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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 251x316, daniela_goggles2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5008072 No.5008072 [Reply] [Original]


great explanation of Curiosity and Mars.

>> No.5008079

Why the fuck must you advertise every one of your videos here?
FFS, give it a rest for a while, wouldya?

>> No.5008089

I would "like" this comment but this is not your uglyfaceinmybook

>> No.5008236


This is the best one so far.

Nice work, Daniella. Do you ever post here? I can see why you wouldn't, being a hot chick it's probably kinda awkward around students.

>> No.5008240

WTF accent is that supposed to be? Stop it.

>> No.5008242


It's eastern european, like Romania I would say.

She is so amazing i would marry her just to listen to her explain things. She has lots of great videos. I'll post links if you ask :D

>> No.5008248

Bad attempt at viral marketing.

>> No.5008258

It's a trolljob by Carl, aka the samefag who says shit like this:
and thinks people can't tell it's him trolling.

As always, this is a troll thread, there are 2 others like it wasting space on /sci/. Keep the fuck away and let Carl talk to himself. If you are going to post, at least fucking sage.

>> No.5008264


How could you tell?

>> No.5008277


>> No.5008296

Stop advertising your crappy videos.

>> No.5008360
File: 157 KB, 405x270, 1343763428974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more thread motherfucker, I dare you!

>> No.5008856


This girl is beautiful and smart and brave.

It shames me that you all hate her.

One of you conjectured on how bad her armpits smell.

Are you kidding me?

>> No.5008877

Look buddy, your stalkerish crush aside, we do not need constant threads about her.
Anyone who cares has already subscribed to her channel. The rest of us are content to do literally anything else with our time. We do not require update reminders.

>> No.5008921 [DELETED] 


>> No.5008933 [DELETED] 

You are free to ignore the thread. Clearly people want to discuss her videos.

>> No.5008939
File: 208 KB, 400x225, beaker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly I want to samefag this thread like the last

>> No.5008950

Unless you're offering her contact details, I don't want anything to do with this woman, and nor does anybody else. Of course if you do provide her address then I'll be sure to stake out her home every day until she is alone, whereupon I will give her expected surprise sexytime.

>> No.5009470 [DELETED] 

>saging a science thread
fuck you

>> No.5009477 [DELETED] 

time to go back to reddit

>> No.5010128

>fuck you

Right back at you, Carl.

>> No.5010387

Those goggles are super hot.

>> No.5010407


I'm the armpits guy.

I really meant that... it's like my nose was a cm away from her armpits throughout all these videos. My synaesthesia had never been this unfavorable/disgusting.

>> No.5010429

O fucking K already. I see that there is a little fan club here but this is just spam. Anybody who is interested already has subscribed to this channel. Go and take your fandom to youtube or make a fanboy facebook page or some shit like that. You don't need to post a link to every fucking new video from this channel for your silly little circle jerk.
It is getting a bit tiresome.

>> No.5010434


Have you read "Confederacy of Dunces"?

It's a hilarious book. Your armpit comment kinda reminds me of how the main guy reacts to people.

>> No.5011178

best vid so far.

>> No.5011901

>implying armpits smell bad

>> No.5011920

stop advertising your videos here

>> No.5012695

please sage this shit guys. discuss her armpits all you like (?), but remember to sage.

>> No.5013087


>> No.5013120

The more reports the faster it gets deleted. Start reporting. It works.

>> No.5013121


>> No.5013123


>> No.5013163 [DELETED] 

>reporting science threads

>> No.5013180

imma sage cos it makes me feel loved

>> No.5013184 [DELETED] 


>> No.5013365

Sage goes in the e-mail field. Not name, not subject, E-MAIL.

>> No.5013710 [DELETED] 

>saging a science thread

>> No.5013739

i just watched this again, for maybe the third time.

i see what you meant about her armpits. they are great, aren't they?

i could smell them.

>> No.5013758

What a faggot

>> No.5014393 [DELETED] 

I hate it when people just say sage. Sage was never meant to be an insult. It just means you don't consider your own comment bump worthy. Making a post to say sage is a waste of time and an ultimate proof of newfaggotry.

>> No.5015081


>> No.5015391 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 499x324, lol lol lol lol lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true too, moot even said so himself.

>> No.5015405


>Getting butthurt that the common usage of a term has changed


>> No.5016324 [DELETED] 

Nobody is getting "butthurt" here.

>> No.5016330

Those lols are going way too slow.

>> No.5016334 [DELETED] 

get this fucking bitch off of sci

>> No.5016335

No, it's meant to insult the thread because you don't think it deserves to be bumped with your post.

>> No.5016336
File: 86 KB, 800x600, profbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad.

>> No.5017090 [DELETED] 

Please go back to /b/.

>> No.5017323 [DELETED] 


>> No.5017338

Not intellectually stimulating, there's been multiple threads with this girl on /sci/, completely useless contribution to the community.

>> No.5017393

At least shes trying to do something of substance, unlike most of the vapid shit on youtube which consist of douchbags stealing internet clips to make fun of and get 1000's of page views. Daniela is being informative and seems genuinely enthusiastic about science. If Daniela weighed 300 pounds there wouldn't be a problem, but because its a cute girl the neck beards on sci naturally act with hostility. inb4 whiteknight

>> No.5017395

It's because it's pop-sci and pop-sci is one of the most destructive forces towards real sci out there.

>> No.5017399

That doesn't justify spamming /sci/ with threads on her, which is what people actually have a problem with.

Attempting to add content to youtube is not grounds for any attention beyond her video views, and really any discussion about the videos should be in the comment section of that video.

Automatically congratulating a person for making an effort is, to my mind, more condescending and rude than anything sci has said about her. Accusing her detractors of being sexually intimidated does not help the case.

>> No.5017407

good thing we have newfags like you policing /sci/ to maintain its integrity, learn to sage newfag

>> No.5017409

You got it chief. And hey. Thanks for the content bump. It was really an insightful rebuttal to my statement.

>> No.5017435


Let those young bucks learn science.


She is more than likely an actress and the videos are done by a production team.
She cannot pronounce words correctly, in fact her manner of speaking makes her come off as not knowing the subject material at all. I am not just talking about names of chemicals, she barely pronounces simple terms nor am I referring to "a foreign accent" ...... seriously how hard is perfluorocarbon.


Get a new actress. And please stop spamming.

>> No.5017480

she is not an actress retard. she is a scientist.

>> No.5017491

A greek scientist? is it possible?

>> No.5017496


I'd rather read "what if a sun made of X and Y collided" threads all day than see these shitty videos. Tits or GTFO

>> No.5017498

Eh, not the best way to propose science, doesnt really go into direct detail, and just seems a bit stupid to me. Not appealing whatsoever, sorry.

>> No.5017503

misogynist detected

>> No.5017508

I don't care if you're a man or woman I don't want to see your shitty videos spammed here all day every day. If the presenter has no understanding of the information being presented then there is a serious problem. You could argue that these videos are helping to spread knowledge but in reality it's a shitty trend that everyone wants to get in on and no one actually cares about the knowledge at hand. Now go fuck yourself with the largest possible object ever conceived by the human mind.

>> No.5017542

right that's why you said "Tits of GTFO." back to >>>/r9k/ misogynist. Don't forget to enjoy your ban on the way out

>> No.5017551

The world would be a better place if Hitler gassed white knights along with the jews.

>> No.5017556

back to >>>/pol/, enjoy your ban on the way out chimp

>> No.5018173


>> No.5018300 [DELETED] 

Care to explain what's factually wrong in the video? I don't see it. I think it's the best explanation of the mars rover mission I've seen so far and I laughed hard at the cycling water.

>> No.5018339

Yo, not the anon you're provoking and Imma let you finish, Carl. I just wanna say, people should watch from 2:00 to 2:06 for the best and most accurate explanation of what the chemical building blocks of life are. You dig? The best explanation of all time!

>> No.5018898 [DELETED] 

She made a funny joke on the buliding blocks of life. Maybe you are too autist to recognize jokes.

>> No.5019571

>funny joke
Or maybe you need a sense of humor that isn't utter shit.

>> No.5019865 [DELETED] 

>doesn't understand humor
Serious question: Are you autistic?

>> No.5021090

So you'd rather see shitposting than science and you are a misogynist /b/tard? GTFO

>> No.5021095

Ahhh, shut up, Carl.

>> No.5021696


not called for.

>> No.5021721

>bumping these threads
>expects civility

>> No.5023284


Civility is what separates us from french people.

>> No.5023294

She is not cute. The things I shit I would rather fuck before I put my lips near her tight foreign cavities.

>> No.5023321

You know, I reported the thread because it kept getting bumped by Carl. And then I got a one day ban.

>> No.5023327
File: 32 KB, 324x416, Napoleon Bonaparte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dufaq is that supposed to mean?

>History fact: Napoleon Bonaparte was of Italian descent.

>> No.5023331

this video gave me cancer

>> No.5023335

I got banned twice for reporting this for advertising and spam.
I got banned for making a thread demanding communication with the moderator about said threads and other shit.
Made a post on /q moot ignored it.

Nothing can be done about this shit really you just have to leave with it being bumped for a month straight now.

>> No.5023337

I reported all of the "Cute Science" videos, got all my posts deleted, and got a 7 day ban for "report system abuse". Go figure.

>> No.5023356
File: 79 KB, 754x332, youvegottobekidding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got off with 1 day. Spamming /sci/ is OK, as long as you do it with sciency stuff. So word of advice, don't bother reporting these threads.

>> No.5023404 [DELETED] 

Seriously the mod is a huge raging faggot, I dont care if he bans me again it's not hard to get around a fucking ban.
I'm going to make another post on /q/ I bet if I linked to it on /sci/ so that /sci/ users could see it I'd get banned for "not science"

>> No.5023415

I don't know if by post you mean a new thread. There is one entitled "/sci/ will always be shit". Use it.

>> No.5023421

Never mind, just saw your new thread on the matter.

>> No.5023424

The report button is there for a reason.

>> No.5024279


Perhaps you should go edit wikipedia: "Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader..."

>> No.5024294 [DELETED] 

You do not understand the definition of spam.
Spam is posting the same thing, or very related things, multiple times.
All of these videos are unique; this is not spam.
These videos are science, whether you like it or not.

>> No.5024687 [DELETED] 


>> No.5024703 [DELETED] 

I posted that, but perhaps you should stop bumping these Daniella Titan threads?
I like her, but you are irritating people.


>> No.5024736
File: 4 KB, 203x219, 1262360680320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ mods encouraging this shit

>> No.5024747

These videos are not unique, they are shit and they do not communicate anything to the viewer besides the creator's narcissism.

>> No.5024749

No, you bumping and trolling trying to make the posters of /sci/ turn on the mods. Don't use my post for this bullshit.

>> No.5025756

I agree

>> No.5026312 [DELETED] 


How does commenting on this video turn /sci/ against the mods? If you want to perceive this video and all the non-sage comments as "trolling", then perhaps you are contributing to what you think is a problem.

/sci/ is loaded with garbage threads that NOBODY likes. Many of us like the way DT presents physics and science. If she bothers you that much, use 4chanx and hide the thread.

>> No.5026800

I fully agree. I don't get why people keep trolling and shitting on things they don't like.

>> No.5027197 [DELETED] 


spam is a delicious meat product that is delightful served hot or cold.

>> No.5027208 [DELETED] 

>the Great and Powerful EK
so you're the DT fag?

i just fucking noticed you bumping all the DT threads.

>> No.5027210 [DELETED] 


i love you.

is that ok?

i will maintain a proper distance.

>> No.5027245


You are in love with a fat multiple personality Scotsman?

Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.5027276

C-C-Carl is Scottish?
Please don't say Glasgow and the surrounding area.

>> No.5027609

EK needs to be ponified

I bet you can make this happen

>> No.5027687


somewhere in the slums of Glasgow, I expect.

>> No.5027787
File: 7 KB, 213x165, 1270016503987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isn't actually trying to break anything down, i'm not sure what her audience is.
for instance the mission statements, she didn't go into any of them, why?

>> No.5029057 [DELETED] 

She explains the content in a very clear and professional manner.

Her audience is intellectuals.

>she didn't go into any of them, why?
That is a triviality.

>> No.5029311

if her audience is intellectuals, why make the videos?
they are probably already aware of this
and why have the goofy little visual aids and asides?

>> No.5029321


Can't learning be fun? Didn't you ever have one of those awesome professors who used hand puppets and face-painting to help you learn?

Loosen up. YOLO.

>> No.5030273



>> No.5030286

Fuck off with this bullshit already, there's 5 of these goddamned threads on the first couple of pages.

They're all laid out the same. Either it's the cunt trying to advertise, or some virgin faggot obsessing over the qt gurl xD kawaii~



>> No.5030318


I am high and what is this.

>> No.5030335

But if they were intellectuals, they wouldn't be learning because they'd already be aware of the subject matter considering this is all entry level science. I can't believe that went over your head.

>> No.5030343


i missed something there. what exactly went over my head?

she is smart.

she is good.

she is science to the tee.

how bout u splain to me your major malfunction, private pyle.

>> No.5030350

>silly strings are reul
Oh, I get it.
>silly strings are reul
She is Jewish, or she was raised on and has faith and belief in Jewish propaganda.
>silly strings are reul

>> No.5030356

Does she browse /sci/?

>> No.5030382


probably not. she is not the spamener type.

she actually wants to stimulate people to learn.

i feel bad for her.

>> No.5030377

It was funny the first time you said.

No it wasnt.

>> No.5030418

Never feel bad for someone that promotes disproven theories LONG AFTER they have been disproven, like "Hawkings radiation".

Hawkings redacted his "black-hole radiation" guess, because he realized he was wrong.

>> No.5030423
File: 4 KB, 600x200, SAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5030434


>> No.5030462


Hawking did retract a previous statement regarding the conservation of information and black holes, but I don't remember which way that one went.

>> No.5030466

The holocaust didn't happen. There is no evidence to support it.

>> No.5030497


don't feel bad man, nobody knows what he says. he exceeds your slobber quotient and you black out.

>> No.5030643

i think the point is, what is she trying to do? be science news? why the goofy stuff?

is she trying to be entry level? she isn't explaining anything, entry level people are just going to go "okay" and forget about it all.

>> No.5030651

Your bumpost shows.

Maybe you should examine your entertainment values for observable evidence, falsifiability and spermdrinking.

>> No.5031168

no u

>> No.5031574 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with science?

>> No.5031581

Everything is science related.

>> No.5031631

She's so kawaaaiiii~ :3

>> No.5031720

Why are all these cute science threads on the SECOND page? It's cute, and it's science; this is all clearly frontpage material.

>> No.5031746 [DELETED] 

Fuck you Redcream

>> No.5031788

Oh wow, I've never seen this before. Has anybody on /sci/ seen this around? It looks interesting!

>> No.5031821

Don't you faggots know cancer when you see it? One thread is benign...

sage this shit

>> No.5031835

i don't understand.

do you want her to move to Sage, (Kern County), California...or Sage, (Riverside County,) California?

I must note neither location features any great institute focusing on cancer research, so i'm a bit lost by what you might mean.

>> No.5031847

It's just science, dude. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.5031884

>implying anybody doesn't want to fuck her
Cute Science!

>> No.5032020


>> No.5032735 [DELETED] 

What's your problem? This is a very informative science video.

>> No.5032874

/sci/ pretty much sucked balls today. lots of homework and pseudoscience.

daniella, what do you make of the trainwreck that is /sci/? crank up that Greek accent and slay us with your armpits.

>> No.5032885
File: 237 KB, 658x749, 12o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5032894
File: 671 KB, 400x600, 1346781620073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to bed, but this troll thread pulled me in.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.5032898


it's the end of the world as we know it.

and i feel fine.

>> No.5033801

What was the name of this song?

>> No.5033820


>> No.5033825

damn it

you may have won this time, OP promoting an actress who cannot even pronounce simple scientific words correctly, but you are not a winner in my book

>> No.5033826

>2:46, 2:47, 2:48
>All following 5-6 hour post gaps

Cut this fucking shit out! You're not even trying to cover up that you're the same motherfucker anymore!

>> No.5034613



>> No.5034717 [DELETED] 

What does REM stand for?

>> No.5034722

wow three threads on this person...

yes she is cute
yes she is good at making science accessible
but three thread!
three fucking threads.
most people on sci know all this stuff anyway go spam a retarded board with it, e.g. /b/

>> No.5034724


four threads dude. get with the program or get out.

>> No.5035788 [DELETED] 

>yuros in charge of converting their time into amerifat zone

>> No.5037595 [DELETED] 


/sci/ is only slightly less retarded than /b/

>> No.5037654

i just came back to /sci/ after months of absence, read your comment, left this comment, and then left

>> No.5038841 [DELETED] 


i hope you are kidding. you read one comment and left?

/sci/ has about 100 threads on it right now, with an average of 10 comments on each one. so, this rough guess is 1000 comments on /sci/, and you read just one of them.

you, sir, are not a scientist. you came here with a mind full of prejudice.

>> No.5038856

These videos are science related, so they can be posted to this board. There shouldn't be a question about that.

The problem is that these videos get posted a lot, or seem to be, that they start to look like spam. It would be nice to see these videos posted once, and the same thread bumped, or commented on without seeing another thread with the same link. It's since been moved off and 404'd, but someone dumped a link to every one of this girl's videos.

But, hey, can you expect anything more from /sci/? Probably not. Pissing into an ocean of piss, trolls trolling trolls, et cetera.

>> No.5038880 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 1366x2225, construedasspam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point. Folks see this, and think "omg, spam!"

But, hey, /sci/ is shit. It's to be expected.

>> No.5038953 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 500x450, new_meme_cobra_vroooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but /sci/ does not have to be shit.

focus on the middle schoolers

focus on the obvious trolls, starting religion threads.

ignore DT threads. they are just noise.

>> No.5038988

what the hell is with this lighting
what am i jerking off to amateur allure?
no, because their scenes are boring and overexposed

>> No.5039003 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 572x439, new_meme778badc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you a poet?

i did not expect poets from /fit/

talk to me

>> No.5039023

GO BACK TO FUCKING /soc/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5039020

One of the groups in my lab (hypersonics/combustion guys) worked on the maneuvering engines of the re-entry vehicle. They're grouped into three pairs of impinging jets. While they were already on route to Mars, the group figured out that certain combinations of jet pairs resulted in negative control authority, and a software update had to be sent to Curiosity disallowing certain modes.

Given how complex the landing was, we all just assumed some other group had missed something else as large and it was going to crash and burn. Heh.

>> No.5039027 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 581x386, new_meme_columbin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i liked it up till the last part.

>> No.5039042

i'm a little busy right now, but i'm going to make a thread for textbooks i should check out soon

>> No.5039897

I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.5039915


thread is floating around now:

>> No.5040696 [DELETED] 

/q/ now has THREE threads complaining about DT.


aspies can't into ironic, i guess

>> No.5041366 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure if it's irony. Maybe he's doing it intentionally.

>> No.5041899 [DELETED] 


i rather doubt it.

>> No.5041936 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 126x86, nice things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw one of my fanfags picks this moment to bump every single DT thread in existence on /sci/

>> No.5041978 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 500x347, case_dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol we can't have nice things IF YOU FUCKING POST A THUMBNAIL

btw, do you know the genesis of my uhh, what did you call me, my fanfag name?

>> No.5041989 [DELETED] 

erm, no
what is it?

>> No.5043348 [DELETED] 

>implying you have any fans
Stop samefagging

>> No.5044276

You are permabanned, why are you still here?

>> No.5044296

Is this live yet?

>> No.5045062


this is strange. in last night's massacre, EK was left standing.


>> No.5045346


lol. moot is a coder.

>> No.5046139 [DELETED] 

It 404'd by now. Look for it in the archive.

>> No.5047150 [DELETED] 


EK is not a mod. SHE'S A JANITOR.

>> No.5047384 [DELETED] 


i saw EK post a few minutes ago. i thought they only gave her internet privileges in the evening.

she must have had a review recently.

>> No.5047553

i just can't watch the video, even if i don't listen and just masturbate. Her voice is so fucking annoying.

>> No.5048031 [DELETED] 

sage in all fields

>> No.5048930 [DELETED] 

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.5049193


>> No.5049197

Thank you.

>> No.5050273

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5050290

moot is the 4chan administrator, not a coder.

>> No.5050304

>Implying moot isn't a programmer

>> No.5051125


that is simply not true. younger members of /sci/ can be encouraged by her open approach. in particular, the anti-female bias of 4chan is balanced by DT, which is great if any young females feel intimidated by male oppression.

>> No.5051146 [DELETED] 

It's true.
I'm a girl and Daniela inspired me to study physics.

>> No.5051151

Marketing, on /sci/ of all places

>> No.5051162


oh you.


>> No.5052117 [DELETED] 

He shouldn't learn to troll and you shouldn't encourage him. Trolling isn't welcome on /sci/.

>> No.5053143


captcha: troll rude

>> No.5053175 [DELETED] 


>> No.5054315


please use your mighty scientific powers to distinguish between marketing and love.

>> No.5054342

I'v been seeing these threads for a while now.
So today for the first time I pressed play.

Huge fucking mistake.
Give me back my 32 seconds of life.

>> No.5054962 [DELETED] 

How is this love or marketing? These are informative educational videos on science.

>> No.5055007 [DELETED] 

Is her explanation on Hawking radiation legit?

>> No.5055067 [DELETED] 

Yes. It is very informative.

>> No.5055091 [DELETED] 

But is it scientifically accurate?

>> No.5055121 [DELETED] 

Yes. I have an internship at JPL. She is really good at explaining.

>> No.5056076 [DELETED] 

You should have watched more than 32 seconds. It gets much more informative and entertaining around 2 minutes.

>> No.5056085


especially the one where she is wearing the shark hat. at the end she swims and you would think it was a real shark.

and in another one the camera guy made her turn around so you could see the clothespins they needed to make the lab coat fit.

so yeah, you have to watch the whole thing to fully appreciate the DT experience.

>> No.5056120


yes you are cute and have nice armpits. but really, please stop spamening /sci/.

we are serious science talkers leave us alone

sage and hide

>> No.5056127
File: 72 KB, 308x450, dr._venture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing the top two threads feature the same blue-haired girl, I just wanted to make sure /sci/ is aware that blue hair on girls means lesbian, stay away boys.

Pink-haired girls put out, though they're usually big.

>> No.5056148


that's a load of nonsense. blue and pink hair is based on one gene, while homosexuality/lesbianism is completely separate.

and promiscuity depends on societal pressures, like whether or not you go to church and worship the Lord.

>> No.5056152

Stop promoting your own videos !

>> No.5056925


it isn't her. i doubt if she knows /sci/ exists.

4chan is well known for /b/, but otherwise, outsiders really aren't aware of the lesser boards.

>> No.5057751 [DELETED] 

If she knew of /sci/ and read these threads, she'd probably be scared away from the internet forever.

>> No.5058572 [DELETED] 

I didn't really care about the whole curiosity/mars thing but now this video made me interested. Thanks, OP.

>> No.5058597 [DELETED] 

This is an educational science video discussion. How is it advertising?

>> No.5058618 [DELETED] 

Nobody is promoting anything.

>> No.5059481


i'd buy some of those goggles if she wants to start selling them. then i'd ask my girlfriend to wear them when we sex.

>> No.5060267 [DELETED] 

Those are space goggles. You can only wear them in space.

>> No.5061124 [DELETED] 

They sell a pair like that at my local store, but it isn't DT's so I don't think I would buy them.

>> No.5061143 [DELETED] 

I wish I had her voice.

>> No.5061168 [DELETED] 

Same here.

>> No.5061186 [DELETED] 

I vote to send Daniela on the first manned mars mission.

>> No.5061205 [DELETED] 

I agree!

>> No.5061224 [DELETED] 


Best thing on internet.

>> No.5061244 [DELETED] 

Genius girl

>> No.5061288 [DELETED] 

Same here, someone should fund this

>> No.5062455 [DELETED] 


does she have a paypal? or do i contact someone at nasa?

>> No.5063243 [DELETED] 

I think we'd have to go to nasa

>> No.5063606 [DELETED] 

I wish I could go to mars :(

>> No.5063643 [DELETED] 

I love her goggles

>> No.5064119 [DELETED] 

She has such nice hair

>> No.5064170

And now, ladies and gentlemen of /sci, the first 100,000 digits of pi. Brought to you buy Autism. Autism: because counting things is interesting enough.


>> No.5064174



>> No.5064178



>> No.5064180



>> No.5064185



>> No.5064256 [DELETED] 


>> No.5064261



>> No.5064267


>> No.5064275


>> No.5064316

What can be summed up in 5 seconds of research, is now explained over the period of a few minutes by some annoying ADD girl, who has no real insight.

Unfortunately the internet is full of autistic neckbeards who want think they stand a chance by liking it.

>Nice work, Daniella. Do you ever post here? I can see why you wouldn't, being a hot chick it's probably kinda awkward around students.

fuck man have some dignity

>> No.5064968 [DELETED] 

What are you babbling on about? Did you even watch the video?

>> No.5066078


i don't think that's it at all. if it were, they would have focused on a "girly" girl. DT is more like an actual student or professional scientist.

and a bit of a performer, i'll grant you that.

my only complaint is that her hand gestures are too repetitive and pointless. she has said that she is not fluent in english, which is why the videos are broken into single sentence segments, and that lack of comfort with the language might explain the excessive gesturing.

it will be interesting to see if she gets more relaxed as she makes additional videos.

>> No.5066637

Go away mtp

>> No.5066694

I'm sick of /sci/ being flooded with the same videos from day to day. In all honesty, they aren't that great. Please advertise elsewhere