295

[X]God (monotheistic)
I think angels and demons are often metaphors for aspects of human psychology, so they "exist" as epiphenomena but not literal beings.
Once again, in the non-literal sense I described for angels and demons. I don't think that "possessed" people have any sort of supernatural power.
In the sense of "somewhere out there there are probably extraterrestrial sea-beds with microbial mats and stromatolites" sense.
[X]Extraterrestrial UFOs
Unidentified for as long as it may take for someone to identify it, and "extraterrestrial" in the sense of "probably a meteoroid."
[?]Space ancestors theories
Nobody can know for sure on this one. I think the evidence for panspermia, especially in nascent open clusters and star forming regions is plausible at least.
[X]Cryptozoologic creatures
Certainly there are animals out there, attested in anecdotal reports but not yet verified by science. What about that new African monkey discovered recently? It was known by the local people and mentioned by them. That means that until the formal description was published, this was a "cryptozoologic creature."
Certainly you could have a "premonition" based on something you observed, that registered with you on some level but did not take root in conscious awareness. It doesn't have to be supernatural.
[X]Conspiracy theories
There are millions of conspiracy theories. I think you have to take their likelihood on a case-by-case basis. They run the gamut from "Faked moon landings" and "Jews did WTC" to verifiable or at least quite likely shenanigans involving intelligence agencies with comprehensible motivations (e.g. "Pakistan pretends to fight terrorism, but they secretly support the Taliban.")

>> No.5109298
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>> No.5109302

>chronological snobbery

>> No.5109305


You can't just disregard everything your religion says by making nihilistic statements like that. Rebirth is an integral part of Buddhism, you can't get around that.

>> No.5109310

Again you're trying to apply a loaded western concept to Buddhism. Sunyata isnt nihilistic. If you actually read a bit about it, its main purpose is to argue against nihilism(and those that believe the things have real existence). Rebirth is an integral part of buddhism as is driving a car. Its not essential at all. Ask any buddhist monk if belief in reincarnation is needed to be a buddhist. They will answer no.

>> No.5109311

>[ ]Cryptozoologic creatures
women who are attracted to intelligence

>> No.5109314
File: 4 KB, 120x141, laughbot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumbfuck literally believing in magic

>> No.5109313


I didn't say reincarnation, I said rebirth. Rebirth in some shape or form is absolutely essential for Buddhist thought.

>> No.5109321

Slight word error, the statement still stands. The essential in buddhism is there really isnt any essentials(its not a contradictory statement, nor a zen koan). Buddhism was built to "deconstruct" any and all concept/essential. While you're looking for essence of Buddhism, Buddhism is arguing against your very way that you are trying to figure out Buddhism.

>> No.5109326

Tell that to the millions of buddhist believers for whom its just a faith with gods and demons. Guiding actions and punishing the sinful. This western schtick of projecting into buddhism from an ivory tower is just getting old.