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5007559 No.5007559 [Reply] [Original]


>The American Academy of Pediatrics on Monday announced its first major shift on circumcision in more than a decade, concluding that the health benefits of the procedure clearly outweigh any risks.

>> No.5007563
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>> No.5007566

suck it uncutfags

>> No.5007571
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take your slave-mark, it stops you from getting HIV

>> No.5007581


>> No.5007583
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Oh look it's this thread again.

>Chapin and other critics argue that the scientific evidence is questionable. For one thing, the studies about HIV have only been done in Africa, where AIDS is much more common among heterosexuals.

Great test group. Choosing the most AIDS infested place in the world.

>cut scientists trying hard to find reasons to keep telling themselves how their dicks weren't mutilated for nothing

>> No.5007587
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>> No.5007585

/pol/ is that way.

>> No.5007621


>Find area where HIV risk is x%
>Administer circumcisions
>HIV risk suddenly drops to y/x%

Um, that sounds like causality based off of scientific evidence...

>> No.5007639

Yeah, no. I don't really care about the extremely slim chance that MIGHT exist of not getting HIV that easy. I always use a condom and I wouldn't want to have the most sensitive part of my penis cut off. Especially considering that people are still trying to find actual valid medical reasons and not just jewish/islamic god bullshit.

>> No.5007637


Shhh, let the babby's think the Jews are behind it all.

>> No.5007641

>Find area where HIV risk is x%
>Cut off penises
>HIV risk suddenly drops to y/x%

Definitely causality.

Somehow the cost-benefit analysis of circumcision seems to ignore the cost part. Like, say, how many orders of magnitude more sensitive an uncut head is than a cut head.

>> No.5007645

Also, the most awesome American cultural imperialism ever is the point when we get an entire country to start circumcising all their kids. I guess it happened to us first (though that time it was to prevent masturbation).

>> No.5007652

They don't "recommend" circumcision per-se. They state that there's enough beneficial merit that it should not be outlawed like is slowly becoming the case in several countries and that the procedure should be available for parents that choose. This isn't any new study or research, it's just the same data that's been around for years reinterpreted in the atmosphere of a changing political climate about the issue in the US; other countries looking at the same data have come to different conclusions.

>> No.5007654
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seems stupid
HIV isnt going to get to the epidemic proportions it does in africa because we're not a bunch of uneducated morons who think fucking a virgin will cure us
sure it will decrease transmisison rates- but that only slightly mitigates the problem.

>> No.5007655

>guy doesn't mention jews once
>suddenly JEWS!

Where did that come from?

>> No.5007660

i like my foreskin too much to approve of babbies getting theirs snipped off
>same chance of getting aids if we wear condoms
>get to enjoy our foreskins in monogamous relationships with very little risk

i don't see the big deal of at least waiting until a person can consent to it

>> No.5007672

Penectomy is the only proven method to prevent the spread of aids. It´s a 100% safe procedure that does nothing to harm one´s health later in life, and in fact is far more hygenic, reduces risk of painful genital sores, and reportedly more comfortable for walking around.

>> No.5007696

> I guess it happened to us first (though that time it was to prevent masturbation).

do you think people stopped masturbating because their dick head got chopped off?

circumcision to prevent masturbation is like invading iraq to find MWDs, it just doesn't add up.

>> No.5007710

i masturbate by gliding my foreskin back and forth 99.99 percent of the time, using lotion directly on the head feels good too, but using just my hand on the head doesn't feel great
>i can understand how being circumcised reduces your ability to masturbate

>> No.5007831

I rubs it on me belly.

>> No.5008267

And then people stop washing their dicks because they think they don't need to and stop using condoms because in their mind their mutilated dicks are apparently aids proof.

only in america

>> No.5008270

I'm from germany and there was recently a discussion with someone from the "Zentralrat der Juden" who called people opposed to circumcising children "Secular Fundamentalists".

The whole thing was rage inducing.