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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5054934 No.5054934 [Reply] [Original]

I decided, since I need to keep a 3.6 gpa, that I would take intermediate algebra as my first college math class....


You know what we covered in class today?
The coordinate plane and graphing equations.

I'm horrifyingly bored, and just want to tell other students that unless you are an absolute idiot when it comes to math, just test out of it and take some harder classes. It's really just a waste of time.

>> No.5054963

I know those feels OP, sorry bud. But! Since i'm not you, i can sit back and laugh.

>> No.5054993

At my university I always advise people to cheat if necessary on the placement test to get into at least calculus. Unless you're a retard you can pick up the algebra and trig and such as you go along, plus the remedial classes are general full of tedious busywork and taught by instructors (rather than professors) who are old and disgruntled at their shit job. No point wasting time and money on bullshit.

>> No.5055001

so? just get the syllabus and only show up for the tests. Its college not daycare.

>> No.5055022

Word. I'm taking a proof based approach to Calc 3 and Linear algebra my first semester of freshman year and i'm like, "Damn myself and my lack of confidence. I'm so bored. Why am i not in abstract algebra right now?"

>> No.5055028

unfortunately, in these 1000 level babby classes professors are accustomed to low quality of students. Pop quizzes to make sure students come to class.

>> No.5055029

>be 22
>going into first year of college
>look up what is on the placement test
>beginning algebra and intermediate algebra
>come here
>see this thread

Welp. gunna go be sad that I'm not that smart.
sure wish I was one of you cool guyz.

>> No.5055034

If you're bored in linear algebra your class sucks. Possibly you took the engineering version?

>> No.5055037

>be 22
>insecure about the internet rantings of 18 year olds

>> No.5055044

Well i was mostly being ironic. That class is killing me. Like i said its proof based. Its designed almost exclusively for math majors

>> No.5055060

Not sure if that's tongue in cheek or not, but it really was about my lack of confidence. I thought "college is hard", and underestimated my skill. I'm not even a science major, and this is not worth my time.

>> No.5055270
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>I'm horrifyingly bored, and just want to tell other students that unless you are an absolute idiot when it comes to ma

>intermediat algebra
>first college math class

>> No.5055305

>Hurr durr, I had a school that was not shit and already taught me all of this shit

Please stop being stupid