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5035429 No.5035429 [Reply] [Original]

How would you reinvent k-12 education for the 20th century?

I would first of all separate the schools into two categories. One Cat. is Inner-cities schools,the other is everyone else.
Why should small town America,be lumped with Detroit when it comes to evaluating how we are doing when it comes to education?

Next, I would treat every student as an individual,and end the production line that we call education.

Last, I would offer trade-schools,as an alternative to going to college. Alot of students would rather be a excavator operator,than a scientist.

>> No.5035434

treating every student as an individual. while nice in theory im afraid the ministry of education dont have the necessary funds for such approach. EVER.

>> No.5035449

>Remove any religious education because I'm a militant atheist and objectively and logically correct
>Make all sciences include an evolutionary theme
>evolution to be compulsory study until 18
>Gay rights and sex education to the max
>Natural history to take precedence over recorded history
>Insist that humans are just slightly more evolved animals
>Fit in all the other subjects where it's convenient


>> No.5035463

Can't we implement temporary sterilization these days?

We need to bring back the Nuns with the rulers.
Let kid's beat up their oppressors.

Why gay rights?

>> No.5035519

>How would you reinvent k-12 education for the 20th century?
I would end compulsory education, and government funding for it.

Compulsory education as we know it was introduced because British factory barons wanted the easiest way to find good workers. Teaching individuals well was never the point.

The thing called "higher education" that we have today is a total-opposite of what it was in ancient Greek and Roman times.

>> No.5035521

We need to teach them what we're "scared" to teach them. any taboo's are included. Not teaching them decently about what will affect most of their lives(sex) is fucking retarded.

Also, Higher paid teachers who want to teach. Junior research programs. maybe Even a social skills class since we could easily save tons of kids with shitty parents. I would have taken it. make it mandatory.

Bring back recess and play.
They are children. Playing is fundemental, especially if they can't at home with the retarded "play date" system. Open play should be encouraged, but still safe. at least 1 hour a day.

Remove the food pyramid. all of that nonsense. Keep the diet for k-7 relatively similar. Past that make a variety. The rest should have a more in depth lesson on what vitamins and minerals do, why the reccommended allowance is what it is, which foods are nutrient dense, how to prepare(maybe another class idk) and a list of effective diets and plans they can choose from if they wish.

then exercise. The fact that we have a national exercise program and still have obesity is ridiculous. In part with the health education include a fitness regiment. I hate to endorse something private but something Similar to Starting strength. Just slightly more balanced to avoid a nation of T-rexes. but still basic but in depth weight lifting and cardio. Maybe throw some stuff simlilar to yoga in there.


>> No.5035533

cont. I actually had to go and i don't remember the rest of my ideas

I really wanted to start my own university or library or a school of sorts. with rules that aren't fucking retarded and schooling that is phenomenal. No standardized shit. just pure learning for the betterment of mankind

>> No.5035539

You want to get that amnesia treated first, mate.

>> No.5035554

>>5035449 more evolved

Back to school witg you

>> No.5035556

Teach them what are scared to teach

I am.a fan of the librarian approach. Make accurate information availlable at request, but dont plan any course curricullum around it.

>> No.5035588


Much more focus on trades. The way it's set up now is like it's supposed to be every kid's goal to go to college and get an office job, and it's just the ones who fall short of that goal who end up becoming mechanics, welders, electricians, etc. In a healthy economy there should be several blue collar workers for every white collar worker. It's a monumental failure of our education system that so many kids get out of high school and can't make it through college or get office jobs, but haven't been taught any practical skills to fall back on so they end up becoming chronically unemployed welfare recipients. There's no reason we can't ensure that virtually every High School graduate has either a strong chance of finishing college with several college-level courses already under his/her belt, or is well on the way to becoming license/certified in a trade.

>> No.5035606

What happened to your greentext?

>> No.5035711

I'd eliminate high school and bring back guilds. A lad can join a chemicals guild for instance.

>> No.5035715

>mechanics, welders, electricians, etc

there's ample supply for the few jobs left

>> No.5036490


Actually no. I'm a marine electrician, and it's easy to find work. Same with welders and mechanics. In certain industries in certain parts of the country, they are struggling to find qualified workers to fill these positions. These are jobs that must be done on-site so they can't be outsourced, and most immigrants either don't have the necessary skills or are unfamiliar with the way things are done here as materials and practices are different from country to country.

>> No.5036572

>Gay rights
Kill yourself, gay people just can have normal rights, being gay is nothing to be proud of, it doesn't even mean that you're a special snowflake. They can just stay in the closet or hide their relationships if they don't want to be discriminated, but no, they go to the streets shouting "GAY RIGHTS" because they're just attention manwhores.

>> No.5036574


guilds ftw

>> No.5036587

I agree as long as we can keep the guilds free of discriminatory practices.

>> No.5036648

Aren't guilds like unions, only without the suck?

>> No.5036676

> there's ample supply for the few jobs left

Correct. Education (albeit quite fucked up) is no longer the problem. The problem is in the collapse in economic activity that provides opportunity, and that collapse will deepen as we get deeper ourselves into Petroleum Starvation.

Training becomes irrelevant when (1) you can't get a job anyway, and (2) the costs of legal compliance in forming your own business are hellishly high (at the behest of major corporations, who use regulations to squash competition).

>> No.5036690

> In certain industries in certain parts of the country, they are struggling to find qualified workers to fill these positions.

That's because they refuse to bow to the same market forces they expect the rest of us to bow to with their products or services. If they can't find qualified workers, they need to either (1) drop requirements and/or (2) increase wages. If that means investing in trade schools to supply workers, then so be it.

It's almost always a bullshit assertion that companies "can't find qualified workers" in the USA. Our real unemployment rate is over 15%. There are a LOT of willing bodies available. But companies want to outsource and offshore instead of paying those people or training them.

>> No.5036706

> There's no reason we can't ensure that virtually every High School graduate has either a strong chance of finishing college with several college-level courses already under his/her belt, or is well on the way to becoming license/certified in a trade.

Sure there's a reason: The voracious capitalists (i.e. corporate socialists) who won't stop until they own everything, including all your labor (i.e. making you a slave in all practical definition).

>> No.5037162


No, really, that's not correct. There is not ample supply. Sure, in the entire U.S. as a whole (assuming we're all American here?), there might be more skilled workers than jobs in just about every trade. But that's irrelevant, because not everyone is willing to relocate. You can't simply take a worker in one state where there are few jobs and plug him into a position in another state where there are few workers. We're not quite at a point yet in human history where travel and communication is so fast, cheap, and/or easy that the only statistics that matter are national or global ones.

And the cool thing about blue-collar skills is that they're rarely entirely useless, even if there are no jobs. For example, an auto mechanic will always have transportation. A carpenter might be reduced to living in a shack, but it'll have the best deck in town. Most white-collar workers don't have skills that are as useful outside of their jobs.

>> No.5037190

Get rid of the mindset that there are no winners and losers. I hate our children being taught that if they screw up they can just try it again and again until they pass. That's not how the real world works and we are not preparing them for that.

>> No.5037216

Sorry OP, but I don't have a time machine to fix anything that happened last century.

>> No.5037217


A lot of companies are investing in trade schools right now, but they're still a little behind the curve as a lot of these trades take 4 or more years to learn and they need workers now. They can't drop requirements while still ensuring safety and quality. They can't always afford to increase wages. One might ask why they can't increase wages if they have enough business that they need more workers. I'm not going to pretend to know enough about any company's finances to answer that. I do know that it's not a simple question to answer, and that just because a company is busy doesn't necessarily mean it's profitable.

"It's almost always a bullshit assertion that companies "can't find qualified workers" in the USA. Our real unemployment rate is over 15%. There are a LOT of willing bodies available. But companies want to outsource and offshore instead of paying those people or training them."

Companies need more than willing bodies. They need highly skilled workers. I'm talking about jobs that can't be done overseas. No one wants to send their car to China to get their transmission fixed, or to try to explain to an immigrant who barely speaks English what's wrong with it. These are jobs for Americans, but we don't know how to do them anymore.