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File: 56 KB, 640x480, JESUS (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5081025 No.5081025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>When I was a kid my aunt told me that there was a sin that couldn't be forgiven.
>You cannot say that jesus is bad
>Mark 3:22-30
>I got stress blisters at the age of 13 because I had a dream that a pinball game I played was entitled Jesus is Bad.
>Spent 5 years of my life thinking that I was doomed to eternal hell.
>read Christopher Hitchens and realized how stupid that shit was.
>mfw that no one knows why we are here and no one knows what happens after death.
>no more stress blisters.
>Religion is stupid and celebrating our time here is important.
>Fuck Mohammid and Jesus
>Science FTW
>Get married, have two kids, raise them atheist
>God is not great

tl;dr: Jesus is a faggot

any other child abuse stories from religion?

>> No.5081038

Not as old as you (19 here), but yeah I had the exact same problem. I read too much and took that fucking book waaaaaaay too seriously.

I can remember many sleepless nights where I lay in a pool of sweat dreading my imminent death and subsequent eternal torture in hell.

Fuck religion. Fuck it in the ass.

>> No.5081043

When I was a teenager I felt guilty when I fapped, I was ashamed of sex in general.

>> No.5081050

>Raise them atheist
>Not raising them irreligious and letting them reason by themselves

Ya blew it.

>> No.5081056

>Mom, why do I have to go to church?
>"You just have to"
>Physically and mentally abused
>Become the best damn sycophant ever
>Rise to top of Jeezus boy's club
>Invited to make a speech
>First line of my speech
"God is dead."
>360 degrees the fuck out of there forever

Zero regrets.

>> No.5081063

I raise them irreligious. Just use atheist to describe the rejection of the modern theisms.

>> No.5081064

I can't tell you how many times I had wished I could do that.

I would have lost all of my friends and been ostracized by my family.

>> No.5081070

The Holy Ghost, not Jesus.

>> No.5081067
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>My youth.
>Hitting puberty.
>Not interested in girls.
>Interested in boys.
>All that guilt.
>All that self-hatred.

>> No.5081068

>raising them irreligious and letting them reason by themselves

I would do this, but only up to a point. If my daughter came home and said "I'm a Scientologist/Christian/Muslim/etc now" I'd try to convince her not to be.

>> No.5081071


>> No.5081072

>Hitler youth

>> No.5081074


I was.


There's only one man in my life who tells me who I can and cannot fuck with, and that's me.

>> No.5081079

>raise them atheist
The fuck does that even mean?

When I have kids, I'm going to make sure I don't drop an ounce of my biases onto them. With my genes and free access to the relevant information, I'm sure they won't end up believe in any religious nonsense. If you TEACH it to them then its not their own and they might very well turn to religion as soon as someone pokes a hole in their "atheistic dogma".

>> No.5081082

the unforgivable sin is saying the Holy Spirit is from the devil. Paul killed and tortured Christians. God forgave him.
Don't blame God for what people do.

>> No.5081084

I raise them with secularism and skepticism. They cant come to their own conclusion about theism.

>> No.5081083

How long did it take you to realize you were an engineer?

>> No.5081086

*^ can

>> No.5081087

>The fuck does that even mean?

Expose them to science and reason, not magic and superstition, teach them to use critical thinking, and not having faith in things without evidence.

>I'm going to make sure I don't drop an ounce of my biases onto them

You probably aren't even fully aware what your biases are. But it's not your biases you need to worry about so much.

>> No.5081092

I basically have the exact same story, OP, except it involved using the Lord's name in vain that was unforgivable and that even if you thought it you would go to hell. Adults, people that should be responsible, do the right thing, people that a child should be able to trust, told me this. I think I was maybe 10 years old. Anyways, of course when you tell a child that they won't stop thinking about it until the word finally enters their head.

How could they? They were adults, even still older than I am now. How could they have thought that telling a child that would be a good idea? It mindfucked me so hard. It still bothers me today; how could they have been so irresponsible? Where was their sense? It's one of the things that I use as an example when speaking to people about what religion does to children.

>> No.5081098

I wouldn't do that. I'm not going to say a single thing about religion to my kids unless they ask, and even then I'm not going to put anything except intollerance in a negative light.

Years back, when my 8 year old brother was talking about religion and implied that I believed in God, my sister was about to snidely tell him that I was an atheist, but I gave her a glare to shut her up. I think it is best to go out of ones way to avoid imprinting ones own believes on the next generation. Kids are smart. When given the information they figure things out for themselves. If it ends up different than what I believe then I'm probably the one who is wrong.

>> No.5081099

I am glad you shared. I seriously went through hell not sleeping and thinking I was evil and going to hell for something not in my control.

This is the worst mental abuse... ETERNAL HELL

so shitty.

>> No.5081097

>mfw that no one knows why we are here and no one knows what happens after death.

I know what happens after death.

Precisely the same thing that happens before life: nothing. You return to the nothingness from which you were formed and become one with the universe.

>> No.5081112

>even if you thought it you would go to hell


>> No.5081116

>I'm not going to put anything except intollerance in a negative light.

Fuck that. We SHOULD be intolerant of religious and superstitious bullshit. It's religion that gave us the dark ages. It's religion that gave us the Crusades. It's superstitions that led to us burning women. It's religion that brought aircraft crashing into the twin towers.

If you refuse to tell your children these things because you don't want to cast religion in a negative light out of squeamish good taste, you're a fool.

Religion, magic, superstition and mysticism is a waste of human potential. It sets our society back much further than it necessarily needs to be. And that's exactly what you should tell them.

>> No.5081122


>> No.5081128


We need to be intolerant of the sand niggers and bible thumpers.

>> No.5081131


We need to be more tolerant of Muslims flying aircraft into civilians.

>> No.5081135

Me and my 4 siblings were raised by 2 atheists.
Dad ended up in a kind of secular cult and reverted to Christianity on his deathbed.
Mom is just a hateful bitch; the reason she is an atheist is because the idea of justice in an afterlife rightly scares the shit out of her.

The kids(now in their 40s or 50s):
Two Catholics
One Buddhist
One Atheist (gay female)
One Baptist.

By the way the Baptist (youngest daughter) is mom's favorite.
She tells the rest of us "Don't worry she will be dead soon and it will be like she never existed."
The oldest Catholic brother says "Amen."

>> No.5081149
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I fucking hate religion.

>> No.5081152

The Dark Ages weren't that dark and its not religion that does the damage, it's people like you who think it is alright to be intolerant because they think they are right. Humans will always disagree on things. We need to learn to not just tolerate but appreciate our differences.

Religion will diminish whether you are a bigot or not. Information is sure to turn rational people. "Aggressive atheism" is just as likely to push people back into their religious camps as it is to actually convince someone. Just look at modern atheist stereotypes. They always portray us as pissed off. I've had deep conversations with religious friends BECAUSE I'm not aggressive. They feel comfortable talking to me about it and because of that I've convinced some of them that some of the things they once believed were wrong. I wouldn't have been able to do that otherwise. Being intolerant just makes people defensive, they think with their emotions instead of their rationality.

>> No.5081159


>> No.5081163

>If you refuse to tell your children these things because you don't want to cast heathen religions like Atheism in a negative light out of squeamish good taste, you're a fool.
LoL, cool story bro.

>> No.5081164
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I'm just gonna raise my kids the right way, the discordian way

>> No.5081166

>we need to be tolerant of violence

>> No.5081167

fuck religion sperg.

>> No.5081171

>We need to learn to not just tolerate but appreciate our differences
>I've convinced some of them that some of the things they once believed were wrong

This doesn't make sense. Where do you draw the line exactly? Do we tolerate Young Earth Christians' belief in a supreme being but challenge them on the age of the planet or belief in evolution?

Is there a list of things we must respect and another list of things we're allowed to challenge? Is it OK to challenge a belief in God? What about Heaven and Hell? 72 virgins after death?

>> No.5081175

Atheists are always full of hate.

>> No.5081193
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Gee, I wonder why.

It couldn't possibly be because religion made me waste the best years of my life in service to a nonexistent entity and then made my "friends" and some family members disown me when I left.

Oh, and lets not forget the lingering mental effects of feeding an intelligent but naive kid a bunch of bullshit about how if he angers said entity he will face eternal torture. I still haven't managed to clear all of the shit that they left from my head.


>> No.5081195

>Be born into Catholic family
>Be about four years old (before getting into school)
>Tell mom God doesn't exist because I haven't seen him anywhere
>Scared shitless
>End up believing in the whole Catholic doctrine that the private Catholic school and my family fed to me until I was about 14
>Become an agnostic atheist and keep it to myself since then

>> No.5081203

There's a special Hell for agnostic atheists.

>> No.5081202
File: 42 KB, 307x409, christopher_hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have created you sick and order you well on the pain of eternal torture... This is to be an abject slave.

>Think about it GodFags

>> No.5081207

why should we tolerate the intolerable

>> No.5081208

Religion is an enemy of reason, but that doesn't capture 'the' enemy.

The enemy of reason is ideology. Ideology is at the root of being unprepared to accept reality for what it is and is, therefore, the vanguard of rationalizations that construct delusion.

The well adjusted person, that pays respect only to reason, maintains a pliable view of reality, prepared to revise his conclusions whenever evidence presents itself.

Everybody idealizes to some extent, we need to in order to remain sane, the rational mind just knows the difference and doesn't allow themselves to indulge to the extent of delusion.

This is the philosophy that should be taught to children, not one that says religion is bad or some other thing.

>> No.5081209

I'm under the impression that most young people today aren't seriously religious. I mean, they claim to be christian but don't go to church, they drink, they smoke, they fuck.

>> No.5081214

I don't see why people need to try so hard to convince themselves that an afterlife exists. I think the concept of death is actually really cool. To spend 80 years on Earth, to live the best life you can, and to give yourself back to nature, literally becoming one with it. There's nothing more peaceful than that. No consciousness, no worries.

>> No.5081215

There are other religions besides Christianity.

>> No.5081220

>Raised irreligious, parents could care less about religion
>Never went to church or anything of the sort
>Brother is a die-hard atheist, loves to bash God and the sort
>Had my fling with atheism as a young teenager, watching TFoot on Youtube, ect.
>Realize how fucking stupid the average atheist is and how emotional they can get
>After many years, come closer to Christianity

So, you see, I am the opposite of many posters ITT.

>> No.5081221

I can appreciate other peoples beliefs without believing in them. I can complement a Mormon on eir ability to get through every day without caffeine or alcohol, but that doesn't mean I wear magic underpants. I disagree with them and I would prefer it if they agreed with me, but when asked I state my beliefs frankly and I don't shy away from politely debating (often meaning making concessions wherever possible) when someone wants to. And to be clear, I'm not claiming their is a well defined line between "aggressive argumentation" and "polite debate". I suppose the key is to agree with them whenever possible without being disingenuous and to let them delve into your own criticisms of their beliefs at their own peril. Always provide them with an ability to escape the conversation at a moments notice. For example, I might if I ask them a question about their belief that they have no answer to then I might say "I don't want to convert you or anything, but I just demand more of my beliefs than that".

>Is there a list of things we must respect and another list of things we're allowed to challenge? Is it OK to challenge a belief in God? What about Heaven and Hell? 72 virgins after death?
They can believe whatever they want. It's actions that matter.

>> No.5081229

When I was a little kid I would ask hundreds of questions about the bible but no one could answer them with something that made sense.

Then I started asking questions about science. Turns out I got all the answers I wanted and they made sense.

It was actually depressing to think to myself "There is no god" but you get over it.

>> No.5081232

I hear its okay know to drink coke or pepsi in the mormon religion. Huh i guess god changed his mind.

>> No.5081230
File: 46 KB, 800x600, jesus-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course fewer and fewer people are religious over time. No one doubts that. But there are still plenty of religious youths, else my facebook page wouldn't have so many "Like if God is great!" type posts.

>> No.5081231

when you find someone/something you love and aren't ready to give up a love, life isn't worth losing, but the end, is what perhaps makes it worth living. Death must be sad in some way or life won't be happy.

>> No.5081240

Fat people gonna fat. Not even God can stop it.

>> No.5081242

>They can believe whatever they want. It's actions that matter.

Beliefs inform actions. Most Christians in the US vote Republican. Does the government not matter?

>> No.5081238


Sorry, I should have clarified.

In America, Christianity and Catholicism are no longer as dominant as they used to be, and seem to be loosing stride with young people. I'm under the impression that most of them only claim to believe in out tradition or habit. That a growing number of these people spend very little time thinking about God or practicing the tenements of their religion despite the fact that they claim to.

There's definitely a stigma associated with being atheist, and maybe they just don't give enough of a fuck to come out and say it.

>> No.5081248
File: 16 KB, 363x391, JESUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW this bullshit infects our government...



>> No.5081247

correlation does not equal causation

>> No.5081264

>Beliefs inform actions
But you weren't asking about actions, you were asking about beliefs. If a Muslim wants to kill people for those 72 virgins then there is obviously a problem.

On the issue of politics, I let them vote however they want. Suppressing someone's representation in a democracy is exactly the kind of intolerance that should be avoided. If you have common goals with these people you disagree with then you can argue why voting your way is better. If you don't share common goals then tough shit I guess, just focus on the independents.

>> No.5081261

Why didn't they inject terry schiavo instead of starving her. I know she couldn't comprehend anything but still..

>> No.5081273

>But you weren't asking about actions

I was responding to the idea that beliefs don't matter, only actions do.

>Suppressing someone's representation in a democracy is exactly the kind of intolerance that should be avoided

I'm not suggesting that representation be suppressed. I'd like like an ideal world of informed voters, but voters who don't believe in magic would be a good start.

>intolerance [...] should be avoided

I still disagree. Should we tolerate parents indoctrinating children into religions like Scientology?

>> No.5081295

>I was responding to the idea that beliefs don't matter, only actions do.
And none of your examples were actions, just beliefs. Banning beliefs because of what people do with them is like banning fingers because they can be used to shoot guns. It's the ACTIONS that matter. If someone can life peacefully with their belief then let them.

>> No.5081307

>If someone can life peacefully with their belief then let them.

A Christian can live peacefully, but deny science to such an extent that they never enter University, pursue academics or advance human knowledge in any way. And then pass that belief onto their children.

A Scientologist can live peacefully, giving all their earnings to the Church of Scientology, a Church that continues to delude them to extract more money. And then pass that belief onto their children.

I don't think that should be tolerated or respected.

>> No.5081312

>I'd like like an ideal world of informed voters, but voters who don't believe in magic would be a good start.
You want a world that agrees with you, just like everyone else. I say it again, it's not religion that hurts people, it's people who think that it is okay to be intolerant because they believe they are right that hurts people. Some humans will always believe in crazy shit, and even if religion diminishes to just a cult here or there, there will still be big divides between what people believe. Humans will ALWAYS disagree with one another. We have to not just tolerate those differences but appreciate them.

>> No.5081315

>Should we tolerate parents indoctrinating children into religions like Scientology?
Weren't you the person who said that we shouldn't shy away from telling our kids that religion is stupid?

>> No.5081316

Sure is immature in here.
I actually can't believe you /sci/, I thought you were smarter than this.

>> No.5081321

>You want a world that agrees with you, just like everyone else

Nope. I'm simply not informed enough on some important economic and scientific issues.

>Humans will ALWAYS disagree with one another.

That's pretty much a given. It would be a better world if they disagreed on foreign policy rather than whether there's a magic being in the sky or the age of the Earth, though.

>We have to not just tolerate those differences but appreciate them



I will NEVER EVER respect stoning women to death, burning women at the stake, indoctrination of children, lying to people to extract money, flying aircraft into buildings, or murdering doctors who perform abortions.


>> No.5081322
File: 32 KB, 356x256, ReactionimageNollinStar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going against what I believed to spite people who share my interests.

Do you think I'll stop reading because of 50 Shade of Gray? Do you think I'll stop playing games because of Slender or Happy Wheels? What you're doing isn't spiteful to anyone but yourself. You're distancing yourself from something because a vocal minority is unpleasant to deal with, and instead of trying to rectify that, you just turn away.

>> No.5081332

Intollerance has done more harm to humanity than people shying away from academics.

Knowledge will convert most people in time. Intolerance does more harm than good. Frankly, I don't see how this is arguable. Every religious person you criticize for harming other humans used the EXACT same logic as you are using now, "I can be intolerant because I'm right".

Think of it this way, intolerance is like a nuke and religion is like a rocket (another means of inflicting intolerance on others). Right now, you want to use nukes to destroy the rockets. You are putting the horse before the carriage.

>> No.5081334
File: 155 KB, 894x645, White over black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<mfw Jesus Loves You

>> No.5081336

>I will NEVER EVER respect stoning women to death
That's an ACTION! I've already said their is an obvious difference between believing one gets 72 virgins after death and killing people for that belief. I'm against stoning people too. It's a human rights violation. Beliefs are not human rights violations.

>> No.5081338

"Intolerance" isn't necessarily violence or ridicule or hurting feelings.

It's simply not tolerating bullshit. Ideally, it would be done through the most peaceful, non-violent, least offensive methods possible. Like not indoctrinating kids, and teaching your children to think critically, or exposing them to the foolishness and evils of blind faith.

I don't actually have the answers, but I imagine it would involve things like removing tax breaks from Churches, or preventing priests from entering schools or getting to children. I don't know how it would work. But it certainly won't work by respecting every single deluded belief out there and protecting religions by law.

>> No.5081342


Well I'm also against every single Muslim who believes that was OK. And the organisation that supports such beliefs.

And every Christian who agreed with Tiller's murder. And the organisation that supports such beliefs.

And every religious person who thinks it's OK to pass on such beliefs to their children.

>> No.5081352

>It's simply not tolerating bullshit.
Pointing to someone who claims that the Earth is 6000 years old with hard evidence in a polite manner is "pointing out bullshit", but it isn't intolerance. If someone makes a false claim in public then they are opening themselves up to the general forum that is the public world.

>Like not indoctrinating kids, and teaching your children to think critically, or exposing them to the foolishness and evils of blind faith.
Don't forget to teach them the dangers of not having a well defined moral code and make sure to give them all the evidence showing that abstaining from sex until marriage ensures one doesn't acquire or spread STI's...

I've said it before, I think it is best to avoid spreading ones biases with kids and letting them form their own beliefs as independently as possible, such that a child I raise and a child a creationist following the same parenting method raises would be just as likely to be an atheist or creationist. You and I both know that the facts out there lead to atheism, so their is nothing to worry about by leaving our children to fend for themselves when it comes to their beliefs.

>> No.5081358

Excessive rudeness is not just unwarranted in most situations, it's not productive, but I believe most people would agree that one can openly disagree and criticize someone who says murder is alright.

I don't see how that is anything like intolerance of religion though. This is a matter of people being okay with the breaking laws and the violation of human rights. It's exactly the same situation as someone of a political ideology believing it is okay for others to murder people of opposing political ideologies. The fact that it comes from religious beliefs is irrelevant.

>> No.5081371

>Pointing to someone who claims that the Earth is 6000 years old with hard evidence in a polite manner is "pointing out bullshit", but it isn't intolerance

Yes it is.

Pretending to agree with them, or nodding and backing away from the conversation would be respecting and tolerating their beliefs.

Intolerance, as a word, gets a bad rap, because it's often assumed that to be intolerant of a belief is to be intentionally insulting or offensive. But that's not what it means.

>letting them form their own beliefs as independently as possible

I think that's a noble idea, but there are plenty of other people, not just Churches mind you, who seek to profit by their influence on your children. And to go back to the original point some 20 odd posts ago, I'm definitely going to teach them not to respect or tolerate every crackpot idea out there.

>> No.5081372

>The fact that it comes from religious beliefs is irrelevant

But it's not. When every child is made in God's image, abortion is evil.

When you have a religion that actually has one of its core tenants being Jihad - the holy struggle from oppression - flying aircraft into buildings is justified.

>but I believe most people would agree that one can openly disagree and criticize someone who says murder is alright.

Well, GOOD. That's really the only point I'm trying to make. To have a kind of "blanket tolerance" to all beliefs because they are religious is foolish. Everyone needs to think critically about every belief and whether it should be tolerated/respected. Charity work? Cool. Gays are evil? Not cool. Forgiveness? Cool. Murdering doctors? Not cool.

>> No.5081374


>Not being able to properly understand and interpret scripture
>Shit on religion because mad

>> No.5081380
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>> No.5081381

>core tenants

Speaking of foolishness, it's actually spelled tenets*

I can't believe how many times I've made that mistake.

>> No.5081384

God makes you in his own imagine...
>mfw he ask you to cut a piece off his penis

>> No.5081383


Fuck off godfag, your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.5081389

>Molested at Bible camp.
>Lashing out.
>Needs a pair.

Stop being a nigger.

>> No.5081392


woah dude

>> No.5081393
File: 10 KB, 250x332, hostern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean:

God makes you in his own image.

>mfw he demands your foreskin cut of your dick

>> No.5081395 [DELETED] 

I'm ( >>.5081380 ) not a theist, I'm actually an agnostic atheist.
Enjoy rebelling against your parents, you basement dweller.

>> No.5081398
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I'm ( >>5081380 ) not a theist, I'm actually an agnostic atheist.
Enjoy rebelling against your parents, you basement dweller.
Calling me a Godfag though? Nice job. I'm totally defeated.

>> No.5081402

you are still a huge faggot

>> No.5081400



>> No.5081403

Defending the Christfag?
Ha, what a faggot.

>> No.5081404
File: 190 KB, 373x327, Thisentire thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling me a faggot?
I just got owned. Way to go, tiger.

>> No.5081406
File: 11 KB, 227x294, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat did you say faggot?

>> No.5081405

I'm glad we agree then and that this is all semantics.

On the issue of semantics though, by your definition of intolerance, debate in any form is intolerance. It's cool if you want to go with that definition, but I personally find it uselessly all encompassing.

>I think that's a noble idea, but there are plenty of other people, not just Churches mind you, who seek to profit by their influence on your children
Again, I'm glad that we agree that the world I strive for is ideal.

Judging by myself and my family, I doubt any offspring I produce will be swayed towards religion by anything less than constant and uniform social pressure. Your genetics, however, may leave your kids more susceptible to the pathos arguments religion uses so often so some insurances for the development of a generally rational mindset might be required.

> I'm definitely going to teach them not to respect or tolerate every crackpot idea out there.
I just hope you make a distinction between that which is demonstrably wrong or "crackpot" and that which you believe. Belief in God may be utterly unfounded by any standards, but it is not demonstrably wrong in the same way creationism is.

In closing, I think you would be surprised about how well kids can actually sort through bullshit without any help from their parents. You and I both know religion is untenable without social pressure to make one psychologically and socially dependent on it.

>> No.5081407


Mad because your mom made you be quiet in Church when you were 3, nothingfag?

See? Fag is not very creative. Very easy to apply anything to the word fag.

>> No.5081410

>But it's not. When every child is made in God's image, abortion is evil.
>It is a fact that communism is evil, therefore killing communists is good.

>> No.5081409

Keep being edgy and hip.
You're like the Rachel Maddow of this board, aren't you?

>> No.5081411
File: 35 KB, 330x329, 56538main_HUDF_330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont hate on me because you think Jesus is the son of God. Do you realize wat an asshole you sound like?

>> No.5081414

But, I don't.
I said I was an agnostic atheist.
Try to keep up, kiddo.

>> No.5081415

I'm glad we agree too. All I disagree with is the connection you are making with beliefs. We are talking about crimes against humanity here and the belief that committing crimes against humanity is alright. You should make it clear to religious people that you aren't intolerant of religion, you are intolerant of crimes of against humanity and that you are fine with people believe whatever they want so long as they don't support such crimes.

>> No.5081418

>flying aircraft into buildings is justified.

Now you're just talking out of your ass. Try to learn a few things about a religion before you make a fool of yourself.

>> No.5081416

I think your cool. Fuck that guy.


14/f/Ca here

>> No.5081420
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>> No.5081421

>debate in any form is intolerance

Only if that debate involves someone refuting or disputing a belief that would otherwise be considered something that needs to be respected or tolerated. Religion is a prime example, but it's not the only thing we're expected to blindly tolerate.

>I just hope you make a distinction between that which is demonstrably wrong or "crackpot" and that which you believe

I don't intend on impressing all of my own beliefs. Like you I'd like my children as free from my own personal bias as possible, though I do intend to teach them to think about beliefs critically. Perhaps I should have left the word "crackpot" out, but it serves its purpose to show that there are crackpot beliefs out there and they shouldn't be blindly tolerated.

In closing, fuck you, my genetics are likely superior to yours. Nice debate though.

>> No.5081422
File: 17 KB, 270x400, God_is_not_great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fag needs to read my book

>> No.5081430

>Jihad is the holy struggle in Islam
>Jihad is considered a duty of Muslims
>9/11 terrorists were mujahideen

which of these is incorrect?


>> No.5081428

I've read and I own the book, but it's not the greatest thing int he world.

>> No.5081433

all of them

>> No.5081434


>Read one book about religion.
>Christopher Hitchens.
>Expert on religion.

Probably also thinks he's an expert on economics because he saw Bill Clinton give a speech at the DNC.

>> No.5081435

>>debate in any form is intolerance
>Only if that debate involves someone refuting or disputing a belief that would otherwise be considered something that needs to be respected or tolerated.
So, yes. You believe debate is intolerant by definition. Honestly, I think that is a ridiculous position for you to hold; but, my aspergers aside, what I really want to say to you is...

>Like you I'd like my children as free from my own personal bias as possible.
You are a cool guy and I wish you the best.

>> No.5081441

>mfw I have a BA in religious studies

>> No.5081439

>Jihad is the holy struggle in Islam

This is the lesser struggle against oppression, yes. Now show me where any verse in the Quran allows for the murder of innocent civilians.

>Jihad is considered a duty of Muslims


>9/11 terrorists were mujahideen

As if this event was driven purely by religion with no political causes. Here are some reasons why Osama claims he chose to attack America:

>(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

>(5) We also advise you to pack your luggage and get out of our lands. We desire for your goodness, guidance, and righteousness, so do not force us to send you back as cargo in coffins.

>(6) Sixthly, we call upon you to end your support of the corrupt leaders in our countries. Do not interfere in our politics and method of education. Leave us alone, or else expect us in New York and Washington.

>(7) We also call you to deal with us and interact with us on the basis of mutual interests and benefits, rather than the policies of sub dual, theft and occupation, and not to continue your policy of supporting the Jews because this will result in more disasters for you.

>> No.5081440

>Read 1 book on Religion.
>The Bible.
>Expert on it.

>> No.5081442

But boy was Hitchens fun to watch. I'd buy him a drink... metaphorically... he did have throat cancer.

>> No.5081444


>Assumes I made a claim about religion.
>Assumes I'm Christian.
>Assumes I don't just think that "hurr durr read Hitchens" is as ridiculous as Matthew Lesko with roid rage.

>> No.5081446

You seem mad faggot.

>> No.5081448

I was agreeing with you until all the butthurt at the end. You need to switch mental hemispheres dude.

>> No.5081447

Yeah, we're all experts on the internet. I have a Ph.D in religious studies.

>> No.5081451


You seem to equate mad with lol. But what can you expect when a person's only tool in life is a golden hammer? Fail? Don't worry. The other person was just mad.

>> No.5081452


If you are not making claims about religion then why are you posting.

GTFO cancer

>> No.5081450

I have a Ph.D in faggot-tree, and I am diagnosing you with it.

>> No.5081453

Because I suck major cock

>> No.5081454

I have a Ph.D puckering starfish and I'm not only diagnosing you, but having you interned for a chronic case of it.

>> No.5081456
File: 95 KB, 314x358, RonnieMund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resetting OP:

>When I was a kid my aunt told me that there was a sin that couldn't be forgiven.
>You cannot say that jesus is bad
>Mark 3:22-30
>I got stress blisters at the age of 13 because I had a dream that a pinball game I played was entitled Jesus is Bad.
>Spent 5 years of my life thinking that I was doomed to eternal hell.
>read Christopher Hitchens and realized how stupid that shit was.
>mfw that no one knows why we are here and no one knows what happens after death.
>no more stress blisters.
>Religion is stupid and celebrating our time here is important.
>Fuck Mohammid and Jesus
>Science FTW
>Get married, have two kids, raise them atheist
>God is not great

>> No.5081455

You two should meet up in /b/ or get a room.

>> No.5081457

So what are you then, you raging homosexual?
Contribute or leave.

>> No.5081459

>show me where any verse in the Quran allows for the murder of innocent civilians.

slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. - 9:5

>> No.5081460

Because I felt like puking in the tender pussies of twinkle-toed dipshits like yourself. ;)

>> No.5081461

OP is just an edgy teenager hiding behind an adult persona.

>> No.5081463

>Equates contribution with posting a book by Christopher Hitchens.
>Gets mad when someone shits on it.
>Thinks they should leave for responding to them.

>> No.5081464

So, you are trolling? Aren't you special.
Check your privilege, nigger

>> No.5081467

>OP broke away from the cult that pioneered mind control

>Called an edgy teen by some fag to make himself feel better about fucking christ's ass every night.

>> No.5081465


>> No.5081469

Special like your kid sister with Down's syndrome.

>> No.5081470

Yeah, that's exactly what religion is about.
Exactly. Never mind the awesome shit it's given us.

>> No.5081473

That's kinda fucked up.
Do you eat your moms greasy pussy with that mouth, you nigger lipped buffoon.

>> No.5081474

Hell year brother! Pointless wars, rapes, and general hate crimes in the name of out Holy Lord are the best!

>> No.5081476

Name the "awesome shit" that your fairy tales have given us

>> No.5081475

While reaming your mother in her Teeth-esque, jelly fish cunt and double dipping in her blithering stinkhole. Truly mother fucker status.

>> No.5081477

Um, she's dead.

>> No.5081479

>Never mind the awesome shit it's given us.

Such as?

>> No.5081480

What's your point, tampon fucker?

>> No.5081483

Lemme know when you realize you're getting trolled.

>> No.5081486

dont know if you are still here but, fag, sorry for the religious fags. good to be free of the religious faggotry though

Posiedon blesses thee

>> No.5081485

Are am I?

>> No.5081487

>Now show me where any verse in the Quran allows for the murder of innocent civilians.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

unless i suppose you can remove someone's head without killing them.

>> No.5081496
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1347984892349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fundy parents, fundy church, the whole nine yards of awful religion, including
>get raped by pastor when I was 15
>tell parents what happened
>think I'm lying, continues
>parents kick me out for "seducing a married man" because "a man of god would never do that"
>waited to kick me out until after they beat my ass
>best friend tells her parents, they insist I move in with their family because they were incredibly wonderful people
>have the kid because Jeebus said fetuses is babbys
>graduate high school with honors because I had drive to provide for my child but also because of fantastic support, get scholarships for GPA/ACT scores, fuckyeah
>go to college to study psychology, take intro to bio just cause
>become fascinated with biological processes
>change major to toxicology
>master's done
>friend and her family were nonbelievers all along, playing nice even though I was extremely obnoxious Christiantype because they loved me and knew I'd figure it out eventually
>mind=blown, heart=broken, loyalty=eternal
>finish master's in five years because cramming

Working on a doctorate now in dermatological toxicology. After I figured out that religion isn't infallible any semblance of religious faith crumbled over the course of three or four months and intense inquisition. I can't believe how much freer I feel and how lacking I am in shame about what happened now, or how awful I felt for "sinning" in being abused. I have a good man, I try to be a good woman, and I have a surrogate family better I could ever ask for. That they want me for who I am, rather than resenting me because SkyJesus said birth control is bad, is also beyond comforting.

For me, life really is good after religion.

>> No.5081507


>> No.5081512
File: 127 KB, 599x533, 1343805098000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true, then all of my <3's. Let's hope your kid turns out at least half as excellent as you.

>> No.5081749


You might be in the wrong place.
Unless you have a Persecution Complex.

>> No.5081751

This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son tomorrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him -- 2 Kings 6:28-29

>> No.5081756

That's not from the Quran, dumbass. The Quran was not written in english.

>> No.5081885
File: 41 KB, 600x457, 1313172250877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is objectively correct.

>> No.5081889


>> No.5081892

>Does the government not matter?
Not in america haha, you fucks are owned by lobbyists, corporations and independent big banking institutions that have creeped their way into your government and turned you all into debt slaves.
It doesn't matter who the president is, you still have to do what the banks tell you to do.

>> No.5081910

I disagree. Your very statement comes forth from an ideological point: namely, that reason should prevail. That knowledge is inherently worhy and something that should be strived for.

Not only that, but ideology governs so much more. Reasons tells us nothing about ethics, nothing about values. Reason can only solve the problem of discerning how best to realize one's values, but without these axioms, it is useless.