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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4993766 No.4993766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/,

How does it feel to know that your entire discipline is an instrument of patriarchal oppression?

Love, /lit/

>> No.4993776

feels good

>> No.4993779

Pretty good. What else would a non fucked up person feel about that?

I know this is a troll, but fuck, some people actually think this.

>> No.4993782

Why, would being a tool of matriarchal oppression pay better?

>> No.4993790

>patriarchal oppression
>implying this is a bad thing in any way

>> No.4993796

Without those autistic mumblings you wouldn't have modern luxuries. Pay respect to those that sacrificed their sex lives for your enjoyment.

>> No.4993794

"The teaching of science and mathematics must be purged of its authoritarian and elitist characteristics, and the content of these subjects enriched by incorporating the insights of the feminist, queer, multiculturalist and ecological critiques." -- ADS

>> No.4993802


>> No.4993808

lol. Anyways, even if you assume that the patriarchal bias in science is there, science is still about observations. These are observations about causality, and how things work. Calculus is about modeling change, and the language physics is based on it. If you know how things work, you can tweak them to do the things that are possible. Plain and simple. The bias may oppress people, but you still get the end result because you observe all viewpoints.

>> No.4993814

All science has done is shown which gender is superior

>> No.4993817


Everything relates to causality in my field, believe me, i appreciate the contributions of mathematicians and physicists. Quantum mechanics directly asserts authority into the philosophy and conceptualization of 'free will'.

>> No.4993820

>believing in free will


We got a christfag in here.

>> No.4993823


>> No.4993824

Most uneducated post of the day. Back to >>>/b/ please.

>> No.4993831

>typical /sci/ posters.

>> No.4993836

>Everything relates to causality in my field,
Out of interest, what field would that be?
>Quantum mechanics directly asserts authority into the philosophy and conceptualization of 'free will'.
Nonsense. Quantum mechanics doesn't say anything whatsoever about that.

>> No.4993838

>typical /x/ poster

>> No.4993846

> mfw I hear guy from from my liberal arts college on the bus complaining about how "uncritical" the astronomy class he is taking at local state college is
> mfw he is talking to a professor who teaches a class about "what queer people and queer theory have to offer to theories of time"

>> No.4993847

>using "/sci/ poaster" as an insult

Actually quite an original idea. I think I'll insert it in my list. Somewhere between "butthurt" and "retard".

>> No.4993849

Those are jokes, right? PLEASE tell me it isn't serious.

>> No.4993851

Nah, /x/ is more scientifically minded than /sci/. When they discuss slenderman, they provide real evidence.

>> No.4993852


>> No.4993854

>>4993846 is absolutely something that really happened to me

>> No.4993853

>Out of interest, what field would that be?
A few, primarily Psychology, lets just put that down as the most basic. No need to delve into Neurology unless pressed.

>Nonsense. Quantum mechanics doesn't say anything whatsoever about that.
Think about free will. The assertion of causality, where did this principle come from? And now what theory unified that concept with applicable physics? There we are ...

>> No.4993857

Considering how often you fall back on those I expect to see it in your every other post.

>> No.4993858

>privileging of the masculine (phallus) in the construction of meaning.
>Derrida and others identified phonocentrism, or the prioritizing of speech over writing, as an integral part of phallogocentrism. Derrida explored this idea in his essay "Plato's Pharmacy".

I really should stop reading articles on social "sciences" because that shit will eventually give me brain cancer.

>> No.4993862


Intredasting. Tell me moar. What classes did you take?

On a side note: The ramblings on free will are total garbage. But I couldn't give less of a fuck.

>> No.4993860


>> No.4993864

lol ur such a /sci/ poaster

>> No.4993866

>The ramblings on free will are total garbage. But I couldn't give less of a fuck.
If you'll take notice, i didn't actually provide my opinion on the topic. Just physics contributions to the theories.

Im aware you may not be as attentive as i had hoped, disappointing. And classes? Many.

>> No.4993868

Do I detect a note of insecutiry? lel
Does someone not take the responsibility for his opinions?

I am impress. With rich vocabulary you answered my question in deepest detail. Good job, my friend.

>> No.4993870

>The assertion of causality, where did this principle come from?
The assertion of causality in the human mind is due to actual causality in physics, of course.
>And now what theory unified that concept with applicable physics?
Physics has been about causality since the early beginnings of the field. Quantum mechanics does not change this.
>There we are ...
Elaborate, please. You're only talking about causality here, not about free will in any form.

>> No.4993888
File: 106 KB, 500x771, 456457459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board disappoints me. Point in case, this poster. Is there anyone here whom actually studies or practices science?

>Physics has been about causality since the early beginnings of the field.
Dear fuck that was terribly put, but for the sake of congruence i'll pretend it made sense. Quantum mechanics correlates with philosophy in the context of 'free will' because it contains within the parameters for which duality is a boundary condition. I'll simplify, it lends credibility to the two opposing ideologies.

Cements them in logic and observable reality. Being that ... hmm ... hmmm? I guess i'll have to tell you, being that the concept before, aforementioned branch of physics matured, required a 'leap of faith' as it were in determining which stance you took, being, is the universe random or is it linear?

Chaos theory, you fucking spastic.

>> No.4993903



never mind about EK..

Let me talk to Teabag, Teapot, Teacup..

whatever his name was



>> No.4993906

>Is there anyone here whom actually studies or practices science?
Yeah, me (>>4993870). Physics in particular, among others.

>Quantum mechanics correlates with philosophy in the context of 'free will' because it contains within the parameters for which duality is a boundary condition.
>it contains within the parameters for which duality is a boundary condition.
No, it doesn't.
>I'll simplify, it lends credibility to the two opposing ideologies.
It doesn't do that either.

>is the universe random or is it linear?
And what does this have to do with free will?

>Chaos theory, you fucking spastic.
That's unrelated to both free will AND quantum mechanics. Seriously, consider studying some physics before sprouting this sort of nonsense.

>> No.4993911

> Is there anyone here whom actually studies or practices science?
I geuss you're the only one who doesn't. XD

Calm down, hun. What zoology emergency do you have?

>> No.4993917

>thats unrelated to free will AND quantum mechanics.

Sure, in the same way chemistry is unrelated to evolutionary biology. HURRRRRRR

And im going to bed.

>> No.4993922

Eh? You don't do anything science related.

Although I commend you.finally giving up the facade of being a serious poster and just defaulting to troll.

It's good, its shown you accept who you are.

>> No.4993924

time to go back to >>>/x/

>> No.4993927

Why? Did your mom tell you to go to bed? You should listen to your mom. She knows what's good for you. =P

I know alot of science. How dare you state the contrary? Are you committing the "absence of evidence" fallacy?

>> No.4993935

You mean the fallacy you rock out with when you need it to troll a person? Sure.

It's not like it would matter if you did display any scientific knowledge anyway though. You're a troll, always have been, there's no reason to give you the benifit of the doubt.

>> No.4993937

You must be confusing me with someone else, hun. My posts are always scientific.

>> No.4993947

I have to admit I am always impressed by the shear spectrum of your trolling.
It's like you have a text file on your computer detailing a few personalities and typing patterns to troll with. I would estimate about four, maybe five.

Right now your using the old condescending contradiction method. I see that one a lot on the steam forums. Using the word hun to evoke an impression of parental authority. Classic.

Still though, your denial doesn't make it any less true, you don't post science.

>> No.4993950

>Are you committing the "absence of evidence" fallacy?
Interesting fact: that's not actually a fallacy. Absence of evidence IS evidence of absence.

>> No.4993953
File: 50 KB, 742x609, Absence of Evidence is Evidence of Absence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4993955 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 754x751, yesiammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Engineer here.

If you want to talk about QM learn it first. If you want to talk about technology learn some EE, physics, EC, EM first.

This is not a physiology board nor philosophy board.
You both "professionals" are ignorants in science, maths, technology.

Real philosophers (hundreds years ago) were actual artists, mathematicians and scientist; you are just historians.

There is NO GOD in science.
There is NO MORALS in technology
There is SECRETS in math

>would taking this ovule and try to clone the sheep would work?

>how much would it take a ball to slow down to zero with a X acceleration and with a Y initial velocity?

>we need to improve the company machines

Stay with all your utter bullshit there. Its not our fault your brain doesn't have more intelligence to complete a real profession.

>> No.4993961

Real testimonies from their friend's big brother?

>> No.4993964
File: 219 KB, 754x751, yesiammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Engineer here.

If you want to talk about QM learn it first. If you want to talk about technology learn some EE, physics, EC, EM first.

This is not a physiology board nor philosophy board.
You both "professionals" are ignorants in science, maths, technology.

Real philosophers (hundreds years ago) were actual artists, mathematicians and scientist; you are just historians.

There is NO GOD in science.
There is NO MORALS in technology
There is NO SECRETS in math

>would taking this ovule and try to clone the sheep would work?

>how much would it take a ball to slow down to zero with a X acceleration and with a Y initial velocity?

>we need to improve the company machines

Stay with all your utter bullshit there. Its not our fault your brain doesn't have more intelligence to complete a real profession.

>> No.4993966

Maybe you don't understand the science I'm poasting. :D
You should finish highschool and lurk moar.

From what you wrote I geuss you're the same guy who tried to analyze me in that stormfag shit thread some days ago. Amirite?


>> No.4993977

Try responding with content rather than shitposting. :)

>> No.4993985

Shitpoasting is a buzzword. You don't like a poast? Call it shitpoasting. Did you even bother to read my science poasts?

>> No.4993989

Perhaps, but responding to a given post with nothing but "lel" is definitely shit.

>> No.4993996

What moar do you want? Your poast was a lel tier troll and not moar. Not a 0/10, but neither comedy gold. Work on you're skillz, bro.

>> No.4994004

Nope, I'm just one of the many, many people here that are smarter than you.
But by all means, do keep posting tedious memes and empty statements. I used to love going to the zoo to watch the monkeys.

Hun ;)

>> No.4994008

My post was in no way a troll and in fact correct, which means a serious response is in order.

>> No.4994011

>smarter than me

Comedy gold. 10/10

>> No.4994012


Sometimes persistance reduces a troll's quality. I'll have to drop your rating to 1/10.

>> No.4994018

Oh come on, I expected to be entertained here, not watch you fumble with the mic. Get back to your little song and dance monkey boy.

>> No.4994027

/sci/ is a serious science board. For entertainment please visit /v/.

>> No.4994046

But you aren't on v. Oh Carl, don't tell me your feelings are hurt.

Come now, we really do appriciate your little routines. Come back and play for us.

I'll even pretend to.get upset when you intentionally post ignorant or incorrect statements in an inflammatory manner.

>> No.4994055

I'm sensing immense butthurt in your person. What happened? How did I upset you? Did you poast any uneducated highschool ramblings and I had to show you le science?

>> No.4994069

Nah, I just felt like chewing on someone and you walked in and drew a target.on your head.

If it helps I really do find you entertaining. I still have no idea what your talking about with posting science related stuff all the time, I can't find any evidence of it.
Eh? Eeeh? Eheheheh.

Still, keep it up, your trolling is a bit sub par, but you make up for it in volume.

>> No.4994075

>I can't find any evidence of it.
Then lurk moar

>your trolling is a bit sub par
Quite a reasonable statement, given that I do not troll.

Btw I know it's you, RedCream. ^^

>> No.4994087

And Carl hooks left.... It's going... Going..... Oooh ladies and gentlemen the joke has flow clear over carls head.

If you don't troll, then I would hate.to see what it looks like when you actually apply yourself. Or youre just in denial. I'm pretty sure mangling Wikipedia articles and reading a scentence from an abstract now and then doesn't count as science.

I go by Bogart by the way, never met a redcream, unless you for a topical for your rash.

>> No.4994094

how does it feel to be a poor fag, /lit/. we wouldn't know.


>> No.4994100

I can literally smell your jelly. It's like your inner voice is screaming
>Please Carl, I want to be as intellectual and educate as you are.
>If you were here, I'd suck the raw intelligence right out of your gigantic cock, Carl.
>I want to choke on your semen of wisdom, Carl.

That's what you think right now. Don't deny it.

>> No.4994105

Huh. Always thought you were a chick.

>> No.4994123

I'm a genderqueer. ;)

>> No.4994177

Carl, I take back all those mean things I said about you.

You may be alright after all.

>> No.4994296

Glad to see this thread has come full circle

>> No.4994302
File: 37 KB, 500x554, no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are people who actually buy into this shit

Bloody postmodernists

>> No.4994308

> Implying humanities departments aren't elitist as fuck
Because people like Derrida totally wrote for the benefit of the common man

>> No.4994317

Are you implying that Zulu shamanism isn't just as valid a form of "science" as that taught at Western white supremacist institutions like MIT?

>> No.4994322

>Wayne Borody, a professor of philosophy at Nipissing University, has criticised the concept of phallogocentrism as misrepresenting and oversimplifying the history of Western culture.
>Nipissing University

>> No.4994325

The main thing lacking from modern science the scientific and creative input of native americans.

>> No.4994333


>> No.4994348

In my country, feminists have more power.

A guy criticized and challenged feminist dogma and rhetoric, and he was thrown in prison for two weeks

>> No.4994350

Which country is it? I want to live there.

>> No.4994352

You're sexist then.

>> No.4994354

>Your face when a woman raped a 12 year old boy and got pregnant and then made him pay child support


>> No.4994356

>accepting the equality of women

Choose one.

>> No.4994359

>challenged feminist dogma and rhetoric

You mean he raped?

>> No.4994367

> feminist
> accepting the equality of women
Choose one

>> No.4994370

>confusing feminists with female supremacists

Your lack of gender related education is showing.

>> No.4994546

> Your [x] is showing
Your hipster filth is showing

>> No.4994553

> implying third-wave feminists aren't raving hypocrites

>> No.4994586




>> No.4995286

Literally the stupidest thing i have ever read.