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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5060198 No.5060198 [Reply] [Original]

If we somehow managed to build millions of spaceships capable of traveling at 40% the speed of light, and we had an unlimited time span to explore (or a very long time, for example, about 100,000,000,000,000 years) involving billions of people, and stopped to colonize every other planet discovered, how long could it take to fully explore the entire Milky Way galaxy?

>> No.5060202
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Over 9000 years.

>> No.5060220


Galaxy is 120,000 light years in diameter.

120,000/0.4 = 300,000 years to cross it. If we go out in all directions from Earth we will conquer the universe in less time than 300,000 years.

>> No.5060228
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>> No.5060230

why go 40% when you can go 99.9% and travel in time to when OP isn't a faggot

>> No.5060273 [DELETED] 

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
Your post has been reported.

>> No.5060310


how about you look at global rule 7 before you cite the rules

>> No.5060318

>do not announce your reports

>> No.5060334

Irregardless, I could care less. Trolls such as yourselves are a diamond dozen.

>> No.5060345
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>> No.5060349

it's a doggy dog world

>> No.5060370

irregardless is not a word.

>> No.5060372

Well look if it isn't the baron of bad news.

>> No.5060374

enjoy your ban

>> No.5060375

dime a dozen. faggot.

>> No.5060393

1 million years

>> No.5060495

If each ship wants to minimize the time it spends in deep space, going to the nearest neighbor, stopping to colonize, and building enough industry to build more ships, it will take many millions of years. If they stop long enough to fill up the planet before building more ships, it will take over a billion years.

But if you don't care about having your people in cold sleep/virtual suspension/whatever for vast times, then you'll send some of those millions of ships straight to the edge, and you'll get everything done in less than 300,000 years.

>> No.5060505

Now for something different:

You build a giant particle accelerator and create wormhole pair, each end held open by a thin nanoshell using the casimir effect maintain negative energy inside the shell.

You attach an engine to the wormhole, and accelerate it using propellant you feed into the wormhole. Because the rocket equation is no broken, you can get really fucking fast.

But to top it off, you make these wormhole starships bigger than they need to be. Big enough... to shove other wmaller wormholes through them. So you have a 99.9% lightspeed wormhole ship making a beeline for the edge of the galaxy, and every time it comes near enough to some other stars it spits out a another wormhole ship.

Meanwhile, back at home, your accelerator is working overtime building wormholes and feeding them into the mother ship. Each time one of these wormholes reaches a new planet, it's colonization time. Your home planet is now the nexus of a giant intergalactic highway.

>> No.5060520
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>> No.5060530

zerg detected

>> No.5061018

bout tree fiddy

>> No.5063157

A long time.

>> No.5063199

>play mass effect
>go on /sci/


Fucking kill yourself. Please.

>> No.5063210

Later, you cry when people don't give 2 shit's about science...

>> No.5063223


>implying this thread is science related

/sci/ - Science Fiction

>> No.5063250
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It is not feasible to send people on spaceships to colonize the universe. It'd be easier to send unmanned factory ships to worlds we wish to colonize and have them build the humans right there. People are either uploaded to the ship beforehand or beamed there when it arrives. Bodies could be customized to fit the planet, or the factory could come equipped with terraforming capability.

>> No.5063257

>millions of spaceships
>capable of travelling close to the speed of light
>colonize every other planet
>entire Milky Way Galaxy

OP has revealed unto himself the background of the Mass Effect series.

>> No.5064617

I am not sure what this "Mass Effect" has to do with anything.

>> No.5064627

No, it's /sci/ - Daniela Titan and Other Attention Whores

>> No.5064642
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>> No.5065384

>People are either uploaded to the ship beforehand or beamed there when it arrives
Are you suggesting human teleportation? I believe most people would say human teleportation is not feasible. I also believe we will have mapped out much (if not all) of the Milky Way before mass colonization, to see how many star systems there are, how many planets there are, and how many planets are best for human habitation, although we might even end up colonizing worlds that are not entirely fit for humans (such as Venus).

>> No.5066397

Except that that doesn't describe Mass Effect at all. Mass Effect allows for faster than light travel across the entire galaxy over the course of a single day, not all the Milky Way's planets have been colonized, explored, or even discovered, habitable planets are very rare, there are other intelligent humanoid species easily communicating and even sexually interacting with each other, most of which are thousands of years more advanced and older than humans, and all of it takes place within less than two centuries from present day.

>> No.5066888 [DELETED] 


>> No.5067197

So wait, let me get this straight.

science fiction threads belong in /tv/ /tg/ /v/,
college advice threads belong in /adv/,
programming threads belong in /g/,
paranormal and conspiracy theory threads belong in /x/,
biology threads belong in /an/,
sociology threads belong in /soc/,
philosophy, psychology, and religion threads belong in /lit/,
politics and economics threads belong in /pol/,
infantile cartoon images belong in /a/ and /co/,
engineering threads belong in /hm/,
and homework threads aren't allowed anywhere on 4chan.

So what the fuck is there to discuss on /sci/?

>> No.5067211

Youtube videos, apparently

>> No.5067221


I think what he means is that people are just coming off of playing Mass Effect 3 and are all excited about space exploration and crap. Not surprising seeing as that if was such a success.

But I'd have to agree. /sci/ has become a place to discuss more science fiction than fact, this thread included.

>> No.5067224

He's just being a dick. Ignore him.

>> No.5067229

first lol of the day

>> No.5067234

not to be dickish, but what is their really to discuss on /sci/ outside outlandish ideas? if it isnt outlandish then its just something you should be learning on your own so you are qualified to have outlandish opinions.

>> No.5067277

True. If anyone has any questions regarding science or math, they can't really consult /sci/ without being accused of asking for help on their homework.

High school level can be seen as too easy, anything below that is considered trolling, anything above that (such as postgrad math) can be seen as too hard to answer by /sci/.

Any questions regarding science or math can be directed at any number of web sites, such as Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram Alpha, Khan Academy, Physics Forums, Yahoo! Answers, WikiAnswers, ChaCha Answers, etc.

>> No.5067282

I never played those games aren't they dating sims?

>> No.5068102


>> No.5068320


It would take most of your lifetime, but it would be worth it because they predict that the sun will eventually use all it's energy and the earth will not be habitable.

>> No.5068338

>we are only interested in science for the sake of science
>get away from me you filthy casual with your 'applied science'
Yeah, you know what? Get fucked.

>> No.5069775

I don't think that my lifetime would be 5,000,000,000 years long.