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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5022281 No.5022281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wish I'd done something easy in college and had a life. Instead of math/physics bullshit.

I wish I'd have done something I'd actually make As in and allow me to have a fun and fulfilling social life. I feel like I made the worst possible decision going into this shit. I just fucking want out, but it's too late now, I'm a senior now. Imagine where I'd be if I'd used that energy at becoming a more sociable and friendlier person, instead of racking my brain trying to solve a bunch of bullshit math problems that are not practical for fcuking anything.

what a fucking waste of my time. seriously. fuck math. fuck physics. Anyone who goes into these fields that's not a freaking genius is a retard. Usually in my classes there were a few actually smart people, but the majority of the classes were people like me.

worst mistake ever.

>> No.5022285

it is a waste. realy. if you feel that undergrad is so difficult, you wont be able to do anything with your degree when you are done anyway.

>> No.5022300
File: 222 KB, 640x453, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck physics, i am a retard like you pushed by hipster scientists saying science is beautifull and everyone should have a grasp of it because it is so pure and wonderfull but i stumbled upon determinism and the big free willy lie, discovered i was not a genius, discovered science is done the wrong way because most scientists are dick heads, discovered i could live an happier life without all this bullshit, but now it is too late.

See this man, he understood.

Math is worth it though.

>> No.5022313

yeah seriously fuck that. Fuck people who are always like 'hurrr math and physics is so beautiful and perfect and elegant it's amazing don't worry about practicality'.

what a load of fucking bullshit. I'm not happy from spending 5 hours proving some retarded theorem that has absolutely no consequence to anything. I'm happy when I'm making memories with friends and meeting girls....something I never have any fucking time to do because all I do is this fucking math bullshit.

>> No.5022312

Relax, you're in a good position to switch to an easier field now. It's always easier to go from a more technical field to a less technical field. Just start looking around for something you want to do after you graduate, talk to people in other departments, etc.

>> No.5022315
File: 19 KB, 300x234, grigoriperelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy did it the good way too, pure math done by peoples like that is beautifull

Same for Grothendieck.

>> No.5022318

yeah I bought this bullshit too.

but what can you do with math/physics without a graduate degree?

>> No.5022323

Fuck, you guys are worrying me.

It can't be that bad, can it? This is my life plan for the next 4 years.

>> No.5022326

First up, you can get a graduate degree in a non-math field, and at that point your undergrad degree/major is irrelevant (almost).

If you want to go straight to the job market, can't really give any suggestions cause I never tried it (went straight to grad school) but a lot of jobs would take a math graduate, you just need to look carefully at your options.

>> No.5022338

Apparently accounting and some programming jobs take undergrad math degrees, given a few extra courses on the side. Can't say I've heard of much else.

>> No.5022344

it is that bad, and worse. drop now before you waste half or more of your college career and then realize you should drop.

unless you really know you're cut out for this (aka genius level IQ) don't fucking go into this shit.

>> No.5022356

dont mind me, just on cruise control in the engineering department.

>> No.5022363


My IQ is all over the place, depending on the test. I've gotten as low as 129 and as high as 145. Genius is what, 159?

>> No.5022373
File: 53 KB, 400x386, 1345652674992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you and OP:

When I started school I didn't really give two shits where I ended up as long as there was money in the field and a decent future in it, so I ended up going with accounting. Around my 3rd year I realized what I enjoyed was more science oriented than commerce oriented so I got all butthurt about wasting my time and money just to rot away in a climate controlled office. But the grass is always greener on the other side, the artist who sells tiny stupid fucking figurines still has to deal with buying a studio, talking to retarded customers and suppliers then updating the website and other trivial shit. Young people want a career that will hold their hands and tell them bedtime stories, work doesn't exist to fulfill your every emotional need

Also your math/physics undergrad can easily translate to just about anything in grad school. It's a lot easier to teach a math major finance than it is to teach a finance major math

tldr; go cultivate personal satisfaction outside of work/school. It isn't difficult

>> No.5022372

you might make it, might not. but why risk it really?

have a happier life

>> No.5022376

I wouldn't use IQ as a way to decide your future. If you want to get anywhere in math you need to be genius in the sense of "really fucking good at math" and also you need to get a boner every time you take an integral. IQ doesn't really communicate those things.

>> No.5022383

also, glad I decided to just pursue math on my own time than get involved in the clusterfuck that is academia

>> No.5022386

Are those internet tests or IRL tests?

>> No.5022397

there are people who were undergrads in math and physics but have gotten into graduate programs for engineering right? i remember a few nights ago there was a math guy who was doing engineering studies at grad level.

>> No.5022404

Yeah, but that's a tough road to follow. Engineering grad studies are pretty competitive grade-scholarship-funding wise, and as a math undergrad you wouldn't have all the background in materials, statics, dynamics and a host of other things your peers (and profs) take for granted.

Not to say the math undergrads here shouldn't try it if that's what they want to do, just a friendly warning that it will be harder for you than your peers. It doesn't help that the math in most engineering fields is pretty trivial.

>> No.5022420


Score higher on IRL tests because I'm usually not playing WoW while doing them.

I just want to be a part of something space related. I want to help us get off this rock and infest another planet.

>> No.5022424

Some sort of engineering sounds like the right path then

>> No.5022434

Engineering pays the bills, if you are willing to go overseas there are a plethora of job opportunities with just your undergrad finished. i figured most folks would take a break after 4 years tho.

>> No.5022437

From my observation, many physics majors have "head up their ass syndrome" and suffer from the same situation you do. I graduated in spring 2011, and from what I can tell, a majority of my fellow majors are still unemployed if they didn't immediately go to grad school.

I work for a gov contractor doing what they call systems engineering (very very broad term). I'll do math/data analysis and some programming. I got the job because I had taken a number of comp sci courses, and highlighted math and data analysis skills I picked up doing physics. My advantage is that I know the mathematical side of things, as well as comp sci side.

When looking for a job, I suggest looking into fields that require a good amount of math. Think statistics and data analysis. Check out finance and or Systems Engineering. You'll probably have to move if you live out in bumfucknowhere.

I'm going back for an MS now in Applied Math, looking to get into finance. Physics is only useful if you have your head in the game.

>> No.5022436

Personally my undergrade in engineering produced no job opportunities. The masters changed that though, even got an offer or two in australia which is pretty sweet.

>> No.5022441

And when I say going back for MS, I mean my employer is paying for it.

>> No.5022450

For all you IQ fags, Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125. He did good shit. He cared about what he did, and he found great joy in it. He applied himself.

Still, do what makes you happy. All other arguments against the path are still (semi)valid, but this IQ nonsense really doesn't hold up.

>> No.5022452

you know what they call a guy who barely makes it through medical school?


>> No.5022454

OP can be like mike judge

>> No.5022459

Feynman was good at physics and was good at math. He destroyed undergrad. He got into a top school. he knew he had a knack for that sort of thing, even if he scored low on an IQ test.

and by the end of high school you know if you have a knack for math/physics kinds of things or not. The point is not an IQ score, the point is if you're actually good at it or not.

i'm fucking pissed because people told me to go into it anyway despite the fact I knew it wasn't what I was good at.

>> No.5022463

So in other words, you knew you were a dumbass but attempted to graduate in the two hardest degrees out there.

You know what they would call that in an arts major? Hubris, son.

>> No.5022468

OP status:
shit on

>> No.5022471

doesnt matter, very few people are good at everything. those guys who get math/physics might not get other shit as well. The fact that you made it through school means you can hack it. and, partially, school is a hazing period to see if you can hack it. you will hardly ever be working completely isolated from others, network man... you may not know an answer off the top of your head, but i bet you got the phone number of someone who does (you damn well better).

play to your strengths, dont be afraid to ask your peers, be motivated, and generally have a positive outlook. do these things and you will find satisfaction in any career.

>> No.5022476

You kinda have to have extreme assburgers to enjoy and do well in those fields.
Something like chemistry or stats can potentially be even more interesting and they're both probably a lot easier than math or phys.

>> No.5022480

so someone who's normal would be the coolest guy in the room?

>> No.5022483


Yeah. You'd get all the girls, if there were any. But there's not.

>> No.5022485

so your saying you'd have to be gay? gotcha

>> No.5022501

kind of agree, went into Computer Science, the CS classes are fun but the math/physics is the absolute worst.

kind of wish i dumbed down and just did IT instead.

>> No.5022560


>> No.5022569

I'm a sophomore who's seriously thinking about majoring in math. Is it really that bad?

>> No.5022574

Determinism is far from a settled issue, if it makes you feel better.

>> No.5022583

Not him, but I get so much fucking satisfaction from finally understanding a certain type of problem. God damn is that a good feeling.

>> No.5022596

>regrets studying and not having a fun and fulfilling social life
That's because you don't know what a social life is really like. I used to think like yo, untill I had a very social life for a year and noticed that I liked being on my own more. Now I'm way happier.
Anyway, this is /sci/ we talk about actual sci/math here. If you want to talk about your 'feels', please go to >>>/r9k/.

>> No.5022599

You're an idiot btw.