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5039301 No.5039301 [Reply] [Original]

so i'm taking Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
i'm getting by so far, we've mostly been doing review of algebra and rational functions
here's the thing though, i can't claim any mastery over algebra because i don't remember any of it, so i'm going to my local library soon and checking out textbooks and i want to know what the best textbooks are and if you have any additional suggestions for success in math knowing my predicament
>i'm also open to online resources and pirated materials

the prerequisites for going into calculus are:
Plane Trigonometry and College Algebra / Functions
or Precalculus

now i didn't take any of these and haven't done math since junior year of high school, i scored high enough on the math placement score a few semesters ago for this class
>so, what are the best textbooks so i can master the prereqs
>and what's the best way to go about this

>> No.5039372
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pls respond

>> No.5039559


This. It helped me back when I was a total noob in maths. It's a quite big book, but you don't need to read it entirely.

>> No.5039699
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that sounds great for calculus but one of the reviews mentioned that if your precalculus is weak you're in trouble

does anybody know the best textbook for the following:
>College Algebra / Functions
>Plane Trigonometry

>> No.5039837
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whoa whoa whoa, so is
College Algebra / Functions + Plane Trigonometry
the same as
>mind blown

>> No.5039851

Are you struggling with the shit you're currently doing?

Calculus was what really helped my algebra. If your professor's competent, I'd just do the problems assigned throughout the lessons and ask him/her for help on the ones you can't really understand. 8/10 times it'll be algebra or trig issues and if you're not completely fucked beyond all hope you'll do fine

>> No.5039892
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some of the problems i'm doing are taking longer than they should, my instructor was pretty clear on the first day that she wouldn't be teaching algebra or trig or teaching us how to use our calculators since we should already know it
>what a bitch right?
she has a day where we can go get help from her but it's a 3 hour time slot on wednesday so i might as well just get a precal textbook and learn it from there since i'm already going to be using my own time for it

also can i get confirmation on this:

>> No.5039916

Where I go to, college algebra introduced library of common functions to be able to graph, solving systems of equations, finding roots of quadratic equations and different types of factoring. That type of shit.

Precalc had everything college algebra had in the first half or so, but usually required a little more algebra. Conic sections and series/sequences were also covered along with shit like how to find real zeros of any polynomial function and complex zeroes were also introduced.

Trig was its own separate class.

I think most people would be good with just taking college algebra and trig (trig is essential) but I don't know, maybe your prof. is a massive cunt.

>> No.5039954
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i see, so not everything i need to know for calculus is generally covered in precalculus?
a google search revealed this forum post of recommendations:

"-Algebra and Trigonometry - Cythia Young.
-Algebra and Trigonometry - Sullivan, Sullivan.
-Precalculus - Sullivan, Sullivan.

*The precalc and algebra and trig book by sullivan are the same things, just that the precalc book includes a preview to calculus, one chapter at the back. "

I'm thinking of picking up whichever is cheapest, does anyone have any experience with these textbooks?

>> No.5039990

Gelfand. Two books: algebra and trigonometry.

>> No.5039993


I used the Algebra and Trigonometry sullivan textbook when I took Precalculus. Unfortunately, like most lower level books, the book follows the "here's a couple of examples and now you do 100 problems" method, but the concepts are easy enough.

For drilling problems the book's alright. I'm sure you could download it somewhere too

>> No.5040082
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could you direct me towards this "somewhere"
noob here

>> No.5040106


You could probably just find it by typing in the name of the book, author, and pdf in google

If that doesn't help, here's some sites, even if that specific book isn't there, you'll probably find something useful for your purposes


or you can try torrenting/usenet

>> No.5040116
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oh wow, if i could i'd kiss you on the mouth you sexy son of a bitch
>no homo