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File: 64 KB, 478x284, gBDpn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5018519 No.5018519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5018523
File: 81 KB, 500x329, 1339408859587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report type: spam/advertising/flooding

>> No.5018532
File: 34 KB, 427x320, opisafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9faggot pic
>wrong board anyway
>spam/advertising anyway

>> No.5018543

>mad and jelly of iphone master race

Stay pleb, poorfags.

>> No.5018542

Iphones suck anyway. Why buy a blown up version.

>> No.5018545

retard, OP's post is arguing AGAINST iphones, not for them
can you even into reading comprehension??

>implying im a poorfag

>> No.5018548

>can you even into reading comprehension??
This question coming from you XD
Comedy gold.

And yes, you are a poorfag.

>> No.5018552
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yes, you are a poorfag.
citation fucking needed

>> No.5018555

Not my burden of proof, hun. You make le claim, you poast le evidence. :/

>> No.5018556

iPhone 4 master race reporting in

>> No.5018561
File: 291 KB, 474x351, 65444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU made the claim.

>> No.5018563

with worst gps in human history....

I get 12 fucking miles accuracy in radius(meaning I can be anywhere within that radius around what gps says I'm at) in my town with this crap.

>> No.5018565

No u. :D

You'll have to poast a statement of your bank account to prove me wrong, poorfag.

>> No.5018569

>mobile phones as an indicator of wealth


any poor fagget can get the latest smartphone and an unlimited contract for 30/mnth

>> No.5018574
File: 80 KB, 599x358, How+About+No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, nope
and ive just decided: i dont give a fuck if you think im a poorfag or not.

happy imaginings, hun

>> No.5018575

>implying poorfags can afford £30/month
>implying that wont significantly cut into their crack/heroin expenditure
>implying they'll even think about doing that

>> No.5018579

What's the best phone if I just want a fast browser, easy movement between apps, and solid GPS?

>> No.5018580

>has to explicitly state how she doesn't give a fuck

You don't fool anyone, hun. XD

>> No.5018588

Hilarious how their lawsuits are backfiring on them like that, but yeah, wrong board, OP.

>> No.5018592

>Proud of owning an iPhone.
You SHOULD be ashamed.

>> No.5018593

ITT: EK gets trolled hard

wake up sugar, he's joking

>> No.5018595

yeh i know.
and fine, i aint mad
if i was poor, i'd just make some fucking money, it aint that hard.
every fucker buys shit, and im multi-talented, so i can do pretty much any job anyone would need me to.

>> No.5018598

> i'd just make some fucking money
You mean some "fucking" money, slut. We all know you're a whore.

>> No.5018600

Me? Joking? I'm 100% serious all the time. lel

Prove that you're not mad. Such a claim requires evidence.

>> No.5018607 [DELETED] 

fuck off, i'd never have sex for money, you prick!

Prove that you're not mad. Such a claim requires evidence.

>> No.5018612

fuck off, i'd never have sex for money, you prick!

>Prove that you're not mad. Such a claim requires evidence.

>> No.5018615

Confirmed for mad as fuck. How butthurt are you?

>> No.5018616

Do you understand how the burden of proof works?

>> No.5018618

someone suggests something
"hey brah, maybe event X is possible?"
and they have to prove it is, or by default, they're probably wrong.

saying "event X probably cat happen, as we have no evidence for it whatsoever in all of human history" is fine, and BOP is on the other side.

>> No.5018620

If you took money for sex, you'd lose all your fuck buddies. You're so ugly, you are the one who has to pay.

>> No.5018621

You made two claims so far. I'm waiting for your evidence, hun. ;)

>> No.5018622

Oh, sorry. Didn't realise you were quoting someone else. I am completely on your side.
Carry on.

>> No.5018630

>saying "event X probably cat happen, as we have no evidence for it whatsoever in all of human history" is fine, and BOP is on the other side.

Christfag detected. No, your sky wizard is not possible and it is YOUR burden of proof.

>> No.5018640
File: 46 KB, 720x540, dirty whore5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it ek. why do you even post anymore, especially with a trip? every thread just ends up in you discussing how much of a whore you are but how you still shouldn't be refereed to as such.

>> No.5018642

>If you took money for sex, you'd lose all your fuck buddies. You're so ugly, you are the one who has to pay.
shows what you fucking know, some douchebag actually offered, and i slapped him for it.

1. you claim i'm mad. prove it
2. you claim i'm a poorfag. prove it

both your claims.
BOP defaults to 'no' on both.

>hurr durr i cant read
fucking moron, im an atheist. and BOP defaults to god NOT existing, fucktard!

>> No.5018645
File: 63 KB, 697x1024, 1337248684878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rose aint me, and im actually not a whore, either literally of figuratively
so go fuck yourself on both counts

>> No.5018647

If BOP defaults to God non-existing, then it also defaults to you being a mad poorfag. It's your burden of proof to show that you're neither mad nor a poorfag. That's just logic. You can into logic, can't you? Either you show the evidence or your admit being a christfag. It's your choice, hun. :P

>> No.5018648

That is not actually how burden of proof works.
You do not know whether something is true one way or the other, until you have evidence.
A suspect is innocent until proven guilty, and this is how it should be, but having video footage proving they committed the crime, can be used by the prosecution and they can be proven guilty, or video evidence proving an alibi correct can be used by the defence to prove their innocence.

>> No.5018650
File: 44 KB, 604x453, dirty whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat reading comprehension fail
never made a claim stating whether you truly are or not. just pointed out the fact that ever time you post with a trip the thread gets derailed and leads to nothing, so why do it? are you just an attention whore?

>> No.5018651

your claims, so you prove it.
people aint mad by default, and people aint poor by default (well, i suppose they are, as babies are born penniless, but adults aint poor by default.)

>> No.5018653
File: 14 KB, 217x294, that_fucking_agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5018656
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, and stop posting rose pictures you fucking dumb 7/7/11-fag!

it's been more than a year and you're still wrong, stupid shithead!

>> No.5018657

The majority of world population is poor and people calling others "twat" while posting reaction images are mad. All the evidence points towards the correctness of my claims. Where's your evidence?

>> No.5018659

nope what? you didn't answer my question at all. it wasn't a yes or no question. try again. I'll even stop posting pictures so your ADD lets you focus on the question.

>> No.5018696

i dont fucking have ADD!

>> No.5018711

>EK can afford 30£ a month without cutting her crack/heroine expenditure

>> No.5018714

Prove it. Post the address of your doctor, so we can ask him.

>> No.5018720

EK is not on crack or heroin.

>> No.5018726

Hello Harriet.

>> No.5018731

i dont do hard/dangerous drugs, im not retarded.

lel, STFU carl.

how the fuck would you know?

>> No.5018732

doubt it, im pretty sure she doesnt post at all anymore.

>> No.5018739
File: 34 KB, 442x334, 1337750149043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i dont do hard/dangerous drugs, im not retarded.

>EK is not on crack or heroin.

>how the fuck would you know?

>> No.5018744

> im not retarded.

Comedy gold right here.

>> No.5018747

they posted that BEFORE i made my post, tard

>> No.5018754
File: 31 KB, 360x353, 1337736426308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...which changes absolutely nothing.
Que rambling rebuttal.

>> No.5018830

This belongs in >>>/g/

>> No.5018841
File: 459 KB, 600x3646, apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish a painful death to everyone in this thread.

And anyone here who bought an apple product should get violently raped before they suffer the painful death.