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5057841 No.5057841 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most dangerous experiment you've done in a chemistry lab?

>> No.5057859

Growing crystals in a tub using ammonia and bleach.

>> No.5057884

Some borane synthesis.

>> No.5057901
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I lost 3 good men to the vinegar / baking soda volcano.

that was a sad day that will live forever in my life.

>> No.5057954

I fully oxidized some magnesium ribbon. That oxide could have been dissolved in water and someone could have consumed it and had slightly weaker stomach acid.

>> No.5057964

Qualitative chemistry. Identifying a compound with nitric acid.

>> No.5058011

Nothing requiring too much protection. One time I had to take an IR of this one sample, which involved trapping hydrogen chloride gas in liquid form prior to filling the cuvette. Don't want to touch that stuff.

Also, every once in awhile I have to make some alpha-amanitin solutions using enough of it to kill me several times over. That actually scares me a little when I do

>> No.5058021
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Electrolysed water, let the gases flow into plastic bottles. Put the one filled with hydrogen on a stand and then held a match underneath.
>teacher said it would just launch into the air
>mfw it got stuck in the stand and exploded

>> No.5058023

I never have done any actual experiments but one time we accidentally bromine gas

>> No.5058024

*any dangerous experiments

>> No.5058031

i cooked meth once at home

i just wanted to see if i could do it

>> No.5058032

Using sodium hydride to create Hakomori reagent for some carbohydrate stuff I was doing.

I also regularly use 48% HF, but its not reactive with air and water like metal hydrides.

>> No.5058097

What kind of safety equipment do you wear while handling HF? I hear it's the deadliest thing ever.

>> No.5058098


What is your job? Sounds interesting.

>> No.5058119

typical volcano experiment with vinegar and baking soda, with some lab made gunpodwer

a bro got his eyebrows burnt, funny times

>> No.5058138

I was in some after school explorers thing in 6th grade and, no joke, a girl nearly poured bleach into ammonia during a demonstration. Looking back now I wish she would have just to see how the instructor reacted and what happened

>> No.5058146

I had to make a fucking alloy of sodium and potassium metal because my boss wasn't satisfied with using pure sodium for his birch reduction. This was done by throwing both of them in a flask and melting them.

Also one time I accidentally condensed oxygen. I almost shat a brick.

>> No.5058152

Quenching benzophenone ketal stills.
Palladium catalyzed cyanation reactions with sodium/potassium cyanide.
Organic peroxide synthesis.

>> No.5058158

I knew a grad student who's research was on explosive organic compounds. He synthesized compounds with a bunch of nitro groups on them, exploded them, and measured the amount of heat produced. Amoung them were heptanitrocubane.

>> No.5058189

that sounds like a thing that could kill me in a manner i can not conceive of.

>> No.5058206
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tampering in the realm of god, are we?

Remember, its the brown note.

>> No.5058210

hehe, so expensive, only the government can afford to use it.

>> No.5058264

Brown note?

Anyways we had a guy who set himself on fire 4 years ago when a drop of water fell into the THF ketal still, some scaring and stuff but he was okay.

Also had a guy open an HCl gas tank (the 5ft. tall tanks, not some dinky little tank) and the regulator was shit and HCl gas started spewing out. Instead of manning up and shutting the main valve he pussied out and ran away. Every single thing in the lab corroded as fuck when they could actually get back in safely.

>> No.5058281

In high school I demonstrated that flame is a plasma by putting a candle between two plates with 1000 volts between them. Probably not that dangerous. The lab techs wouldn't let me use a bunsen burner.

>> No.5058290

I work oil and gas so I get to spend time with lovely H2S gas

>> No.5058326

LiAlH4 is always fun to work with. We had a lab at our uni burn down due to this.

Personally, Im shit scared of dropping the 1litre bottle of pure SnCl4 sat in the back of my fume hood... sooo much HCl would piss out...

I used HMPA a lot a while back, which was probably a bad idea considering how poisonous it is.

The worst accident I've had was doing a vilsmeier haack, got too hot and vaporised the glass vial I was preparing the reagent in.

Chemistry is a fun career

>> No.5058333


We had that at our uni too. Regulator snapped, emptied the entire cylinder. Department evacuated etc. Came back the next day and my mates bike which was in the lab was totally fucked, and the water baths were all like pH 2

>> No.5058373
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I diluted HCl

>> No.5058407

I read once that aluminum metal + some acids (all? can't remember) = h2 gas, so for the hell of it after work was done I threw some aluminum foil into some glacial acetic acid. Shit fizzed up, got hot as hell, and splattered acid around. I resisted the urge to light a match

>> No.5058410

>...dangerous...in a lab?
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.5058416

Working with benzene and some of its derivatives as solvents, though this isn't really dangerous in an exciting way I suppose.

>> No.5058419

yeah.. not all acids
or else my kitchen would explode if i had the stove on and got vinegar on my foil

>> No.5058424

One time in organic lab we were heating a solution to give reaction . I was in a flask. Later the solution turned in to a green color. In that time lab assistant came to look for everything is alright.Than he had saw our green solution.He had gone suspecious about its color and he took the ingredient of solution to look .
After a few minutes he had came again and he had gone crazy screaming like a hell. he was not angry to us. He was angry to firm that sell chemicals to our school.
One of the ingredient was not to compound we though but it was HCN. It looks like in packaging phase to chemicals were mixed.

>> No.5058460

>nope, this sounds like a good plan

>> No.5058469

>dumbass middle school kid
>fertilizer and sugar
>I liked rockets
>this will make good rockets
>take first batch out right before sugar starts to burn
>more smoke than I wanted
>adjust ratios, add crushed charcoal
>turns out charcoal is kinda good at making shit hot
>can't tell if sugar is burning or not
>ah, another minute should be fine
>1/2 lb of the mixture ignites at once
>face was just a few inches from the flame
>first degree burns on all exposed skin
>was cooking on a glass table outside
>glass shattered
>flaming goo went everywhere but on me
and then I stopped fucking around.

Not a chemistry lab, but I've used that experience as lesson since then.

>> No.5058510

middle school
found a site for pyrotechnics
learned how to make Acetone Peroxide
made 2 gram powder in a tiny bag
retard friend didn't get fuse
had to light it with a match
1 ft fireball
redneck hand hair trim

>> No.5058522

Sorry, didn't read your post. I'm green-blue colorblind.

>> No.5060157

>I was in a flask.
This seems to be dangerous.

10th grade honors chem class: We made aspirin... not so dangerous, actually probably safe enough to consume...
Then the teacher's son has his best friend "line some up" and snorted it.

He started yelling and walking in a circle favoring the side he snorted the aspiring. About half a minute in he bellows out to his friend to line up another... and snorts it up the other nostril. At this point he just kind of falls back a bit, sits down and says, "Ahg, at least they BOTH burn now."

>> No.5060178

Been there, done that. Came away with just one eyebrow less and a burn on my finger, but got grounded for some time cause I did it in the kitchen.

>> No.5060193

I've had to use bromine a few times but that wasn't too bad.

The worst was an practical where I had to use TiCl4.
Nasty, corrosive, volatile stuff.
I had to use a syringe with hyperdermic needle attached to deliver some to the reacion mixture.

The end of hte hyperdermic needle gave off corrosive gasses even when you weren't pushing the TiCl4 out of it. After I finished adding it to the reaction mixture I removed the stopper of the syringe and left it a the back of the fume cupboard where it gave off corrosive fumes like crazy.

a couple of hours later I was cleaning up and I detached the hyperdermic needle from teh syringe and even from ther mere half centimeter or so of plastic that overlapped between there was still enough TiCl4 left to start giving off fumes like crazy again.

>> No.5060209

Once in my chemistry class we burned something that apparently was so bright it would blind you if you stared at it whilst it was on fire.

>> No.5060216

All of my experiments are on the mmol scale, but some of them can be quite exothermic. I imagine I'd have some sort of deformation if my reactions were any larger... Other than that, I use t-BuLi here and there for substrate synthesis. But that's about it.

>> No.5060236

That is oxidation of magnesium most likely

>> No.5060240

>This geisha
>Being incorrect
Pick two

>> No.5060268

ionce in science class we got sparklers and had to wear a lab coat and goggles.
>shit was so cash

>> No.5060291

Oh the feels.

>> No.5060309

Nitrogen triiodide

1. coat chair bottoms, fume hoods, textbooks, etc.
2. let it dry out
3. ?????

>> No.5060338

i once did an electrolysis of water to produce ozone. Was supposed to use nitric acid as an electrolyte. I accidentally used hydrochloric instead. We tested for ozone in two ways, a unique odor and the oxidation of a pigment in beet juice. Chlorine has both a unique smell and will oxidize the beet juice. Whoops.

A few years later i got to use some pirhana solution in a lab, shit's scary.

>> No.5060359

not really an experiment
>11th grade
>best math/physics/chemistry student
>stay after class to help teacher prepare stuff for the day after
>hit glass bottle, which falls and breaks
>95% hydrochloric acid everywhere
>yfw we were wearing four labcoats each because it was 10 C and the heating was broken

>> No.5060362

making nitrotoluene
really not that dangerous unless conditions get out of control and you get dinitrotoluene

>> No.5060389

I personally use a chemical apron, splash gobbles, a full face shield, and thick neoprene gloves when I handle HF. I also work with it in a fume hood. The most dangerous thing I ever saw in my lab was dimethylmercury. I immediately called health and safety to remove it from the lab. That stuff scares me like nothing else.

If you get HF on you, you can use calcium gluconate to complex with the fluorine. You'll precipitate crystals in your body though.

I was bored one time and also dissolved coins in concentrated nitric acid and aqua regia. It blew up after I added some NaOH tablets and I got some on my arm. That spot turned higlighter orange when exposed to salt water in the ocean the next day. The result of dissolving then precipitating the coins was absolutely beautiful though. From 4 coins, I filled a 500 mL beaker with layer upon layer of colloidal suspensions of all different shades of blue.

>> No.5060403

lots of strong acids plus a metal will produce hydrogen gas. It's a common preparation route for tosylates and triflates of transition metals.

>> No.5060409

This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbXbPHK7YXw

>> No.5060452

>requiring layers or heating

What a pussy

>> No.5060487

>not requiring layers or heating

Obesity detected.

>> No.5060494

>Requiring layers or heating
>Thinking anyone who doesn't is obese
Massive pussy detected
Has it occured to you not everyone resembles a 6-foot tall vagina?

>> No.5060523

>2nd year chem paper at uni
>Get in trouble for farting into beakers and tricking people into smelling it.
>Made to clean up after lab.
>People all hate me a leave all their crap out
>Be lazy and pour all chemicals into one beaker
>Start getting dizzy and feel like i'm going to vomit
>Sight starts getting darker
Had a headache for a few hours after, but everything turned put fine.

>> No.5060525

Butthurt obesefag detected.

>> No.5060531

thin-blooded southerner detected

>> No.5060534

Butthurt overgrown vagina detected

>> No.5060542

That's magnesium.

I have a ribbon of it in one of my drawers.

>> No.5060543

What's the matter, run out of cake?

>> No.5060556

10c is right at the threshold, anything lower or any wind and it's time to put on some layers. Warmer than that and you can get away with a light windbreaker.

>> No.5060557

>95% HCl
>wats were had

>> No.5060569

What's the matter, out of 30 foot dicks to shove inside yourself?

>> No.5060587

why the penis fixation?

is it because the last time you saw yours was just prior to it being completely enveloped by your creeping gut fat back in 2003?

>> No.5060593

Largest measured penis was 8' so yeah, I'm sure he did run out of 30' dicks

>> No.5060632

>largest measured penis
>8 inches

But thats wrong

>> No.5060633

maybe in japan

>> No.5060636

single quote = feet.

>> No.5060640

Oh, my bad

Its still wrong.

>> No.5060688
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>Highschool Chem
>Finishing and cleaning up the experiment
>Experiment used Hydrochloric acid
>Teacher advises being careful of disposal
>Two guys at the same table/sink area decide to just dump the acid with other chemicals all at once
>accidentally breath some in, have a sore throat for a week.

mfw I think back when the one was probably the brightest kid in school and turned out the be a National Merit Scholar.

>> No.5060698

Nitric acid distillation with H2SO4 and Diethyl ether synthesis.

>> No.5060759

It's not a penis fixation, it's about the fact that you're an enormous vagina that craves enormous penis

>> No.5060798
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>junior in highschool chemistry
>working on some experiment to make gun cotton involving Nitric acid, Sulfuric acid and cotton and then neutralizing it with a base
>hadn't got around to it yet so I was doing it on my own along with a few other people while the rest of the class was taking a test
>chemistry teacher grabs a few bottles of acid from the cabinet and then goes to sit down and watch everyone testing
>I measure out the correct volumes of acid and pour them into the beaker with the cotton
>turns out it was not Sulfuric he had grabbed from the cabinet but Hydrochloric
>make Aqua Regia in a beaker with cotton in it
>entire room is instantly flooded with Nitrosyl Chloride and Chlorine gas while everyone is taking a test
>get a concentrated faceful of it as well as splashed by acid
>smell viciously acidic for the rest of the day
>years later if I sniff the tie I was wearing that day I still get flashbacks