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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5053186 No.5053186 [Reply] [Original]

What is happening to you, /sci/?

let's have a lecture thread.

>> No.5053189

I mean a PROPER lecture thread.

>> No.5053193

OP delivers

>> No.5053200

Obligatory MIT CS

>> No.5053208

>What is happening to you, /sci/?
some troll spammer is posting every single fucking jewtube video about schrodingers cat, just to piss off /sci/


probably the same fucktard who posts DT all over the fucking place, and makes WWTBAM trollthreads.

>> No.5053256

Why are you here?

>> No.5053267
File: 378 KB, 300x282, 1337032552495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bored, i guess.
you are suffering from le probléme?

>> No.5053278

No, but you will enjoy a Rose permaban

>> No.5053317

OP of shitty cute science posts is butt hurt?

>> No.5053321

I have nothing to do with those. I'm one of the people who actively reports them for spam and winds up getting banned for it.

EK is a ban-evading shitposter.

>> No.5053327
File: 221 KB, 435x355, 13635748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mods are fans of DT. dont even bother reporting.
even when we get jans, they'll have to fall in line with the mods DT-waifu faggotry or they'll get stricken off

>> No.5053332

I will not deal with it. When the threads are bumped to the front page, they leave no room for other threads. I have to go to the second page to see anything because I have all of them hidden.

>> No.5053339
File: 151 KB, 846x494, mod_DT_waifu_faggot_ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my ban, btw, and that aint my IP
someone posted it in a /q/ thread complaining about DT
(theres quite a lot of people complaining about DT on /q/, but as usual, mods dont give a shit)

you've honestly got no choice but to deal with it.
how hard is it just to click to the second page if theres DT spam on the first?
takes just a second, hun.

>> No.5053344

Why do you even care? Why don't you go post some math/science instead of carrying on these troll-esque meta discussions?

>> No.5053349

U sound mad. Is it because DT is smarter and cuter than you? I bet DT knows how to calculate limits.

>> No.5053355

i dont care, he just sounded mad.

i hide and sage DT spamthreads as well.

nah, i've nothing against her, the vids are ok, it's just that we dont need a fucking hundred of them here clogging up /sci/ it's just spam.

>> No.5053386

> it's just that we dont need a fucking hundred of them here clogging up /sci/ it's just spam.

That's how most of us feel about your posts. You are the queen of shitposting on /sci/ and you don't even realize it, much as you fail to realize how limited you are in so many obvious ways.

The day someone finally gets reliable info on you, I am going to have such a big grin on my face. It may well never happen, but the possibility gives me hope.

>> No.5053388

Those videos are shit, and the posts of them are spam.

>> No.5053392

I'd like to second this poster. I don't know if you're always trolling or just genuinely stupid, but godammn, EK, you make some bad posts.

>> No.5053397

such as?
hey, at least i try

>> No.5053410

When will you do your first DT style youtube video explaining limits? I'm sure we'd bump it for years.

>> No.5053413

The most memorable occasion was when you couldn't solve tic-tac-toe.

>> No.5053416

erm? wat? i know perfect strategy for tic-tac-toe.
i literally am unbeatable at it, always.

>> No.5053499


also coursera.org for actual courses with assignments and exam for free on very broad subjects

>> No.5054970 [DELETED] 

Why are you here? You are permabanned.