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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 283x370, philosopherp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5089581 No.5089581 [Reply] [Original]

You've been transported back in time to Miletus, an ancient Greek city. It is 600BCE.

All of a sudden, this chap Ishygddamese runs up to you and shouts "Hey! I can prove the Sun must be way closer to the Earth than the Moon!"

"Look at this torch. When it's further away from you, it's dimmer, right? And when I'm much closer to you, it's brighter! ALL CLOSER LIGHTS ARE ALWAYS BRIGHTER! And the Sun is much brighter than the Moon, so it's closer!"

You sigh. "Yes, yes, Ishygddamese. But...."

How would you explain that he is wrong? Counterexamples are acceptable - this is Ancient Greece, after all.

Further thought experiments as time goes on.

>> No.5089584

Take him to a dark room. Light up the torch in the center of the room. Now take a small rock and then carry it around you while you spin around the torch to show how the world spins and how the sun is at the center. Not only that, to show the effects of sun on the moon

>> No.5089587

Tell him to shut his trap about astronomy and teach him some chemistry

>> No.5089591

typical chemist, can't understand anything more than basic physics, and treats it as irrelevant

>> No.5089601

Typical physicist, shut up

>> No.5089604

A good idea, but a heliocentric model of the skies is unlikely to be taken seriously in this time.

HINT: There is a simpler counterexample.

>> No.5089608


i lol'd

>> No.5089610

wait for the next eclise

>> No.5089619

Parallax motherfuckers

>> No.5089622

The idea of the moon being between the sun and the Earth is first made around 130BC, almost 500 years later.

>> No.5089625

explain the sun has to be farther away otherwise eclipses would not work. They would already know about solar and lunar eclipses because those were kind of a big deal back then.

>> No.5089629

yeah they were a big deal, but they were only predicted based on patterns, not calculations of orbits or anything like that

>> No.5089638

You could try to teach people about orbits, and wait for the next eclipse to show them that the dark spot in the sun is about the size of the moon. While it wouldn't prove the moon is blocking out the sun, it would definitely suggest it.
The only problem with doing it this way is you might get sentenced to death for conflicting with the Greek religion. Speaking ill of the gods and what not.

>> No.5089655

It's relatively simple, I think. Place a bright torch some meters away from him in a dark room, but don't tell him where it is. Place another torch, which is noticeably dimmer than the previous(i.e., the flame is moments from dying out) a few meters away, as well, but closer to him than the previous.

I'd explain that, by his theory, the torch which is brighter must be closer. However, after taking a few steps with him, he'd be able to see that the dimmer torch is, in actuality, the one closest to him.

In other words, brightness doesn't automatically mean closer.

>> No.5089663

not OP, but I think this is probably the easiest answer without getting your head lopped off - anyone can see embers are dimmer than a flame.

>> No.5089664

He's just going to make some argument about the sun and the moon being of the same kind or of the same substance and thus the only thing that could differ between them is their distance or some such thing. If you actually believe that he went into his argument not realizing that there are more influences on brightness than simple distance you're an idiot.

>> No.5089668

Diane and Apollo dim the lights to have sex.

They don't want anybody watching them and spoiling the mood. They don't get together all that often.

>> No.5089681

ahhh, but you've made him establish that he BELIEVES the sun and the moon are of the same stuff. Without more data you can't prove it conclusively, but you can definitely cause your argument to have, at the very least, just as much sway as his.

>> No.5089685

So what? he already knows what he believes, and having "Just as much sway" won't get him to change his mind.

>> No.5089694

but then i'd give him the ol' greentext
>implying the sun and the moon are of the same kind

>> No.5089737

I'd tell him "ishiggy" and go fuck up some dinosaurs

>> No.5089765

Tell him to compare a glowing ember at one meter to the sun.

>> No.5089767

The best part of this challenge is that you get him to burn his fingers AND blind himself staring into the sun.

>> No.5089774

if he really did believe that the sun and the moon are the same thing, I would say that the sun does not have phases, the sun does not have patterns, and the sun emits a light of different nature than the moon.

>> No.5089787

I would get a bright light and put it 10 feet away from him, then get a very dim light and put it 1 foot away from him. Then I would say that the bright light that is 10ft away is closer to him in a mocking voice.

>> No.5089802

01 Punch him in the face
02 Ask "Is the sun closer to the earth than the moon?"
03 If "Yes", goto 01, if "No", say "Damn right" and ride off into the sunset

Problem solved

>> No.5089809

Also, tell him that the sun is brighter than a torch, but he can touch the torch and not the sun, therefore distance is not the only criterion. Then proceed with the punching.

>> No.5089846

Light a large bond fire and a candle. Let him hold the candle and ask him which is closer.

>> No.5089855

Set him on fire. Tell him that he burns brighter than the candle in your hand, despite being farther away.

>> No.5089907


>> No.5091265

>bond fire

>> No.5091293
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>mfw wasting time explaining shit when you could just build awesome weaponry and and means of production, raise an army, and take over the world.

>> No.5091299

Yeah, but good luck doing that without getting your head chopped off by some jealous peasants who don't understand your logos.

>> No.5091305
File: 26 KB, 300x300, gunpowder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simple chemistry
>Now you're a god.

>> No.5091312

quick, tell me how to make it, right now, without looking away from this post, while you're stressed from the culture shock of time travel too.

At any rate, once you finally remember (if you do), what do you do with it? Keep it secret and have people think you're a witch? Calmly explain it for all to hear, enriching their understanding of the world and causing terrible death and destruction to all barbaros?

>> No.5091320

Charcoal (of willow wood)

Start cult where my followers think I'm a demi-god. Since they don't have our sort of science yet, they'll apply pure reason to it without investigation or evidence.

>> No.5091331

Where do you find saltpeter and sulfur? They're not just going to have it lying around in little pharmacies.

>> No.5091334

Saltpeter - Aqueous extraction from bat shit.
Sulphur - collected from salt domes, etc.

>> No.5091342

cba to read all the posts.
Just light a great fire, perhaps burning his familiy just to get the message through.
Let him hold his torch in a way that it is closer yet still dimmer.
Then fuck his dog.

>> No.5091353

Pray you pay homage to the right god when you do it. Different areas worshipped different gods. Start praising the wrong dude and get murderized.

>> No.5091354
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>praising any god but me.

>> No.5091359

Fuck trying to convince them about things with little bearing to their current state of life. I'll teach them about food preservation, weapons and electricity. Then we'll move on to petroleum, metallurgy and steam (followed by IC) engines.

>> No.5091365
File: 20 KB, 590x500, 1344416340362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trip on the way to the marketplace

>start bleeding from general cuts and scrapes

>gets a cold

>some priest fuck shouts that you're a foul demon from tartarus using trickery to help Hades win a bet
>you are torn limb from limb

>> No.5091363

I'd teach them about nuclear reactors without teaching them about radiation.

>> No.5091369

Teach him basic Propositional Logic. A => B <=/=> B => A

>> No.5091375

Demigod, motherfucker. A spot of liquid plaster, behold how I heal myself.

>> No.5091379
File: 31 KB, 250x284, 250px-GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is possible. That's the dice you roll going back in time and setting yourself up as a god-king.
>mfw my followers are the ones tearing my critics limb from limb.

>> No.5091384

The people are from the past, motherfucker, not stupid. Shock and awe isn't going to work in a society where people work all day and are bored all night. You need to be using modern information that works in a way they don't understand, not dazzling them with smoke and mirrors.

>> No.5091390
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>> No.5091387
File: 58 KB, 591x472, 8948e5ce3feb74191a0f6a7067009aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people from the past
>not stupid


>> No.5091397

For the most part, they were ignorant and prejudiced by their surroundings, but you can hardly call them stupid. Can you even into reading history?

>> No.5091402

I know man, right? That's why the Egyptians needed aliens to help them build the pyramids!

While various societies have had weird superstitions, little to no education, or even outright anti-intellectual periods, the people themselves were never inherently stupid.

>> No.5091403
File: 36 KB, 300x449, sylvia-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, people still fall for that sort of trickery in this day and age... and you're seriously trying to argue that people thousands of years ago... wouldn't?...
>pic related

>> No.5091414

is an unreflexive fuck who knows dick about sociohistorical developments

>> No.5091419

What kind of troll is this? Of course the sun is closer to the earth than the moon. Heat from the sun reaches us, while the moon seems cold. The nuclear fission on the moon is too far away to heat us.

>> No.5091418

They just need a good trick. Plaster on your arm won't cut it, they know what plaster is.

>> No.5091423
File: 40 KB, 288x471, 1344058095812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty good counterargument, but looking at the ember example could knock it down as well, assuming the torch was hot enough.

>> No.5091424

Yea, that plaster thing wasn't me. I'd go for something a bit flashier...

>> No.5091433

such as? you don't get let off that easily

>> No.5091435
File: 36 KB, 520x393, sjff_03_img1018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: The Man Who Would Be King

>> No.5091442

Accurate predictions of celestial events.
Healing the sick.
Lighter than air flight.
Hand grenades.
Cold reading and other various conjurer tactics.
There's got to be something better than plaster on the skin.

>> No.5091457

>implying you could do any of this shit if you woke up in Greece three thousand years ago

seriously man, even assuming the language barrier wasn't a problem, don't kid yourself.

>> No.5091458

>Lighter than air flight.
You mean "heavier than air". But that said, this one requires a ton of infrastructure, you'd have to have a small nation basically on your side for decades.

Anyway, are we trying to con people or start an industrial revolution? Because lots of people conned their way into being "magicians" or "astrologers" in a royal court somewhere.

>> No.5091465

It's not my fault if you have zero practical ability.

No, I mean lighter than.

>> No.5091468

Hot air balloons?

>> No.5091472

I'm not a huge fan of them, but they don't require internal combustion, so yea.

>> No.5091476

What are you going to do, then?
>implying you could predict an eclipse right this instant after being transported back in time
>implying you could heal plagues
>implying you could create a hot air balloon with a fire and a balloon of felt
>implying you could create a hand grenade

Seriously, what are you, twelve years old?

Have you ever practiced cold reading?

I didn't think so.

>> No.5091483

Dude you would definitely die from a combination of fire and velocity if you tried that.

>> No.5091485

>You're right, it would take a bit of time to observe the heavens and figure out exactly when I am.
>Bread mold.
>fire & lightweight animal skins.
>brass vessel, gunpowder.

I'll admit, I'm no john edward but it's not rocket science.

>> No.5091493

>implying you could do any of that

>> No.5091499
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1344829586415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, the only one that sounds remotely possible is the bread mold.

>> No.5091500

So, your only counter argument is "bucket of crabs"?

>> No.5091510

I can't speak to the heavenly bodies stuff, but seriously look up online to see what you would need to.do those things today, then figure out how to do it from scratch, by yourself, without dying.

I'm guessing you've never tried to make your own explosives, so allow me to introduce the term "backfire".

Also, be sure to set aside several years to stitch your light animal skins together, and to find a sufficient source of heat that will not ignite said pelts.

>> No.5091513


That's not possible either. You can't just cure infections by eating any old fungus that grows on bread.

>> No.5091518

fair enough, I was just thinking about that. man, if I went back in time I'd be fucked aside from giving a few laws of physics and some chemistry principles.

>> No.5091529

Which they wouldn't believe unless you can show you're right.

>> No.5091537

Aw man. It took ages for us to identify all the energy loss to prove the equations for work, etc.

>> No.5091536
File: 28 KB, 400x300, bucket-of-crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091542
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>hey guys if I went back in time I could totally rule the world
>er, no you couldn't

>> No.5091551
File: 98 KB, 1040x734, workisdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, why try anything? You might fail. That would be terrible.

>> No.5091560

Kid, you're trying to boast on the internet about things that you can't do.

We're being realistic. Go home and cry to your mommy about your hurt feelings and how the people on the internet won't believe you when you say you're The Best.

>> No.5091563

>Why try anything?

Sorry, were you going to try to travel back in time? Or is this just non sequitor butthurt venting?

>> No.5091564
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>> No.5091575
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>thought experiments, how does they work.

>> No.5091583

You sigh. "Yes, yes, Ishygddamese. But where the fuck did you learn english language of the 21st century?????????"

>> No.5091591

I tell him that some day our sun made of lava will collide with a sun made of ice.

>> No.5091616


So, non sequitor butthurt, then.

>> No.5091625

It's like talking about zombie apocalypses, it only works if there are known ground rules.

We're operating on the idea that you need to use only your knowledge, what you can learn locally, and what objects you can readily find or create.

You on the other had, have taken the "zombies aren't real, so ill just ride my unicorn to safety" approach, by assuming infinite time, resources and skills.

>> No.5091636
File: 88 KB, 252x252, 336180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's why you're having such a problem with this.

>I'm going to say the same thing over and over even though I'm not quite sure what I'm saying.

>> No.5091660

I have no idea what you're trying to say. If you want to make a point, try using fewer tedious memes.

>> No.5091672
File: 14 KB, 317x322, dumb53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091691

Heat wood slowly to produce charcoal. Fish around in animal waste and urine collections for saltpetre. Acquire sulfur from the environment. Grind it up with a mortar and pestle, very fine. Experiment with proportions to get the biggest burn.

>> No.5091709

I didn't say "pics or you're a bot" I said fewer tedious memes.

>> No.5091713
File: 18 KB, 260x397, Dumb-and-Dumber-jim-carrey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does I visual-symbolic communication?

>> No.5091717

No see. I was insulting you, using the tedious meme you attempted to throw at me. Not surprised you didn't get it.

Then again, youve just about gone full troll. I tried to offer a reasonable stance, but no of course that didn't work. This is /sci/ after all.

>> No.5091760
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>I'm so offended.

>> No.5092818

reading this just made me feel sorry for you

>> No.5092991

It's called a fucking eclipse jackholes.

>> No.5092993
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>> No.5093033
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>implying you need to be a genius to rule the world of savages

>> No.5093195
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>> No.5094320
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