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5096750 No.5096750 [Reply] [Original]

deal with it

>> No.5096775


>> No.5096777

Why don't we learn about this guy in school?

>> No.5096786

are you of the underground?

>> No.5096789

fuck off you pink-faced queer

>> No.5096794

because edison is the best of all time XDDDDDDD

>> No.5096795


because then we might catch onto the fact that technology is being hidden from us and we are getting fucked

>> No.5096797
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>> No.5096804

They're afraid we'd use the knowledge for evil.

>> No.5096806


>> No.5096809


Tesla did talk about being able to split the earth in 2

>> No.5096821

now imagine if he was alive today

>> No.5096824

There is no doubt Tesla went a bit mad but he was still a thousand times the man edison ever was

As for splitting the earth in two, Tesla probably figured how it was possible and then tried to theorise how to physically do it

>> No.5096831

He'd probably fist bump with Elon musk and Richard Branson

Then feel pretty good about how much of a impact his work had on the world

>> No.5096864

Seriously guys, enough with the nerd-boners for Tesla. I get where it comes from, he was a smart guy, socially awkward, up until not that long ago he was the "forgotten genius" that people in the "mainstream" didn't know about. And more than that, much more important to /sci/ types was the things he worked on are were impractical, so we don't have them lying around. The inventions of Edison are humdrum and common place, but nowhere do we find death rays lying around.

But you have to fucking accept that there is just about no evidence for many of Tesla's wild claims. The man was seriously nutcakes. He was a genius with AC and wave properties, resonances and that. He saw a bunch of possibilities but not much by way of practicalities, and was of course crazy.

I know its attractive to think of Tesla as this sole luminary figure shining out of a dark backwards time. But get some perspective. Tesla was not 1000 years beyond the rest of the world. He was not privy to some special science. He was just a genius, a run-of-the mill genius.

>> No.5096869

>up until not that long ago he was the "forgotten genius" that people in the "mainstream" didn't know about.

I don't think this was ever true.

>> No.5096871

> a run-of-the mill genius
What the hell kind of term is that?

>> No.5096876

Yep, Tesla has enjoyed recent popularity in pop-culture with some movie appearances and the internet exposure. Go back to the 1990s he was pretty well forgotten by a great many people.

It means he was just a genius, a genius as the human race has spawned a thousand times before. He was not the science-messiah who came to give us free energy but was struck down and betrayed by Edison and died suffering for our science-sins.

>> No.5096879

It depends on your threshold of "unknown". He was mentioned in schools, and forgotten after one test, only to be remembered by metalheads. So, it WAS true. Until about the later 90s. Thank the Internet.

>> No.5096903

"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concetrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power."
-Nikola Tesla

Suck it, atheistfags.

>> No.5096931

wow, did he really say that?

>> No.5096940


>> No.5096949

>Teslafags think it was Tesla vs Edison

>> No.5096952

Many creative people have said inspiration seems to flow into them from outside their minds in short bursts. I think this is what he's talking about when he refers to coming "in tune" with a "great power"

That or he just means god

>> No.5096955

I think he just means God.

>> No.5096962

Well no it was A/C vs. D/C and A/C won by a somewhat significant amount...

It was a good dick waving contest, Edison's campaign was sort of "YEEE HAAA" running around electrocuting stray dogs, cats and a elephant. Tesla then in return, connected himself to a high frequency circuit which caused him no harm


>> No.5096965
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Here's the full quote, too big to copy and paste.
He pedals away from religion pretty damn quick.

>> No.5096968

>He pedals away from religion pretty damn quick.

There is nothing in that passage to this.

>> No.5096974
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>> No.5096978

Here's the passage in a nutshell, one word for every sentence.

>> No.5096980
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>Still thinks it has anything to do with Tesla after he developed AC

>> No.5096988

>implying religion and science are mutually exclusive

The first paragraph outlines his inspiration. The second his scientific curiosities.

>> No.5097013


If you guys read any history you would know that until the 60's practically everyone professed a belief in God if he or she wanted to be employed just about anywhere.

Hell, look at George Harrison singing about "My Sweet Lord", and having a hit. Imagine any current group producing something like that outside of country or gospel.

>> No.5097025


You mad?

>> No.5097057

He worked for Edison. Edison was not religious.

>> No.5097978


Allan L. Benson: World Today (Feb. 1912); "Nikola Tesla, Dreamer" ~ An illustration for the article shows an artist's conception of the planet splitting in two. The caption reads: "Tesla claims that in a few weeks he could set the earth's crust into such a state of vibration that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet and practically destroy civilization. A continuation of this process would, he says, eventually split the earth in two."

>> No.5097987

ITT: Narcissistic Autists who fantasize they might be the new Tesla.

>> No.5097992
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>> No.5098005


1) Tesla did not invent A/C. It was around since long before he was born. He learned about it in school!

2) Tesla was not the champion of A/C in the war of the currents, Westinghouse was.

3) A/C did not "win." They are both important. A/C is more practical for distribution, D/C is more practical when you actually want to use it.

>> No.5098007

This is why peer review is so important.

>> No.5098028
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>> No.5098050

"Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine."

>> No.5098106

This. Learn2scientificmethod.

>> No.5098134


hahaha this coming from einstein fags is hillarious. einstein did not even use the scientific method

>> No.5098138
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>> No.5098159

Tesla wsa genuis, rite?

>> No.5098507

fuck einstein. Tesla knew the truth

>> No.5098510

Yes, he invented magnets and electricity.

>> No.5098530

le unplugged connection dot jaypeg

>> No.5098741

Tesla was also an original member of AC/DC

True story.

>> No.5098742

Is he actually talking about neutrinos or neutrons? Since Pauli proposed the neutron originally as neutrinos.

>> No.5098750


But remember, he was Batshit Insane.

>> No.5098764
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I am glad I can contribute to this thread.

>> No.5098774

I wonder if that has anything to do with the theoretical matrix that SRII believes is involved with remote viewing.

>> No.5098791

He's just talking bullshit.

Nothing exceeds the speed of light. If it was charged it wouldn't be neutral. Tesla understood neither relativity nor quantum mechanics.

He was an engineer. Not a scientist.

>> No.5098805

but they are

>> No.5098999



>> No.5099083


he was a physicist you dumb twat

>> No.5099106

>He was an engineer.
This. How else would it explain him being single throughout his life?

>> No.5099141

Tesla rejected relativity. Relativity turned out to, you know, be right. That's really all there is to it. Tesla was THE go-to genius on electrical systems, and Edison deserves a kick in the ass for having mostly terrible ideas. But everything else Tesla had to say turned out to be about as crackpot as what everyone else said at the time.

Genius is not universal; it's narrow. We can give credit to Tesla for what he's actually good at without pretending the batshit stupid stuff he said was also right.

>> No.5099157

Well that's just the term some people use.
Some people call it 'chi', or 'prana', or whatever.
Either way, it's just this overwhelming sense of energy that seems to not only flow in you, but through you and the external.
Obviously there's a scientific explanation for it, but I've felt it and many others have.
Those who are quick to jump to conclusions try to explain it as divine.
I merely think of it as heightened sensing.

>> No.5099156

But Relativity is self-contradictory. How could it be "right" when Relativity implies the truth to be relative?

>> No.5099167

>quoting tesla when he was wrong

>> No.5099169

>it confuses me
>it's self-contradictory
I hate you.