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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 350x263, george-costanza-iphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5035042 No.5035042 [Reply] [Original]

There are 3500 calories in 1lb of human fat. The laws of thermodynamics dictate that the only reason (and only possible way) that you are overweight is because you consume more calories than your body needs. For every lb of fat that you are overweight, you have consumed 3500 calories more than your body requires. You can and will lose weight if you eat at a caloric deficit. This is proven and irrefutable scientific theory. Surely you can't deny this?

I’m a physicist, and you’re fucking wrong. Sorry. The metabolism is a complex system with many variables. Efficiency of the system varies not only from person to person, but throughout someone’s life. That’s the second law of thermodynamics, the one that governs chemical reactions. You’re hung up on the first law, which is just a conservation law (bookkeeping).

Humans aren’t lawnmowers. God I hate educating you trolls. Spend three seconds thinking about this instead of copying a paragraph from your thermo 101 book. Do you really think a teenager has the same metabolic efficiency and rate as a 70 year-old man? A pregnant person as a non-pregnant person? Someone with a healing wound as someone whose body is enduring the depths of famine (or is dieting)?

>> No.5035043

The metabolism isn’t perfectly understood, definitely by people like you, and even by researchers. There are theories out there about a bodyweight setpoint around which a body fluctuates, but towards which a bodies tends, mostly programmed by genetics and partially by history and environment. This means the metabolism resists weight loss below a certain point, and it also resists weight GAIN above a certain point.

Also, fat people haven’t been shown to, in general, eat any differently than thinner people. Which mean’s they’re not consuming a giant amount of food to make their bodies bigger. And 95% of diets fail long-term, which means your little “it’s easy, eat less move more!” prescription doesn’t work, which, if you’re a scientist (please I hope you’re NOT), points to some kind of fatal flaw in your theory.

Here’s a list of resources compiled by Michelle at the Fat Nutritionist. Which you probably won’t read, if you’re ignorant enough not to understand how the laws of thermodynamics apply to chemical reactions and human metabolic systems. But my readers are sharp and reflective folks (not literally, freshman!), so they might appreciate it.

>> No.5035048

We got it, OP. You're fat as fatass.

>> No.5035063


>getting trolled
>20....you know the rest.

>> No.5035073

When you burn 3500 calories you burn 3500 calories.

>> No.5035160 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 400x300, asteroid-hits-earth-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I was in the toilet have a shit, and I thought of something.
How do we ever get hit by Asteroids or Meteorites?
I mean, if this is how the solar system moves - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBlAGGzup48&feature=player_detailpage#t=5s - then how the hell do we get hit by anything? Specially with all the gravity pulling everything this way and that.
To me, It just seems that to be hit by a Asteroid or Meteorite is incredibly unlikely unless it was aimed at us.

>> No.5035188
File: 19 KB, 491x404, 1342172698901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in a cutting phase right now, eating about 700 calories, mostly protons
don't really get hungry, but when i do i think about this video i saw on /fa/
i'm losing about 4 pounds a week, should be done cutting sometime before halloween

also everyone i know that is fat has shit eating habits including my unaesthetic fat brother

>> No.5035201


I bet that diet has a very positive (+) effect on your body.

>> No.5035204


go choke on a thousand dicks,

>> No.5035206

>mostly protons
Oh God my sides

>> No.5035210

>aesthetics increasing
>side affects negligible

>> No.5035224


You don't get it.

>> No.5035228

back to >>>/fit/

>> No.5035242

i don't, something about pH?

>> No.5035250

do you know what a proton is?

>> No.5035254

oh okay 5 star joke brah