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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5044911 No.5044911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you realise that you are actually fucking alive

Isn't this absolutely absurd? It's mindblowingly amazing. The very thing we take for granted on a day-to-day basis is something to be marveled at.

Your existence is so improbable that you should appreciate every second of it. Who gives a shit what people think, just do your thing, be you! Get out there and enjoy yourself, you may never have another opportunity to do so.

I love you all. Enjoy life!

>> No.5044919

infantile off-topic nonsense

>> No.5044926

How can I be off-topic of my own thread? Unless you mean the entire /sci/ board to which I would argue that nothing is actually 'on topic'.

In regards to it being 'infantile', I guess being pessimistic about the world is more 'grown-up'. Sorry I'm not old enough to join the grumpy mens club, sir ;_;

>> No.5044930

It is neither science nor math and thus off-topic. Go back to >>>/b/

>> No.5044935

It is both science and math if you think outside the box.

The nature of being alive = science
Probability of your existence = maths

>> No.5044940

fuck off. inane, irrelevant garbage.

>> No.5044942 [DELETED] 

itt: we learn never to go onto 4chan when you're happy and hopeful.

>> No.5044945

why so butthurt ;_;

you would have done yourself better justice by not responding and letting it die a peaceful death.

your need to voice your concerns so ardently says a lot about who you are (maybe you have a small voice in the real world).

We should discuss this, anon. You shouldn't let it trouble you

>> No.5044946

Big bunch of bullshit right here. How old are you? Never gone to school?

>> No.5044949

fuck off retard

>> No.5044950

Oh, I expected it. I've done this before.

I enjoy the comments, it actually makes me feel happier :)

>> No.5044951

Your infantile troll attempts and your ignorance of this board's culture are pathetic.

>> No.5044954

>tfw all that feel threads are actually neuroscience threads

>> No.5044957

why would I go to reddit when I'm on 4chan, sir?

Right where? No, no. I would never go to school, that place is evil.

>> No.5044959

>board's culture

I laughed quite heartily.

>> No.5044961

you know that all of 4chan is 18+, right? fuck off retard

>> No.5044963

How low is your IQ?

>> No.5044964

why does /sci/ enjoy the word 'infantile'. Does it make them feel big on the inside?

It makes me feel like your younger brother. Let's play some playstation /sci/ :3

>> No.5044966

>why does /sci/ enjoy the word 'infantile'.
time for you to go now newfag

>> No.5044967


That's news to me, anon! :O
Judging by the quality of posts on /sci/, I assumed we were all pre-schoolers

>> No.5044968


We're no children and no retards. Get that immature waste of time garbage back to >>>/v/

>> No.5044969
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>> No.5044973

But I'm comfy :3

>We're no children and no retards
I beg to differ.

>> No.5044974

You win the award "pleb of the month"

>> No.5044975

enjoy your emoticon ban retard

>> No.5044976

>believing it

/sci/ is pretty funny, I must say.

>> No.5044978

Fuck off.

>> No.5044982

>mfw an off-topic thread gets more replies than an on-topic thread

I've cracked the code, guys! You all secretly enjoy this thread, it gives you all a common goal of hatred.

'Tis an interesting experiment on the lowly nerd with nothing to live for.

>> No.5044984

Where to?
Can I have the board list again, please. :3

>> No.5044986

why? because he stated a truth? you guys are all incredibly blind if you are responding so frequently and fervently to him. all this stupidity, from /sci/ - there is no hope for the world.

Yes, OP. It is an amazing feeling to realise you are actually living. It made me look at the world differently.

>> No.5044990

I know, I just realised recently!

>> No.5044994


>> No.5044998


>> No.5044999

"omg i love sukn dicks and crying to link park" -You

>> No.5045003

>Get out there and enjoy yourself, you may never have another opportunity to do so.

This line is why /sci/ is so upset. They've realised that they have wasted their only existence and are crying over it.

It sucks being a shut-in virgin, OP. You should understand their feels.

>> No.5045005

so hurtful, I almost cried ;_;

>> No.5045007

gb2 pussybaby land where u git own3d by dik

>> No.5045012

Touching OP. Now I'm going to blow your brains right out.

You. Are at the center of the visible universe.

>> No.5045013

b-b-b-but if I go back to pussy land... wouldn't I be owned by pussy?

>> No.5045015

>You. Are at the center of the visible universe.

What do you mean?

>> No.5045018

You're probably right.

>> No.5045050

my opinions: philosophy is science. as long as we don't get into religion, philosophy should be fair game on /sci/.

where else on 4chan can you find people educated and open-minded enough to discuss philosophy?

>> No.5045058

Philosphy is not science. /sci/ is for science, not for intellectual random. Philosphy is reportable off-topic garbage. Take it to /lit/

>> No.5045059

Not on /sci/. If you haven't realised, /sci/ is full of angsty teens and undergrads venting their un/sci/entific views.

If you want intelligent opinions, look elsewhere. If you want mindless discussions and arguments, you've found the right place.

>> No.5045068


logic and metaphysics are philosophy, and are scientific. I'm not trying to start a flame war here.

/sci/ would not suffer from a discussion of these topics.

>> No.5045069

if you are not a virgin you are chimp scum

>> No.5045071

Metaphysics is by definition that which isn't science. Educate yourself, you mouthbreathing brainless cretin.

>> No.5045078

That is not its definition. Educate yourself, you mouthbreathing brainless cretin.

>> No.5045081

How fucking retarded are you? I'll give you the "simple" wikipedia article, because the real one would be too hard for your tiny intellect to understand.

>However, unlike other sciences, metaphysics asks very basic philosophical questions and does not look at the world directly.


>> No.5045129

and don't forget: never do what anyone else tells you to.

>> No.5045161

>Fine, don't sleep with me; I didn't want to lose my virginity anyway!

I bet you've cried yourself to sleep more than once.