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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5083679 No.5083679 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a science behind meditation ?

i want to know what /sci/ thinks of this because there are threads on /x/ about it, but I think it's quite out of place there.

/x/ being paranormal, and of the occult, it should be more part of /fit/ or /adv/ but I need to know the science behind it, not some liberal bull.

>> No.5083682

There's a lot of cooked studies that show whatever the researchers conducting the study want them to show.

But no, there is no more benefit to meditation than there is for any form of relaxation.

>> No.5085391 [DELETED] 


not /sci/

please delete this thread, OP

>> No.5085465

Do your own research on the subject, take anything people say on this board about meditation with a grain of salt

>> No.5085472

read about neuroplasticity, meditation should be included there.. It supposedly increases the amount of gray matter if i remember correct.

>> No.5085480

/lit/ is also full of them

>> No.5085515 [DELETED] 


meditation is not /sci/

please delete this thread, OP

>> No.5085532

There are a number of neuroimaging studies (EEG, fMRI) looking at what sort of changes in neural activity can be detected during meditation. I don't know anything about the fMRI work, but I do know that the EEG people tend to find increased presence of slow waves that are present during sleep, and alpha waves that precede sleep.

This doesn't mean that meditation is equivalent to sleep or a replacement for sleep, but it's definitely interesting.

>> No.5085544

There is science behind everything. It just takes the right kind of mind to discover it...

>> No.5085572

Neuroplasticity has nothing to do with the amount of grey matter in your brain. At least not at a level that we can measure it in humans (i.e., we can't measure dendritic spine density with fMRI).

>> No.5085576

You really think we would have anything like this over meditation threads.
God damn, the janitors can't come fast enough.

>> No.5085595

Neuroplasticity. It was only recently discovered around 70's. Probably due to the rise of meditation practices in the west. But has become a truth in the neuroscience department. And thus meditation can be simply seen as neuroplasticity in practice. Theres lots of studies being done on meditation after neuroplasticity was widely accepted in the scientific community.

>> No.5085612


This is a brief summary of different types of meditation and their effects on the brain

>> No.5085629

fMRI and EEG are not equipped to measure molecular-level changes that underlie neuroplasticity. The best they can do is use fMRI to examine changes in functional connectivity, but that changes day-by-day and it's not even widely accepted that it means anything substantial.

This is barely neuroscience, and a great example of how you can make bullshit psychology look like gold with a few pictures of gamma oscillations and brains. You have to be a troll.

>> No.5085633

>people on /sci/ arguing that meditation isn't /sci/ relevant
>not first consulting Google Scholar

I'm getting pretty fed up with /sci/ to be quite honest. Too many edgy teenagers thinking they know everything.

>> No.5085643

Supposedly, there have been experiments testing what happens during meditation, and supposedly it does have a measurable effect. Since I'm not a professional, I don't know how reliable these are. The people blindly discounting it because delusional new age hippies like it are making a mistake.

>> No.5085654

You have to start ignoring them, unless you want to prolong the flaming.

>> No.5085665

Meditation is as /sci/ relevant as religion, i.e. not at all.

>> No.5085661

Wiki states there have been about 3000 or so experiments done on it so far. Though later experiments notes many earlier experiments were flawed. Currently they are doing research based on different styles of meditation. As each different style changes the brain to a different state than the other ones.

>> No.5085673

Why isnt meditation science related? Scientific research is being done too see the effects of meditation, thus is very science related. Or do you presume just because religious people got hold of meditation first that science cannot utilize it?

>> No.5085680

Scientific research is done on the effects of religiosity on the brain as well. That doesn't make religion a /sci/ topic.

>> No.5085697

Except in that context it is absolutely a /sci/ topic. Aruing whether topics within religion are true or false without evidence is absolutely not a /sci/ topic.

>> No.5085694

But the effects of religiosity are a /sci/ topic, ergo the effects of meditation are a /sci/ topic.

>> No.5085710

Then we agree. The scientific research done on the topic is /sci/, the topic itself is not /sci/.

>> No.5085718

There are no topics in meditation. What are you talking about?

>> No.5085723

The topic of how to practice meditation is not /sci/. Spiritualism can be discussed on /x/.

>> No.5085724

I'm not him.
The wannabe janitor never admits he is wrong.

>> No.5085740

Meditation in what sense?

You're not going to start throwing Street Fighter fireballs at people through personal mastery of <wordswordsquantumwordssciencewords> or that but as a form of sort of "clearing your head" it's totally legit. There's also apparently some preliminary data about it potentially helping with neuroplasticity, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Also fitness are paranormal aren't liberal, those are completely unrelated to economic or public policy. Get your head out of your ass. Calling just whatever you don't like "liberal" only makes you look like an idiot, yes even to other conservative folk.

>> No.5085745

What are you talking about? There is no such discussion in this thread. Are you sure your eyes are working correctly?

>> No.5085750

I never implied this was the topic of the thread. Some fags ITT talked about whether meditation is /sci/ or not and I answered it in the post you're quoting right now. Reading comprehension is really hard, isn't it?

>> No.5085753

There's a difference between meditation and the philosophy of meditation.

A lot of people seem to think of the latter first unfortunately...

>> No.5085774

This is ofcourse limited to the thread. That is why I asked where the discussion of how to meditate is present in this thread. This was the original complaint that meditation threads arent science related. No one here has made any recommendations/guides on nor asked about how to do those stuff. If your answer is outside the scope of this thread, then you are at the wrong here in your answer because you have dragged this outside the scope of this discussion. My question remains bound to this thread, whereas your answer seems to be chasing an imaginary discussion

>> No.5085778

The complaint was misguided. I clarified it. You can thank me later.

>> No.5087570


many intelligent people have used meditation to learn and to invent. you have to use yoga to get the full benefit. combined with Christian values, meditation and yoda will make your life much happier.

>> No.5087578

Agree with this I do.

>> No.5087594

Yes, there is. Tummo meditation increases body heat.

>> No.5087621

Not sure if relevant, but in a Stress Management class (general ed elective requirement) I learned that the increase in body heat is a result of the body relaxing.

A person who is more relaxed/less stressed will have a higher surface body heat because blood flows to the extremities... something to do with the fight/flight response and the blood flowing to vital areas, or something, due to stress.