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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5037505 No.5037505 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most beautiful number?

Besides 5... Which is obviously the best.

>> No.5037508

1. It contains all others, and transcend them.

>> No.5037511
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>> No.5037514

e obviously.

<div class="math"> \frac{d}{dx}(e^x)=e^x </div>

You don't get that anywhere else.

>> No.5037518

Derivative of 0 is 0?

>> No.5037547

It's the 21st prime number, its mirror, 37, is the 12th and 12's mirror, 21, is 7 x 3.
also, 73 in binary is a palyndrome. 1001001.

>> No.5037553

Euler's Identity, -1.

it's just fucking sexy.

>> No.5037558

I've always had a thing for ∞.
It's like 8 but seems more surreal.

>> No.5037562

I could stick my dick in that.

>> No.5037564


>> No.5037569


0 is not really a number kiddo

>> No.5037573


1 is the loneliest number

>> No.5037577

pleb choice: pi
pretentious choice: 0, e, negative numbers
right choice: 17

>> No.5037574

let the man dream, it's only a placeholder.

>> No.5037580

I like 7, it's the largest single-digit prime.

>> No.5037582

that's not a characteristic of the number but of the exponential function, i.e. is the same for 2^x, 5^x, n^x etc.

You dumbass.

>> No.5037584


Size is not everything.

>> No.5037588


Closest thing to tits anyone on this board has ever gotten.

>> No.5037593

Infinity is not a number; it's a concept.
It represents an unbounded limit

>> No.5037604


>> No.5037651

sorry but the derivative of a^x is equal to: (a^x)(ln(a))

>> No.5037673


How's that high school education treating you?

>> No.5037676


i always liked e

i have nothing but scorn for pi, and the golden ratio.

the square root of -1 sucks too.

e is the number to rule them all

>> No.5037700


2 is a pretty cool guy.
2+2 = 2*2 = 2^2 = 2 (tetrated with itself) = 2 (pentated) etc. etc.

>> No.5037711

5037711 is the most superior number.

>> No.5037714


how did you do that?


>> No.5037726

0 and 1 mofo

>> No.5037754


0 is still not a number

>> No.5037758


of course 0 is a number. it is an integer, the one between -1 and 1.

>> No.5037761


It's a placeholder.

>> No.5037763

Define number.

>> No.5037768


Okay a number must fulfill:

<div class="math"> \frac{1}{n}=[defined value] </div>

>> No.5037772

On 0:
Excerpt from the wolfram definition: The word "number" is a general term which refers to a member of a (possibly ordered) set.

0 is a member of the set of integers, therefore it is a number. It may have no value, but it still qualifies as a number.

>> No.5037773


i suppose by some arbitrary definition you can believe that zero is not a number.

but it is a number that you have to have to count from -3 to +3. it is the number of things you have when you do not have any.

zero is a number. pluto may or may not be a planet, but zero is as much a number as any.

>> No.5037780
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>People saying 0 isn't a number

>> No.5037786


>it is the number of things you have when you do not have any.

It's a placeholder that represents that of not having any of something.

You can't count to zero.

>> No.5037788


i'm glad you don't work at mission control.

>> No.5037791

For something to be a placeholder there must be a necessity of something else to be there for it to be a placeholder for. 0 is a number, because theres not some mythical figure that can be there in place of it.

>> No.5037792

Count - v - name or recite the numbers in ascending order

>You can't count to zero because zero is not a number therefore zero isn't a number.

>> No.5037795

If 0 is not a number what is between -1 and 1

>> No.5037796


Does /sci/ even into Peano?

>> No.5037798
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Don't know, OP. But I like 7.

>> No.5037804
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>> No.5037811


>> No.5037814

The slow board effect.

>> No.5037839

well, brah

>> No.5037860

Never taken projective geometry, eh?

>> No.5037865

3 is the first uneven prime.

Get on my level.

>> No.5037881

ctrl + f 42

One anon at least is on the right track


>> No.5037922

Here's a list of my favorite numbers, in no particular order.

It's overrated, overused and given undue significance by many in a society of competition which rejects intellectual collaboration. But it's still the basic concept from which grew all of mathamatics in its complexity and (sometimes) splendor.

The first powers of 2 are the whole numbers which appear most naturally in all the equations governing dynamics of systems in our homely three spacial dimensions.

>e, <span class="math"> \pi [/spoiler], <span class="math"> \phi [/spoiler]
For obvious reasons, these are the most important and awe-inspiring real numbers, appearing naturally in every surprising corner of mathematics and physics.

A beautiful reduction of methods from higher algebra to a formalism that every young mathematician can intuit and enjoy, with seemly endless applicability.

>> No.5038003

Phi, the golden ratio.

>> No.5038021

If you say anything else, you're wrong.

>> No.5038063

Tau is a great number because fuck 2π.

>> No.5038100

1 is the loneliest number that you'll ever know.

2 can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number 1.

>> No.5038125
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It's even in the Mandelbrot set, for fuck's sake.

>> No.5038144


its also following me everywhere

>> No.5038158

I don't like judging numbers for their "digit characteristics", remember the decimal system is not the only one. 7 has 3 digits in binary, and 2 in ternary. "largest single digit prime" is not too accurate.

Phi, is clearly the best. e is cool too.

>> No.5038308

not to be too mainstream, but e and pi are both nice and combine in lots of pretty ways. like
<div class="math">\int_{-\infty }^{\infty } e^{-t^2}dt=\sqrt{x}</div>

>> No.5038316

x = pi

>> No.5038327

fuck that should be sqrt(pi) on the right

>> No.5038337

liking numbers in the first place is pretty retarded I must admit so why go off on a tangent?

>> No.5038339


$Log(-1) = i\pi$

$e^{i\pi} = -1$

>> No.5038347

what about 10^x?

>> No.5038354
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>> No.5038369
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>> No.5038384

55 57

yes we're fucking aspies suck my dick

>> No.5038403

When I was a kid, I thought 7 was the coolest number to draw. It's kind of slanty and raked, with the sharp turn at the top corner.

Thinking about it just now, 8 reminds me of a woman's breasts and hips in the ideal proportion.

Hmm. What was the question, again?

>> No.5038419


<span class="math">\frac{\pi (x)}{x} ~ \frac{1}{\log_e (x)}[/spoiler]

>> No.5038426

There should be a "~" between those. i.e. the percentage of prime numbers under x is approximately 1 / log_e x.

>> No.5040235
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>> No.5040252

<span class="math">{1\over137}[/spoiler]

>> No.5040290


>> No.5040328

although I use that logic to reach the conclusion that 4 is the best number

>> No.5040345
File: 21 KB, 433x436, tau-angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>5038063

>> No.5040386

I know its not a number but damn is a capital gamma cool. The function Γ(n) is cool too

>> No.5040393

I was gonna say that but that is not a number

>> No.5040394


>> No.5040404


>> No.5040421

Big gamma always ,akes me want to play hangman:
-- -- - ------

>> No.5040422


>> No.5040558

>0 is not a number

All Integers are numbers
All Natural Numbers are numbers
0 is an element of the set of Non-Negative Integers as well as the Natural Numbers.

0 is a number.

Now stfu.

>> No.5040609


>> No.5040636


Not only is 0 a number, but it is the number in which we use to prove the existence of all numbers by induction.

>> No.5040951

>proving the existence of numbers instead of taking them as an axiom

Pleb, go learn some set theory.

>> No.5040967

The idea that there are distinct numbers is the worst lie in history.

>> No.5040971

Either .9999....... or 1

I can't decide.

>> No.5040974

you are the pleb

>> No.5040976


>> No.5040983

7 of course

because single digit, prime and (1/7) has the longest

and it is the largest principal quantum number

7th heaven, 7th density, all that is (and is not)

>> No.5040985

He thinks there is place for induction in math. Go be sloppy in your shitty sciences.

>> No.5041006

>decimal numbers
you people disgust me

>> No.5041027

it is the only natural number that is perfectly symmetrical both vertically and horizontally
symmetry is perfection
and perfection is obviously the best

>> No.5041045

Go take a discrete or mathematical proofs class, pleb.

>> No.5041049

Smallest prime number, etc

>> No.5041085


>> No.5041087


>> No.5041200


>only natural number that is perfectly aymmetrical both vertically and horizontally

What about 88,888,8888,...? Hurf.

For that matter, the same applies for 0 depending on the font, making 80, 800, 808, etc. also valid.

>> No.5041287

12 is the Master number obviously.

>> No.5041322

\pi % of 1337

>> No.5041364

I shat enough bricks to build a house.

>> No.5041372


>> No.5041381

1 is the loneliest number

>> No.5041413

9 is the best number
you can do your nine times tables with your hands

>> No.5041443

>>5037508< this guy gets it

>> No.5041444

i like 43.