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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 250x322, science_shark_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5002564 No.5002564 [Reply] [Original]

amazing vid you have to see to believe...


>> No.5002575

We all can read wikipedia.

>> No.5002577

Solid science, not even forced, not even geek chic.

10/10 would be influenced by her.

>> No.5002592

She isn't kawai nor cute, weird accent, I just can imagine how bad she must smell under those armpits, small tiny frame, forced cuteness, shit-skin eyes, etc.

>> No.5002598


Annoying accent level 9001.

>> No.5002599


Yall posting in a troll thread. Stop responding or this will end up staying as long as the others about her (approximately a month).

>> No.5002605


that vid is the best one so far. the outtake at the end made me rofl.

>> No.5002609
File: 61 KB, 604x437, 1331571180396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls who dye their hair are almost always smart and have tolerable interests.

I love the way she talks down to me. She reminds me of a qt trap version of Michio Kaku but without the old.

>> No.5002614

oh god my physics TA has bright blue hair just like that in your pic

>> No.5002631
File: 60 KB, 450x360, 1330892202433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weird, that picture was actually taken in a physics class. Not sure if she still has blue hair, though, it was taken quite a while ago.

>> No.5002645
File: 56 KB, 500x473, 1343489505862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She reminds me of a qt trap version of Michio Kaku but without the old
>qt trap version of Michio Kaku

>> No.5002826 [DELETED] 

Thanks, OP.
Now I finally understood Hawking radiation.

>> No.5002827
File: 66 KB, 600x533, 1293505480310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's this channel again

>> No.5002830

>shit-skin eyes


>> No.5002838


Do you faggots know anything? That's rose, look her up.

Fuck. I honestly wonder if you think before you open your mouths sometimes.

>> No.5002839

she thinks gravity is a pulling force

>> No.5002840

Anyone else think her head is incredibly disproportionate to her body. Actually, I think it's her body that looks particularly... anorexic.

I'm concerned.

>> No.5002851 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 450x360, tumblr_lwh0x5buNU1qa16ogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Rose thread


>> No.5002852 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 3072x2304, 1334890859058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002859

You guys know rose is a mormon right?

>> No.5002863 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 400x533, 1334895475197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's english so that's very unlikely

>> No.5002901

No he's right /v/ got really really butthurt the thread was hilarious.

>> No.5002956 [DELETED] 

stop shitposting

>> No.5002982

You're in a shit thread, and you complain about one specific person shitposting? Stop being a cunt, and just minimize the thread if you don't like it.

>> No.5002990 [DELETED] 

I'm not being a cunt. He was shitposting. His posts are now deleted. This is a science thread, not a shit thread.

>> No.5003348 [DELETED] 

Can someone link us to more of her amazing videos?

>> No.5003804
File: 47 KB, 550x509, acoustic_location_devices_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go to the video listed in the first post.

then go to her channel. click on the channel name.

then you can see all her videos.

>> No.5004369 [DELETED] 

Thank you.

>> No.5004500

lol at the virgins of the comments in youtube

>> No.5004514
File: 25 KB, 421x452, 1325533463490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stand her voice or her faux-cute posturings

the science is basic wiki shit too

>> No.5004966

she's cute

>> No.5005390


her videos are not meant to be doctoral level. they are excellent for introductory material aimed at younger viewers.

>> No.5006577

What happened?

>> No.5006581 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 460x500, olitta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's fit, but i hate her fucking voice so much
and you dont have to post on /sci/ everytime theres a new DT video!

>> No.5006592 [DELETED] 


>> No.5006621

>bumping this shitty thread

>> No.5006626

It's a science thread. Black holes and Hawking radiation are /sci/ topics.

>> No.5006628

you're just jelly /b/cause she's cuter and more intelligent than you

>> No.5006640 [DELETED] 

i dont consider myself 'cute' at all. thats definitely the wrong fucking word to describe me.
and no, she aint smarter than me.
any fucker can google shit and then spout it all off in a 3 min video.

>> No.5006643

Too bad her shitty videos don't teach anybody anything about either of those topics.

>> No.5006646
File: 63 KB, 920x459, the bumhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when EK is right about something

>> No.5006651

Explain Hawking radation and black holes better than her. I dare you.

>inb4 avoiding the point by inanely linking to other youtube videos

>> No.5006654

>changing the focus of the argument when threatened

>> No.5006657 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 349x400, thecount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i could do that, but i'd have to remind/revise it, so i'd still be doing what she does, watching vids, googling, researching etc, then putting it in my own words.

it's trivial to do, but pointless, and proves nothing.
i dont have the time to do that, for no reason, just to appease soem fucking /sci/tard, who i give zero fucks about

>> No.5006659 [DELETED] 

So you can't? Just admit it.

>> No.5006658 [DELETED] 

The argument is about EK being jelly of someone who is cuter and more intelligent than her.

>> No.5006673 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 500x436, IDGAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

course i can, if i cared to, i can research and present any topic i like
the information is all there, its a big fucking internet!

but i dont need to, and i dont care.

>> No.5006694 [DELETED] 

Prove that you can. Since she already did black holes and hawking radiation, I'll suggest another topic for you. Research and present the mathematical concept of limits.

>> No.5006698 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 500x500, fuckyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5006708

Does that mean you give up and admit her being smarter and cuter than you?

>> No.5006726


EK is by far both smarter and cuter than Daniela is.

>> No.5006728

Nice try, EK, but NOPE. Daniela is the new queen of /sci/. Deal with it.

>> No.5006729 [DELETED] 

>implying you've seen me
>implying that isnt patronising and condescending as fuck

>> No.5006733

>implying you don't post your face in half your responses

>> No.5006735 [DELETED] 

FvR aint me
neither is rose
neither is harriet
neither is teacup
neither is scotsman
neitehr is carl
or elizabeth kagume, or nasa girl, or any of that shit.


>> No.5006740


Why would you start blabbing about seeing anyone, I just said you're cute, and the implication that it isn't patronizing and condescending as fuck is in place. Your rowdy posting is appealing.

I belong to the minority that actually enjoys reading your posts. You do seem to have a kink though, as if you liked being treated rough.

>> No.5006737

Then post a pic of yourself. Without evidence we have to apply Occam's razor and assume she is cuter than you.

>> No.5006744 [DELETED] 

Are you the Violent Simians Guy?

>> No.5006745
File: 48 KB, 720x540, ekwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're a guy then

fantasies ruined

>> No.5006742 [DELETED] 

that aint occams razor, dumbfuck
and no
and fine, shes cuter than me
i dont wanna be 'cute'

>> No.5006747 [DELETED] 

also no

this shit aint science, get back on topic

>> No.5006748

>that aint occams razor, dumbfuck
Yes, it is. You make a claim and without evidence we have no reason to believe you.

>i dont wanna be 'cute'

>> No.5006753 [DELETED] 

Stop derailing our science thread, you imbecillic cunt.

>> No.5006752 [DELETED] 

i didnt make any claim at all.
i never said im 'cuter' than her.

its a fucking dumb word, it doesnt mean the same as 'hot' or sexy'
its like how you'd describe a baby, or a small rodent, or some shit like that
something small and weak and defenceless that needs protecting

im not fucking 'cute'!

>> No.5006757 [DELETED] 

She's hotter and sexier than you. Why do you want to be seen as "hot" and "sexy" anyway, you disgusting slut?

>> No.5006760 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 420x420, imout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said i did
and im not a slut

>> No.5006763 [DELETED] 

>its like how you'd describe a baby, or a small rodent, or some shit like that

You are like a small rodent to me.

>> No.5006764 [DELETED] 

>and im not a slut




>> No.5006767

>board about science
>tripfag gets mad about anons disrespecting her
For shame!

>> No.5006768 [DELETED] 

Nobody is disrespecting her. All we did was acknowledging that the OP's girl is objectively cuter and smarter than her.

>> No.5006775

Does the distinction even matter?
Science, people, the entire argument, no matter who started it, is bullshit and degrading to the idea of the board.

You are all the cancers.

>> No.5006774

>implying that doesn't happen on every board here
>implying the chick in the video is cute or smart, and not awkward and attention seeking
>implying anyone other than virgins would disagree

>> No.5006778 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 450x360, 1343254136671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more Rose.

Ah, that's better. Isn't she great?

>> No.5006780 [DELETED] 

Only a bitter neckbeard who has never touched a woman could write a post as upset as you did.

>> No.5006782 [DELETED] 



>> No.5006802
File: 104 KB, 339x360, implyingicare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your obsession with this girl is healthy
>implying you aren't as socially inept as her
>implying I'm bitter
>implying I'm a neckbeard
>implying I'm even mad

>> No.5006805

>implying she is socially inept

Other than you she has alot of friends.

>> No.5006808

>other than you
But I'm not a friend of hers.

>> No.5006813

Full retard. Learn reading comprehension.

>> No.5006818

>thinking is hard
You said 'other than you'. If you'd said 'unlike you', then that would have been completely different, having completely different meanings.
Wanna go back to school buddy?

>> No.5006823

>hurr durr playing with words makes me so smart and totally distracts from my retardation and my bitterness regarding women

Fuck off.

>> No.5006824
File: 7 KB, 263x191, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video was absolute shit. I knew it was gonna be a goddamn cute science video

You're a faggot, these videos aren't 'attractive'. Get a real teacher or professor who takes it seriously. And doesn't look like a complete slut or tool.

>> No.5006829

>changes the topic of conversation and insults me
>insults me again when he realises he was wrong, insults me on calling him out on it
You seem like such a nice person. Please tell me all about my hatred for women.

>> No.5006830

The topic of discussion is your misogyny. Take it to >>>/r9k/

>> No.5006833

>The topic of discussion is your misogyny
Full retard. Learn reading comprehension

>> No.5006835

Your point being what? Oh wait, I don't care. Go be a miserable asshole somewhere else.

>> No.5006837
File: 482 KB, 850x1275, Taeyeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People mixing up their recreational activities and science.

Seriously you guys. Don't mix them.

Not only will your education and knowledge be better, but the girl you choose will be better too.

A mixture is a compromise. She's not all that cute (assuming it's the girl in the image), and she sure as hell doesn't know what she's talking about. She gives worse than a 2 minute scan of the wikipedia page.

>> No.5006843

>I don't care
Thanks for all the responses then. Have a nice day.

>> No.5006842

>and it shrinks infinitely.

Stopped here.

By the way what's her accent? I can't place it. Sounds sorta Eastern European.

>> No.5006867


Huh, she's from Greece apparently.

Shows how bad I am at placing accents.

Sage for non science

>> No.5006875

Well, Greece is one of the most eastern countries in Europe :P

>> No.5006903
File: 189 KB, 549x1000, 1335688645892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree wholeheartedly.

The only "exception" is if your girl is like kurisu, who is fictional and whose personality and character will never be real.

>> No.5007391

What happened ITT? Who deleted all the posts?

>> No.5007600
File: 55 KB, 945x436, Beware of Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5007733 [DELETED] 

Can you explain black holes as intuitively as her?

>> No.5007769


>> No.5007823

>Can you explain black holes as intuitively as her?

So, like, there'z this stuff, up in spaaaaaace!
And and it's reeeeeeeally heavy, like over 9000kg, tee hee!

>> No.5007826

What's awesome about it is that it sucks up everything that gets too close, becuz it has gravity that pulls a lot.
Not even light can get away, becauze it sucks with the force of 1000 suns! Poor light ;_;

>> No.5007832

And Steven Harving, that guy in the wheelchair, he had a nifty idea, cause he's smart and stuff.
So there's this thingy, called the Eventual Horizon, aaand some zany quantum stuff happens there, obviously.

>> No.5007835

So, like, becuz of that wacky quantumy thingy, black holes aren't forever and we're not gunna die, lol!
And that's the nature of the radiating process and why black holes blow out radioactivation! :3

>> No.5008026


>> No.5008040


>> No.5008160

It's called parody. Perhaps you've heard of it.

>> No.5008603 [DELETED] 

Love these videos

>> No.5008619

>weird accent
That's actually quite charming

>> No.5008628

>my /sci/-fu

>> No.5008646 [DELETED] 

sage for mod thread

moot needs to fire this shitty mod engineering faggot

>> No.5008922 [DELETED] 

So /sci/ which is her best video?

>> No.5008930 [DELETED] 

you will enjoy a ban for this

>> No.5009027


Carl, why do you try to make it look like people on /sci/ have a problem with the mod? It's you we have an issue with, you deranged troll.

>> No.5009472 [DELETED] 

Carl isn't a troll. Also, the mods are great.

>> No.5009511

>wouldn't fuck

Seriously, 4chan

>> No.5009534

Didn't the risky landing affect some of Curiosity's functions?

>> No.5009572

Her videos are so great it is impossible to place one above another.

>> No.5010144

>it is impossible to place one above another
Very true, because they are all nailed, stapled and glued to the bottom of the barrel, Carl.

>> No.5010487

If you havent' seen this video, at least watch the final 30 seconds or so where she acts like a real shark.

Smart Girls are so random.

>> No.5010638

>Smart Girls are so random.
>so random.
13 year old girl detected.
Please move this fandom to a facebook page or keep it on youtube.

>> No.5011182

shark girl is smart girl.

bow before her, earthlings.

>> No.5011189

I deeply hope /b/ becomes infatuated with her and goes on the hunt so I don't have to see this Shit anymore.

>> No.5011197


/b/ would love her.

/b/ is not afraid of smart females, unlike /sci/ which is terrified of them.

>> No.5011215


and furthermore, she would love /b/, because she is strong and brave.

what is the problem here on /sci/, hating smart, brave, beautiful women?

nerds who hate females should take a long look at themselves.

fact: males are better at math and science than females.

fact: females are better at verbal skills than males.

can't you retards realize that she LOVES YOU???

jesus fucking christ on a stick with cheese, you guys are clearly excellent at math and science, but you are breathtakingly stupid when it comes to social skills.

>> No.5011217

Then post these over there. I'm sure you'll find that /b/s love is more caustic, perverted, and horrifying than /sci/s hate.

>> No.5011220

>can't you retards realize that she LOVES YOU???

Unlikely, females are incapable of love, or any sort of feeling for that matter.

>> No.5011221


You missed the point. Again.


>> No.5011232

There is no point. There's never any fucking point.

There are only two reasons why you would spam sci with this:
1. You are breathtakingly stupid, unable to accept that others don't share your tastes, and oblivious to the fact that we hate the spam more than the person.

2. You are Carl, spamming sci because you are a disappointment to your father and this is how you vent.

>> No.5011271

That poster wasn't me. But please tell me, why should my father be disappoint? He is in fact very proud of me, for I am a successful scientists.

>> No.5011329


What's your field and current area of expertise?

>> No.5011336
File: 19 KB, 399x299, 924357-459124_dr_manhattan_pic_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i am a very successful scientists
>i am scientists

>> No.5012463

>nerds who hate females should take a long look at themselves.
Idiots that make exaggerated claims and expect to be taken seriously shouldn't post.

>can't you retards realize that she LOVES YOU???
>implying she knows about /sci/ and perhaps visits
If that's the case, ahem...

HEY, Diarrhea Typhoon, or whatever your name is.

Call off your mentally challenged spammer/s. Everyone is aware of your lame channel already. If you want to keep wasting space on a site that doesn't belong to you, do the honorable thing and pay moot for the exposure you're getting. If you yourself are the aforementioned spammer with mental deficiencies, kindly an hero, because you are beyond help and society doesn't need you.

May your remaining days be few and your life miserable.
Sincerely, anonymous.

>> No.5012608


Serious question: this video is clearly about science, and is high quality. on the front page as i type, are several off-topic posts, such as "how do you start your day".

the off-topic posts get plenty of polite comments.

why do you hate this person and/or her videos? because she is female? because she is confident? because she is good at presenting material?

seriously guys, females are not the enemy. go talk to one, the same way you would talk to a guy, and you might grow up a bit.

>> No.5012637
File: 183 KB, 800x505, 1337229634848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>implying /sci/ cares about your shitty cute science
>>implying this is on the front page because of genuine interest rather than samefag bumps
>>implying this isn't shit posting after your 4 other inane cute science threads

>>get butt hurt when anyone calls you out on your bullshit
>>cry misogyny and ignore arguments
>>make completely irrelevant ad hominem attacks

And you wonder why people hate your shit, OP.

And before you go bitching "GTFO /r9k/. Fucking misogynist," no one here gives a fuck about your cute science videos. No one would give a fuck if it were a man, either.

>>incoming samefag whiteknight bumps

>> No.5012640

We all know about youtube. I have many great youtube channels subbed but I don't spam this board with videos from the cern channel or deepsky videos every time they pop one out. People who are interested in this youtube science channels have already subbed.
This is not a fan site for one youtube channel. There are many places on the tubes for such fandom, go and make a facebook page or keep your fandom on youtube. OK so every 12 months or so once the /sci/ population has changed post a link to some of your favourite youtube channels, but don't spam us every time one channel you are obsessing over pops up a new vid.
Fuck if everyone did this for their favourite youtube channels you would soon be why am I seeing another integralmath video thread every fucking day. (shameless plug for integralmath but don't worry I wont do it again).

>> No.5012663

>Serious question:
I doubt that, but I'll humor you. Had to split my reply, because it gave me a field to long error when I tried to post. So on we go.

>this video is clearly about science, and is high quality.
If you mean that it wasn't filmed on a shitty webcam and has very little in the way of information or proper explanation of the subject matter, then yes.

>the off-topic posts get plenty of polite comments.
I'll explain why further down, but if you expect the same politeness in every thread on 4chan, you might want to reconsider visiting.

>why do you hate this person and/or her videos?
Because unlike other off-topic bullshit threads that come and go, hers stays up way too long.
Look at this shit and how long it lasted:
21 days - https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/S4928286
28 days - https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/S4915035

>> No.5012665

And explain to me why she needs 3 threads? How long do you think they'll keep cloging the board? Like you've mentioned, we already have enough shitposting in the form of religion, homework threads and so on. We don't need more crap on the heap, it stinks bad enough as it is.
Moreover, the other shitposting that happens on /sci/ can't be classified as advertisement. Diarrhea Typhoon's threads apparently fall in some gray area, because they contain "science". Even with the quotation marks, the last three words in the previous sentence are generous.

>because she is female?
>because she is confident?
Who gives a shit how confident she is? Kent Hovind is confident too, but it doesn't matter. He's still a moron.

>because she is good at presenting material?
If she's aiming at kids under 10, maybe. Otherwise, she's annoying. Her mannerisms, voice, overly simplistic explanations, everything is cringe worthy.

>seriously guys, females are not the enemy. go talk to one, the same way you would talk to a guy, and you might grow up a bit.
Nothing gets through to you, it would seem. Your assumptions are misguided and it appears as though your head is as thick as battleship armor plating.

>> No.5012913



>> No.5012938

Fuck off, Carl.

>> No.5012956

I keep getting banned for reporting these threads, the mods are huge fucking faggots.

>> No.5012997

I reported a thread for spam and didn't get banned. You sure you didn't abuse the report function somehow, by sending multiple notifications for example? As mentioned, it's possible that this kind of spam falls in a gray area, as far as the rules are concerned, and that's why the mod isn't taking any action.

>> No.5013059



you are an example of "stop liking something i don't like."

do you realize how spoiled you appear? this board is crammed to the gills with garbage. I don't expect you to like this girl and her videos, but jeez you sound like the wackjobs on /b/ crying endlessly about pictures of ponies.


>> No.5013065

First the millionaire shit and now this... I don't know what this guy's problem is, but I do know the more reports it gets, the faster it gets deleted. Start reporting DAMMIT!

>> No.5013168 [DELETED] 

It's because you are reporting science threads, retards

>> No.5013246

Oh god, that voice, I watched this video once some weeks ago but now I cringe at the first 3 seconds and turn it off.
I just watch it this this to get my daily dose of mad.

>> No.5013276

Please God if you exist, please, please don't let it be a trap because I love her and I swear I'll stop pretending I'm an atheist soon enough.

>> No.5013329

>you are an example of "stop liking something i don't like."
You know what you are, shitstain? You are an example of "if you don't like what I like, I'm going to keep shoving it in your face until you're sick of it".

>this board is crammed to the gills with garbage.
This thread and the 2 others like it not excluded.

Troll harder, Carl.

>> No.5013706 [DELETED] 

quit being sexist

>> No.5014379 [DELETED] 

This was VIP quality. 10/10

>> No.5014407

ITT: the old spaghetti factory

>> No.5014640


>> No.5015388 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 640x360, lol lol lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

>> No.5015403

I fucking love that restaurant.

>> No.5015411

I used to take the name literally. It took me years to figure out that the place is not a fucking factory.

>> No.5016320 [DELETED] 

What is it then?

>> No.5017048 [DELETED] 

Whoever made this animated LOL picture, you made my day.

>> No.5017055

fuck of Carl

>> No.5017056 [DELETED] 


>> No.5017071

I'm not even Carl! For all I know you're the real Carl!
Everybody, why do you hate Carl?
Carl, why does everybody hate you?

>> No.5017078 [DELETED] 

I have no idea why they hate me. Maybe they are jelly of my science education. ._.

>> No.5017107

Carl is basically a standardized troll. I call him 'standardized' because if you pay attention to his posts, he has literally two modes.

The first is semi-polite mixed with holier than thou, and usually involves him at one point or the other asking 'are you butthurt because I schooled you in a science thread earlier?'. Carl has never actually posted in a science thread, or at least beyond a basic mangling of a wikipedia article.

The second is this sort of pseudo-shitposting where he doesn't really provide any sort of content with his posts until someone calls him on it. Once he's been called on it he just sort of pushes the conversation until the other guy to say something he can claim is a fallacy (it usually actually isn't one), at which point he uses it to question every other post the other person has made.

As of now it's slowly but surely becoming a meme to accuse anyone who is trolling (intentionally, unintentionally, overtly or otherwise) of being Carl.

Shut up, Carl.

>> No.5017114 [DELETED] 

But that's wrong and you know it. Why do you do this? Why do try to discredit me as a "troll"? ;(
It is you who is trolling. I have participated in many science threads and I'm appreciated for being helpful. What did I do to upset you?

>> No.5017123

See this right here is the holier than thou mode. He'll do this for a bit, then ask if I'm jelly because of science or being schooled or some other random tripe. I am becoming more and more certain that Carl is just some sort of admittedly excellently programmed troll-bot.

If you ask him what field he is in and what degrees he holds then he either says 'all fields' or just exits the conversation.

>> No.5017131

So, Carl. What is your expertise?

>> No.5017134 [DELETED] 

What is wrong with you? Why are you so hateful towards scientists?

>> No.5017138

Not the one you're explaining to, but...

Thank you sage, I learned something amusing today.

>> No.5017141 [DELETED] 

I'm educated in many fields. My person is not important. Read my contributions to the science threads and see how you like em.

>> No.5017144 [DELETED] 

He's a barely Turing-complete underage piece of shit high school student.

>> No.5017147 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Why do you feel the need to insult me?

>> No.5017148

See? 'All fields'. Like clockwork.

>> No.5017153 [DELETED] 

I answer questions truthfully. Why do you have a problem with honesty?

>> No.5017155 [DELETED] 

Maybe he's a botnet based off of the Watson code that /g/ created to troll the living shit out of all of us

>> No.5017172

If he is, then I really hope they tell us. I would seriously be impressed. Admittedly they could have simulated a bit more depth, but honestly if he really is a troll-bot then they have done a fantastic job.

The thing that kills this 'mode' is the fact that you will never be able to find any sort of evidence carl has posted meaningfully in a science thread, so you can tell that it's just empty repetition of defence statements.

>> No.5017174 [DELETED] 

Prove that evolution is unfalsifiable.

>> No.5017175

This is possible, yes. Though I doubt they got Carl to be fully functional, seeing as they are too involved with all those desktop/battlestation threads.

>> No.5017184 [DELETED] 

You have seen the evidence multiple times. You refuse to accept it. For some reason you want to hate me. Is it your insecurity that fuels your hatred?

Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.5017194 [DELETED] 

A theory requires empirical evidence. Empirical evidence dictates falsifiability.

>> No.5017196

Changed over from defending statements to trying to deflect onto another person, while dodging the actual issue, followed by a substantially less artful dodge of another anons post.

>> No.5017197 [DELETED] 

This is wrong. Evidence and testable predictions are different things. But please keep it to another thread. This thread is about black holes and hawking radiation.

>> No.5017204 [DELETED] 

What is the actual issue? The actual issue is you derailing threads to express your hatred towards my person. I don't expect you to explain your motives in detail, but please think about what went wrong.

>> No.5017206 [DELETED] 

No, they are not. Predicting natural phenomena is worthless unless it can be confirmed or disproved with either experiment or observation. This is a 2nd grade lesson on the scientific method. That's too bad, as if this thread was on topic anyhow.

>> No.5017207
File: 15 KB, 150x150, 1344623465521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"tripfag Carl" is an advanced version of the Watson bot that's being tested on the net
"namefag Carl" is /g/'s shitty ripoff of the 'Carl code'

When you actually stop and think about it - it makes no fucking sense at all.

>> No.5017220

From here out he is just going to try to engage me in an actual conversation, so he can lead into the 'jelly argument'. I could go ahead on this, but I've schooled him in the past and it never ends particularly impressively.

I suppose that might be the biggest difference from counter-trolling a troll-bot. They actually can't get mad, so they just stop talking when they aren't getting anywhere. You can already see him scraping too, so it would barely be a four post roll.

Take this as a PSA. Don't let Carl troll YOU..

>> No.5017216 [DELETED] 

At least the second sentence of your post is correct. Please look up the terms "evidence" and "prediction" in a dictionary.

>> No.5017224 [DELETED] 

I do not troll. Stop accusing me of trolling. You are the troll. Go do something useful and post some science or math.

>> No.5017233

I haven't been speaking to you.
I've been holding a conversation with other anons, and linking to your posts to provide examples of troll-bot behaviour. You keep interjecting, quite rudely I might add.

>> No.5017234 [DELETED] 

>Evidence is an observation, fact or document that tends to make more likely the conclusion which the evidence is offered to prove. When offered as proof of a conclusion, evidence should be reliable and meet a rigorous burden of proof. Evidence, as used in medicine and similar fields, refers to objective findings that help make predictions. This includes weighing the quality of the evidence itself.

>A prediction or forecast is a statement about the way things will happen in the future

>Falsifiability is the ability of a theory—a working framework for explaining and predicting natural phenomena—to be disproved by an experiment or observation.

Please tell me how my post, or any of these definitions, conflict with each other.

>> No.5017239

This seems plausible considering they would name him "Carl" after our beloved Carl Sagan to troll us.

I would suggest creating a Stahlman based bot, but they already have several in a fit of self trolling.

>> No.5017242 [DELETED] 

Whatever you are trying to do, it is neither funny nor will it have any effect. You are wasting your time with inane shitposting.

You made a claim. You claimed "evidence" and "predictions" were exactly the same. From the definitons you posted it is obvious that this is not true. You disproved your own claim.

>> No.5017246 [DELETED] 

No, I did not. I stated
>Empirical evidence dictates falsifiability.

You stated
>This is wrong.

>> No.5017253 [DELETED] 

You just explained in your own definitions why it is wrong. I don't see any need for further discussion. You are either trolling or seriously ignorant of semantics.

>> No.5017256

she's sort of cute but she's probably not that quirky in real life, if she was it'd probably get old quick
>would still plow

>> No.5017258

It is neither intended to be amusing, nor is it shitposting. I am attempting to discuss the nature of the troll-bot Carl, in a thread that was largely spam anyway.Your input is not required for this discussion.

List your areas of expertise and degrees.

It would fit with their sense of humour. Still though, I would expect a bit more bragging.

>> No.5017261 [DELETED] 


What half-assed troll attempt is this? You don't make me mad, you just make yourself look stupid.

>> No.5017263

List your degrees.

>> No.5017269 [DELETED] 


>> No.5017277

Why not...

>> No.5017279

The killswitch isn't working. /g/ must be onto us.

>> No.5017281 [DELETED] 

Try harder. lel

>> No.5017282 [DELETED] 

You claimed yesterday that evolution is unfalsifiable.

You have now claimed that falsifiability is independent of empirical evidence, which is the same argument. If true chimeras were to be empirically observed, evolution would be considered falsified.

>> No.5017288 [DELETED] 

Twice wrong. If you take it to another thread, I will explain why. This thread does not deserve further derailment.

>> No.5017296 [DELETED] 

Yes it does. There are three other identical threads to this one. They are spam, and the only way to remove them is to get to the bump limit. Therefore it is useful to argue with you over pointless things.

>You claimed yesterday that evolution is unfalsifiable.

>You have now claimed that falsifiability is independent of empirical evidence
>>5017197 This is wrong.

>> No.5017299 [DELETED] 

What part of >>5017288 did you not understand?

>> No.5017301

Would you just comment on his observation.

>> No.5017302 [DELETED] 


>> No.5017303 [DELETED] 

Why not?

>> No.5017305 [DELETED] 

Gooby pls

>> No.5017309 [DELETED] 

You will have to somehow decompose this into a logical premise written in English otherwise it's incomprehensible

>> No.5017311 [DELETED] 

How can you not understand two simple words? I thought you were educated.

>> No.5017315

Gooby pls

>> No.5017316 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 403x598, jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the pedo who used to post topics on here about about drowning hamsters?

>> No.5017317 [DELETED] 


>> No.5018282 [DELETED] 

You mean the Violent Simians Guy?

>> No.5018307

>the pedo

Lies propagate much faster than the speed of truth.

>> No.5018311 [DELETED] 

Is this the first thing on your agenda after you wake up bumping these threads, Carl?

>> No.5018313
File: 40 KB, 399x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stuff like that drove him off. He never posts anymore because of it.

>> No.5018327

For a scientist active in multiple fields of expertise it does seem to have a lot of free time.

>> No.5018341

I'm a bit amused by how you guys don't even consider Carl a person anymore. Is the bot hypothesis really that plausible?

>> No.5018345 [DELETED] 

Yes, it is.

/g/ will admit it eventually.

Just wait.

>> No.5018350

>/g/ will admit it eventually
Not if they don't have to. Plus it might just be 1 guy. Now that I think about it, it's not that far fetched. Program a bot to to submit several replies, which you prepare for it before hand. Make it so they get posted at set intervals of time, so you don't have to monitor the thread yourself and keep it from 404ing. Reminds me of what the presenter of one of the DEFCON 19 talks did on IRC.

>> No.5018911 [DELETED] 

Writing a troll bot who replies with generic troll responses really wouldn't be hard. You could do it within one afternoon. The hardest part would be to type in the captchas.

>> No.5018917 [DELETED] 


Any more sexy pics of EK dressed all slutty? I fapped to that one already.

>> No.5018930 [DELETED] 

that aint me, you fucking creep

>> No.5018964
File: 197 KB, 800x600, 7002823921_15c95fb0fb_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you're all forgetting about Hannah Fry, who should be beloved by all of you


>> No.5018971

>yfw Daniela Titan will be co-host minutephysics or other science short youtube users

>yfw cute girls does physics and science

>yfw Daniela Titan is actually really cute that you would date her and marry her

My feel when, Daniela Titan exists in this world, I would never had a chance to find someone like her....

>> No.5018975

Buddy if all you require in a partner for life (or at least like 5 or 10 years) is a relatively cute appearance and a vague interest in science then you've got problems beyond attracting women.

>> No.5018978 [DELETED] 

There are lots of other cute girls who like science, you know.

>> No.5018981

Daniela Tan sound like boxxy

Oshitttt i can feel my /b/ spirit again,,,,,

>> No.5018987

It has somehow mutated to pay attention to the name field of posters. Its attention while haven been a most general one, now, displays a very specific hostility against name/trip/fags. I can not conclude if it is for the better or for the worse.

>> No.5019037

>hot cute girl, with an accent i like the sounds of, in a shark hat, talking about science

just take everything i want in life and roll it into a youtube video why don't you

>> No.5019191 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 464x704, 72757_10150296089255104_1839539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019199

EK looks like a very dumb moron. Thank you.

>> No.5019195

Sharks have not been sighted north of the Pacific coastline in California since the year 2009, during which isolated incidents were reported.

>> No.5019903 [DELETED] 

Don't you insult my waifu.

>> No.5019933
File: 87 KB, 615x758, thatfeeltupac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot, you don't know rose ;_;

>> No.5021096 [DELETED] 

She doesn't. She looks like the intelligent person she is.

>> No.5021699

life is a highway.

understand that, and you understand life.

>> No.5022641

So... Is Daniela the Boxxy of /sci/?

>> No.5022656

If she is, does that make her the queen of /sci/?

>> No.5022702 [DELETED] 

That was <span class="math">\fbox{VIP~Quality}[/spoiler]

>> No.5023665 [DELETED] 

I'd say yes.

>> No.5023692


The difference is that Boxxy peaked and then fizzled. Look at any Boxxy thread - 100 old pics, 1 or 2 current ones, and the current ones are usually presented in a negative manner.

Daniella, on the other hand, should age gracefully, like a fine wine.

>> No.5023706

Would you mind going back to /b/ where you belong? This is getting old. Relentless shitposting is not quality trolling, I am disappoint.

>> No.5023801
File: 86 KB, 251x274, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting your science from a 14 year old girl

>> No.5024380 [DELETED] 

Take your own advice.

How do you know her age? Or was it just a geuss?

>> No.5024390 [DELETED] 

A guess, I think.
She looks a lot older than 14.

>> No.5024394

yeah and it would be surprising to see a 14 year old knowing physics at phd level

>> No.5024682 [DELETED] 

Do you think she taught herself or pursued education at a university?

>> No.5025760

How so?

>> No.5025778

Quality thread.

>> No.5025853

It's a tarp

>> No.5026481 [DELETED] 


the smartest people know quite a bit by age 14. look at mozart for example.

>> No.5026484


>PhD level

She just parrots Wikipedia pages she is hardly PhD material

>> No.5026489 [DELETED] 


one of the reasons she sounds scripted is that she does not speak english well, and prepares each line or segment and tapes it, then reviews the next part before taping it. She said she is Greek, btw.

She seems brilliant to me. But women typically have better verbal skills than males, so it's hard to be objective.

>> No.5026503
File: 24 KB, 376x250, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But women typically have better verbal skills than males


>> No.5026510 [DELETED] 


It's a fact that females have better verbal skills than males, IN GENERAL, much the same way that males typically are better at math, visual-spatial relationships, and masturbation.

If you spend much time at all around children, you would never deny this. the average 5 year old girl can hold a better conversation that many adult mouth-breathing males.

try to be objective please.

>> No.5026516


>'try to be objective'

>uses anecdotal evidence

>> No.5026520
File: 9 KB, 315x268, chris-hansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you spend much time at all around children...

>> No.5026522 [DELETED] 


anecdotal evidence is not exclusive of objectivity, if chosen properly.

do you honestly believe that males and females have equal verbal skills, in general? have you ever talked to a woman?

>> No.5026524


>talking to women

>> No.5027198 [DELETED] 


that chris hansen guy is creepy

>> No.5027659


>In science, anecdotal evidence has been defined as:
>"information that is not based on facts or careful study"
>"reports or observations of usually unscientific observers"

>> No.5029062 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5029641

Irritating bump.

>> No.5029652


>> No.5029659

What a stupid spam comment. Learn to ignore things you don't like.

>> No.5029698

define 'prepubescent'

>> No.5030037

We're trying to, but you assholes keep bumping 4-5 of these threads to the front page every day.

>> No.5030272


why is that a problem? this broad has dozens of troll/homework threads daily, and they don't make your herpes flare up.

>> No.5030276

Why do you guys post this everyday? Is it because you don't have girlfriends?

>> No.5030282

Buy Monsanto-brand food.

It's safe.

>> No.5030291


correlation is not causation.

philosophy 101. take it. learn it. live it. be happy

>> No.5030294

What a hottie

>> No.5030296

She is as close to "cute science nerd girl" as girls get.

Unfortunately, she still acts like she has daddy-issues, bipolar problems and she is not cute compared to real females.

>> No.5030298

So yes?

>> No.5030316

Nice science related content, OP. Thanks!

>> No.5030323

>she is not cute compared to real females.
I lol'ed because it's so true.

>> No.5030325

Oh, I get it.

She is Jewish, or she was raised on and has faith and belief in Jewish propaganda.

>> No.5030329



>> No.5030353


she's greek, you stormfag. hitler killed all the jews in greece. she's either catholic or atheist, AND WHO CARES ANYWAY??

she is smart and she loves the science. like you wish.

>> No.5030366

>hitler killed all the jews in greece
Do you even study history?

>> No.5030375

Oh, look. Another shitfucking faggot that needs to defend his religion on the /sci/ board.

Yes, yes. "God exists, prove you wrong.", \/\/hatever.

>> No.5030380

Oh look, another newfag retard who puts sage in the name field.

>> No.5030399

If you were worth the effort, I'd put it in every field.

You are an angry "faith and belief" shitstain, so I will only pasta "sage" in the first 3.

I didn't even type "sage" in this post, I just pasta'd it.

>> No.5030413


i love you and i want to have your baby

>> No.5030454

I watched to about 0:40 where she talks about how a star getting cooler makes its gravitational field stronger and gave up.

>> No.5030502


she got it right.

>> No.5030551

How so? The cessation of fusion processes results in the collapse of the surface as the radiation pressure s no longer there to support it. As it collapses, it heats rapidly.

>> No.5030553 [DELETED] 

Not because she understood what it means.

>> No.5030557

He is talking about that episode of "Stargate", where Carter was able to explode a sun by dropping a stargate linked to a black-hole, slurping the mass of the sun.

>> No.5031565 [DELETED] 


>> No.5031570

Super cute.

>> No.5031630

I <3 her sharky hat. :3

>> No.5031722

There does seem to be a few of these cute science threads around. Somebody should do something about it.

>> No.5031766

Does she tell you where to get those hats from?

>> No.5031770

Congrat dumbfucks, you convinced me to never ever watch one of her video. Stop spamming sci.

>> No.5031774

>autistic tantrums

>> No.5031792

but srsly, watch this shit.

>> No.5031806

Her voice is horrible and her videos aren't even interesting, try covering something that hasn't already been done 1000 times.

>> No.5031846

I respectfully disagree. I think she's an angel, sent from the heavens by God's team of scientists.

>> No.5031853 [DELETED] 

Eat shit and die.

>> No.5031855

Why are you so mad about this? She's the new queen of /sci/.

>> No.5031868

Yes. Death is inevitable.
patience child, patience.

on a fun note, alcohol is just microbe shit....so, yeah...probably will

don't you lose any sleep over it, something finally went YOUR way.

>> No.5031880

>implying anybody really gives a fuck.
Cute Science!

>> No.5032022


>> No.5032023 [DELETED] 


>> No.5032092

do you mean J. D. Bernal?

>> No.5032094

Where'd the other cute science threads go?

>> No.5032140

>>5032094 Where'd the other cute science threads go?
They are on the second page.

>> No.5032152


the two newest ones were deleted, probably by the owner.

>> No.5032732 [DELETED] 

What does he have to do with cute science?

>> No.5033789

The archive was down. What happened? What did I miss?

>> No.5034625


one was the fusion/fission vid, and the other was the mouse vid, which already has an active thread.

no big deal. it's just one guy doing all the hating on daniella. everybody else likes these videos, or knows how to hide threads that don't appeal to them.

lol. all this time it was just one guy trying to stir up controversy on /sci/ and /q/.

>> No.5034713 [DELETED] 


>> No.5035037

>it's just one guy doing all the hating on daniella.

>> No.5035769 [DELETED] 

It's true and you know it.

>> No.5035776


>> No.5037536 [DELETED] 


august was last week, according to mayan calender.

>> No.5037540 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1216x1728, 666209543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying popularising science is bad

>> No.5038832 [DELETED] 


popularizing science has been a pipe dream since public education began.

if we went back to private schools for the wealthy and talented, there would be no problem.

but the liberals are in bed with the education lobby. nobody actually believes everyone is capable of doing high school work, but we pretend it is true so nobody gets offended.

>> No.5038838

ofcourse it's bullshit. we all know it's only EK, who is a girl.

>> No.5038877 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 250x206, et_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EK got banned a few days ago.

i might have been partly to blame.

i was bad and i feel bad.

EK. come back. you were the only female on /sci/

we need you.

>> No.5038893

are you retarded?

>> No.5038903 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 160x162, coreages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what do you mean? of course i am not retarded.

ask an intelligent question and i will answer it.

>> No.5038911

>Almost 11 hours without a post
>Well OBVIOUSLY they all desperately want to pay attention to me and just didn't know where the thread was! I'll bump it to the front page just to make sure they can find it!

>> No.5038920 [DELETED] 


why are you saging? do you hate DT?

misogynists like you hold back science and humanity.

>> No.5038942

how do you not know that bans mean nothing to all but a few people on 4chan? she's constantly evading bans.

>> No.5038961 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 366x412, new_meme_blockatiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so? why does that bother anyone?

/sci/ is for science and math.

focus on the good threads, and ignore the trolls.

is that so hard?

>> No.5038966

I think it would be fine if it were just one thread.

Not one thread for every single episode constantly being bumped long after everyone's stopped giving a shit

>> No.5038971

the point was that you are retarded for thinking you had anything to do with her being gone, or that a ban would keep her away.

>> No.5038981 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 400x411, new_meme_white_guy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


use the hide function. moot gave us a powerful gift, so use it.

the oldest rule of the internet is, DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

/sci/ is supposedly full of smart people who can observe and learn.

hide, and move on

hide, and move on

hide, and move on

is everyone here fucking retarded?

>> No.5038985 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 448x510, new_morbid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you do not know all, little one.

and neither do i.

she probably has a life.

let it go. so shall i.

>> No.5039902 [DELETED] 

I hope you know that avatarfagging is against the rules.

>> No.5039927

You should probably look up the definition of avatarfag, and then remind yourself that you're on an imageboard.

>> No.5039930

you should probably remind yourself of which board you're on

>> No.5039936

I hope you know I don't give a flying fuck

>> No.5039943

When she says,"Happy news for Whayalz!" I get a boner every single time in her video about lab mice.... I don't know whats wrong with me....

>> No.5039983

then you should probably GTFO and never come back

>> No.5041233


It's avatarfagging

>> No.5041338 [DELETED] 


serious question here. i don't know what avatarfagging means. i can see how it is annoying for someone to use the same image for every post, which is the way avatars work on other sites.

on /sci/, i take it that avatarfagging means any image that isn't needed to support your comment.

>> No.5041363 [DELETED] 

It means posting from a set collection of images of the same character/persona.

For example, some people post a lot of different pictures of Daniella Titan.
The tripcode user 'EK' posts a lot of pictures with the youtube user 'FactvsReligion', Physicsguy used to post a lot of pictures of Albert Einstein, and some users post pictures of a girl names Rose who has blue hair.

All are not allowed under the new rules.

>> No.5042007

Thanks, now I know.

>> No.5042016 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to a deadpost 5 hours later, also bumping
>mfw they mention me
also, how the fuck was that even banned?

is even mentioning 'EK' a bannable offense now??

>> No.5043338 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, EK

>> No.5044278

Go away EK

>> No.5044297

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5044302

oh fuck i remember that person.... religionvsfact right?

>> No.5045231


yes, but this is science, on a dumbed down level

>> No.5046144 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5046205 [DELETED] 

Girls with blue hair

>> No.5047155 [DELETED] 


my nana has blue hair. would you like to meet her?

>> No.5047414 [DELETED] 


i finally watched this video. the best part is at the end where she pretends to be a shark.

if you didn't know it, you would think it is a real fish.

>> No.5048035 [DELETED] 

That was pretty good, indeed.

>> No.5048927 [DELETED] 

It's not really dumbed down. For a short video it's optimally loaded with information.

>> No.5048931

>not sagan

>> No.5048978 [DELETED] 

>impying she isn't much better than sagan
Sagan was just science.
Daniela is science + cute.

>> No.5050245


you don't think carl sagan is attractive?

>> No.5050282

Who would?

>> No.5050301

Where is your proof?

>> No.5051121


i meant that he has charisma and an interesting persona, not so much physical attraction.

>> No.5051155

Marketing, on /sci/ I thought you were you smarter than this

>> No.5052123

He has no proof. What he said is wrong.

>> No.5053133

I see that now, thanks!

>> No.5053156

Can't wait for a new DT video thanks again OP

>> No.5053169
File: 173 KB, 677x927, nice samefagging op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so.. how are the conversations with yourself?

>> No.5053179 [DELETED] 


>> No.5053203


sage and move on. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows about the samefaggotry; OP just likes to circle jerk alone.

>> No.5053218

Sir, are you a wizard?

>> No.5053269

unfortunately you can't sage with a picture.
sorry for bumping

>> No.5053376
File: 838 KB, 929x575, How About.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5054323


go away, rose. make your own videos, after you earn a phd like dr. titan.

>> No.5054328

Is it lunchtime already? Seems Luke I just got to work.

Thanks for the reminder spambot.

>> No.5054345
File: 13 KB, 340x252, rule_number_6_LMFAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am neither a bot nor a spamener, and my comments always add to the discussion, except when i am schooling trolls such as yourself.

/sci/ is a communitiy of thinkers. try to comply with the rules, please.

>> No.5054369

You bump these threads every day at 12:46 (mountain standard time).
Looking a the content of your posts, you contribute nothing, usually posting reactions to the video.

If you aren't a spambot, then you are a uniquely pathetic troll. I can respect someone like Carl who dedicates half an hour or so to really pissing someone off, but all you are is mildly annoying.

>> No.5054395
File: 76 KB, 504x504, newmeme4kjgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if i am "mildly annoying", why do you respond?

i am not a troll. i love science and helping to learn young ppl about it.

you on the ohter hand are hate-filled and must be stopped.

>> No.5054417

I won't deny that a trolls "victory" is getting a reaction, but normally pity isn't what trolls shoot for.

I mean, I usually keep these threads hidden with the new UI like most of sci, but whenever I peak in one I just kinda feel bad for you.
What must your life be like to have a schedule that says "twelve forty five, bump troll spam on sci". I mean... Man.

You need to get out some dude. Personally I really enjoy playing pool with my friends. You should try to find a billiards club.

>> No.5054427
File: 114 KB, 448x510, new_morbid2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol do you realize that you contradicted yourself?

you love us.

i think you are one of us.

use the force, lisa, use the force.

>> No.5054439

Why do you use a different writing style to pretend you aren't Carl?

>> No.5054446

No, I see no contradiction. It's possible for someone to feel both pity and annoyance for a person.
Honestly I would mark most of my annoyance to the fact that you are so willfully pathetic.
You choose to be this way for reasons beyond me. That... Bothers me.
If you don't like billiards, then you should find an arcade to spend time at, or take up a sport.

>> No.5054447
File: 286 KB, 480x728, new_meme_7ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


to put it in plain english, you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.5054451



Using the same image in a thread where Carl namefags/tripfags/samefags is a dead giveaway

>> No.5054453
File: 15 KB, 118x124, new_fap_meme_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love you and want to have your baby.

>> No.5054460

You people are fucking retards. You know she gets paid every time you see her video, right? Bunch of fucking morons.

>> No.5054472
File: 95 KB, 3200x3200, mad_face_boy_ARaFULLrolld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


youtube partners don't make real money until they get hundreds of thousands of views.

DT does it because she loves science, just like you do.

get over the fact that she has a vagina. god, are you all 8 years old?

>> No.5054485

You don't have to pay anything. Viewing youtube is for free.

>> No.5054491 [DELETED] 

Who are you?

>> No.5054499

Except that literally the ONLY reason anyone watches her videos it's because she's female. And advertising the videos on /sci/ out of all places is just pathetic. But not more pathetic than giving her money for attention whoring.

>> No.5054500

>that obvious samefag

>> No.5054502 [DELETED] 

shut up, adults are talking

>> No.5054504
File: 207 KB, 600x688, Big_Joe_1_on_Launch_Complex_14_at_Cape_Canaveral2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am your secret lover.

pic not related.

>> No.5054947 [DELETED] 

What is your name?

>> No.5056081 [DELETED] 

Are you avatarfagging? That's against the rules now. I didn't report you but you should delete the pictures before someone does.

>> No.5056091


don't you like any of them?

>> No.5056150


any of what? the videos or the avatarfagging?

>> No.5056921


all of it. i hate all of it. i don't hate DT, just her fan club.

>> No.5057753 [DELETED] 

What is it that you hate?

>> No.5058577 [DELETED] 

Why? What's wrong with DT's fans?

>> No.5058602 [DELETED] 

What is this picture supposed to be?

>> No.5058621 [DELETED] 

Looks like the "new meme" guy.

>> No.5059479


that's correct. it's one of the many new meme faces from /b/. and one of the more artistic ones, not that meme faces are valued in that way.

>> No.5060270 [DELETED] 

I've never heard of this meme. Is it from reddit?

>> No.5061126 [DELETED] 

Bump on this.

>> No.5061144 [DELETED] 

How is this trolling?

>> No.5061171 [DELETED] 

It's not. He is the troll.

>> No.5061194 [DELETED] 

DT fans get in here!

>> No.5061201


sure is lonely mod

>> No.5061216 [DELETED] 


>> No.5061237 [DELETED] 

me too

Many people like her. Why do you think I'm a mod?

>> No.5061266 [DELETED] 

This explains politics for me...now it all makes sense :-)

>> No.5061301 [DELETED] 

I love her.

>> No.5062454 [DELETED] 


if she bit you, you might change your tune.

>> No.5062481

I'm okay with that as long as I get to bite her back.

>> No.5063239 [DELETED] 

How so?

>> No.5063605 [DELETED] 

DT is the greatest!

>> No.5063652 [DELETED] 

she should always wear the shark hat

>> No.5063753 [DELETED] 


>> No.5063764


>> No.5063785 [DELETED] 

>infantile gibberish
fuck off

>> No.5063857


>> No.5063881

s a g e

>> No.5063930


>> No.5064121 [DELETED] 

she has such interesting hats

>> No.5064124

She doesn't.

>> No.5064134
File: 33 KB, 680x444, 1310150421844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5064137

sage desu

>> No.5064241

How is this even legal

>> No.5064247

How is this even illegal

>> No.5064334 [DELETED] 

why would it be illegal?

>> No.5064341

How is this not legal?

>> No.5064370

Shit you guys better on proxy for that sick shit

>> No.5064413

well I hope your happey. another ambassor got murderd

>> No.5064420

her voice is as grating on my ears as a sandpaper-covered dildo is on my anus

>> No.5064966 [DELETED] 

I agree. She is very, very cute.

>> No.5066063


she does have a very feminine voice, and something of an accent, so i can see where you might react that way.

so many males aren't crazy about the sound of the female voice. i wonder if it has anything to do with how you first heard voices as a baby or young child. my mother had a very soft voice, and i've always enjoyed most female voices.

>> No.5066633

Thanks OP