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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4995644 No.4995644 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo soon and I want to get something math related because I'm a math major. Any suggestions?

>> No.4995645

>Any suggestions?

>> No.4995648

>Any suggestions?

>> No.4995649

I know, but still

>> No.4995652
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>> No.4995658

>Genuinely interested in math
>Getting a tattoo of a stupid equation tand boast about how intelligent you are to your friends
Pick one you fucking pussy ass bitch nigger.
You probably suck big cock in math too or you are in applied math.

>> No.4995660

Why do you want to be frowned upon by society?

Normalfags won't like you, because they don't like math.
Mathfags won't like you, because it makes you look like an edgy pseudo-intellectual who doesn't know shit beyond highschool.

>> No.4995705
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the "end of proof" symbol, or "QED"

>> No.4995703

>applied math
>wanting to be liked

0/3 /sci/

>> No.4995708

what if what I get is something from my thesis?

>> No.4995709

that would only make sense in an ironic spot on my body, and I'm no hipstor

>> No.4995713

You are a hipster. Only hipsters need to express their personality and individuality by paining edgy shit on their body.

>> No.4995721

I dunno about math but I know a girl who is in biotechnology and she has DNA tattooed own her spine

kinda neato

>> No.4995726

0/4 /sci/

>> No.4995730

More like
Figure 3: A spot which will forever make people say "you should really get that checked out by a doctor"

>> No.4995731

There you did it again. You were acting edgy.

>> No.4995732

I'm just curious about your opinion on people who get tattoos for people in their lives that died.

>> No.4995733

Different guy, but it makes me think they have terrible memory

>> No.4995735

Kill yourself.

>> No.4995736

I thought it was kinda silly, I would only get the Mandlebrot set if the artist was a super badass

>> No.4995741

my sister got a picture of her dad's motorcycle, I was thinking of getting my dad's guitar

>> No.4995742

Absolute nonsense. Immature and infantile garbage. Tattoos are inherent to tribal culture and have no place in a civilized society. Did you miss some thousands of years of cultural evolution?

>> No.4995743

get this:
<span class="math"> e^{i\pi}+1=0 [/spoiler]
you'll look so intellectual!

>> No.4995749

Silliest shit I ever heard. Do you think painting and sculpture are infantile as well? Communication for that matter.

>> No.4995747

This. Or maybe your favourite XKCD comic.

>> No.4995750
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or your favorite rage face

>> No.4995752
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I don't have anything against tattoos but... what

>> No.4995753

>comparing tattoos to art

>> No.4995754

Painting and sculpture are arts. But people who need to show how cool / edgy / different / individual they are by getting shit permanently written on their body are insecure, boring and psychologically unstable idiots.

>> No.4995757

Here's my suggestion. Come up with what you want to get tattooed on yourself first, before you decide you want a tattoo. Maybe something from your thesis that means a lot, something original, or a potato - fuck, I don't know. Then let it sit for a while. Revisit the idea in a few months or a year. If it's still awesome and means something, *THEN* get the tattoo.

>> No.4995760

Have you noticed that most cultures have been doing it for a long time, including "civilized" ones? Chinese, Native American, European, New American...

>> No.4995762

>implying OP has one
>implying ever will

>> No.4995758

>not comparing tattoos to art

>> No.4995759

I think that the point was that sculptures and paintings are inherent to tribal culture as well. Doesn't make tattoos and people who get them any less retarded, though.

>> No.4995763

>implying he's ever gonna write a thesis

He's one of those kids who think they are cool for taking calculus.

>> No.4995765

Mathematicians are not in that list.

>> No.4995766

that's why I also gave potato as an option

>> No.4995767


>> No.4995772

Calc, Linear Algebra, Diff Eq, Discrete math, Abstract Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis, Topology, Number Theory.

Not implying this qualifies me, but I'm determined.

>> No.4995774

You just went and proved his point, you dolt. What you should have said is that you were going submit your PhD thesis in a few weeks.

>> No.4995775

>implying chinese dont math
>implying eurofags dont math
I left out Indians, do they not math either?

>> No.4995777

>babby tier

Why are you still so immature that you need a tattoo? What do you want to show others this way?

>> No.4995778

>lying on the internet
>while anon
because I care that much, right?

>> No.4995779

>hur durr durr

No, not every asian / indian / chinese is a mathematician. Try again. You suck at either trolling or logic.

>> No.4995781

I have posters on my wall, nobody comes over, I like it.

>> No.4995782

Apparently you do care. You care enough to ask us what silly painting yu should put on your body.

>> No.4995785

>posters on the wall
It gets worse and worse.

Ever considered why nobody comes over?
Ever considered that a tattoo won't make you friends either?

>> No.4995783

there is at least one 5 year old here

>> No.4995787

and he doesn't like it when someone likes what he doesn't like

>> No.4995790

For a 5 year old it would be quite impressive to have taken a few math classes.

>> No.4995792

but not enough to lie on the internet

>> No.4995799

why are you so insistent on proving that someone's opinion is wrong?

>> No.4995801

Because he is objectively wrong.

>> No.4995813

you have yet to state an objective fact in support of that position.

>> No.4995815

I did. Read the thread.

>> No.4995821

I read it over 3 times over in case I missed something. Which part was objective?

>> No.4995832

You are so cool OP. Everybody will think you are smart.

>> No.4995840
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>> No.4996106

gödels completeness theorem:

"logical implying sign" = " is a model of sign "

dont know how they are named in english

>> No.4996535
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>> No.4996603
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(1+sqrt(5))/2, if not pic related

>> No.4996606

golden mean around your arm, maybe.

>> No.4996619

on your pecs. so ironic!

>> No.4996620

You are such a nerd OP XD!! You should get the fundamental theorem of calculus or le rage guy :3

Make sure to tell Reddit when you get it so you can get all the karma you deserve!

>> No.4996635

That's so fucking lame. Seriously, how can you not realize how dumb that would be.

>> No.4996648

You guys don't get it, it's IRONIC! It's like a little joke that also shows how intelligent I am!
Please think I'm cool.