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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 697x108, mcats for v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5069590 No.5069590 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5069638


I agree biology is BullShit

>> No.5069651


>> No.5070132

more jelly

>> No.5070141


>> No.5070270

Probably fake
Don't care
I'm going to be a family practice doctor anyway so I can live in the country
The schools I want to get into will take my 33 and rub it all over their naked bodies

>> No.5070296
File: 5 KB, 251x240, 1307480714496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone gets a higher score than you
>"It must be fake"

>> No.5070308

I'm in the 87.8 - 91.1 percentile range. I came hear to get heckled at because I'm felling way too good. Thank you for playing your part, anon

>> No.5070309
File: 121 KB, 685x635, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you really want to put yourself through that kind of lifestyle

>> No.5070312

This is for dentists, faggot

>> No.5070313

REALLY? I wouldn't have guessed

>> No.5070315

>90th percentile
>feeling good

>> No.5070319

>If you really want to put yourself through that kind of lifestyle

If I gave a shit about lifestyle I'd become a dermatologist. 40 hours a week, 9-5 pm, no emergency calls, and doctor salary.

>> No.5070320
File: 246 KB, 680x677, 1344359071500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic is for dentists
>Comeback indicating he knew the whole time

>> No.5070323

Top 10 percent out of the whole country not good enough for this guy.

>> No.5070327

>10 in biology
>wants to be a doctor


>> No.5070332

I know man that's why I'm going family practice! It's going to be really relaxing. 100K a year, living on a lake, 9-5 job helping regular old people.

>> No.5070336

You guys aren't even trying anymore. You should have said something about the 9 in verbal reasoning, that it lower than 10. (I know, the concepts can be hard.)

>> No.5070339


Not good enough to feel good about, no. Way less than 10% are "smart people."

>> No.5070343

>bragging about a sub-35 score

>> No.5070344

Bio is for faggots, learn real science like physics and chemistry.

>> No.5070342


I got a 9 VR too so I can't judge lol, but did better than this faggot in Bio

>> No.5070352

Oh yea? What was your score is physical sciences?

>> No.5070353

>in VR
Pick one.

Even assuming that /sci/'s hatred for bio is deserved, the fact of the matter is that if you're going to be a doctor being good at biology is just a wee bit more important than being good at physics and chemistry.

>> No.5070354

I wish the economy would pick up already so there would be less people with no job, doing nothing but study for the MCATS in a desperate attempt to get into medical school or bust because there's no other hope for employment. It's gotten a hell of a lot harder to get in over just the last decade.

>> No.5070351
File: 104 KB, 864x594, 1287013695363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bio is for faggots
>becoming a doctor

full retard. do engineering fagnut

>> No.5070360

>Implying I'm not just saying that because I'm mad I got a ten

Get with the program, faggot.

>> No.5070371


Imagine the 1970s-80s. No females. People had jobs. Holy fuck.

>> No.5070368

I kno rite. I've almost been cheating on my doctor dreams with dreams of being an analytic chemist for like some crime scene investigation shit or something.

>> No.5070375

Fair enough. the way I see it, nobody is really going to look at a ten in biology and think that I can't do it. My major is chemistry, and my chemistry scores are high, that's the way I look at it.

>> No.5070377

so /sci/ hates bio? Yall just hatin cause we get more bitches then you

>> No.5070381


Also tuition was cheap as fuck.

>> No.5070395

>doesn't know sci hates bio
>admits it freely

We need more newfriends like you.

>> No.5070404

Yes. I am new to this board. You caught me.

>> No.5070408


/sci/ hates everything, including and especially themselves.

>> No.5070455
File: 49 KB, 428x410, 1344355649255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biology majors get more pussy than doctors

>> No.5070461

Doctors are too tired to get it up

>> No.5070468

>be a doctor
>unlimited viagra

Your move

>> No.5070472

>Rock hard for 4 hours
>Get a page: Be at ER in 10 minutes, the President is having a heart attack

>> No.5070474

lel my cousin is a doctor and he actually said this. Often too tired at the end of the day to fuck his wife.

>> No.5070477

I will never get the hate for biological sciences when it is extremely numerical based at this point. We should be going after the real culprit in the cesspool known as social sciences.

>> No.5070485

god damnit I hope this isn't true
and art majors

>> No.5070491

well I fucked this up
lets try again
god damnit/etc
and art majors

>> No.5070499

Art majors don't go around claiming that they're a science though. That's why I have infinitely more respect for them than the majority shit-tier social "sciences."

>> No.5070540

True, I suppose

>> No.5070582

>Not using your dick to hold open an incision so you can work with two hands instead of one

This is what separates the men from the boys in surgery.

>> No.5071025


I am ready! I love threads like this OP!

>> No.5071086


Social Sciences are more important than so-called hard science. Look around. What problems confront us? Societal problems, which are never solved by technological solutions.

Quite the opposite: technology causes societal problems by disrupting employment. If you could get a job at a factory and work there your whole life, most people would not be on welfare.

But technological advances have enabled us to move all the factories to China. So we are left with problems that only Social Scientists can solve.

>> No.5071144

Those grades are excellent. I don't have to take that test until next year, and I"m already scared shitless.

>> No.5071210


Relax and forget about it. Stress is the main obstacle to test taking.

>> No.5071311


Easier said than done. I have meds to help me.

>> No.5071389


nice work, OP.

>> No.5072200

Thanks, dudes. I can't believe this thread is still alive.
Supporting social science on /sci/, again we need more people like you who aren't butt hurt engineers that can't accept anything else.