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5018785 No.5018785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do black people all smell so weird? what do white people smell like?

not trolling, I legitimately want to know why they smell different

>> No.5018797

They do not, you are just racist.
A clean person does not smell, and you are just implying that they do not clean themselves.

>> No.5018804

I'm not being racist, I'm just pointing out that they smell different. And not because they don't clean, either. So if their musk isn't because they don't smell, what's the cause?

>> No.5018806

they don't shower*

>> No.5018814

They might wear a different sort of scent, I don't know. Humans mask their true scent nowadays.

>> No.5018819


Have you been to college? Ever been doing a paper in the lab and there are some Indians in there? It smells like shit every single time. I sware that Indian people do not shower daily. And if they do they need to shower even more. I've been told it's the food but seriously. Shower you dumb Indian people.

>> No.5018820

We are evolutionarily predisposed to dislike the smell of people of the same sex who are epigenetically different than ourselves. Specifically it relates to the immune system we inherited from our mother while sharing her bloodstream.

We are similarly disinclined to enjoy the smell of people of the opposite sex who are epigenetically similar to ourselves, to help keep us from fucking our parents and siblings.

>> No.5018827

yeah but it's pretty unlikely that they all wear the same-smelling cologne or perfume. in my experience, not ALL black people smell different, but at least half (in my experience) do. this is true for Indians, too

that sounds pretty interesting. would you happen to have any scientific journals on this stuff? would like to read more

>> No.5018824

A lot of it is just the shit they put in their hair.


>> No.5018843

The whole science of sex and smell is pretty heavily studied. There's a bunch of links and titles in the sources section of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor_and_subconscious_human_sexual_attraction

>> No.5018853

thanks man

>> No.5018913

I agree with OP. I find that there is indeed a "black person smell". I imagine they would find that there is a "white/asian person smell". Bare in mind that humans are about as smelly as an animal gets; we are constantly releasing odour-bacterial laden sweat onto our skin.

I have a couple hypotheses about how this comes about.

Black people have a culturally different diets. Also, they are more likely to have a hair style which you are either not expected to wash or which requires oiled hair (dreadlocks, corn rows, afro, buzzcut). All these things could contribute to a distinctie "black person smell"

It's also possible that it's due entirely to a genetic difference, though this is unlikely. But not totally unreasonable.

>> No.5019097

The answer is obvious: the conditions of mutations of these two big races were different and thus we have differencies in phisiology and anatomy.

>> No.5019123

They don't smell. Their breath just stinks due to not having money to pay the dentist and all that drinking and smoking they do

>> No.5019138

what you're smelling is indeed body odor due to lack of showering

same thing is happening for indians, for the most part

members of either race who shower don't smell, with the exception of some indians who cook a lot at home and end up smelling somewhat of curry/spices (note that indian BO is not the same as curry)

source: black people in high school and indians in grad school/where i work

>> No.5019146

the "oiled hair" thing is definitely a factor. black people wear a ridiculous amount of product in their hair to make it manageable

>> No.5019169

I rarely notice that anyone has any smell at all. When they do, it's armpit sweat, whose smell is derived from the bacterial breakdown of it. My sister has been smelly on many occasions, as a non Anglo Saxon caucasoid, her stink was derived from eating garlic-laced Caeser salads. There was a Pakistani woman teacher who smelled terrible of a pungent perfume that she used. I recall when I was a kid, a friend of Irish ancestry smelled of the laundry material and whatever else was in his house, whose interior smelled like he did.

>> No.5019174

The fact is that we just cannot know. Anyone claiming otherwise would be very unwise and foolish.

>> No.5019207

Stop hanging around dirty people, you dirty cunt.

>> No.5019320


white people smell like wet dogs. it's disgusting.

>> No.5019337

why don't black people smell like cigarettes after smoking?
>is it the menthols?
>or does the smell not stick to their pube like hair?
>i'd smoke for the hell of it if it weren't for the smell

>> No.5019367

Human smell is determined by personal hygiene, quality of products they use to hide their human smell (cheap ass deodorant isn't as good as French parfum), hormones, diet and of course how much they sweat.

Stuff like garlic, onions, curry, etc will enter the blood flow and make you smell even if you bathe. Milk, meat, and even fruits can affect too but not as noticeable as garlic or onion.

People who spend all day cleaning the office will sweat more than the people doing paperwork in the same office.

Of course there are people who naturally smell better or worse (probably related to metabolism and hormones) I have a relative that even after a hot day playing sports without deodorant still magically smells good, (and a few people that have the tendency to smell bad even if they showers every day) but I see those more as isolated cases and not related to a entire populational group.

>> No.5019375

Personally I never noticed a smell, but I guess you are right.

It's because Whites and blacks are different races, as are indians, arabs, asians etc.

Just like different species, they produce slightly different smell

It's evolution but it's not a very big factor

>> No.5019416

I am surprised no one has said this yet.

Diet, genetics and hormones are all relevant in how we smell. Obviously we are all unique to some extent.

Some one of a different biochemical make up, who eats different kinds of foods is going to smell differently.

>> No.5019451

>I am surprised no one has said this yet.


>> No.5019453

I'm a black Jamaican and when i first moved to the United States I noticed that many Caucasians had very weird very distinct smell. After over a decade of living here now I don't notice it. It might be cultural instead of biological considering Jamaican cuisine and American cuisine are pretty different.

>> No.5019469

why don't you guys smell like cigarettes or weed when you smoke?

>> No.5019549

This is something else i noticed while i was down there this summer. So many people smoke but you never smell it on them. I think its because most people smoke outside or on their verandas.

>> No.5019628

>thinks black people smell weird
>doesn't know how white people smell
What are you?

>> No.5019701

This is actually a very good question that I'd love my students to ask more but there's the oh so bad "isn't this question racist?".

Well first off, there's a number of factors why people smell a certain way like not showering or what they eat (they are very much what you eat, more than most people realize).

But beyond all these even if you eat right and shower regularly there will still be an "inherent" natural scent you give off. Human pheromones is something we don't talk much about. Certain groups are naturally more attracted by scent to other groups, in fact we see it and study it regularly in nature. Certain groups are just naturally more attracted to a scent in other groups determined by your genetics and the adaptations over generations to these scents. You find certain traits in a mate desirable and some... not so desirable. In your case, it's the scent of a certain group that changed differently over time. Don't worry, you're not racist or anything. It's just nature. I'm sure more than once you've gotten very turned on because a girl you like smells nice or maybe a girl you may not know you like but just by smelling her you get quite excited.

>> No.5019703

A simpler way example would be the famous "old people smell" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2-Nonenal)) I'm sure many people are familiar with. It's sorta like that. In fact, before we proved the so called "old person scent" the inherent scents of humans detectable by other humans was even considered pseudoscience (even though at the time we knew for a fact all people had their own scent, which is why animals with a better scent of smell could tell us apart by scent alone) and even taboo because it involved something that boarders on racist. Yes, it's true. Certain populations have a certain common scent and smell different. Hell, we technically all smell different though we don't normally have the smell receptors sensitive enough to be completely aware of that. We live that to the K-9s with law enforcement. Human beings are generally (not always but usually) more attracted to those more like themselves as a fact, we know this through our understand of things like the westermarck effect.

You should read more about human smells. Plenty of resources all around like peer reviewed journals from female vs male scents to the famous old person smell. Fascinating really.

>> No.5019706

I have Indian friends and notice that smell too. When I asked them, they don't notice it among themselves which was very interesting. They did however tell me that they themselves notice a "white people smell" and tell me how horrible black people smell.

>> No.5019707


babies prefer the scent of their mothers' breasts to that of strangers'

>> No.5019711

It's your body telling you that you're not attracted to blacks and I'm not kidding either.

You're not compatible with their pheromone.

>> No.5019719

ITT: pseudo-scientific evo psych bullshit


>> No.5019728

But it's true but judging from your reply and the way you type you're hardly an academic or intellectual.

Are you one of those insane egalitarians? Please provide a reasonable argument. We know for a fact people smell different naturally. Nobody can even deny the fact animals with a better scent of smell can easily track us down through our unique scent.

>> No.5019734

Wait... Are you honestly saying human pheromones/odor is pseudoscience? I just... What?! Maybe a wikipedia article is more to your... Level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheromone#Humans -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor

>> No.5019735

I don't know what a pheromone is, but I have hung out with people of all races, and I can confirm Black people smell very different.

Indians also smell different but this may be their diet.

Obviously the more a person showers the less they will smell of anything, but a Black person who is sweaty and hasn't showered in a few hours will smell very different from a White person.

Obviously you don't have to believe me, but that's my observations.

I'd be amazed if this is due to diet, I've observed this in many countries including the US where the diet was probably the same.

Why is it so hard to believe that genetics cause different people to smell different.

>> No.5019740
File: 533 KB, 854x474, Americ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....When did /sci/ become fucking kindergarten class?

Some people don't wash themselves, some do. Chances are, those that don't bathe, will smell. Those that bathe, will not.

I've met an equal number of smelly white people as black people, or any other race really. What the fuck kind of stupid question are you asking OP?


>not meeting smelly white people

What country do you live in OP, because if you live in America it is statistically fucking impossible not meeting a smelly white person.

People can be smelly, in-fucking-general.

>> No.5019749

>When did /sci/ become fucking kindergarten class
when you showed up with your pheromone denailism.

>> No.5019763

It's disgusting anti-intellectuals like you are allowed to exist. Even with all the evidence in the world against you. Go away, never return. Disgusting.

>> No.5019765

> Those that bathe, will not.

But that's not true. The way you type, you cannot be older than 12. You don't even have a single article or scientific journal supporting your stupid full retard wall of text.

>> No.5019770

>Why is it so hard to believe that genetics cause different people to smell different.

Well because of the insane egalitarians who are trigger happy with the word "racist". But it's true


Ever since we mapped the human genome, more and more in this age of biology we've discovered how much genetics determines everything about us. It's amazing, truly remarkable.

>> No.5019786
File: 20 KB, 334x393, 1342476043748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mammy, why do the black men smell funny.

Nah, fuck you three, this is a stupid fucking topic, don't try to steer away from that.

>> No.5019808

this is a SCIENCE board. we dont care about your opinions. please prove or provide a link that proves your statement.

>> No.5019815
File: 20 KB, 252x318, 1344240567908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correct. This is a science board. That is exactly why this topic is full of shit.

>Mam, the black men smell different

No, this is stupid. You are stupid. This isn't science, this is elementary school level pseudo-scientific self-masturbatory stormfag wank fest, probably from /pol/.

Leave /sci/ fag.

>> No.5019821

>Im uncomfortable talking about this.
>lets pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.5019831

> It's amazing, truly remarkable.
fuck off nerd

>> No.5019837
File: 22 KB, 490x490, 1342591811388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not uncomftorable talking about this. I'm talking about it right now, and it's fucking stupid. Beyond stupid.

It is by far the dumbest fucking thread on my 2-year span here on /sci/.

There hasn't been a topic as stupid as this topic, ever before.

The topic of pheromones in humans is dubious at best, at fucking best. This shit is more dubious then fucking string-theory or nanotyrannus, hell, even the fucking speculative dino-man sculpt from the 80's.

This is a stupid fucking topic. End of story. Go back to your cave in /pol/ parasite

>> No.5019847

He provided a link.

>> No.5019850

where do you see a link?

>> No.5019849

>the dumbest fucking thread on my 2-year span here on /sci/.
>pheromones in humans is dubious at best

now you are just making shit up. fuck of back to /b/

>> No.5019858
File: 96 KB, 325x448, 1342544640419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lack of awareness of the scientific community's consensus on the matter
>hurrrrrrr your wrong

No, I'm not.

True, human's have pheromones, but I don't think you understand what a fucking pheromone is.

You usually can't fucking smell them. Body Odor is usually from perspiration, and to much of it over a long period of time can cause a stench, more-so if you skip bathing.

Again, fuck off to /pol/ parasite, you aren't welcome here, ever, fucking ever.

>> No.5019866

reported for image macros/avatars.

>> No.5019879


My mistake I thought you were referring to >>5019770

>> No.5019885

honestly, who the fuck cares?

>> No.5019887

You will enjoy your ban for
>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail. Constructive criticism and feedback should be posted to /q/.

>> No.5019891

It all depends on their diet, hormones and lifestyle. A lot of black people live different lifestyles than a lot of white people. Hence, the different smells.

Get out, asshat.

>> No.5019906 [DELETED] 

You will enjoy your ban

>> No.5019907

You will enjoy your ban

>> No.5019925
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>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.

hurr durr dur you will enjoy your ban for being a pretentious cunt